Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen: weekly recap
Showing posts with label weekly recap. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weekly recap. Show all posts

Monday, July 7, 2014

July Week 1 Workout Recap

~Me and Annemarie sporting our BAMRbands that I won in a July 4th giveaway at the training program meet up on Sat morning!~

Sadly there is nothing to report on my workout. I got grounded by my doc. Read some of why here. I had planned on beginning my postpartum workout routine this past week but that has been moved. I do have a check in with my doc today so I am really hoping that he clears me or gives me a date at which point I can begin again. I do not want to go through what I went through last week again. AWFUL! I just want my body to be ok with the fact that I am going to be exercising again.

I did buy this though!!! In an effort to help the hubs out with making sure he has a regular healthy breakfast he will be trying Shakeology for the month and on top of that I ended up getting the new Piyo DVD's from Beachbody.

WHY??? Well, We are in the process of selling our other house, it was being rented out, but our tenant is moving and we are just going to sell it. So for the short time being until that house gets sold, no gym for me. BOO! (if you know anyone looking to buy a house in central VA let me know and I will send you the info!!!) So, to help me with my exercising and getting back into shape I will be pulling out my old DVD's to do at home. I WILL go to Matt's gym at work to get my runs in on the treadmill if I need some alone exercise time or just go out my front door, but during the day I can be doing the DVD's. I am excited to try out Piyo and have heard some great things about it. 

QOTD: Have you heard about this Piyo??? Do you do workout DVD's?

Sunday, June 29, 2014

June Week 4 Workout Recap

~Sorry for the messy background, just keeping it real!~

I'm back with my workout recaps! YEA! Tomorrow I will be 6 weeks postpartum. I forgot to schedule my postpartum checkup with my doc so I will be doing that tomorrow to get the official "all clear" for exercise even though I know he will. That being said, I did not run 20 miles last week. Actually the only "actual" exercise I did was yesterday.

My first postpartum run/walk: I did 2 miles and I wasn't planning on running but when the leader of the running group started to jog I was quickly getting left behind so I did a slow jog. It felt funny but good. As the jog continued with various walking breaks (jog down the hills and walk up) everything started to feel better. I took a break at the base of the "big hill" that was on our route to cheer all the other ladies on. Then when the rest of the stroller group came back around we were on our way back to the track. I decided that I was going to run up the big hill. Nice and slow, pushing my stroller with Collin in it made it up at the top. My legs burned SOOOOO GOOD! It was awesome! I felt great. the remainder of the route I continued to do run/walk intervals and ended running the last .10th mile or so. I am super excited with how well it went. I felt strong and in control of my body at the end of the run. I wasn't breathing hard or over did it. I looked like I had though since I am a red head and I get pink faces super easy! But it just felt so great to get that blood pumping in my legs.

Running with a stroller: IS HARD WORK! You don't have your arms to help force the momentum of your legs. I think that is why my legs were burning in different places than usual. And I am a little sore today, which is to be expected, but I am sore in different places than usual. I had to keep reminding myself not to grip the handle of the stroller as I ran so that I was as relaxed as possible. But what a workout it is. I am thinking now of how easy running might become when I stop pushing the stroller to run.

First workout week: This week will be my first week back to working out. I won't be at the gym because I am not teaching yet and other reason so this will all be at home work outs. We shall see how it goes. I am still trying to figure out what I am going to do on the different days but I know I will have a yoga day, a leg day and a core day and next Saturday is another training run. YEA! Here is to my week back!

Saturday: 2 miles

Total mileage: 2 miles
~6/21 Saturday training~

Sunday, May 18, 2014

May Week 2 Workout Recap

I am thinking that this is my last week in writing these as exercise is nonexistent at this point. And that I will be busy with baby and recovery. If not then it will be a pre-written post, like at least Thursday before as I am scheduled to be induced on Friday, May 23. But One can hope that I go before then, right?!?

Pregnancy changes: My belly is just bigger and I am less coordinated. My brain isn't working too well either. This kid has been sucking all smart brain cells from my head for his development. I often don't speak as clearly as I intend to or I have major "pregnancy brain." I put a box of cereal in the fridge and the milk in the pantry. (luckily, as I placed the milk on the shelf I realized it looked wrong and my mistake clicked. but boy did I feel silly.) Per my hubs I am more annoying right now.

I am a NAG! If I want things done I apparently want them done right away and I won't stop nagging him to do it until he does it. I am chalking it up to pregnancy hormones.

I am getting more OCD with my cleaning. I vacuumed the other day and I was literally getting down to clean up little spots on my kitchen floor so that it is "perfect" in my mind. Nesting is a crazy, weird thing! Glad that I got my house clean last Monday because then I would be more insane than I already am.

I have been working in the garden too making sure that our berries are coming in. Sadly the birds are noticing the yummy strawberries that have come in and are attacking them already. Time for a bird net.
~Blueberries, I have 4 plants. Mason's fav summer fruit~

Prepping for Baby: I finally caved and bought a pack of newborn diapers. We didn't have any. We have a ton of size 1 diapers but NB not a 1. Now we have like 24. So we are good.

Babies room is all ready and set up and we have a hamper in there for the baby. I am ready. Scary to admit but I am ready.

I also gave in to the local folklore and got the Lemon Drop cupcake that is said to induce labor. Seriously ask any local in C-ville and they will say, "Trying to get that baby out? Go to Cappellino's for the lemon cupcake. They said that if I go within 48 hours to call them and let them know and I will be on the board with the other 219 women who have had the baby within 2 days after eating their cupcakes.

I also made the nurses gift for the hospital L&D staff. Just a little thank you never hurts anyone. Last time with Mace because it was a scheduled induction we brought doughnuts in the morning. I swear we got better and happier nurses because of it.

