I am now into my 6th month of pregnancy and thought that I would write about how the 5th month of pregnancy
has gone.
Per whattoexpect.com at 20 weeks the baby is as big as a large banana and about 11 ounces in weight. By 24 weeks the baby is about the size of a cantaloupe and is weight at about a pound and a half.
At 23 weeks my belly felt like it went through a growth spurt and got a little bit bigger. It was also the week that I had massive round ligament pain in my lower belly so something changed but since then it has lessened.
I am still running thanks in part to having set my goal of running in the Disney Princess Half. To be honest if I wasn't running in that race next month I don't know if I would still be running right now. I would still be exercising but running, probably not. It is hard to run while pregnant. Half the time I don't have the energy to do it but I am doing it which amazes even me. So I am thankful for the goal I have made and am sticking to it.
With that being said, I don't think I would be running and not because of laziness but because I have been getting really bad round ligament pain while running. It usually occurs for the first mile to mile and a half then it goes down for a bit. I have to remember to drink tons of water starting on Thursday if I have a long run on the weekend to help so that the pulling, or cramping isn't so bad.
I am still napping or resting everyday for about an hour and a half to keep my energy up for later in the day. I feel like I am so much more busy right now than I was last month which I am thankfully, but I am starting to feel more anxious because I know that May is going to arrive very quickly! It is already the end of January and February ALWAYS flies by. But other than that I really am feeing great.
I am still under 2 lbs what I started the pregnancy at, but I suspect that I should start to gain some weight now that the baby is starting to pack on the pounds.
This next month like I said I know is going to fly by. I have recital pieces for my studio to find and assign, every weekend is packed with still like we have a baby shower one weekend and a birthday party the next. Plus I am painting Mason's big boy room this month and moving him into his new room when we get back from our trip, oh and WE HAVE OUR TRIP to WDW. I am so excited but nervous but excited! The month will fly!
Friday, January 31, 2014
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Baby It's Still Cold Outside!
Brrrr! Anyone else thinking that this winter should be over and done with soon? It has been so cold this year. I am kind of missing the AZ winters I grew up with where the weather just stayed nice and chill not FREEZING COLD!
I am building my list of things to buy before next winter. I didn't invest this year since I am pregnant and I don't want to stretch out my pants or shirts this year and try to wear them next year, won't work. So here are a few items on my list:
I am still trying to find the perfect jacket still. And yes there is a ton of Under Armour on this list. But their cold gear clothing is really good and I have heard awesome things from my friends and fellow runners about it. Even from the hubs he likes UA.
Under Armour fitted cold gear tights. Not really looking forward to wearing tights in general (too tight) but I know that they will be really nice when running in.
Under Armour fitted crew top.
Under Armour cold gear infrared v neck long sleeve shirt. This is a nice cute fitted top.
Champion by Target flip gloves. I had these on my list for Christmas and still haven't gotten them yet but next year I will have gloves to run in.
I am building my list of things to buy before next winter. I didn't invest this year since I am pregnant and I don't want to stretch out my pants or shirts this year and try to wear them next year, won't work. So here are a few items on my list:
I am still trying to find the perfect jacket still. And yes there is a ton of Under Armour on this list. But their cold gear clothing is really good and I have heard awesome things from my friends and fellow runners about it. Even from the hubs he likes UA.
Under Armour fitted cold gear tights. Not really looking forward to wearing tights in general (too tight) but I know that they will be really nice when running in.
Under Armour fitted crew top.
Under Armour cold gear infrared v neck long sleeve shirt. This is a nice cute fitted top.
Champion by Target flip gloves. I had these on my list for Christmas and still haven't gotten them yet but next year I will have gloves to run in.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Postnatal Yoga Article
Hey guys! Here is a great article written by my prenatal yoga instructor, Eliza, about Postnatal yoga and getting back in doing yoga after baby. Check it out!
Couple things about Eliza. She is a mommy of 4! And she did all of her births without drugs. She is a rockstar with yoga and knows what she is talking about. For about 3 weeks I got one on one yoga instruction because I was the only one attending prenatal yoga and it was pretty awesome! Here is her website for you to check out and if you have any yoga questions shoot her an email! She is so amazing and nice!
(Eliza Whiteman)
Postnatal Yoga- How a yogi got her groove backCouple things about Eliza. She is a mommy of 4! And she did all of her births without drugs. She is a rockstar with yoga and knows what she is talking about. For about 3 weeks I got one on one yoga instruction because I was the only one attending prenatal yoga and it was pretty awesome! Here is her website for you to check out and if you have any yoga questions shoot her an email! She is so amazing and nice!
Monday, January 27, 2014
Prepping For Labor- NOT As Seen On TV
If you haven't seen What to Expect when Expecting…CHECK IT OUT! Super funny!
Some of the aspects are true. There might be nurses coming and going. If there is a possible problem with the baby there will be a ton more people in the room. It is also because that is what we expect to happen, because of TV. If it didn't happen than a FTM might think something was wrong. But birthing doesn't have to be like what we see on TV.
I promise it can be however you want it to be. You just have to figure out the things you want to happen and what not to happen. And talk to your doctor about it before hand. If your pregnancy is not a high risk pregnancy there are some things that you can "request".
First things first: MAKE A BIRTH WISHES plan and call it Birth Wishes. It is a birth plan but a "nice" way to say birth plan. Make sure that it is under 1 page long. Seriously if you have a 10 page document and show the doctor or nurse when you arrive at the hospital they probably won't read the whole thing or won't remember everything. Pick and choose the things you want on there. Include your name, date of birth, social security if it applies. Sex of baby being born and name of baby so they can write it on your arm band and bassinet when it is born.
Do Your Research: The way to pick and choose the things you want on your Birth Wish List is to read all about it. Be knowledgable about the things that could happen in labor and a possible outcome. Like: being cut vs tearing for an episiotomy. Or about what type of intervention you do and don't want, pitocin, epidural and such.
Make your Birth Wishes list organized: Break it into different sections with bullet points. Seriously the docs and nurses will love you for being so organized! Break it down to Labor, Delivery and Postpartum sections. It is easy to read and follow and it will sit in the front of your file so any nurse that comes in will see it right there in the front!
Ok next part: About labor and how it can be different from TV. You can ask to have the lights dimmed during delivery, music playing in the background, mother directed pushing so that a nurse is not counting at you. (probably won't work though if you have an epidural because you probably won't know if you are having a contraction). You can ask to labor as long as possible in the tub. For them not to ask you if you want any pain meds or suggest it unless you ask for it. There are so many different scenarios but one thing is for sure that however you have your baby, it will be exactly what needs to happen. That baby has to come out and it will come out one way or another but start planning now on how you imagine your birthing experience. Even if you are getting a c-section you can ask for certain things too or specify about skin to skin as soon as possible after the surgery. Just do your research and think about how you want your labor to be.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
January Week 4 Workout Recap
As I said yesterday, it is getting more and more difficult to find the will power and energy to drag myself out of the house and get to the gym. This past week was one of those weeks. Monday was a holiday, Tuesday we got snow. Wednesday we had ice. Thursday had a sick kid and Friday I rested. Saturday I did workout and quite proud of myself but I need to get my midweek runs in more for safety. I can not do this again or else I will injure myself!
Monday: rest
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: 3 mile in home walking DVD (16 min/mile)
Thursday: 3 mile in home walking DVD (16 min/mile)
Friday: rest
Saturday: 9 miles (15:11 min/mile pace)
Total Mileage: 15 miles
So next week I am setting the goals again. I have to, HAVE TO go to the gym to walk on Monday. I know my legs will need it and I need a walking day before a run day. This is my biggest goal, because if I go in on Monday I tend to go more during the week. And I can't get sick! NEED TO GET BETTER!
26 days until my 1/2 marathon!
