Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen: July 2018

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Lack Of Motivation Holding You Back From Working Out? 2 Tips To Help You Get Started Again

If you feel like you are struggling to find your motivation to get your daily workout in or eat right consistently, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! It happens to all of us. We all have good days and bad days. But it just comes down to finding that motivation to keep going.

Want to know how I find my motivation to push play and workout every day??? Find your reason why to push play! I have 2 reasons why I do: 

1) To Be that example for my kids of how to be a healthy and fit mom. And that I don’t give up on my goals even when it gets hard. 

2) Accountability from you watching me. I’m very aware that I have my tribe watching me and I love having that extra push to be fully transparent in my journey because I want to show you all that it is possible to be a stay at home working mom of 3 and still be able to make time every day to workout. 

The accountability is a huge reason why I became a coach in the first place. Because I know putting my story out there will motivate at least 1 person. 

I used to be that girl looking for inspiration and trying to find someone like me who made exercise and healthy eating a daily habit. That’s why I am doing what I can to be that example for you and the hundreds I’ve helped and the thousands I’m reaching who might be looking for that inspiration. 

If you struggle getting that daily motivation to push play, make it bigger than just you. Make it about your kids. Make it about your family, co workers or other people who might be watching. Make it about helping ladies around you. Helping to show them that yes, it’s possible to lose weight. To be healthy. To exercise daily. 

Don't have a support group to help you along the way? JOIN MY FREE and OPEN TO ANY WOMAN! It's a work at your own pace, on your own thing, in your own time but still get daily motivation, info and tips to help you get that positive influence in your life and drive you to get active. If you are looking for that extra push what about taking the step into  helping motivate and inspire others, maybe coaching is that right fit for you! Motivate and inspire plus make it your side hustle and earn an income! Your success is determined only by you and the work you put in it takes daily consistency and work but it can be done no matter what level you are at. Our team has the training to help you learn how to share your story the best way that fits your lifestyle! If you are ready to work for your goals and help others do the same then I want to work with you! I’m looking for 5 ladies RIGHT NOW Who are ready to take the step into consistently pressing play and eating better, sharing their journey and creating their side hustle that fits their lifestyle! Because it is possible! Interested in learning more? Send me an email or MESSAGE me HERE!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Mormon Health And Fitness Attire - You Choose What's Best For you To wear

I've recently been called out about being a Mormon (member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) and NOT exercising in the "appropriate" clothing that a Mormon is meant to wear. Mormons have a strict dress code of being modest, with covering our shoulders and making sure our shorts always go to the knees or longer. And followers knew I was mormon because of the pictures hanging in my foyer behind me. While the picture itself is not "mormon" it is typically displayed in Mormon households.

First of all, for someone to make comments and tell me that I'm being a "bad mormon" because I wasn't following the strict dress code really did affect me. I felt massive amounts of guilt, to the point I started to cut off the picture so it wasn't so obvious that I was a member and was not following the rules. I don't have to and shouldn't have to explain myself. But if I'm being called out, I'm sure other women are too, or other women are feeling guilty for wanting to change their clothing to exercise in and want to know why one person does something and feels okay with it while others won't. So...if you're a mormon and you want to know, keep reading.

For years, I wore cotton t-shirts, and biker shorts to the gym. I did hours at the gym sweating my brains out. My shirt would be drenched, if I let myself get that sweaty, but often I would hold back in my workouts because I didn't want to look like I was dying. At one point I decided to change it up and I wore a Tank Top to the gym. The amount of comfort I had at the gym compared to the day before was night and day. But, I felt like I was naked. I felt like I was going to get struck down by lightening because I was breaking my promise to dress modestly. I also was fearful of someone I knew from my ward seeing me. But I decided for my own health and safety while exercising, I feel the most comfortable and less overheated when my body can breathe better in a tank top. 

(at our Diamond Retreat and I was the only one in modest clothing sweating my brains out so I could uphold my worthiness standards.)

I've come a long way since that day, and now I workout in whatever I feel most comfortable in, including just wearing a sports bra and shorter shorts. 

But really, it's not anyone's place to put down another person for what they are wearing. It's never okay. Women should be cheering on other women and supporting each other. 

In the end, I do follow the standards of a Mormon when not exercising. To other Mormons reading this, wear what you need to be the most comfortable. Goal is for health and safety, and if that means, being able to last a little longer or do a little more because you feel like you won't pass out from heat exhaustion in an oversized cotton shirt. Then wear the dang tank top.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

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