Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen: cross-training
Showing posts with label cross-training. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cross-training. Show all posts

Sunday, January 4, 2015

My 7 Favorite Stretches After Running

Stretching is a must, especially as you start to add more mileage on. Your body takes a beating and it needs to relax. Stretching should only be done after the muscles are warm. So don't wait too long after you finish running to stretch. I try to do it within 30 minutes of running. Really right after I finish at the gym I tend to go to the stretching and plop down and do it, and if I do outside running then I stretch right as I walk in the door, and take off my shoes of course!

So here are my 7 must have stretches after running. Please listen to your body and don't bounce. Hold each stretch for a good little while. I count slowly to 30 or 45 depending on how much I need the stretch. Check out this AWESOME article about THE BENEFITS OF YOGA, ACCORDING TO SCIENCE by Jen Reviews!

1. Standing Quad Stretch
Just like you did in Jr. High school. Kick the heel of your foot up to your butt and hold. Do not pull the foot to your outside leg or let your knee flare out. Tuck your pelvis under and use a couch or chair for balance if you need. You should feel this in the front part of your thigh. Do both sides.

2. Standing Single-Leg Calf Stretch
You can use a wall to lean against, like the picture shows, or you can just brace yourself on your front knee. Place the right foot in front of you and extend your back leg back, you are doing like a mini lunge. Do not let your front knee go in front of your ankle. Keep a 90 degree angle on your front leg. Try to plant your left heel on the floor. You will feel the stretch in your back leg calf area. Repeat on other side.

3. Standing IT Band Stretch
You can use a wall for balance as in the picture. But I just cross my right foot in front of my left and bend to the left. You can raise your right arm up and over your head for more bend in your waist. You will feel this on the upper side part of the leg that is being crossed over. Repeat on the other side.

4. Straddle Stretch
Time to sit down. Your standing is done. I do it in this order cause if I got down on the ground I would not get up! Just like in dance growing up, just spread your legs out to the side. I like to lean over one leg to stretch each leg individually then go to the middle for the final stretch in this pose. I grab my toes so that I feel the stretch in the back of my legs on the hamstrings.

5. Pigeon Pose
My favorite yoga pose. I could seriously stay in this position forever. It feels so good! Bring your right leg in front and make a 90 degree angle bend at the knee with the foot turned in. Straighten your left leg behind, almost like a half split. Try to sit into that position and you can even lean forward over your bent leg in front. You will feel this in the IT band area, the upper part of your side leg that is bent. Repeat on the other side.

6. Lying Hamstring Stretch
Now going all the way to the ground. Lie all the way down. Raise one foot, flexed or flat, into the air trying to keep the other foot on the ground. Don't round your lower back. Keep that planted on the ground too. Hold your leg at your thigh or calf or grab a towel and sling it over your foot and pull on the ends of the towel to reach more easily. You will feel this in the back of the leg that is straight up in the air. Repeat on other leg.

7. Lying Hip and Glute Hug
Still lying on the ground keeping your lower back panted down, foot on the floor and cross your right ankle at your left knee. Grab the back of your left thigh and pull your legs to your chest. Also try to push your right knee out to the side and you will feel the stretch more in your butt and hips.

8) BONUS STRETCH! Corpse Pose

Lie all the way down on the ground. You can keep your arms to the side of your body or above your head. Just relax! Try not to fall asleep. If you have a 3 year old, this position can be dangerous because he will come and jump on your belly right when you aren't expecting it! TRUST ME! 

~Hope these help you! I just want you to start your year of running off right and taking care of your body, especially after a run, is the way to stay injury free and enjoy years of running! Happy Stretching! ~

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

10 Miler Training Plan

I am in a local training group for my upcoming race, so a lot of the guess work for my training is already taken care of for me. I was given a handout with how many miles to run on X day and I'm golden. The training calls for weekly runs on Monday, Wednesdays and starting next week adding Thursday runs as well, then the long run with the group on Saturday mornings. Sounds easy.

My goals for the race though are I want to go into it strong. There are a lot of hills. That's Charlottesville for ya! So I am making sure to do strength training this time around. I did not do any strength training at all for the Princess half I trained for. Plus adding in yoga to keep me limber and stretched. ENTER PIYO! I am going to be doing a PiYo routine at least once a week to get the lower body strength training and stretching that I need. As you know buns, and core are my fav workouts in that series and I will be doing lower define too. Still debating on the rotation. Those workouts will be earlier in the week. As far away from the long run as possible!