Matt and I went out on our final date prior to baby arriving. We went to our fav Afghan restaurant. It is amazing and so yummy and a little spicy. (trying to get this kid out and so far it isn't working too well.)
~Butternut squash turnover with a garlic yogurt dip! SO YUMMY~
~Ground beef kabob, rice, nan and sweet potato side~

Prepping Mason for Baby:   Mason points out that baby will be Sitting next to him in the van and always says, Baby, when we get in the van. He likes to play in the crib and play with the stuffed animal we got for Baby from Mason. Still just talking to Mason about his brother and how much fun it will be. Can't really do anything else till the baby actually comes home.

Right now I am just enjoying my time with him as my single child. Lots of snuggle time and play time and lots of pix!

Workout Recap:
No workouts for me. I spent 2 days prepping for GAM to arrive and finish up making freezer meals. Then it rained a couple of days. and I am just so tired. I am trying to rest before the big D day! We did go on a family walk on Saturday. The weather was just so amazing.

Monday, May 12, 2014

May Week 1 Workout Recap

Happy Mother's Day yesterday! First week of May is done and over with and I'm seriously just ticking down the time till this baby arrives. I guess I am ready and have been for a few days. I have finally decided that it's ok if I don't make all the food I was planning. Or if my house isn't perfect. I feel content with how things are and how they are going. And am getting excited for baby to join us!

GMA arrives on tomorrow evening. We are excited to see her. I have Molly maids coming to my house today to do the big deep clean before baby arrives. Thanks to my hubs for his amazing Mother's Day gift!

Pregnancy Changes:  I'm huge. I feel huge. I'm tired a lot, except for when I get a kick to get something done. Then I just magically have the energy to do what I want to accomplish. Then I'm tired again. I don't have heartburn anymore as the baby has dropped. Still getting kicked in the ribs but now I just have to pee all the time! I also often forget about the size of my belly and often open the door and I am not standing back far enough and end up hitting my belly with the door or whatever.

Baby is ready to come out. Well, at least we think he is. He can survive just fine now out in the world whenever he decides to come. Doc says that he is perfectly average and at my appointment last Thursday he said he is a healthy 7 lbs based on size and such. He also said that I am just a ticking time bomb and I can go at any time. I was 1 cm dilated (not very much but he said based on my last labor I dilate easily since I relax so well during labor.) I am also 70% effaced/thinned out. And baby is finally locked and loaded in my pelvis at a -2 station. The effacement and pelvis station all changed in the last week and he was surprised by how much I had changed in the last week with that. That is why he thinks I am just going to go at any time. I could very well have had baby by the time this posts. (I'm writing this a little early, one less thing to do next week)

Prepping for Baby:  I have made a ton of food. As you have seen from my previous posts and Facebook. This past weekend I made 2 batches of bread (that's 4 loaves) putting my total to 7 frozen loaves of bread now. I still have to make a spaghetti casserole (Matt's family recipe). And put together the chili. (I will just cook 4 lbs of ground beef together and take out a pound for the chili and then assemble it and put it in the freezer bags and then in the freezer. It's a crock pot meal.) And I think that will be it with the freezer prep for me. That will mean I made all but 3 meals. Not bad!

Matt and I had "the talk". No, not that talk, silly! The talk of what if I don't make it or there is an emergency. Or something happens. He needs to know what I want and all that. We were both crying talking about my final preparations. I know we had the talk just before Mason too. My friend thinks it is totally morbid to talk about it but childbirth is still a dangerous thing that we women go through. My friend's SIL had her new baby and a couple days later died due to a complication from labor. She died 2 days before Christmas. She was a very healthy woman and mother of 2. I just think it is important for Matt to know what I want in the end and all.

Bags are packed. List is made of final things to be grabbed in a hurry. Mason's bag is packed incase I go early and he has to have a sleep over at a friends house. And Archer's food is organized. We are baby ready!

Prepping Mason For Baby: We just keep taking about baby joining our family. About how fun it will be when he arrives. Mason has seen me hold another baby more than once this past week and he didn't freak out at all. He was very good. He sat next to me and cuddled up next to me. It was very cute, but this was a baby that could go home and wasn't stuck here for days and days. He is acting like a big brother to kids that are younger. Trying to guide them and correct them. But he also is still learning his strength and learning good and bad things to do as he pushed his friends off the coffee table.

Workout Recap:
Sunday: rest

Monday: 2 mile walk

Tuesday: cleaning house

Wednesday: rest (food prep and play date)

Thursday: 1 hour 15 min prenatal yoga. (last class)

Friday: 2 mile walk

Saturday: 1 mile walk

Total Mileage: 5 miles
39 weeks pregnant

Sunday, May 4, 2014

April Week 5 Workout Recap

Only a few more of these left where I am actually working out, at least until July-ish. This past week I had my first "flocking" for the Women's 4 Miler Training Program as a pink lady. I am so excited to work with and meet all the other Pinks this summer! Hoping that there are enough mommas with strollers that I can lead a group this year. However, I won't be doing hard walking until July, to give my body the 6 weeks it needs to really heal. But still I am so excited to help in any way I can.

Time is getting short as a mommy of only one son. I am really enjoying my cuddle time with Mason this week and over the next week or however long it takes baby to join our family. It is still a guessing game at this point.

Pregnancy Changes- Had my checkup on Thursday with my OB and he told me I am not to have this baby this weekend because he is running the Tacoma Washington marathon on Sunday. He really wants to deliver my baby because he knows I will go all natural (no pain meds) and we talked about me doing Hypnobirthing and he is super stoked about that. Baby is still super high up but I am dilated. He just didn't determine how much because he didn't want to aggravate my cervix and make it start opening more. My guess is either a 1-2 at most 3 cm. (I was at 3cm with Mason at 37 until the induction at 39.1 weeks).