Monday: rest
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: 3 mile in home walking DVD (16 min/mile)
Thursday: 3 mile in home walking DVD (16 min/mile)
Friday: rest
Saturday: 9 miles (15:11 min/mile pace)
Total Mileage: 15 miles
So next week I am setting the goals again. I have to, HAVE TO go to the gym to walk on Monday. I know my legs will need it and I need a walking day before a run day. This is my biggest goal, because if I go in on Monday I tend to go more during the week. And I can't get sick! NEED TO GET BETTER!
26 days until my 1/2 marathon!
weekly recap
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Can't Believe I Actually Did That
Most weeks I think I am CRAZY, nuts, bonkers for wanting to train and run in a half marathon while pregnant. Every week I question if I am actually able to do it as it is getting more and more difficult to find the energy and will power to get my butt to the gym to do my runs during the week. But today, I proved that I can do it.
I walk/jogged/ran 9 miles. MY FIRST 9 MILES EVER! I have done 9 miles. While 24 weeks pregnant and am still standing, (sitting while typing this though.) I survived!
Who would have ever thought that I could actually do this? I hoped I could do it and now I can say, I CAN DO THIS! I will say that the first mile was horrid. As it usually is. Body warmed up by 2.5 miles and I felt strong, and great until mile 6-7. Then I ran out of steam, no energy. I literally walked the next 3 miles to finish my run out but made sure I kept a quick pace to keep under the 16 min mile limit. But I did it, and that is the important part. I finished and kept under the 16 min mile pace restriction.
I will say that I am again suffering from a stuffy nose and didn't feel all that great today. And I was on a treadmill for the whole run.The good thing that this taught me though is that I will be fine at the half. There is going to be so much excitement and positive energy from everyone that will help fuel me, plus I will be running with my best friend who will push me to an extent, and I tend to run faster and better when out on the street so now I know, I CAN DO THIS!
I walk/jogged/ran 9 miles. MY FIRST 9 MILES EVER! I have done 9 miles. While 24 weeks pregnant and am still standing, (sitting while typing this though.) I survived!
Who would have ever thought that I could actually do this? I hoped I could do it and now I can say, I CAN DO THIS! I will say that the first mile was horrid. As it usually is. Body warmed up by 2.5 miles and I felt strong, and great until mile 6-7. Then I ran out of steam, no energy. I literally walked the next 3 miles to finish my run out but made sure I kept a quick pace to keep under the 16 min mile limit. But I did it, and that is the important part. I finished and kept under the 16 min mile pace restriction.
I will say that I am again suffering from a stuffy nose and didn't feel all that great today. And I was on a treadmill for the whole run.The good thing that this taught me though is that I will be fine at the half. There is going to be so much excitement and positive energy from everyone that will help fuel me, plus I will be running with my best friend who will push me to an extent, and I tend to run faster and better when out on the street so now I know, I CAN DO THIS!
Friday, January 24, 2014
The Bright Side
This pregnancy has been totally different than any other pregnancy I have had, in regards to the food that I am eating. When I was pregnant with Mason, the only thing I couldn't stand was milk chocolate and Subway. I could still eat at Subway but couldn't stand the smell inside so I never ate there. (nothing against Subway but something about all the meat and everything just overwhelmed my senses.)
Second pregnancy, I only knew I was pregnant for 1.5 weeks so no real changes there. Third pregnancy I ate ice cream. A LOT! It was my comfort food. I would celebrate with ice cream and have my own little pity party with it since the hubs was away. I didn't buy a whole carton of it I went to an ice cream shop and would get my butter pecan ice cream with peanuts and carmel in a waffle cone. That was my go to. (hence the reason I gained 15 lbs with the 12 week pregnancy.) I also ate out more, hubs gone and I just didn't want to deal with cooking after all the good or bad news I was getting.
Fourth pregnancy. I have a huge desire for more water at the beginning of the pregnancy, and can't really eat too much of anything else. My appetite has just diminished with this pregnancy. I am eating about a 1/3 of what I was eating prior. I just can't finish most of my food. I am finally getting that "full" feeling for like the first time in my life and it is while I am pregnant. Also, sweets aren't doing it for me this time around. Half the time I have a hard time eating sweet things, or have a little here and a little there. (except ice cream, I realized the other night that I can still down that stuff even if my "full" meter is going off. Keeping it in check though.) I am also way more conscience of what I am putting in my mouth this time around than any other pregnancy. Because I can't eat as much food I have to put the right foods in. My main priority is protein, protein, protein. When I eat a meal I really have to have protein. I crave it. If Matt gets pizza for dinner I have often had an egg on the side just to get the boost of protein. PB is a great friend of mine as are eggs. And milk. I have been craving milk so very much. My greens intake isn't so hot though except when I make green smoothies but I am taking supplements to help out with my fruit and veggie intake to make sure I am getting enough minerals in a day.
I think the lack of being able to gorge out on food and the increased in exercise has helped me maintain my pre-pregnancy weight from this pregnancy. I am still 2 lbs under what I started this pregnancy at. I still eat. And if I am hungry enough and my body will let me I can still put away a good amount of food, but it is the proper amount of food that my body needs and wants. Another cool trick. If it doesn't feel right to me I can't eat it. Couple times now I have tried to eat something and it was not what my body wanted and it was Bad, like BAD tasting to me.
Long story short. I am listening to my body. In the food dept. probably for the first time in my life and it is pretty cool realizing that I can still exercise, grow a baby and eat clean healthy foods and feel pretty good too! Thank you body of mine for being so amazing!
Second pregnancy, I only knew I was pregnant for 1.5 weeks so no real changes there. Third pregnancy I ate ice cream. A LOT! It was my comfort food. I would celebrate with ice cream and have my own little pity party with it since the hubs was away. I didn't buy a whole carton of it I went to an ice cream shop and would get my butter pecan ice cream with peanuts and carmel in a waffle cone. That was my go to. (hence the reason I gained 15 lbs with the 12 week pregnancy.) I also ate out more, hubs gone and I just didn't want to deal with cooking after all the good or bad news I was getting.
Fourth pregnancy. I have a huge desire for more water at the beginning of the pregnancy, and can't really eat too much of anything else. My appetite has just diminished with this pregnancy. I am eating about a 1/3 of what I was eating prior. I just can't finish most of my food. I am finally getting that "full" feeling for like the first time in my life and it is while I am pregnant. Also, sweets aren't doing it for me this time around. Half the time I have a hard time eating sweet things, or have a little here and a little there. (except ice cream, I realized the other night that I can still down that stuff even if my "full" meter is going off. Keeping it in check though.) I am also way more conscience of what I am putting in my mouth this time around than any other pregnancy. Because I can't eat as much food I have to put the right foods in. My main priority is protein, protein, protein. When I eat a meal I really have to have protein. I crave it. If Matt gets pizza for dinner I have often had an egg on the side just to get the boost of protein. PB is a great friend of mine as are eggs. And milk. I have been craving milk so very much. My greens intake isn't so hot though except when I make green smoothies but I am taking supplements to help out with my fruit and veggie intake to make sure I am getting enough minerals in a day.
I think the lack of being able to gorge out on food and the increased in exercise has helped me maintain my pre-pregnancy weight from this pregnancy. I am still 2 lbs under what I started this pregnancy at. I still eat. And if I am hungry enough and my body will let me I can still put away a good amount of food, but it is the proper amount of food that my body needs and wants. Another cool trick. If it doesn't feel right to me I can't eat it. Couple times now I have tried to eat something and it was not what my body wanted and it was Bad, like BAD tasting to me.
Long story short. I am listening to my body. In the food dept. probably for the first time in my life and it is pretty cool realizing that I can still exercise, grow a baby and eat clean healthy foods and feel pretty good too! Thank you body of mine for being so amazing!
daily lives,
Good eats,
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Guest Blogger
I wrote a guest post on a fellow bloggers page and it is being featured today! Check it out here!
