Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen: April 2018

Monday, April 30, 2018

Overcoming Emotional Eating

2018 is my year for amazing life changing tools being available in my life. First 80 Day Obsession, a way to help me finally enjoy exercise and get real physical changes. Next in May, we get the Mindset change course to help me learn to finally overcome my emotional and stress eating habits. 

Yep. Even with everything I do, the meal plans I follow, I have to work daily to keep my mindset in check. To remind myself that eating the right foods is what my body needs to lose weight. It would be so easy for me to just slip back into my old habits of skipping meals, eat less overall because I am saving my calories for a. Ice dinner out with the hubs or because I over indulged on some sweet or treat. I am literally retraining my brain against the years of “eat less and exercise more” mentality.

You guys, this week I have a new COURSE coming out that addresses ONLY emotional eating (no workouts, they are actually considered extra if you do do them). It's an un-diet that works solely on helping you re-train your brain with what you eat, how you eat and your overall relationship with food.

If you are like me and struggle with emotional eating, grabbing things that are just easier, or just need to work on getting your eating under control before you start a workout program, THIS IS FOR YOU!

This month me and my other teammates are doing a launch party to answer all your questions about this new course! And get you set up and going for success if you are ready to change your eating habits!
THIS LAUNCH GROUP IS INFORMATION ONLY. Want to learn more about it, curious if it is the right fit? Check out the launch group. No obligation. Click HERE to request to join our Un-Diet Launch Party to learn more about the course! (Be sure to say Becky Allen or Connect The Dots Ginger when asked who invited you!)

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Monday, April 23, 2018

80 Day Obsession: Final 80 Day Results

Well, the results are in!!! I have COMPLETED the 80 Day Obsession program! But first, you guys, this program has CHANGED MY LIFE! Not only did I lose weight and inches, but I finally have developed a daily habit of loving working out every day. I have finally learned to make better choices with my eating. I am sooooo much stronger than I was just a few months ago and that I think is one of the best things. I am LITERALLY stronger!

WEIGHT LOSS: 8.3 pounds

There were days where I struggled. Days that I cried because I didn't think I could do it (hello day 3! That was a huge scary eye opener for me) But I made a commitment to myself and all I had to do was push plan every day and follow the nutrition plan.

All the cover photos for every workout but day 7 and day 14 (they are the stretching. I did them but never recorded! Will this round!) I still can’t believe that I did this. I actually did it. And I didn’t die. I got stronger. I lost weight. I leaned out. I am closer to my goals because as hard as it was I didn’t given up! And that is what counts. I didn’t give up! You can do anything you put your mind to For me now it’s time to do it again. Even today during my first workout of round 2 I was thinking, “I can’t believe I’m doing it again. Why am I doing This again? I must be crazy! No! I’ve got this. I’ve done it and I’ve got this!” When those doubts come into your mind just keep pushing. Just keep doing because you can do hard things. It is worth it! #80dayobsession #impbsessed #teamac #igotthis #fitginger #fitnotfat #strongmom
A post shared by Becky Allen (@sunkissedbecky) on

But today I start again. Round 2 because I still have progress to make before I reach my goals. My goal for round 2, be even better with my nutrition. And push play again every single day and not skip a day! I got this!

80 Day Obsession is a total body 13 week at home or anywhere (online streaming from your phone, computer or tablet) program that focuses on the core and booty. Checkout some quick info about it: 

🌟 80 days of workouts that were filmed in real time, meaning that they are all completely different from each other and can be done in your own home, or at the gym. 
🌟 A COMPLETE nutrition plan that tells you not only what to eat, what size portion to eat but WHEN to eat for best results.
🌟 Focuses on Core and Booty, but everyone had all over results 
🌟 Uses new equipment / gear that look easy but will totally change your body.
🌟 EXCLUSIVE TEST GROUP with LIVE workouts, daily motivation, inspiration, tips and MORE! 

So...READY TO START YOUR 80 DAY JOURNEY with me to help you along the way? CLICK HERE NOW to order your bundle kit to get EVERYTHING YOU NEED to get these results in the first 30 days! (This kit includes a year membership to the online streaming service, the equipment, daily shake, pre workout mix and post workout recovery, and easy to follow container system. Everything I'm using right now!)