Not as much heartburn this week. (Thank goodness) Baby has dropped a tiny amount. But he is engaged in my right hip bone. (wrong place baby to be engaged) But I know he will move to the right place when he is ready to. still says baby is as big as a watermelon. My weight gain is up to 14lbs. My doc is super excited with how well I have done this pregnancy. He says that my belly is measuring right at 38 weeks and that I have a very average sized baby in there. (roughly about 6.5 lbs right now)

Prepping For Baby- Bags are all packed. Had the itch all week. I am keeping all my black and pj bottoms near the bag for easy packing when we have to leave. Plus I am living out of my medicine bag in the bathroom for easy pack when we need to.

Archer's food is all separated out. Mason's stuff isn't really put together though so he isn't ready. Also I still have to clean all the clothing off the floor of the nursery and get that put away. But I am feeling relatively ready for baby.

Prepping Mason For Baby- Mason and I have been talking a lot about him becoming a big brother. His responsibilities, and how he is going to have a new best friend. He has been kissing my belly more and saying hi to baby more. He has been such a great friend this week in helping his younger friends stay safe, (a 1 year old was here and when he left the area his momma and I were sitting Mason would go grab him and steer him back into the room saying, "No no, go Mama.") (Another friend who is 2, Mason would encourage him to stay sitting at the dinner table when they were eating together. And was taking turns and sharing.) He has also been escorting me to my car door and helping me in the car and shutting the door for me. (Matt has been there to put him in his car seat and strap him in.) It is super cute. He likes to walk me to the bathroom and close the door for me when I say I have to go. (So efficient) It is kind of sad with how much he is growing up so soon.

He is also talking a ton more. Everyday he has new words he is saying, surprising me and Matt. And he is starting to put words in sentences or copy how we say phrases. This will make it so much easier for when Baby arrives. I will know what Mace wants and be able to help him as best as I can.

Workout Recap:

Sunday: rest (had my concert)

Monday: 2 mile walk (with 1/2 mile slow jog) 18 min/mile. 30 min stationary bike

Tuesday: rest

Wednesday: last day at gym. 2 mile walk. Super slow just having fun

Thursday: gardening day

Friday: 2 mile walk outside in the beautiful weather we are having!

Saturday: 2 mile family walk (studio spring piano recital and last day of teaching before extended summer break!)

Total Mileage: 8 miles
38 weeks pregnant

Sunday, April 27, 2014

April Week 4 Workout Recap

So long, and farewell to April! Another one bites the dust as the months just tick, tick, tick by. It is so hard to believe that it is already May. I made it. 9 months ago my I started a few things and finally today I have accomplished so many things. I finished a year of concerts while pregnant with the Charlottesville Symphony including playing one of the most demanding symphonies for french horn as the last concert series, I ran through 3/4 of my pregnancy, completing 4 races including my first half marathon, and I started yoga. The past 9 months have been amazing!

Now only about 2 more weeks until my life will change forever and I will become a mother of 2! P.S. 2 weeks from today is Mother's Day!

I've been thinking about how these workout recaps are going to be over the next few months. I think they will be more of a weekly recap of my life and things that are going on and if I do actually exercise I will mark it down. But my plan of action at this point is to walk for fun after baby comes, not counting mileage at all. And beginning in June I will be walking more and more for the training program I am helping with. So pretty much once baby comes I will be recovering, allowing my body the full time of recovery before I start running and walking large miles again. I am sure you already figured that but I like to put it down for my own reminder!

Pregnancy Changes:  I feel like I am getting huge. I am my own zip code. But really, I am not that big. Considering I still have 2+ weeks before baby comes I am only going to get bigger. I am really keeping my weight in check and trying very hard to not gain too much. I am currently up 12-13 lbs. Crazy huh! But sadly I am craving sweets right now. And icy cold things. I feel like I am frying hot all the time! So I don't think the sweets craving is going to be good for me, but I am trying to limit how many sweets I eat in a day. (i.e. not the whole bag or only 1 cupcake)

I had my last concert today for the symphony and I am so thankful that that is over with. It is getting so hard to play horn with a huge belly and a lack of air support. I actually iced my lips for the last 2 nights after rehearsal and the concerts because I was using my face to get the notes out and not my breathing/air. NOT GOOD! But I did what I needed to do and we still rocked it.

For the first time in months I have been pain free in my sacrum. Thursday I went and saw the chiropractor, twice. The second time did the trick. And it finally is realigned and I feel so much better. It is amazing. I am actually feeling pretty good at this point. I still waddle a little as I am feeing my pelvis starting to open up and that's ok. I earned my waddle. Also after another check up at the doc this past week baby is still super high and tight. NO dilation, NO engagement. Doc couldn't even feel the baby on the internal exam to determine position of baby. So this coming week, if he can't find the position of the baby than I have to get an ultrasound to determine. I am pretty sure he is head down but just not in the pelvis yet. I am talking baby now to try and get him to get locked and loaded but not ready to fire!

Prepping For Baby:  Haven't done much in this area. But I am feeling the itch. Everyday I keep having the feeling to just get everything, toiletries and last minute packing stuff in my hospital bag. I have clothing and such but not the necessities that I need after baby. I will more than likely do this this week. As far as nesting urges. I just want my house to be clean and stay clean but I don't want to do it. Don't have the energy to do it. I still have 1 more week of teaching and when teaching is over I might actually get the deep cleaning done (actually hiring someone to do that, happy Mother's Day to me!)

Prepping Mason For Baby:  Yesterday we went to watch the Dogwood Festival Parade with some friends. They recently had a baby and after the parade we went and got some lunch. The baby started fussing and Matt helped feed the baby with the bottle and even held the baby to burp it and comfort it. Matt hasn't really been around a 3 month old. He missed that with Mason and did a really great job. Mason also saw Matt holding a baby. Mason pulled Matt's hand off the baby's back and put his head in his daddy's hand like, daddy hold me too. It was really good for Mason to see Matt holding a baby and Mason was pretty good. He really could care less cause he just walked away after that. But we will see. I am starting to think that there is some hope for us.