Be sure to check out all of Katie's blog as she has a TON of awesome posts to read up on and an amazing business. She makes running/exercise headbands in super cute designs!
Thanks Katie for letting me post!
Be sure to check out all of Katie's blog as she has a TON of awesome posts to read up on and an amazing business. She makes running/exercise headbands in super cute designs!
Thanks Katie for letting me post!
MIA? Not Really
I know I have been MIA but this week has been a fun week for us in the Allen household. Monday was a federal holiday, which my hubs gets off, so family day for us. Then with the snow he had a half day Tuesday, yesterday and TODAY! CRAZY HUH! This central VA area just freaks out with snow and such, but the ice has been pretty bad too so I understand, and I kind of like the extra family we are getting so I haven't blogged because my schedule has been off and we have been having some fun together.
Monday Matt and I were able to go on a DATE! We try to go on one every month. We both need some time away from the kid. We went to one of our fav resurants here in town, Kabob Palace. It is an Afghan food restaurant. It is so yummy and clean tasting! And it is the only time my hubs will eat butternut squash and a salad! They have an appetizer that is called a Bolanee Kadu and it is a turnover filled with butter nut squash, onions and special seasonings served with a garlic yogurt dipping sauce. TO DIE FOR! If you have an Afghan style food restaurant look for this and try it! SO GOOD! Then they have such yummy kabobs and supper yummy brown rice and fresh from scratch made nan bread! I love that place!
Tuesday was the snow day. It finally started to come down around 10am. We didn't get too much but that night it iced completely over!
Wednesday, fun Wednesday we took Mace out to play in the snow. It was about 11 degrees out and felt like 4 per weather.com. Mason's gloves were too small so he went out without. (later my mom suggested putting socks on his hands, why didn't I think of that!) I got Mason all layered up even in his snow bibs we got at a consignment sale last fall. Mason had fun at first, following Matt around. Archer was the first to bail, his poor paws were cold. Mason liked to touch the white stuff and called it pretty but then his hands to cold. After about 10 minutes he freaked out and went to Daddy to go back inside. While inside it took about 15 minutes to calm him down from being scared not understanding what was happening to his hands and why they were so cold. Again Daddy to the rescue which is a first in this house! The rest of the day, we stayed nice and warm inside. I haven't been to the gym, due to schedules being off. And planned on going today, but as I was writing this out, Mason came upstairs to me and puked. LOVELY! Today is going to be an at home walking day it looks like. Did it yesterday too because I have to get my miles in this week. 9 miles to do on SAT!
Sorry for being MIA but loving the family time!
QOTD: How do you do exercise when the weather is freight full?
~After all the excitement in the snow we stayed inside. Learned my kid has one heck of a kicking ability!~
Sunday, January 19, 2014
January Week 3 Workout Recap
This week was a slow week for me. Literally. I walked all week. Didn't make it to the gym on Monday. Tuesday we had another 2 year old visiting us all day while his mommy was having her 2nd baby, so no gym. But when I did go, I just couldn't get that groove to run. I don't know what happened this week. I tried but it was like trying to fight my body too much, so I walked. I was get really strong round ligament pulling pain and it affected my speed of the walking. This week I will see if it continues, but I might have to get a support belt to help me out if this continues. Yesterday in my 4 mile walk, I got 3-4 braxton hicks contractions along with round ligament pain. But I am pretty sure yesterdays icky feeling was due to a lack of water the day before and day of.
Monday: rest
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: 2 miles walk (18 min/mile)
Thursday: 1 mile walk (16:30 min/mile), prenatal yoga
Friday: rest
Saturday: 4 miles walk (was supposed to do 5 ARGH!) (17:15 min/mile)
This coming week is a big mileage long run on Saturday so I have to do way more, and get my groove back!
Each walk was way over the min I need for the half marathon. I know I will have to do lots of spurts of running with my walking for the half. I know I can do it! 5 weeks left until my race, then I can back off on the mileage! BUT I CAN DO THIS!
Any tips or advice to push through a burnout week?
Monday: rest
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: 2 miles walk (18 min/mile)
Thursday: 1 mile walk (16:30 min/mile), prenatal yoga
Friday: rest
Saturday: 4 miles walk (was supposed to do 5 ARGH!) (17:15 min/mile)
This coming week is a big mileage long run on Saturday so I have to do way more, and get my groove back!
Each walk was way over the min I need for the half marathon. I know I will have to do lots of spurts of running with my walking for the half. I know I can do it! 5 weeks left until my race, then I can back off on the mileage! BUT I CAN DO THIS!
Any tips or advice to push through a burnout week?
daily lives,
weekly recap
Friday, January 17, 2014
4 Tips to Staying Active As A Fit Mom To Be
I have just over 5 weeks until my first 1/2 marathon! I AM GETTING SO VERY EXCITED! This weekend is the Tinkerbell half Marathon at Disneyland. My friend Kat and I almost signed up for it but decided against and and to try it another year. I could have been running a 1/2 marathon this weekend! EEK! That is kind of scary. But my training for the Princess Half is coming along quite nicely!
Yesterday in prenatal yoga I mentioned that I only have about 5 weeks until the race and all the women's jaws dropped with the fact that I am still running, let alone training for a 1/2 while pregnant. I also saw my doc yesterday for my monthly checkup and he was very proud of me for my training, and my lack of weight gain. My blood pressure is better than average, my weight per his records has only gone up 4 lbs and that is because I lost so much and I am slowly gaining it back, still 2 lbs under what I was when I got pregnant by the way. Baby sounds great, and looks great per the ultrasound. He said, this is how pregnancy should be. Continuing what you were doing before and having fun with it.
So as a momma to be my question to you is, how can we continue to exercise and be fit when we don't feel so fit, or in the beginning really like doing anything at all? It is hard. I tell this all the women I talk to. It is hard to get that motivation to go running most days, even now at 23 weeks. I still would rather just lounge on the couch or in my bed staying nice and warm and comfy than go to the gym and exercise. But exercising while pregnant is pretty cool. I am still getting tons of looks at the gym when I am running, because I look pregnant now and it is just not common to see a pregnant lady running. (plus the older generation were told not to run at all or had specific rules which have since changed but they might not know about those changes) I also get a lot of "good job!, great workout" too which is pretty cool because I look pregnant and I am still working my body! But I feel so empowered and I know I am doing something good for my body and for my baby. And he likes the bouncy ride too. Here are some tips to help you get back into exercising while pregnant even if you are just newly pregnant or if you are 38 weeks and are going to do some serious walking to get that baby out!
Start small-
If you haven't exercised in months or years or ever. Do not go to the gym and decide to start walking/running 4 miles in one day. You might feel great after you finish but your legs and feet will be barking at you tomorrow. YOU MUST START SMALL! Make it more of a time thing than distance. Don't go too fast, maybe just a little faster than you would normally walk so that you are doing something different. Start with 30 min at a 3.2-3.5. If you feel yourself struggling to keep up with that speed, slow down. If you sign up for a class for the first time, stand in the back or to the side, and take it easy. Allow yourself 2-3 classes to learn the moves and get the groove of things. Also look for shorter timed classes as taking an hour step class is a very long class, or choose a machine that lets you look in on the class to get a sense of what they do.