If you are interested but need more info first, curious about how it all works and want to learn more, CLICK HERE TO SEND ME A MESSAGE so I can personally chat with you and answer any questions you have! Or EMAIL ME

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Friday, April 20, 2018

Measure Your Weight Loss Progress By Your New Strength

I remember on day 3 I was shaking and struggled holding a plank position and thinking in this very move, “WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING OF DOING THIS PROGRAM!!! This is hard and I will never finish!” Here I am just a day away from completing the program! I have come so far. I don’t struggle like I used to holding a plank. I actually look forward to my workouts. I love sharing about it and helping others start this amazing journey. I have gotten so much stronger mentally and physically. My body has changed for the better and I am doing this. Real change can happen in just a few months time when you are consistent. 

It's so easy to measure your progress by the scale alone, but that scale is a BIG FAT LIAR! If you are feeling frustrated in your journey, just think about how much stronger you have gotten. This is why I take video and pictures. So I can literally see the changes! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Must Have Book To Read in 2018

What I’ve been reading/listening to recently! Girl, WASH YOUR FACE! By Rachel Hollis. You guys if you haven’t picked up this book GO RUN TO THE BOOKSTORE NOW or Amazon or Audible! So great that I have barely been able to stop listening to it. I turn this on first thing in the morning during my daily 20 minute reading time or when I’m getting ready for the day, taking a shower, making dinner. Really anytime I need to take a minute to decompress! 

She is so down to earth real and relatable it’s inspiring. I firmly believe in reading or listening to something daily that lifts you up and helps set your mind in a positive place for the day. Some people call it self help. Some call it personal development. I’m calling it another form of momma sanity saver! (My workout is my other tool to help me be “nice mommy!”) Have you already read this book? What do you love about it if you have? Haven’t read it? Go check it out and share this post with a friend or 2! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Monday, April 16, 2018

Learn To Be Obsessed Challenge: Cycle 3

this post contains affiliate links, meaning that if you buy the products recommended, you won't pay more but I'll get a small commission. It's what pays the bills! 
Here we go!!! I'm doing another cycle of my Learn To Be Obsessed Challenge to get physically and mentally ready to begin your 80 Day Journey in 28 days! If you are totally wanting to get results like me, or better than me with 80 Day Obsession but haven't been working out regularly, THIS IS THE CHALLENGE FOR YOU! Challenge yourself to focus for 28 days on your health and fitness to build your base fitness level so you are more physically ready to start the intermediate to advanced 80 Day Obsession program. 

When do we start?:

GROUP BEGINS Monday, April 23

What are doing?:
4/23-5/13: 21 Day Fix
5/15-5/19- A Little Obsessed- A 5 day sneak peek prep program to help you get used to the flow, moves, equipment and meal plan for 80 Day Obsession
5/21- YOUR 80 DAY OBSESSION JOURNEY BEGINS and you graduate from this group to the exclusive 80 Day Obsession test group Purely Obsessed!!!

What's included:
  • The workouts
  • Meal Plan for 21 Day Fix and A Little Obsessed
  • Me as your coach with daily motivation and accountability
  • Live Q&A's to answer your questions with the meal plan and what to expect and how to be better prepared for 80DO!
  • Education on how to best use Beachbody on Demand online Streaming to your advantage
  • Focus on using recipes from FIXATE Cooking show
  • Giveaway for participation
What you have to get:
YOU MUST HAVE BEACHBODY ON DEMAND! (which is included in the bundle kits)

~ To be part of my Learn To Be Obsessed group you must have at least the annual membership to Beachbody on Demand with me as your coach by 3/23 (That's a week from FRIDAY!). (See below for link) The membership is how we access the workouts, meal plan and healthy cooking show, Fixate. By ordering on the 23rd you have 2 days to meal plan and prep for day 1 of 21 Day Fix.


What I suggest is to order your bundle kit NOW so that you don't forget to order it, allows plenty of time to get to so you so that you can start A Little Obsessed with the equipment without having to wait. Being prepared is a huge part of 80 Day Obsession. Start that now with planning ahead!

**If you choose to get just the annual membership now, and want to wait a couple weeks before you get the equipment or supplements, there is a completion bundle kit available. PLEASE message me for that info as I have just the full bundle kits listed below.

Bundle kits: 
You can get any of the 80 Day Obsession bundle kits starting now but know that you might need to reorder some of the items before the end of your 80 Day Journey, if you use them during this Learn To Be Obsessed Challenge.