For upper body strength I will be doing 21 day fix and possibly PiYo. But have thought about adding in P90X too. (mainly for core though)

I also want to increase my speed. That means less walking breaks and just a faster run in general. With previous trainings I ran around a 4.5 speed on the treadmill with walking between a 3.8-4.0. I avg to a 14:30 min/mile.

This time I want my running to be in the 5.0-5.5 range, and minimal walking breaks. The cool thing about my training group is that on Saturdays we will be running on parts of the actual course so my body will be used to the hills by race time. But I know I can do the 5.0-5.5 speed because I have done it before. I just have to find that groove and stick to it! Goal under 2 hours and 15 min  for the 10 miler. (I think that is realistic. I would love under 2 hours but I have to be honest and real!)

So weekly my training plan will look like this!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

My PiYo Review and Results!

Day 60 has come and gone for me on PiYo already! First off, that was a fast 60 days. Secondly, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be! PiYo is fairly easy to follow! There are really only a few moves that I really struggled with but with time I was able to figure out what modifications I should make that fit me.

Example: I used Yoga blocks instead of a chair to get a further stretch and to learn how to use more upper body strength for some of the moves like 3 point balance Crouching crow. It is a little scary on the blocks though because they wobble with me and are not stable so make sure you have a good strong foundation of your own balance before you go for a harder modification!

Downward dog split and with open hip is still my least favorite positions. I can't lift my leg very high, um cause I am having to do the splits while my head is hanging down and such, but I noticed that I was able to hold the pose longer each time I did it. (Which is in almost every workout!)

Favorite positions: Child's pose, cause it is a rest position. Pigeon has always been my fav too because it just stretches the IT band like nothing else. I could sit in that position all day long because it is that nice and wonderful. Even when I lean and stretch into it more it is more wonderful. And surprisingly I have really learned to love and see downward dog not as a hard position but truly as a rest position. Which it should be. I have learned to trust my body and put most of the weight on my legs and not on my shoulders and wrists. By shifting my body and making my legs hold more weight (meaning, I just ground my legs more and keep them tight and flexed) I can hold that position much longer and comfortably.
RESULTS:  CLICK HERE TO VIEW MY PICTURES! In the 60 days I did not lose any weight. I actually gained 1.7 muscle. How do I know it was muscle, because I lost inches. Which means that I lost fat. I lost 8.5 inches to be exact! YEA! With that said, working out is hard. And even I hit a point where I wanted to do something different (check out the new Beachbody On Demand All Access Pass where you get access to over 40 FULL workout programs and bonus materials plus new workouts when they are released too!), but I had committed to doing this and only this for 60 days. Did I workout every day? No. I did miss some workouts and that obviously hindered my results. But I worked out most of the time and still got great results. And this is why I am moving on to 21 day fix. I have the workout stuff done but the eating is what I am having a hard time with.

How Hard is PiYo: I felt that PiYo was great for me because I was already used to most of the moves used in it. I did prenatal yoga for 30 weeks while pregnant and I often got to work one on one with my yoga instructor so she helped me know and get better with the positions. I have heard from other people that they are having a hard time with PiYo. You will sweat. Your arms will ache. You butt will burn and your core will hurt. Just because you aren't using weights doesn't mean you aren't burning a ton of calories! I promise you that if you listen to Chalene and do as she instructs you, you will get better. I know I am more flexible than I was before. I can't do the splits but I am able to stretch deeper at the end of workouts. It is just easier to fold over! My back no longer hurts and I know when I am using my core because it is stronger and I can feel it. I really do recommend this program to runners because it will help to lengthen and strengthen you hamstrings and core! I felt pretty good after my race, which I did not really run for training. I was doing this and I survived and felt strong finishing!
Oh Chalene, you're so funny!: I really loved all the inspirational things that Chalene says during the videos. Some of them just make me start to laugh and help get me past the discomfort I am feeling. Example: "Feel that! That's like an epidural. Your leg is as numb as an epidural. Ok let's get the feeling back in your leg! SQUAT!" "Best revenge on anyone is looking amazing!" and last "DROP IT LIKE ITS HOT!" (She says that a lot!) Oh and when you get child's pose you are supposed to say "Thank you!" Which you will do after awhile without even thinking of it because it just feels so good to rest!