Workout Recap: 

Sunday: rest.

Monday: rest. Mason had to go to the doctor due to an infection on his hand from his fall a week ago.

Tuesday: rest. Let antibiotics kick in before he went back to the gym

Wednesday: 2 mile walk. 18 min mile pace. 15 min bike. I was planning on doing 3 miles but body and baby had other ideas. Baby started moving around and stretching out like he was going to come out completely and made walking really uncomfortable for me. Went on the bike but kneeing my belly was just uncomfortable.

Thursday: 1 hour 15 min prenatal yoga class. This class is starting to kick my butt. Scratch that, it is kicking my butt. I am having to modify the modified poses. I just can't bend over as easily, downward dog is a thing of the past, because it makes me want to puke. On the plus side, my triangle pose is rocking still! Plus I got an hour massage and 2 chiropractic adjustments!

Friday: 2 mile walk. Another 2 miles went better. Chatted with the lady next to me asking all sorts of questions about baby and how I was feeling. Makes the time go by very quickly. 18:15 min mile pace.

Saturday: 1.5 mile walk to and from the parade. It was a long walk from where we parked to where we watched. So I counted this as my exercise for the day. It wore me out because it was hot and pushing a stroller and such. But it wasn't at any sort of quick pace.

Total Mileage: 5.5 miles
37 weeks pregnant
~Heading to the gym for my last week before account is on hold for baby!~

Monday, April 21, 2014

April Week 3 Workout Recap

I'm in the home stretch. As of today I have 3 weeks left until the week 40! CRAZY HUH! This week is super busy and next week not so much except for the studio recital at the end of the week but then after that only 10 days left. That is what blows my mind.

This past week though has been BEAUTIFUL outside! The weather has been amazing and we have been enjoying walks outside more than ever. Yes I look like I am trying to walk my baby out but seriously how can you pass up not going outside when the weather is gorgeous like this?!?

Pregnancy Changes: Still getting bigger, and bigger. Feel like I can't grow anymore, where is this baby going, but I still get bigger and bigger. Also some of my stretch marks are stretching more upwards now. I had a chiropractor appointment on Monday and got my adjustment and a wonderful prenatal massage (HEAVEN) and then a doc appointment on Tuesday. Doc said that I will have no problem making it to my due date because the baby was no where near engaged in head down position and I am not dilated at all, not one bit. I told him that was fine because I was telling myself not tom because I have things I still have to do. He just shrugged and said, "okay." Mind over matter people! May 4th I will allow my body to start making the changes needed but not till then.

Having massive pregnancy insomnia every night. 2 hours a night, can't sleep. But I require at least a 2 hour nap to function during the day. Kind of ridiculous. Getting the nesting feeling that my house has to be clean, but I don't want to clean it. OH MATT!  But other than that baby kicks a ton and he seems to be happy in there.

Prepping For Baby:  Just more sorting of his clothes for when he is a little older. Feel like I should have the bags packed. They are partially packed now, but just getting that feeling of, do it now! Ordered Mason's big brother shirt which he picked out. Excited for that to come in. Also ordered baby's sheepskin blanket, and waiting for that.

Prepping Mason for Baby:  Just same thing. Talk about babies to him. Point out babies. Have him point out babies to us. Say hi to babies. All that. It is kind of hard to prep him for something he really doesn't quite understand. Just enjoying my snuggle time with my little champ right now and soaking it in that these are the last few weeks before I will have 2 boys!


Sunday: rest day

Monday: Gardening day

. (Matt dug the hole for the tree and I helped hold it in place as he put the dirt back on the tree.) I did help put mulch out in the front yard. Matt did all the heavy lifting and I did the spreading of mulch and stuff.

Tuesday: Short walk with the family around the neighborhood.

Wednesday: rest day

Thursday: rest day. Mason got an owie yesterday from falling on his walk with Dad and the dog. He wouldn't keep the bandaid on and I had to monitor his finger to make sure it wasn't sprained or broken.

Friday: Longer walk with the family around the neighborhood. Mason walked most of it instead of being pushed in his stroller. I did run just a little bit to chase after Mason so I ran, yea me, but my hips were killing me the whole time.

Saturday: rest day.

Total Mileage: Not sure. Didn't track it at all. Just enjoyed family time and walking outside in the beautiful weather. I did get my waddle on.
36 weeks pregnant.

~Great angle hubs! I don't look that pregnant!~
 ~My little man for Easter~

Monday, April 14, 2014

April Week 2 Workout Recap

Sorry I'm a day late. It has been a little hectic for me around here. Hubs is working a different schedule so my weekends with him are a little off. It is what it is, but I will sure be glad when/if his schedule goes back to the norm.

GUESS WHAT!?! My due date is exactly 1 month from today! YEA! I have been told by some women that I am ready to pop now, and others think I still have a long way to go. My belly is getting bigger every single day. I wake up every morning with 50 First Dates syndrome going on, I think, WOW! I have a HUGE belly! How do I get out of this bed? 

Pregnancy Changes: I am getting HUGE! I am bigger now than I was with Mason. But per the hubs I am not as swollen in the face and look better. I am way past the days where I could see my feet. Bending over to clean up toys feels like an impossible feat for me and I often ask Mason to pick things up for me to help me. (he does most times now by the way) Also I just can't do everything around the house. Laundry and dishes, Matt is picking up the slack for me thankfully. Came home from church yesterday and Matt got off early from work and sorted and put away all the laundry, which had been sitting for the better part of a week. THANK YOU HUBS!

Also the baby is more "down" over the past few days as I have had to pee a ton more. But he still has plenty of room to move around because he likes to go transverse (sideways) when I am sleeping. I often wake up to feeling the hiccups in my side than super low like normal. And as you read the other day, I am still a fire breathing dragon at night! Oh so fun!

