Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen: weekly recap
Showing posts with label weekly recap. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weekly recap. Show all posts

Sunday, January 12, 2014

January Week 2 Workout Recap

Another week done in January, another week I feel I did pretty well with the exercise front. Monday I did take the day off. I have been getting these head splitting migraines and I had one that happened the morning of Monday. Usually they had been occurring in the middle of the night and I can try and sleep it off, but Monday, I had to teach and take care of the kid. Matt came home early from work to watch Mace so I could sleep. But man these migraines are awful. I have never felt my head hurt so badly. It feels like my right eye is being pushed out of the socket and just argh! it hurts! Wednesday, I was watching a friends kid while she was being monitored in the hospital in the labor and delivery dept. she didn't have the baby but she had to have some other things checked out. Here is how I did this week:

Sunday: rest
Monday: rest
Tuesday: 3.5 miles run/walk (14:51 min/mile)
Wednesday: rest
Thursday: 2 mile run/walk (14:50 min/mile)
Friday: 2 mile walk (15:45 min mile)
Saturday: 7.5 miles run/walk (14:47 min/mile)

Total Mileage: 15 miles

Staying in my goal at staying under 15 min miles on my run walk days even though I am just under it but I'm still under. 22 weeks pregnant this week. I am still having Braxton Hicks contractions when I am exercising. Mostly notice them when I am in a walking stint. I also started to notice that I am getting round ligament stretching pain in my lower abs. It diminishes around 1.5 miles but the first 1.5 miles it is pretty noticeable and I am just taking it easy when it gets too much pulling sensation. I am listening to my body. It is just adjusting to my belly which is getting bigger and bigger every week!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

January Week 1 Workout Recap

This week with New Years threw me off my normal schedule. And I just didn't want to work out on Tuesday or Wednesday. Oh, and I did get puked on early in the week so Mace really shouldn't have gone to the daycare anyhow! But I did do some workouts, just not as much running, running as I should have done.

Oh and it is the beginning of the year which means increased gym attendance and restricted time on the treadmill. The gym has a 30 minute limit on the machines so I have to watch to see how many machines are taken up to see if I can stay on or move to another machine.

Monday: 3.5 mile walk- 15:43 pace
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: rest
Thursday: 1/2 mile walk- 16:00 pace. 1 hour prenatal yoga
Friday: rest
Saturday: 4 mile walk- 16:15 pace

My goal for this next week is to run on Tuesday and Thursday as my training runs and Saturday is my LONG run of 7.5-8 miles. WOW! Longest yet! Monday and Friday will be walking days again and I will continue to do my prenatal yoga on Thursdays! 7 weeks! ONLY 7 more weeks until my 1/2 marathon!

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