Comment below OR MESSAGE ME!
Only available in 🇺🇸, 🇨🇦, and 🇬🇧
LINKS TO ORDER (all links below are for US, if you are in Canada or UK please msg me and I can get you the direct link for your country):

Annual Beachbody On Demand Membership

80 Day Obsession MEGA Bundle Kit

BECKY'S PICK! ---> 80 Day Obsession COMBO Bundle Kit

***The next 2 options, are the same price but you have to choose to either get Shakeology or the pre and post workout supplements.

80 Day Obsession BASIC Challenge pack with SHAKEOLOGY

80 Day Obsession BASIC Challenge pack with Pre & Post Workout Supplement

**Just to clarify, you must have Beachbody On Demand, and the workout equipment (resistance loops and sliders). To get the results that I am getting at the speed that I am getting them, I recommend getting the MEGA or COMBO kit. I personally use Shakeology daily, and the pre and post workout mixes on the days that I workout. Don't feel like you have to get a bundle kit to participate, but know that these supplements do help fill in the gaps with your nutrition and help boost your workout performance and reduce soreness with the post workout supplement.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Friday, April 13, 2018

Tips To Love The Fitness Journey

It’s easy to look at my INSTAGRAM feed and think, wow! She never misses a day! Obviously I am not thin, or visibly fit. Most people, when I tell them I’m a health and fitness motivator and coach, will do the body scan, oh and that’s happened when I am talking to them face to face or I get a super shocked face from them.

It’s taken me a long while to learn to love this journey for the bigger picture. For my health first and not as a way for me to eat whatever I wanted. For me to feel strong because I am strong. Not to hide my feelings of feeling stuck in my body and not able to do the things I want. I’m working on being the best version of myself. That means I had to learn to embrace this journey for the long haul. I know I’ll reach my goals. I just don’t know how long it will take. This is not a quick fix. This is my lifestyle.

Tips To Learn To Love Your Fitness Journey: 

1) Find a program that you love and enjoy doing. If you love what you do it won't feel like work! 

2) Plan your workout times ahead of time, and stick with the plan. There is nothing worse then trying to find time, or make time in your busy life to fit in your workout. When you make time, you can enjoy it more.

3) Make it fun and have support along the way. Workout with friends. Or have a community where you can post and get support from others around you. This is why I host support and success groups so that you have the community to cheer you on and lift you up along the way! 

4) Life happens, but it doesn't have to happen every single day. Make your workouts a priority to you. Occasionally, life will get in the way of your workout. Sickness happens. Stuff happens. But when 1 NEEDED day off turns into 5+ you have to look at, why you are lacking motivation. What do you need to help you succeed? Then find what it is you think you need and GET IT! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Monday, April 9, 2018

You Are Never Alone On Your Fitness Journey

Being a busy mom with 3 kids I get stuck in kid mode all the time. Saying, "poopy, nummy, boogies, penie (penis for my 3 year old.)" and talking in a voice that is slightly higher and childish can really get old after awhile. I love my kids but I miss having people to talk to. Being a mom can be a lonely thing, especially for stay at home moms. For me, having an adult conversation just didn't happen very often until I found my tribe. I needed a community of people that get me. That would motivate me. I made it my mission to surround myself with people who life me up. With people who make me happy. With people who never judge no matter what. With people who want me to succeed. 

And guys! I have found them. For me, my coaching community is my tribe. This past weekend I got to hang out with a handful of my tribe. It lifted my spirits. It brought happiness into my life. And we are all on the same journey, to reach our own goals and help others along the way do the same! Another part of my tribe is my own health and fitness community on FACEBOOK is my tribe. You reading this right now, you are my tribe. You are the people that get me. And because of you, I push play every day. I finally feel like I can use my normal voice. That I can survive this kid centered season of my life and come out stronger and a normal, social human being.

If you don’t have your tribe. FIND THEM. If you don’t feel like you have real conversations or connect with people. Find your people. Need a tribe? Join my health and fitness community. Search for like minded people around you. Or Ask your friends. See what groups or organizations they are part of and join them. But don’t feel like you have to go through life alone. Because you don’t. Or don’t feel like you have to go through your health and fitness journey alone. Because you don’t. Find your tribe! Chat with them often. Lean on them when you need it. Because you are worth it to have people on your side to lift you up and make you stronger. Find. Your. Tribe. 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!
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