Pain vs Soreness-
Know the difference between being sore and having pain. Yes, after your first exercise like the day after, you will be sore. It is ok. You feet will ache, your muscles in your legs will be tight and won't really let you walk all that much, or if you lift for the first time ever you might have a hard time lifting your arms up to brush your hair or teeth. Been there. Felt that. Biggest thing go walk again that day. It will help get the soreness out by moving the lactic acid around and getting it out of your system. That is what makes you sore. The lactic acid being released from your muscles, oh and the little micro tears but they are ok too. But go walk it off. It will feel better. I promise. Pain is different on the other hand. Right now my feet are sore after I do my long runs. But if my knee really hurts than that is cause for concern. Usually muscles are sore. Joints are pain. Think about that in your sore/pain assessment after you exercise. If you have pain, ice it and take a day or 2 off to let it heal and try to think about what you did to make that pain, don't do it again. Maybe you stepped wrong in the step class, or your knee didn't like the 4 miles you did because it wasn't conditioned to do it. Think about what you did and try not to repeat it again for awhile.
This is the biggest thing. After you exercise you must stretch. No before. Don't stretch before. After! Take some time, a good 15 min really to get a really good stretch. Stretch your whole body. It will feel good. I am having a hard time stretching right now because some of my favorite stretches I can't do anymore because of my belly. IT Stretch. I miss you! But I still do the old fashion sit on the floor and stretch my hamstrings. If I really need a good stretch then I also have my foam roller which is a great device to help move that lactic acid around. But take the time. Even if you walk, stretch out and don't forget to get your upper body too. Your shoulders were working, your arms were working, stretch them out too. Show them the love!
Water. You must drink water before, during and after you exercise. It is really important again to stay hydrated. If you feel thirsty than you should have already drank something! So drink and drink a little more. Try not to drink too much water while exercising so you don't get that sloshing feeling or puky feeling, that is why drink before. After you exercise it is important to drink because it helps to flush that nasty lactic acid out of your system. Drink a glass of water before the gym drink during and then drink another glass after the gym and during the rest of the day. WATER is the key too. No fruit juices, or sugar drinks. WATER. We are made up of 80% of the stuff it is the stuff we should be drinking!
In all honestly these are things that we already know. I am not a fitness expert or a doctor but we have heard these rules a thousand times. These are the things I follow too. Last summer I started small with the running and now I am up to 7.5 miles. Progress is a great thing! We need to be reminded of them every now and then. I was last night at a church activity and that is why I wanted to write about it today. We all need a reminder.
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!
Yesterday in prenatal yoga I mentioned that I only have about 5 weeks until the race and all the women's jaws dropped with the fact that I am still running, let alone training for a 1/2 while pregnant. I also saw my doc yesterday for my monthly checkup and he was very proud of me for my training, and my lack of weight gain. My blood pressure is better than average, my weight per his records has only gone up 4 lbs and that is because I lost so much and I am slowly gaining it back, still 2 lbs under what I was when I got pregnant by the way. Baby sounds great, and looks great per the ultrasound. He said, this is how pregnancy should be. Continuing what you were doing before and having fun with it.
So as a momma to be my question to you is, how can we continue to exercise and be fit when we don't feel so fit, or in the beginning really like doing anything at all? It is hard. I tell this all the women I talk to. It is hard to get that motivation to go running most days, even now at 23 weeks. I still would rather just lounge on the couch or in my bed staying nice and warm and comfy than go to the gym and exercise. But exercising while pregnant is pretty cool. I am still getting tons of looks at the gym when I am running, because I look pregnant now and it is just not common to see a pregnant lady running. (plus the older generation were told not to run at all or had specific rules which have since changed but they might not know about those changes) I also get a lot of "good job!, great workout" too which is pretty cool because I look pregnant and I am still working my body! But I feel so empowered and I know I am doing something good for my body and for my baby. And he likes the bouncy ride too. Here are some tips to help you get back into exercising while pregnant even if you are just newly pregnant or if you are 38 weeks and are going to do some serious walking to get that baby out!
Start small-
If you haven't exercised in months or years or ever. Do not go to the gym and decide to start walking/running 4 miles in one day. You might feel great after you finish but your legs and feet will be barking at you tomorrow. YOU MUST START SMALL! Make it more of a time thing than distance. Don't go too fast, maybe just a little faster than you would normally walk so that you are doing something different. Start with 30 min at a 3.2-3.5. If you feel yourself struggling to keep up with that speed, slow down. If you sign up for a class for the first time, stand in the back or to the side, and take it easy. Allow yourself 2-3 classes to learn the moves and get the groove of things. Also look for shorter timed classes as taking an hour step class is a very long class, or choose a machine that lets you look in on the class to get a sense of what they do.
Pain vs Soreness-
Know the difference between being sore and having pain. Yes, after your first exercise like the day after, you will be sore. It is ok. You feet will ache, your muscles in your legs will be tight and won't really let you walk all that much, or if you lift for the first time ever you might have a hard time lifting your arms up to brush your hair or teeth. Been there. Felt that. Biggest thing go walk again that day. It will help get the soreness out by moving the lactic acid around and getting it out of your system. That is what makes you sore. The lactic acid being released from your muscles, oh and the little micro tears but they are ok too. But go walk it off. It will feel better. I promise. Pain is different on the other hand. Right now my feet are sore after I do my long runs. But if my knee really hurts than that is cause for concern. Usually muscles are sore. Joints are pain. Think about that in your sore/pain assessment after you exercise. If you have pain, ice it and take a day or 2 off to let it heal and try to think about what you did to make that pain, don't do it again. Maybe you stepped wrong in the step class, or your knee didn't like the 4 miles you did because it wasn't conditioned to do it. Think about what you did and try not to repeat it again for awhile.
This is the biggest thing. After you exercise you must stretch. No before. Don't stretch before. After! Take some time, a good 15 min really to get a really good stretch. Stretch your whole body. It will feel good. I am having a hard time stretching right now because some of my favorite stretches I can't do anymore because of my belly. IT Stretch. I miss you! But I still do the old fashion sit on the floor and stretch my hamstrings. If I really need a good stretch then I also have my foam roller which is a great device to help move that lactic acid around. But take the time. Even if you walk, stretch out and don't forget to get your upper body too. Your shoulders were working, your arms were working, stretch them out too. Show them the love!
Water. You must drink water before, during and after you exercise. It is really important again to stay hydrated. If you feel thirsty than you should have already drank something! So drink and drink a little more. Try not to drink too much water while exercising so you don't get that sloshing feeling or puky feeling, that is why drink before. After you exercise it is important to drink because it helps to flush that nasty lactic acid out of your system. Drink a glass of water before the gym drink during and then drink another glass after the gym and during the rest of the day. WATER is the key too. No fruit juices, or sugar drinks. WATER. We are made up of 80% of the stuff it is the stuff we should be drinking!
In all honestly these are things that we already know. I am not a fitness expert or a doctor but we have heard these rules a thousand times. These are the things I follow too. Last summer I started small with the running and now I am up to 7.5 miles. Progress is a great thing! We need to be reminded of them every now and then. I was last night at a church activity and that is why I wanted to write about it today. We all need a reminder.
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
We are so excited to be welcoming another boy to our family. It will be easy right? I already have clothing thanks to Mace. I already have a ton of boy toys and things that we knew we would use for multiple babies, like the car seat, pack n play, crib, high chair, were all gender neutral so I was good at prepping for that.
Now, to paint Mason's new big boy room and get his new bed and bedding and that room all ready. Also to convert the toddler bed/crib back to a baby crib and put the cute bumper on and all the decorations. If I am feeling ambitious maybe I will paint the baby's room too. ( we still haven't painted anything in the house.) Go through clothing, sort. Go through all the baby gear. Get a swing, and an Ergo Baby carrier. Let the fun begin!
Oh, and a name, Yeah we have that too. His name will be Collin. We are so excited for him to join our family around 17 weeks and 1 day, give or take a few days, from now!
Now, to paint Mason's new big boy room and get his new bed and bedding and that room all ready. Also to convert the toddler bed/crib back to a baby crib and put the cute bumper on and all the decorations. If I am feeling ambitious maybe I will paint the baby's room too. ( we still haven't painted anything in the house.) Go through clothing, sort. Go through all the baby gear. Get a swing, and an Ergo Baby carrier. Let the fun begin!