Prepping For Baby: I have pulled out all of Mason's old clothing and started sorting for baby. All the NB 0-3 stuff is organized and in the closet. The 3-6 and 6-9 are still lining the floor waiting to be sorted. I also hung up the curtains in the guest room to my mom when she gets here to add a little more darkness in the room.

Prepping Mason For Baby: It's more of how do I prep myself to help prep Mason for baby to arrive. I asked a mom yesterday who just had her new baby how her other son handled the tradition to being the baby to big brother. We talked for awhile and she shared her advice. I am very scared about Mason not letting me hold the baby or hitting the baby because the baby is touching me. He does this with Matt. He doesn't like it when Matt gives me a hug, he gets jealous. But I now feel a little better that maybe, just maybe Mace will do ok. But only time will tell.

Workout Recap: 

Sunday: rest day

Monday: Gardening

Tuesday: rest day (Had final meet with the Doula before baby, Matt learned how to deliver a baby if it happens super fast at home!)

Wednesday: 2.5 mile walk on treadmill

Thursday: 1 mile walk; 1 hour 15 min Prenatal yoga (class is getting harder. Belly is so big that getting in some positions or staying in some is getting really challenging)

Friday: Walk outside. about 45 minutes. Too beautiful of a day to stay inside.

Saturday: rest day (church easter egg hunt. Got to trek up a small hill to help find easter eggs. Wore me out!)

Total Mileage: 3.5 known for sure. not sure how much we did on our walk
35 weeks pregnant

Sunday, April 6, 2014

April Week 1 Workout Recap

April Already! That means 6 weeks left until my due date. Again the week flew by but I am glad. I spent a day sick as a dog. I actually threw up for the first time this pregnancy. But it was from either food poisoning or a virus that was very mean to attack me while pregnant. I had a night full of contractions and stomach cramps that were pretty bad. Totally different feeling than actually in labor. Mason was a good sport too, bringing me my water when I asked for it and making sure that I drank plenty of water. He also took a little bit longer of a nap so I could sleep longer too. 

Pregnancy Changes: I'm just getting bigger week by week. Baby is the size of a pineapple and weighs about 4.9 lbs per my what to expect app. I am up 8 lbs now (this was after my sickness by the way which I was on a liquid diet of water and power aid for a whole day) But that is pretty cool knowing that the baby weighs that much and I have only gained 8 lbs. Plus the blood volume increase and the weight of the all the baby stuff. I am super proud of myself and the weight gain/lack there of.

Prepping For Baby: Didn't do anything this week again. I did decide that for Mother's Day I want to hire Molly Maids to come and clean my house just before baby arrives and again in June just after baby arrives so I don't have to feel like I have to clean the house. 

Prepping Mason For Baby: Just getting all the snuggle time as possible with Mason as I can. Also teaching him more words and speaking in full sentences. I am trying to get him to be able to communicate with me as much as possible so that it will be easier to understand what he needs and wants when the baby arrives. Also talking about the baby arriving and introducing him to babies whenever we are around them. He seems to like babies, but this is before one invades his space and takes away all him mommy and him time. Not looking forward to that transition.

Workout Recap: 

Monday: rest (went to a friends house for a playdate) 

Tuesday: 3.5 mile walk

Wednesday: rest (did vacuum the whole house and cleaned. These days it is either clean or exercise. Can't do both without completely exhausting myself.)

Thursday: rest (sick as a dog with a virus or food poisoning.) 

Friday: 2 mile walk outside (super slow getting my strength back from yesterdays sickness)

Saturday: 2 mile walk outside

Total Mileage: 7.5 miles
34 weeks pregnant
~Me pregnant now vs 34 weeks pregnant with Mason~

Sunday, March 30, 2014

March Week 4 Workout Recap

Another week done, another week closer to my due date. It is so weird knowing in just a few weeks another baby will be here with us. This week has been full of lots of mommy and Mason time as the hubs has been out of town for military duty. We had a snow day, and play dates and of course my much needed gym time! And today, poor Mace is throwing up. We have been up since 4:30am so today is going to either be a really long day or a really bad day. Hoping he naps more today to get over sickness. Oh, and my Macbook was decapitated the other day. The screen literally detached from the base of the computer. One minute it was fine the next the screen was hanging on by the wires. So this post is brought to you by my new laptop. YEA!

Pregnancy Changes: Per What to Expect Baby is the size of a honeydew and he weighs about 4.5 lbs. I am now up 7-8 lbs but feel like an Elephant on the treadmill as I pointed out yesterday. My belly is getting tons bigger. I have officially hit the, "EVERYTHING IS HARD" stage. It is hard to bend over to pick up toys on the ground, the basement has not been looking good lately cause I just don't have the energy or the ability to pick up the toys as easily. Mason will help, sometimes, but not most times. Hard to shave my legs, hard to go up and down the stairs without huffing and puffing. Hard to stand for long periods of time. Even yoga is feeing hard. I feel like I can't hold some of the positions, not enough arm strength or just it's hard. All pregnant women hit this stage, but varies when it happens. This is the point where we just want the baby out to get our bodies back, but I don't want the baby out. I will take this hard stage because I know that when the baby is out, it will be harder! So keep cooking baby!

Prepping For Baby: I hung the baby quilt my mom made for us back up on the nursery wall last night. That's really it, I haven't really done anything. Oh my new Aden and Anais swaddling blankets came in the mail yesterday. LOVE THEM! His has dinosaurs on them and they match his going home outfit! But really haven't done anything this week in this dept.

Prepping Mason For Baby: We just keep talking about baby joining the family. Trying to have Mason help me around the house so that when the baby arrives he will be more ok with helping me out. Also right now Mason is kicking me a ton when changing his diaper and I always tell him to stop kicking his brother. Still point out babies when we see them so Mason is getting used to the idea of babies.

Workout Recap:

Monday: rest

Tuesday: snow day (yep we got snow after spring "officially" started.