Final thoughts: PiYo is great. It will help you tone up your arms and legs because you are using them doing mini squats a lot and holding up your own body weight. You will get more flexible too as long as you push yourself. It just takes some time to master the moves and I will honestly be using the workouts again in my rotation of workouts because they really are that great! My favs, Buns and Core!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Friday, August 22, 2014

PiYo Test Group...Last Call

Ok everyone! Today is the last day to sign up for the PiYo Private Test Group to be able to get it in the mail next week! I know some of you have been wondering about it and if it actually works and I can say that IT DOES! I have been doing PiYo for 40 days now and I have lost 8.25 inches. AND my diet has not been that stellar so the inches lost are from the workouts! My butt is lifted and my belly and hips have lost the most inches.

My diet hasn't been too bad, I have one bad day a week generally but we have been eating out more or having people over and I like to "cook, cook" when someone comes over . I think a huge part of me being able to still lose weight with a wonky diet is because of Shakeology! It is seriously amazing! I don't have cravings like I used to and I am not tempted to go out during lunch and get fast food. Which means that Mason is eating healthier too because he is not eating all my fries either! So the best way to get results is to pair PiYo and Shakeology! It seriously works and I can't wait to see the changes I will have in another month or 2 from now! I am worth it, so I make it happen. And so are you! If you want to get results pair Beachbody or whatever workout program you are doing with Shakeology. Even if you can't workout everyday or what not. I would still say drink Shakeology because it is a great, way better than slim fast or other meal replacements, out there!

So here are my results. They are subtle but they are there! 8.25 inches people! And to note my black shorts I am wearing appear longer because they aren't being stretched as much as they were in Day 1 so they are hanging on me a little bit!

So if you are interested, yes I am taking to you... Fill out this form and I will get back to you! And if you are thinking about being in a future test group fill this out too so we can keep in touch and you can be the first to know about future groups! Or if you have questions fill this out, SERIOUSLY just fill it out!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Running Tips and Tricks: Aches & Pains

Running is hard work! It really is. And often we find that our legs are sore or our back hurts, or man look at that BLISTER! These are common aches and pains from actually putting forth an effort at something that is physically challenging. Here are a few tips and tricks to help with those pesky aches and pains we get.

Leg soreness: There are different parts of your legs that will be sore or the whole leg will be sore but for me my shins/calf and my IT band area. After a run if your shins or calfs have been sore it is best to use the R.I.C.E. formula to help out.

Rest: take a break. It is ok to take a nap if you have to but make sure you rest after a run. Your body worked for you so it is time to work for your body and allow it some downtime!

Ice: Make sure you ice your legs or anywhere that it hurting. A bag of peas or a lunch ice pack is great but it can help with the swelling and can make your legs feel better.

Compression: Compression socks are the new fad around town. If you look at runners around town you will see most of them sporting socks that go up to their knees. No these are not the new fad in tube socks, well they might be, but more than likely they are compression socks. There are some super fun socks out there too. They help increase circulation in your legs and reduce lactic acid build-up. has some super cute compression running socks!
Elevate: Elevate your legs. Sometimes after running you might have some swelling. So while you are RESTING, ICING, prop your feet up on a pillow up on the couch. This is great! You are doing 3 things at once. My hubs know that when I get home that I will rest for about an hour before I really do anything, otherwise I crash and crash hard later in the day!

Massage: Some other ways to help your body out are massages! I love me a massage, I do! I go through my chiropractor's office and it is part of my physical therapy with chiropractic care and is covered by my insurance. Check with your insurance company for their own rules! But I was getting a massage a month while running and while pregnant. I try to get 1 massage a month. I also schedule a massage a few days after a race because I build up so much more lactic acid because I push myself harder during the race. So I have sore muscles and a lot needs to be worked on and it just feels so good!

Foam Roller: Invest in a foam roller trust me! They are amazing. They might hurt for the first little bit but they are awesome! I roll out my IT band to keep it loose and not too tight. I use a high density hard roller but there are soft rollers out, I just feel it so much more with the high density roller and man there are times I hate doing it but afterwards they are great. For foam roller exercises go here!
Prevention: The biggest thing that can help prevent aches and pains are a good pair of running shoes. A lot of people have aches and pains because they don't have the right running shoes. So find a local running store and get professional fitted for a pair of shoes. The store should look at your running style and how your foot falls and such to determine your shoe. And it might not always be the cutest shoes in the world. And that is ok. I would rather have the right foot ware over cute any day!