Oh, and a name, Yeah we have that too. His name will be Collin. We are so excited for him to join our family around 17 weeks and 1 day, give or take a few days, from now!
Monday, January 13, 2014
Prepping for Labor- Positions
First off, we find out today if we are having a BOY or a GIRL! Any guesses? I will post tomorrow what the results were or if you check FB it might be on there prior to tomorrows post. But family finds out first! Now on to the post!
The biggest thing about prepping for labor is that all it is, is prepping for what could actually happen during labor. You won't know what happens or what to do until you are going through it. It is best to always be prepared for whatever happens. This blog post today is on different laboring positions (not birthing positions, those are different) you can use to help ease the discomfort of laboring.
What I thought prior to going through labor with Mason. That laboring positions will make labor easier and will take away the pain. HECK NO I TELL YOU! I was actually shocked when going through labor that the positions didn't do a ton to help me get through the contractions itself. The positions are the best possible way to help your baby to engage their head in the right place and eventually come down the birth cannel. But they don't take away the discomfort at all for you. If anything, they keep you busy to get your mind off of what you are going through. I am telling it like it is. If you felt laboring positions helped take the pain away, great for you, please let me know what you did so that I can try it this time around! PLEASE! They didn't for me and I was shocked by it. I felt lied to and misled. Frustrated. But alas I got though it anyhow.
Here are a couple to get you occupied and busy but be sure to practice them before so that you know how to get into those positions when the D day comes!
1. The birthing ball. Great for opening up the hips and rocking on. Need to lean on you partner or the bed or a chair though when a contraction happens because I found I tended to lean forward and double over when I had a contraction. I also almost went flying off the ball at one point in-between contractions trying to get more comfortable. Have someone be your safety on that thing. It is a ball and will roll out from under you. I didn't spend too much time on this see #2.
2. The toilet. Sorry mom if you are reading this. Yes the toilet. It was my fav place until the tub became available. It wasn't as big and round and moveable as the ball was. They had broke my water too so it came in handy for that too. But it was the best place to labor. Surprising, I have found a ton of women that preferred to labor on the toilet because it was just easier. There is even a birthing stool that looks like a toilet a little bit. It is the perfect size and we all know we fit on it.
3. Leaning over in the tub. Once the tub was available I would lay back in-between contractions but when I felt a contraction start I went to the edge of the tub, kneeled down and leaned over the edge. This is where I stayed for most of the labor. Probably 2 hours. Best labor position for me personally. Bad thing though, have a towel under your knees for comfort. Also under your feet. I kept complaining about the top of my feet hurting a ton. And that is because I was kneeling and there was nothing softening the weight of my feet. Lesson learned. This time around towel under knees and another under the feet. And lots of deep breathing.
4. Squatting. Practice this now! Get your legs used to a deep squat. Frog style squat. Have your hubs sit on the couch behind you and you frog squat in front so that they can be your safety and hold you and keep you from falling over. My hips kept cramping in this because it almost opened them too much but it is great for opening the hips us and forcing the baby down because gravity is pulling them that way.
5. In the bed. I put the back of the bed all the way up and leaned over the back and my bare naked butt was exposed to all who entered. I probably blinded them because it is so white. Ah the joys of being a red head. It is the same position I had in the tub but on the bed. My knees and feet were comfy though. Also on all 4 is another one that I have heard is really nice. I didn't do this one, it just didn't work for me. Like I said I liked to double over and breath super deeply. That is what worked for me.
There are a few more and I will get to them another time. I have found that these pregnancy posts have been very popular. Is there anything you want me to talk about? Just leave a comment or shoot me an email!
Sunday, January 12, 2014
To all the finishers of the WDW Marathon weekend! Today was the Full marathon and final race to the 4 day race extravaganza! And also CONGRATS to those who completed the Dopey Challenge! 5,000 people participated in the Dopey challenge. Maybe in 2016 I will try the Goofy challenge first (half and whole marathon) then the next challenge would be the Dopey. That is a long time away and a lot of running until that point. I must learn to run faster, comfortably!
January Week 2 Workout Recap
Another week done in January, another week I feel I did pretty well with the exercise front. Monday I did take the day off. I have been getting these head splitting migraines and I had one that happened the morning of Monday. Usually they had been occurring in the middle of the night and I can try and sleep it off, but Monday, I had to teach and take care of the kid. Matt came home early from work to watch Mace so I could sleep. But man these migraines are awful. I have never felt my head hurt so badly. It feels like my right eye is being pushed out of the socket and just argh! it hurts! Wednesday, I was watching a friends kid while she was being monitored in the hospital in the labor and delivery dept. she didn't have the baby but she had to have some other things checked out. Here is how I did this week:
Sunday: rest
Monday: rest
Tuesday: 3.5 miles run/walk (14:51 min/mile)
Wednesday: rest
Thursday: 2 mile run/walk (14:50 min/mile)
Friday: 2 mile walk (15:45 min mile)
Saturday: 7.5 miles run/walk (14:47 min/mile)
Total Mileage: 15 miles
Staying in my goal at staying under 15 min miles on my run walk days even though I am just under it but I'm still under. 22 weeks pregnant this week. I am still having Braxton Hicks contractions when I am exercising. Mostly notice them when I am in a walking stint. I also started to notice that I am getting round ligament stretching pain in my lower abs. It diminishes around 1.5 miles but the first 1.5 miles it is pretty noticeable and I am just taking it easy when it gets too much pulling sensation. I am listening to my body. It is just adjusting to my belly which is getting bigger and bigger every week!
Sunday: rest
Monday: rest
Tuesday: 3.5 miles run/walk (14:51 min/mile)
Wednesday: rest
Thursday: 2 mile run/walk (14:50 min/mile)
Friday: 2 mile walk (15:45 min mile)
Saturday: 7.5 miles run/walk (14:47 min/mile)
Total Mileage: 15 miles
Staying in my goal at staying under 15 min miles on my run walk days even though I am just under it but I'm still under. 22 weeks pregnant this week. I am still having Braxton Hicks contractions when I am exercising. Mostly notice them when I am in a walking stint. I also started to notice that I am getting round ligament stretching pain in my lower abs. It diminishes around 1.5 miles but the first 1.5 miles it is pretty noticeable and I am just taking it easy when it gets too much pulling sensation. I am listening to my body. It is just adjusting to my belly which is getting bigger and bigger every week!
Friday, January 10, 2014
Yesterday I had a Kick in Energy!
I haven't had a kick of energy like I did yesterday in a very long time. I seriously had no downtime whatsoever and it was pretty cool, however I was dog tired by the time we got home last night. But I didn't need a nap during the day I just kept going, going, going. Who knows when I will have another day like that. Here is what I did:
8am-Kid woke me up
9- breakfast with said kid
fed the dog, took out dog, stepped in dog pee on the stairs, ew!
9:45- started 1st load of laundry, vacuumed downstairs, cleaned Mason's room, with his help and vacuumed his room and upstairs hallway.
10:30- cleaned the kitchen, unloaded dish washer, switched out the Christmas plates for the everyday plates.
11- get kid dressed, snacks packed for gym. get me dressed for gym. move laundry from washer to dryer and start load #2.
11:15- out the door to go to gym
11:30- drop kid off at the daycare at the gym and went and did my 2 mile run
1:45- pick up kid and run home asap
2:05-arrive home, eat lunch
2:15-try to coupon as fast as possible
2:35- Matt arrive home, I run upstairs to change out of workout clothes and get dressed
2:45- leave house
3:15- Me and Mace arrive at chiropractor office for adjustment
3:30-hour massage- AHHHH! SO NICE!