Wednesday: rest (play date with friends)

Thursday: 1.5 mile walk; 1 hour 15 min prenatal yoga class

Friday: 3 mile walk

Saturday: 3.5 mile walk

Total Mileage: 8 miles
33 weeks pregnant

Sunday, March 23, 2014

March Week 3 Workout Recap

Wow! March is almost over. I knew that this month was going to fly and April is going to fly by too. These next two week are going to be a tough for me though. Matt is going on his AT training for military so it is just me, the kid and the dog for 2 weeks. No break. No sanity! Single mother life. With that being said, the 2.5 hours of daycare at the gym are going to be pretty tempting. So my goal is to be spending some quality time with the treadmill and stationary bike during this time most days. That's the plan! Wish me luck! Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BROTHER TODAY!

Pregnancy Changes: Starting to get low back pain all the time. Getting heartburn at night, almost every night. I am having to sleep propped up now. My hips and shoulders don't like me sleeping on my sides so I am constantly turning from one side to the next. Baby likes it when I am on my right side. I guess cause the placenta is taking up so much room on the left. I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions a ton over this last week. Any time I go up and down the stairs, which are a lot since we have 3 levels in my house, stand up from sitting, or going #2 I get BH contractions. They are pretty strong too which surprised me. I talked to my doc and he said that it is perfectly normal for them to start earlier and be more intense with subsequent pregnancies. (I wonder how bad Michelle Duggar's are after 19 babies!). I also had my 32 week check up, from now on I will be going about every 2 weeks for the next month. Baby is doing great. Doc is still pleased with my lack of weight gain. Up only 5 lbs total from pre-pregnancy weight.

Prepping For Baby: With the base being in the van Mason says "Bruder". Then he will say, "No Bruder". He isn't quite sure about this new baby thing. It is just kind of surreal to have things set up and ready to go. Exciting and very scary that in 2 months a new baby will be here.

Prepping Mason For Baby: He learned to say brother as you saw above. That is new for him. He is finally going to bed in his bed without pitching a fit after a puke attack a week and a half ago. We are telling him about Collin trying to prep him for that. I point to small babies that we see and tell him that Collin will be like that. Mace just says cute and walks away. Mace has been under the weather for most of the week. Either a cold or the start of allergies but he has been more cuddly too, so I am soaking up all the cuddles with my big boy.

Workout Recap: 

Monday: Snow day, stuck inside again!

Tuesday: Still too much snow for me to drive in so stayed home and rested.

Wednesday: Mace was sick with a runny nose. Not sure if allergies or a cold. Stayed home

Thursday: 1 hour 15 min prenatal yoga class.

Friday: rest

Saturday: 3.1 mile walk outside. It was just too beautiful to stay indoors today! (possible snow storm on Tuesday so trying to enjoy being outside.)

3.1 total miles
32 Weeks Pregnant

Sunday, March 16, 2014

March Week 2 Workout Recap

This week sure went by quickly! Before I knew it, it was Saturday. EEK! But staying busy with other things though.

Pregnancy changes: I AM STARVING ALL THE TIME! I feel so hungry. I am starting to graze for food, which I got out of that habit because I overate. So no I am just trying to have healthier foods around the house to graze on. Yummy yogurt. Need to be better though. Things are starting to get more difficult for me. Bending down, picking things up off the floor and getting up from laying down are hard. My belly is just starting to get big and in the way now. Tying my gym shoes is interesting too. Can't wait for warmer weather and flip flops!

Prepping for Baby: Set up the pack and play in our bedroom, found out missing a part of it now trying to search the house for it. Also painted the nursery with the help of friends. YEA! Daddy also cleaned out the van and set the base in the van. Things are happening. My hospital bag is partially packed. Moved baby toys from the nursery to the basement.

Prepping Mason for baby: Getting things set up around the house for baby and explaining that the crib, pack n play and toys are for Collin is helping to get Mace used to the idea of another little one in the house. He says baby and points to objects that will be for the baby. Oh and he started saying that he has a baby in his tummy too. Cute guy!

Workout Recap: 
Monday: Rest. I had a mommy helper come over and help clean my house. A girl from my church is trying to raise money for summer camp and offered her services during her spring break. Jumped on that band wagon, yes I did! She was all day, and she watched Mace for me when I had to go to a doc appointment so I didn't make it to the gym.

Tuesday: Rest. My doula came and I started noticing that Mace wasn't doing too well. He didn't want to eat breakfast and his voice was raspy, plus he slept in until 9:40ish, even with the time change that is late for him.

Wednesday: Rest. Mason was up the night prior throwing up so no gym for us.

Thursday: 1 mile walk; 1 hour 15 min prenatal yoga class

Friday: 3.5 mile walk/run

Saturday: Rest. Painted the nursery

Mileage 4.5 miles
31 weeks pregnant

Saturday, March 8, 2014

March Week 1 Workout Recap

We are already 1 week into March. Anyone else think this year is FLYING by? And it has been a week since I was in WDW. So sad. I love Disney and the "magic" they have there.

This week has been an insane week for us. Matt got a new schedule that seriously affects our family time and it has seemed like I am a single mom again. Kind of crazy and scary but Mace and I are making due. Mason asks for Daddy all the time and when Matt is home, and Mason isn't already in bed, Daddy and Mace have a ton of fun playing together. It is really sweet to see them play. Matt promised Mace to take him to a park after he gets off his military duty today and Mason is already excited.