Hope this helps!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

PiYo Week 2

I just finished my second full week of PiYo Monday! YEA for working out 7 days last week. 6 days were PiYo! I am sure feeling it though this past week. This is the week where my body was screaming at me to stop because it was working so hard. I pushed myself a little harder and tried to stick the positions longer. My arms were shaking, my legs were shaking and I have gotten better with some of the exercises. I have learned to modify them to fit my body while still getting a great workout.

My shoulders though are super weak! I had to drop my arms quite a bit this week to let them rest for just a second. But when I felt that need to drop them I held it 2 seconds longer just to strengthen them and show my body who is boss! So my goal for this week is to keep my arms up longer, to strengthen my shoulders more. Also to spend more time in a regular plank. I tried each day to try holding a plank position at least 1 time. Time to increase it to 2. (Maybe this is the real reason why my shoulders are so SORE!)

Core was AMAZING! BY THE WAY! I really enjoyed the core workout. And I felt it the next day in my obliques, just below my ribs. It was amazing but OUCH! So I really look forward to doing core 2 TIMES this coming week, plus we throw in BUNS!

Adding a new section this week with showing how much weight I have lost and inches lost. I will do this ever 2 weeks.

Weight Lost: 0
Inches Lost: 6.25

BTW!!! Today, JULY 31 is the LAST day to get the PiYo Challenge Pack at a discounted sales price plus you will get a free EXTRA CD! CLICK HERE TO GET IT TODAY!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

PiYo Week 1

So I have been doing PiYo for a whole week now. What do I think of it? IT IS GREAT! Granted I have only done a few of the DVD's and I suspect the "easier" ones to get used to it first but so far really so good. There are only a few moves that I really can't do very well due to flexibility and balance and some because my belly is still too big but I have learned to modify them enough to still get a good workout.

-->I have already LOST ONE POUND In 1 Week! And this was the "easy" week of getting to know PiYo! (I have not lost any weight since 3 weeks postpartum)<--

Here are a few observations so far:

~Sweating- I am sweating after every single workout! It feels great to really sweat and know that I am doing work! They are fast moving enough that I am getting a good workout in without dying though and I can really feel the stretch before we move on to the next stretch.

~Stretching- I am feeling the stretch! I am following the cues that Chalene is giving about lifting my tail bone in a certain move or squaring off my hips and I feel the stretch so much more deeply.

~Flexibility- I feel a little more flexible but no splits for me yet! Can't lift my leg very high in the downward dog split.

~Strength- I have felt the most soreness in my arms and shoulders. It is a lot of planks and downward dogs and I have always felt them more in my weakest muscle, my shoulders. But I also have noticed, on Sunday, that they are getting stronger. I was able to go up into a plank instead of a modified plank for 5 whole seconds without my core and arms shaking like a mad person!

I have had less lower back pain this past week and I think that is because my back is finally getting stretched. My chiropractor, who I am seeing every 2 weeks right now, was pleased with my back and hip alignment this past week. Since I had Collin my body wasn't holding the adjustments but this past appointment on Thursday he said that it is doing really well. Hoping to get cleared for every 4 weeks by the next adjustment this week. (I have a massage on Wednesday and will get an adjustment just before.)

So my 1st week review of PiYo is I really like it. It is entertaining. The music is fun. Chalene is great and funny and I can feel a difference in my arms strength wise. I will have another review at 30 days in.

If you are interested in joining me in my journey or in a PiYo challenge group in the next few weeks let me know here! or EMAIL me!!!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Day 1- Piyo

Today marks my day 1 of doing Piyo by Beachbody! And started Shakeology. I'm a little nervous to say the least. To commit to 60 days doesn't seem like a lot but it really is. And for someone who has lost a lot of their strength, yeah I'm a little nervous.

Can you believe that a lot of my strength is gone! It is a really funny thing. Right after you have a baby, any strength you had in your arms, legs and core are just GONE! I have no idea why (except for the core, being stretched as much as it was, I get that one.) But arms and legs so weird. So I have a lot of strength to build up in my legs and arms over the next 6 weeks.

What I'm looking forward to most, is my core strength. I have never really worked on core strength and I keep hearing over and over how great it is to work on for runners. We need a stable core for proper running stance. But I have a little extra fluff in my tummy from both kids and I am looking forward to that going down a bit!