4:50- arrive at Kroger to shop
5:55- eat dinner at Chic-fil-a
6:30-Arrive at target to get last minute things and cheaper priced items
7:30- arrive home, put all the groceries away
7:50-change kid into jammie and get him into bed
8:05-sort laundry #1 and move laundry #2 from wash to dryer
8:20- I can rest, finally, oops have to make the hubs lunch for tomorrow, then rest!
I felt go, go, go all day long. Yes there were some things for me to relax and unwind but I still felt rushed even in yoga. It just went by too quickly!
Hoping for an eventful day tomorrow to, but I am packed with teaching tomorrow. It is good to be blessed with students!
QOTD: Do you get days where you have no idea where your energy came from and look back at all you accomplished in the day?
8am-Kid woke me up
9- breakfast with said kid
fed the dog, took out dog, stepped in dog pee on the stairs, ew!
9:45- started 1st load of laundry, vacuumed downstairs, cleaned Mason's room, with his help and vacuumed his room and upstairs hallway.
10:30- cleaned the kitchen, unloaded dish washer, switched out the Christmas plates for the everyday plates.
11- get kid dressed, snacks packed for gym. get me dressed for gym. move laundry from washer to dryer and start load #2.
11:15- out the door to go to gym
11:30- drop kid off at the daycare at the gym and went and did my 2 mile run
1:45- pick up kid and run home asap
2:05-arrive home, eat lunch
2:15-try to coupon as fast as possible
2:35- Matt arrive home, I run upstairs to change out of workout clothes and get dressed
2:45- leave house
3:15- Me and Mace arrive at chiropractor office for adjustment
3:30-hour massage- AHHHH! SO NICE!
4:50- arrive at Kroger to shop
5:55- eat dinner at Chic-fil-a
6:30-Arrive at target to get last minute things and cheaper priced items
7:30- arrive home, put all the groceries away
7:50-change kid into jammie and get him into bed
8:05-sort laundry #1 and move laundry #2 from wash to dryer
8:20- I can rest, finally, oops have to make the hubs lunch for tomorrow, then rest!
I felt go, go, go all day long. Yes there were some things for me to relax and unwind but I still felt rushed even in yoga. It just went by too quickly!
Hoping for an eventful day tomorrow to, but I am packed with teaching tomorrow. It is good to be blessed with students!
QOTD: Do you get days where you have no idea where your energy came from and look back at all you accomplished in the day?
daily lives,
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Disney World Marathon Weekend
I am loving reading about all the people running in in the Disney Marathon Weekend in Orlando that starts TODAY! The 1st race of many began early this morning. The 5k. I have 6 weeks until my 1st Disney race and I am trying to learn as much as possible about the Disney races to be as prepared as possible. So this year they introduced the Dopey challenge because people are just crazy! Originally if you ran the 1/2 marathon and the full marathon you got the Goofy medal cause you were CRAZY! There is 1 race per day so that it is not all in one day! This year here are all the races for the Dopey challenge:
5k (3.1 miles)
10k (6.2 miles)
1/2 Marathon (13.1 miles)
Full Marathon (26.2 miles)
48.6 miles total
Oh my! That is just plain CRAZY amounts of mileage! Do I want to do it someday? HECK YEAH! First of all can you imagine the amount of calories you burn running that many days plus if these people go to the park too? I think I would be sleeping as much as possible. Each day is the new race ending with the full marathon on Sunday! But the people that do complete the Dopey challenge are going to walk away with some serious Disney Bling! 6 medals total. The 5k medal, 10k medal, 1/2 marathon medal, Full marathon medal, Goofy Medal for doing 1/2 and full and the Dopey medal for doing all the races. Someday I will run the Disney marathon, that was the race that started it all. The medal I wanted when I saw it in Runner's World magazine. That is what peaked my interest in running! Someday I will run this race, but I might just start with the Goofy first cause nearly 50 miles in 4 days, that is SCARY! But sounds fun too!
Big shout out to my friends running in the Disney marathon Weekend! GO SARG T! (one of my pink ladies leaders.) Heather M. from Through Heather's Looking Glass and all the others that are running. Stay safe, hydrate and rest!
QOTD: Would you ever run in the Dopey challenge?
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Oh Man!
I think this is the coldest outside I have ever felt in my life!!! currently in central VA at 9:44 am it is 5 degrees outside with a wind chill/feels like -6 degrees! THAT IS CRAZY COLD!
Everyone stay safe and warm if you venture out. As far as running outside. BUNDLE UP or go run inside at a gym. I have a friend here that has been waiting for the last few hours to go for a run outside and decided since the temp hasn't gone up at all just to do stair work in her house instead of hill pickups.
Me personally I will be running at my gym in another hour or so. I have a good solid 3.5 mile run. YEA!
And yes, all my AZ friends your 44 degree morning is quite nice compared to my frigid weather! You are lucky. Enjoy the outside weather and go run outside for me, please!
QOTD: Are you running inside or outside today?
Everyone stay safe and warm if you venture out. As far as running outside. BUNDLE UP or go run inside at a gym. I have a friend here that has been waiting for the last few hours to go for a run outside and decided since the temp hasn't gone up at all just to do stair work in her house instead of hill pickups.
Me personally I will be running at my gym in another hour or so. I have a good solid 3.5 mile run. YEA!
And yes, all my AZ friends your 44 degree morning is quite nice compared to my frigid weather! You are lucky. Enjoy the outside weather and go run outside for me, please!
QOTD: Are you running inside or outside today?
Monday, January 6, 2014
Homemade Green Smoothies Recipes
Mason loves to eat! He really does. He is in that phase where he wants to help me make things when I am making dinner and such. Just this morning he ate 1 egg, 1/2 c oatmeal with wheatgerm, 1/2 glass milk and still wanted more. So he got some GF Chex cereal to fill him out.
Mason loves fruit! He loves all fruit and his first favorite fruit were blueberries. He would eat them by the pint. Veggies, not so much! He despises them. He won't even eat carrots. After Mason was born my doula had me try one of her green smoothies that she made. It was yummy and didn't taste too vegetable like. So when Mason got old enough every now and then I make green smoothies for us. (Matt even likes them and he hates veggies too!) They are pretty easy. You need a good blender. i have had a, Kitchen Aid. It has a liquify setting on it so it really breaks down the pieces. But other people recommend the Vitamix or the Blendtec which is what I am currently usingBut if you check them out they are pretty pricey! They are great and if we had that kind of money to spend we would have gotten one of them. Green smoothies are easy. Here is my go to easy and generally low cost. Because we are still buying fresh fruit and veggies which can get pricey.
Spinach and Apple Green Smoothie:
1 whole apple quartered
a few baby carrots
1-2 handfuls of spinach
1/2 banana
splash of lime juice or lemon juice
splash of prune juice
1/4-1/2 cup water (depending on how thick or thin you want the drink.)
Blend together until all smooth and drinkable.
Want fun colors. Add some strawberries or blueberries to the blender and it won't be green anymore!
Tropical Green Smoothie:
1/4 cup frozen mangos
1/4 frozen pineapple
2 Tablespoons coconut
1/2 banana
1-2 Handfuls of spinach
splash lime juice
water to thin
Veggieful Green Smoothie:
Handful Kale
Handful Spinach
1/2 an avocado
fingergip grab of cilantro
1/2 banana or apple
water to thin
In all honesty you can really add whatever you want to these things and they generally taste great. If it is too veggie tasting add more fruit. We are more fruit based now because that is how the kid will drink it. We have gone mostly veggies with a little fruit. About 80:20 ratio. But we probably do 60% fruit and 40% veggies. Let me know what you think if you try them!
Also check out Green Smoothie Girl she has a book available with tons of recipes. Or sign up for her newsletter and get some recipes that way along with some healthy advice on eating!