One thing that is helping me through the week is my gym. After a year of Matt being deployed when Mason was just born I never went out. I stayed in and never left Mason once. I came to later realize that I need a break. Yes I get mommy quiet time but I need a break to focus on me and take care of me. So the gym this week became my sanctuary. It will be again next week and for as long as this new schedule lasts. Also I am letting my pace slow down. No longer training for the race, I am now doing this to stay healthy for me and my baby. I am still integrating running in my walks and will continue to do short spurts of running as long as I can.
~First post race run/walk~
Pregnancy changes: I am starting to gain weight. I am now up 4 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight for this pregnancy. I gained 2 over the trip so I am gaining about a pound a week at this point. I was hoping it would be 2 lbs a month instead of the 4 but with the over eating I did on our trip of all things yumminess I am not surprised that I gained 2 lbs. Now I just continue to exercise and eat what my body needs not necessarily what it wants, like sweets every single day. (I am craving oranges and pineapple right now so I have given into that craving. Fruit is so yummy!)
 ~Where are my feet???~
Prepping for Baby: Haven't done anything this week. I know, shocker, huh! It has been more of surviving this week, finding a babysitter to watch Mason when I have had to work and trying to just not feel so pregnant icky!

Prepping Mason for Baby: A friend watched Mason yesterday while I taught piano and she recently had a baby. Mason was so good with the baby. I think it was his first time interacting with a baby younger than 2 months old. I even got to hold little A and Mason came over and patted his shoulder nicely, gave him a hug, and was super sweet with him. When I handed A back to his mommy Mason wanted to sit on my lap and be cuddled just like A was so, now I know. Mason is going to have a hard time when Collin arrives and all the attention that Collin will get instead of Mason. But now I know.

Monday: rest (real rest, not sitting in a car all day, kind of rest)
Tuesday: 3 miles walk/run 16:40 pace; 15 min on bike
Wednesday: rest
Thursday: 1.25 mile 16:00 pace; 1 hour 15 min prenatal yoga
Friday: rest
Saturday: 4 miles walk 16:45 pace

Total Mileage: 8.25 miles total walk/run; 2 miles on bike
30 weeks pregnant

Monday, March 3, 2014

February Week 4 Workout Recap

Last week was amazing! I completed my first half marathon, while pregnant! Got to spend the week on vacation with my family. Eat some yummy food. And hang with my best girlfriend, my sole sister, and her hubs! Needless to say, I didn't run after the race. But I did a ton of walking, and a lot of eating of good food. (per the scale) I am up 2 lbs from before we left but my belly/baby did grow some on the trip. I remember looking down on Wednesday thinking WOW my belly is so much rounder!

Prepping for baby: Now that we are home and I am in the home stretch, 10 weeks left, we will be getting things set up and ready for Collin. Matt and I have to get used to having the baby stuff all over the house again, like the pack n play in our room, which is usually a baby/kid free zone. Matt also wants to get the base of the car seat set up in the van to "get used to it being there"

Prepping Mason: He gives hugs and kisses to my belly and says HI baby! We got a gift for Mason to give Collin and a gift for Collin to give Mason. We found a really great bubble blower at Disney. I am trying to get some things to keep entertained this summer but I have a feeling that we will be spending a ton of time at the park!

Sunday: 13.1 miles Disney Princes Half Marathon (14:48 pace but with the potty breaks and choke points my official time was 3:50:07 a 17:34 min/mile)
Monday: Walked Universal Parks
Tuesday: Walked Epcot and Hollywood Studio Parks
Wednesday: Walked Animal Kingdom Park
Thursday: Walked Magic Kingdom Park
Friday: Walked Animal Kingdom and Epcot Park
Saturday: rest, drive home

Total mileage: 13.1 (add an extra 10-15 miles if you include the estimated 2-3 miles a day at the parks)

I wish I had a Fitbit for this week to see how many miles I actually walked everyday at the parks. We were estimating about 3 miles a day. My feet were so tired on Monday and Tuesday from the race and the chaffing, ouch! But we made it work. I felt more normal on Wednesday. I am actually really proud of my recovery time. I thought it would take a little longer.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

February Week 3 Workout Recap

I am doing this a day early since I have a fun post tomorrow that goes along with my previous 2 posts.

This lovely week was my taper week! I really do love taper week! So wonderful. I know that I will enjoy doing less mileage from here on out because my body was so happy with it this week. I won't do this small amount of mileage but it will be along these lines. I had planned on going to prenatal yoga on Thursday and doing a mile-mile and a half before but I was so busy we didn't make it. I wanted to do at least 1/2 the 1/2 marathon this week through walking and running but didn't make it. That is ok. I feel ready for tomorrow and that is all I need.

Pregnancy is going well too. The first 1.5 miles really hurts because my body doesn't want to move as much but after that point I am fine. I guess that is how any body is though pregnant or not. Kind of interesting. All I am thankful for is that my body is allowing me to move as much as I do pregnant.

Sunday: rest
Monday: 2 mile walk
Tuesday: 3 mile run/walk- (15:13 min mile)
Wednesday: rest
Thursday: rest (but ran around town like a turkey with its head cut off)
Friday: rest
Saturday: walk around the expo and rest, rest, rest

5 miles total mileage at 28 weeks pregnant. (my belly is smaller now than it was with Mace at this point! PRETTY COOL! I think I am losing belly fat while pregnant and super happy about that!)

Monday, February 17, 2014

Less Than 1 Week

Less than 1 week to go and I will be running in my first 1/2 marathon, (while pregnant). I seriously think I am still crazy for wanting to do this but I am proud of the fact that I am because it is a very, very, VERY hard thing to train for while pregnant! I am so excited that we are actually leaving in just a few short days! I still have a lot to do before we go but I know I will get everything done. I have to!

As far as a weekly workout recap last week was not supposed to be my taper week but it kind of turned out that way in a bad way, as in no workouts! Just didn't happen. NOT GOOD! But this week is tons of walking and tomorrow is my last run before the race. 3 miles is on the books for me! But I feel good and ready for the race. I know I can do it. It is going to be hard and I will have to push myself slightly but I can do this!