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here to join my private online community where you get info, tips, support and encouragement + a free gift with tips to help you get started with the right mindset for healthier nutrition choices TODAY!
daily lives,
Good eats,
Sunday, January 5, 2014
January Week 1 Workout Recap
This week with New Years threw me off my normal schedule. And I just didn't want to work out on Tuesday or Wednesday. Oh, and I did get puked on early in the week so Mace really shouldn't have gone to the daycare anyhow! But I did do some workouts, just not as much running, running as I should have done.
Oh and it is the beginning of the year which means increased gym attendance and restricted time on the treadmill. The gym has a 30 minute limit on the machines so I have to watch to see how many machines are taken up to see if I can stay on or move to another machine.
Monday: 3.5 mile walk- 15:43 pace
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: rest
Thursday: 1/2 mile walk- 16:00 pace. 1 hour prenatal yoga
Friday: rest
Saturday: 4 mile walk- 16:15 pace
My goal for this next week is to run on Tuesday and Thursday as my training runs and Saturday is my LONG run of 7.5-8 miles. WOW! Longest yet! Monday and Friday will be walking days again and I will continue to do my prenatal yoga on Thursdays! 7 weeks! ONLY 7 more weeks until my 1/2 marathon!
Oh and it is the beginning of the year which means increased gym attendance and restricted time on the treadmill. The gym has a 30 minute limit on the machines so I have to watch to see how many machines are taken up to see if I can stay on or move to another machine.
Monday: 3.5 mile walk- 15:43 pace
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: rest
Thursday: 1/2 mile walk- 16:00 pace. 1 hour prenatal yoga
Friday: rest
Saturday: 4 mile walk- 16:15 pace
My goal for this next week is to run on Tuesday and Thursday as my training runs and Saturday is my LONG run of 7.5-8 miles. WOW! Longest yet! Monday and Friday will be walking days again and I will continue to do my prenatal yoga on Thursdays! 7 weeks! ONLY 7 more weeks until my 1/2 marathon!
weekly recap
Saturday, January 4, 2014
52 Week Savings Challenge
This year the hubs and I want to be ahead of the game at the end of the year. We have been taking about how can we have savings for family pictures, Christmas or even a vacation for next year. (yes next year as the trip to FL for the Princess Half is our big trip this year.) This 52 week Challenge program is floating around on Facebook and I thought it was worth trying out.
(click on the pictures to see a larger view)
But for us, paying $200 a month by December didn't really work. December we have real estate and personal property taxes, and our HOA due. So that much for December alone would really hurt us and we probably wouldn't be able to complete the challenge. So I came up with a new one, same money amounts and all but it is just spread out throughout the year. So, if you could save $1378 in one year, would you do it? Also don't feel like you have to do the entire 52 weeks version. Just do $1-$26 and then repeat or on the 2nd half of the year go $26-$1 so again, your December is super easy to handle. You will still be saving more money than you might be saving now! It is worth a try, right? I will post an update half way through the year to see if this is actually working or not. And let me know how it is going for you too!
QOTD: Which version would you try if you did the 52 week challenge? Or would you come up with one on your own to fit your families needs?
daily lives,
Friday, January 3, 2014
My New Threads!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my new Running For Two shirt by For Two Fitness in Spring that Santa brought me for Christmas. I have worn it twice now. One to a long run and yesterday to yoga to show off to all the other Momma's.
I have gotten so many compliments on it. On my long run a ton of people were like, "WOW! WAY TO GO MOMMA!" "Cute" and of course lots and lots of Awe's! The color is perfect for me. The spring color is a Kelly Green color and is perfect to bring out my red hair and of course red face from running but that is ok.
I love the fit! IT IS AWESOME! Yesterday during yoga I never had to adjust my shirt down. It is plenty long enough to cover my belly and there is still a ton of room left for me to grow. The fabric is super soft and I never had any chaffing from the hem. It fits and feels so nice!
All you fit momma's out there, this is definitely a piece of clothing I suggest you invest in. It will last through your whole pregnancy and it also answers that question, is she pregnant or not? People know I am pregnant when I am wearing the shirt. I LOVE IT!
~After yoga yesterday!~
Thursday, January 2, 2014
4 Months Pregnant
Yesterday I have finally hit 21 weeks pregnant! YEA! Less than 20 weeks left until we meet our little guy or girl! Yep we still don't know and we should be finding out on the 13th!
What's up with baby? Per What To Expect.com at 16 weeks the baby is as big as an onion weighing at 3.5 ounces. At 20 weeks as big as a large banana weighing 11 ounces. Also as of 16 weeks the baby can start to hear sounds from outside the uterus. So baby will be hearing the piano lessons and definitely be hearing my horn playing! By 20 weeks the baby is practicing for life outside the womb. It is practicing swallowing, and can taste the difference in the amniotic fluid as that changes from what I eat on a day to day basis.
It feels like the whole last month I was sick. I had bronchitis for the first 2 weeks and a pesky cold for the last 2 weeks. When I was pregnant with Mason, I never got sick once! NOT ONCE! This kid, an entire month. Exercise took a backseat for me to get better. When I was feeling good I did run/walk.
I also got a new running schedule to get my mileage up to prepare me for the half marathon at the end of Feb. I just need to stay healthy and well so that I can do my long runs on the weekends and the shorter runs in the week!
I am still getting Braxton hicks contractions when I exercise. I think it will be a constant for me up until I deliver. I only get 1 though that I can feel where with Mason I would get 2-3 in a 45 minute window.
I noticed that this baby is sitting lower in my belly than Mason did. I do have to use the bathroom more frequently that I had hoped I would have to at this point. And often have to use the bathroom when walking/running. I'm still napping/resting during the middle of the day to keep my energy up for the later end of the day.
I did start listening to my HypnoBirthing CD's in week 20. I have been listening to them for my afternoon rest/nap. Weird/exciting experience: I got flashes of my labor with Mason that I don't remember. I realized how much my Doula helped me, and I am surprised that she didn't pass out from all the breathing she did to help me. I also remember emotional feelings from the labor and birth. It kind of surprised me. I was crying when I woke up. Very powerful emotions!
That is about it. My belly is still about 4-5 weeks bigger now than I was at this point with Mason. I am still down 3-4 lbs from my starting weight. Slowly my weight is going up but again, I am trying my darndest to keep it as low as possible! Also, check out my new tab at the top for pregnancy related blog posts, including my monthly updates!
What's up with baby? Per What To Expect.com at 16 weeks the baby is as big as an onion weighing at 3.5 ounces. At 20 weeks as big as a large banana weighing 11 ounces. Also as of 16 weeks the baby can start to hear sounds from outside the uterus. So baby will be hearing the piano lessons and definitely be hearing my horn playing! By 20 weeks the baby is practicing for life outside the womb. It is practicing swallowing, and can taste the difference in the amniotic fluid as that changes from what I eat on a day to day basis.
It feels like the whole last month I was sick. I had bronchitis for the first 2 weeks and a pesky cold for the last 2 weeks. When I was pregnant with Mason, I never got sick once! NOT ONCE! This kid, an entire month. Exercise took a backseat for me to get better. When I was feeling good I did run/walk.
I also got a new running schedule to get my mileage up to prepare me for the half marathon at the end of Feb. I just need to stay healthy and well so that I can do my long runs on the weekends and the shorter runs in the week!
I am still getting Braxton hicks contractions when I exercise. I think it will be a constant for me up until I deliver. I only get 1 though that I can feel where with Mason I would get 2-3 in a 45 minute window.
I noticed that this baby is sitting lower in my belly than Mason did. I do have to use the bathroom more frequently that I had hoped I would have to at this point. And often have to use the bathroom when walking/running. I'm still napping/resting during the middle of the day to keep my energy up for the later end of the day.
I did start listening to my HypnoBirthing CD's in week 20. I have been listening to them for my afternoon rest/nap. Weird/exciting experience: I got flashes of my labor with Mason that I don't remember. I realized how much my Doula helped me, and I am surprised that she didn't pass out from all the breathing she did to help me. I also remember emotional feelings from the labor and birth. It kind of surprised me. I was crying when I woke up. Very powerful emotions!
That is about it. My belly is still about 4-5 weeks bigger now than I was at this point with Mason. I am still down 3-4 lbs from my starting weight. Slowly my weight is going up but again, I am trying my darndest to keep it as low as possible! Also, check out my new tab at the top for pregnancy related blog posts, including my monthly updates!
daily lives,
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
2014 Goals
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I love new years because it is a chance to start over and try to do better in all that you do, or choose to do. My usual goals are to lose weight, make more lunches for my hubs, do better at my church duties.
Here are a list of my goals for this year:
1. Weight loss/Staying Healthy-
This year is different. I can't lose weight because I am pregnant. My goal with that is to not gain too much. I am already doing pretty well in that department. I am still 4-5 pounds under what I started this pregnancy at, which is a pretty good feeling. I am not doing it on purpose. If I am hungry than I eat. But this pregnancy, I am still exercising, a lot more than I was with the first. I feel fuller sooner too. So I am not eating as much as I used to.
Also, I am eating better foods in general. I have indulged, I love my desserts, but again I can't eat too much without feeling icky and sick. So I think that is a good thing for me. I get little tastes not the whole cake! Also once the baby is born my goal is to try and stay healthy, and let my body and the baby do the work in the weight loss dept with the breast feeding. Hoping that this time the breast feeding will help me shed some of the baby weight I put on.
2. Exercise-
I plan on exercising as long as I can before baby. I already know my cutoff for the gym though which will be May 1 so that it is a full month instead of a partial month payment. I plan on running as long as I can too. I will not be running long distances at the end of the pregnancy, but if I can continue to do 1-2 slow, slow, slower miles than that would be nice. But if not, than a nice walk would be great too. I plan on doing yoga up until I have the baby. I will probably fork out a day price to go to the yoga class because I think it will help me in the end more than it does now.
After baby I plan on starting to run again in August. I am giving myself the full 2 months to rest and recover after baby. It could be a little longer depending when the baby arrives in May but Aug 1 I will be in the gym. I also plan on running/walking in the Women's 4 miler that is at the end of Aug/early Sept. It is such a great race I don't want to miss it. Then it is getting back into training and such. Still debating if I can pull off running a 1/2 marathon in November or not. We will see how I am feeling after baby. But that is in the plans for me!
3. Blog pageviews-
I really love writing in this blog. It is personal, it is real and it is fun. I love hearing my friends read it. I would love for all of your friends to read it too. I would love to get double the number of monthly page views by the end of the year. I know that it is just me, but I also know that a year ago, I was looking for other blogs out there to help inspire me to get off my duff and get moving and I hope to do the same for someone else! Through Heather's looking Glass, Healthy Heddleston and This Runners Trials are the 3 blogs that I visit all the time and helped me keep on moving. I am inspired by their stories and adventures!
4. Be a Better Mother-
Yes that is true. I am still learning how to be a mom and there are things that I am lacking in and things that are pretty good. I need/want to be better at reading with my son. Sitting down with him explaining things. Make him put the puzzles together without my help. It is so easy for me to just do things for him. He needs to learn on his own and I really struggle with having him figure it out on his own, cause it is just easier for me to do it for him. On top of that I have to learn how to be a mom to 2 kids. I am scared for this. I am scared about the whole juggling thing. I just hope and pray that my kids are patient with me as I learn how to be a mom to both. As my husband says, take it one day at a time.
5. Continue to grow my piano studio-
I love teaching. I love my students. It is sad that I am having a hard time finding students in my area. By the end of the year I hope to have a steady solid 10 students with a possible wait list. I can only fit 10 in my schedule with the hubs and 10 is plenty to have when I am also a full time stay at home mom. Teaching is just amazing though. I love being able to pass on the love of music to our next generation.
So there you have it! My goals. If I think of any more I will write them out, but I have spent all day thinking about them and this is what I have right now. Also on a cool note, this is my 100th post! Such a small number but still I have done 100 posts in the last 4 months! Pretty neat!
QOTD: Did you make new goals this year or keep some of the old ones?
Here are a list of my goals for this year:
1. Weight loss/Staying Healthy-
This year is different. I can't lose weight because I am pregnant. My goal with that is to not gain too much. I am already doing pretty well in that department. I am still 4-5 pounds under what I started this pregnancy at, which is a pretty good feeling. I am not doing it on purpose. If I am hungry than I eat. But this pregnancy, I am still exercising, a lot more than I was with the first. I feel fuller sooner too. So I am not eating as much as I used to.
Also, I am eating better foods in general. I have indulged, I love my desserts, but again I can't eat too much without feeling icky and sick. So I think that is a good thing for me. I get little tastes not the whole cake! Also once the baby is born my goal is to try and stay healthy, and let my body and the baby do the work in the weight loss dept with the breast feeding. Hoping that this time the breast feeding will help me shed some of the baby weight I put on.
2. Exercise-
I plan on exercising as long as I can before baby. I already know my cutoff for the gym though which will be May 1 so that it is a full month instead of a partial month payment. I plan on running as long as I can too. I will not be running long distances at the end of the pregnancy, but if I can continue to do 1-2 slow, slow, slower miles than that would be nice. But if not, than a nice walk would be great too. I plan on doing yoga up until I have the baby. I will probably fork out a day price to go to the yoga class because I think it will help me in the end more than it does now.
After baby I plan on starting to run again in August. I am giving myself the full 2 months to rest and recover after baby. It could be a little longer depending when the baby arrives in May but Aug 1 I will be in the gym. I also plan on running/walking in the Women's 4 miler that is at the end of Aug/early Sept. It is such a great race I don't want to miss it. Then it is getting back into training and such. Still debating if I can pull off running a 1/2 marathon in November or not. We will see how I am feeling after baby. But that is in the plans for me!
3. Blog pageviews-
I really love writing in this blog. It is personal, it is real and it is fun. I love hearing my friends read it. I would love for all of your friends to read it too. I would love to get double the number of monthly page views by the end of the year. I know that it is just me, but I also know that a year ago, I was looking for other blogs out there to help inspire me to get off my duff and get moving and I hope to do the same for someone else! Through Heather's looking Glass, Healthy Heddleston and This Runners Trials are the 3 blogs that I visit all the time and helped me keep on moving. I am inspired by their stories and adventures!
4. Be a Better Mother-
Yes that is true. I am still learning how to be a mom and there are things that I am lacking in and things that are pretty good. I need/want to be better at reading with my son. Sitting down with him explaining things. Make him put the puzzles together without my help. It is so easy for me to just do things for him. He needs to learn on his own and I really struggle with having him figure it out on his own, cause it is just easier for me to do it for him. On top of that I have to learn how to be a mom to 2 kids. I am scared for this. I am scared about the whole juggling thing. I just hope and pray that my kids are patient with me as I learn how to be a mom to both. As my husband says, take it one day at a time.
5. Continue to grow my piano studio-
I love teaching. I love my students. It is sad that I am having a hard time finding students in my area. By the end of the year I hope to have a steady solid 10 students with a possible wait list. I can only fit 10 in my schedule with the hubs and 10 is plenty to have when I am also a full time stay at home mom. Teaching is just amazing though. I love being able to pass on the love of music to our next generation.
So there you have it! My goals. If I think of any more I will write them out, but I have spent all day thinking about them and this is what I have right now. Also on a cool note, this is my 100th post! Such a small number but still I have done 100 posts in the last 4 months! Pretty neat!
QOTD: Did you make new goals this year or keep some of the old ones?
daily lives,
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