I am so excited to run my race with my best friend K! It will be such a fun experience for both of us and yeah I am a little excited, more than a little to run through the castle. This race is going to be AWESOME!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

February Week 1 Workout Recap

1st week of Feb is already over and done with. Anyone else think that time is FLYING BY?!? I can't believe that my race is only 2 weeks from today! After yesterday though I am very thankful that it is only 2 weeks from today because this body is ready to back off on its mileage. This week along, whew! I was one busy gal at the gym.

A few notes on how this week went. I am tired, like all the time. I feel like I go to sleep within a few pages of my book that I read when trying to go to sleep. On Friday night I was playing my hypnoBirthing CD instead of reading and I fell asleep at some point but when I woke up about 3 hours later I was in the same exact position I fell asleep in. I hadn't moved one bit which is odd for me since I am tossing and turning most nights now trying to get comfy! But the CD knocked me out! So thankful for the deep sleep I was able to get in those 3 hours.

I have still been having major round ligament pain in my lower belly. The taping does help on the long runs but I finally caved and got a support belt and it helped me a TON yesterday on the long run I did. I didn't hurt too bad until about mile 9 since that was the point at which I hadn't gone past. So it was new territory for my body but I have come to realize that mile nine is my, must push past point!

Also new to this week is the baby bouncing on my bladder. Every time I did a running stint Collin would sit right on my bladder so every step made me feel like I had to pee. Then when I did there was nothing there. Very uncomfortable and the belt seemed to help lift him off of that area which I was thankful for yesterday!

So here it is: My workout recap

Monday- rest
Tuesday- 3 miles run/walk (15:13 min/mile)
Wednesday-3 miles walk (16:20 min/mile)
Thursday- 1.5 miles (mile 1 at 14:30 min/mile; .5 mile 16 min/mile)
Prenatal yoga class
Friday-4 mile walk (16:23 min/mile)
Saturday- 11 mile run/walk (15:17 min/mile)- LAST long, long run before Princess half!

Total Mileage 22.5 miles at 26 weeks pregnant!

Monday, February 3, 2014

January Week 5 Workout Recap

Sorry, meant to post this yesterday! I am at the point in my pregnancy where I am starting to feel, UGH when exercising. It is becoming more and more difficult to do my runs. I am noticing that I have started to slow down, just a fraction, but slow down the nonetheless. It is taking more energy to run and I am really excited that the 1/2 is this month, at the end of the month but still it is this month and then I can back off on running a little.

Mondays at the gym it is often difficult to find a treadmill to work out on. And I have only been allowed to get my 30 minute in before someone is waiting behind me for my machine because ALL of the machines are taken up. This happened last Monday. Tuesday was Mason's 2.5 year check up at the doctor and he got his flu shot and wasn't up for going out afterwards so we came home and I let him sleep. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday became my running days, and I won't be able to do that again. I need a day off in-between. On Friday though I did get my belly taped. It helped me on Friday and on Saturdays not so long, long run. I will have the guy tape the belly just a little differently as I still had some pulling on my right side from the round ligaments, but I think it is because the tape didn't go under my belly on that side, it kind of crossed over it and I need the "lift." I am getting it done again on Friday for my last LONG run before the 1/2 doing 11 miles. I will see if it helps. If it doesn't then I will try out a support belt which a friend at church offered to let me borrow. But I am just happy that the 1/2 is so close now because seriously every week I ask my self, "What are you thinking!"

Monday: 1.5 miles walk on treadmill 30 min elliptical
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: 3 miles walk/run (15 min/mile)
Thursday: 1 mile walk/run (15 min/mile)
Friday: 2 miles walk/run (15 min/mile)
Saturday: 5 miles walk/run (15:10 min/mile)

Total Mileage: 12.5 miles at 25 weeks pregnant

Sunday, January 26, 2014

January Week 4 Workout Recap

As I said yesterday, it is getting more and more difficult to find the will power and energy to drag myself out of the house and get to the gym. This past week was one of those weeks. Monday was a holiday, Tuesday we got snow. Wednesday we had ice. Thursday had a sick kid and Friday I rested. Saturday I did workout and quite proud of myself but I need to get my midweek runs in more for safety. I can not do this again or else I will injure myself!

Monday: rest
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: 3 mile in home walking DVD (16 min/mile)
Thursday: 3 mile in home walking DVD (16 min/mile)
Friday: rest
Saturday: 9 miles (15:11 min/mile pace)

Total Mileage: 15 miles

So next week I am setting the goals again. I have to, HAVE TO go to the gym to walk on Monday. I know my legs will need it and I need a walking day before a run day. This is my biggest goal, because if I go in on Monday I tend to go more during the week. And I can't get sick! NEED TO GET BETTER!

26 days until my 1/2 marathon!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

January Week 3 Workout Recap

This week was a slow week for me. Literally. I walked all week. Didn't make it to the gym on Monday. Tuesday we had another 2 year old visiting us all day while his mommy was  having her 2nd baby, so no gym. But when I did go, I just couldn't get that groove to run. I don't know what happened this week. I tried but it was like trying to fight my body too much, so I walked. I was get really strong round ligament pulling pain and it affected my speed of the walking. This week I will see if it continues, but I might have to get a support belt to help me out if this continues. Yesterday in my 4 mile walk, I got 3-4 braxton hicks contractions along with round ligament pain. But I am pretty sure yesterdays icky feeling was due to a lack of water the day before and day of.

Monday: rest
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: 2 miles walk (18 min/mile)
Thursday: 1 mile walk (16:30 min/mile), prenatal yoga
Friday: rest
Saturday: 4 miles walk (was supposed to do 5 ARGH!) (17:15 min/mile)

This coming week is a big mileage long run on Saturday so I have to do way more, and get my groove back!

Each walk was way over the min I need for the half marathon. I know I will have to do lots of spurts of running with my walking for the half. I know I can do it! 5 weeks left until my race, then I can back off on the mileage! BUT I CAN DO THIS!

Any tips or advice to push through a burnout week?
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