So here we go! I will have a weekly recap of how it is going so stay tuned!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

It All Begins...Tomorrow

Here we go! The beginning of my in home exercise program begins tomorrow with Piyo by Beachbody! My friend Janet told me about Piyo after I mentioned that wanted to take yoga and pilates at the gym when I go back. So why not combine the two together, right? Since I can't go back to the gym anytime soon I had to take matters into my own hands and so here we have it.

I am part of a support group and I am super excited to do this challenge program with a ton of other people. Have you ever been part of an exercise support group??? Do you wanna join one with me. Even if you aren't doing a "beach body" specific DVD we could still work together to get fit together. Let me know if you are interested in just needing daily motivation to get fit and go take that walk or what not!

On top of the DVD I am going to be trying out Shakeology. It is a meal replacement shake that you drink 1 time a day. It has more than 70 super nutritious ingredients and only costs about $4 a day. If you were to buy all the ingredients to match what is in the shake at the store than you would be spending about $42 A DAY! And for a busy mommy of 2 now not having to think, "What am I going to have for lunch today?" is priceless! Most people replace their breakfast, but I love my 2 eggs and oatmeal for breakfast too much to give up and I eat a very healthy breakfast in the first place. It is lunch that I struggle with! So please let me know if you are interested in a hassle free meal replacement shake that increases your energy, stops cravings and is a MOMMY PROOF easy option to help you lose weight!

Stay tuned here and check back OFTEN to see my progress and see how it is going! First goal is to make it through 1 week, then 2 weeks and so forth. Small goals to reach the bigger one!

Again if you are interested in more info about this challenge group or Shakeology let me know at my email!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Woman's 4 Miler Training Program

Alright C-ville and surrounding ladies! TOMORROW MORNING is the first day of training! Bright and early at 7AM! Here are a couple of things to know about your first day.

Be on time or early (Registration begins at 6:15am!) You are going to be super excited to be there anyhew and will more than likely be there early but there are a couple of reasons why you need to be a little early.

If you haven't already picked up your welcome packet from ACAC (you can today between 11am-1pm and 5-7pm at the Albemarle Square ACAC Location) you will need to stop by the registration table to SEE ME! (Well, not just me but I will be working at the registration table tomorrow ;)) You will stop there first to get your welcome packet and stuff! Or register for the program if you haven't already! (cash or check only it's only $20)

When you go up the stairs you will be handed a raffle ticket. HANG ON TO IT! (Another reason to be on time, to get your tickets for the raffle) Then there might be some tents set up with stuff on them. Check it out. Then make your way to the bleachers and find a seat. They will fill up quickly tomorrow! Then wait and enjoy the music and show in front of you!

BRING A TOWEL WITH YOU! The bleachers can be wet some days and after your run there is stretching on the grass, and to avoid being covered with grass blades or track pellets bring a towel to sit on.

At the beginning of each training day there are announcements and a guest speaker. Then the raffle. You do not want to miss them! Last year I wanted the Garmin running watch so badly!

Pink Pammie will explain the groups to you and how you fit in one and to find the right one. If you start in one and decide that it doesn't work, either not enough or too hard, you can change groups.

When you get into your groups. Say "hi" to at least 1 person, EVERY WEEK. This is what makes this fun. Having a friend to come back to and talk to the next week. Seriously it is so fun. I often would chat with a girl in the same pace group as me. Or we would push each other, right VAL! Run to the next light pole together then make it to the next one, together. It is awesome to see each others progress each week and to do it together!

After the running there is group stretching, YEA SARGE T! Then it is time to go home until next week. The program is seriously so much fun! The pink ladies make it fun!

Don't forget to meet us PINK LADIES! You will get to know us during the weeks. Last year they helped me so much on my runs. Gave me encouragement when I needed it and last year boy did they push me to push myself. They knew I could do it before I did! THANKS DEB!

When you get home (or today after reading this),  JOIN the W4MTP Facebook page for community support and news on the training program. And there is a TWITTER account for them too!

Have fun! Enjoy this experience. If you haven't registered, it's ok. Go to ACAC today or stop by the tables tomorrow to register. YOU DON'T HAVE TO RUN to participate in this program. The women's 4 miler is a run/walk race. Please, do this for yourself, your family, or whatever the reason to do this is. It is an amazing program run by an amazing lady with amazing volunteers for an amazing cause. Come on out and join us! SEE YOU TOMORROW!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Goal Setting...Again

I'm at it again. I am setting my goals for the next year on what I want to accomplish with my running, mind and body.

My main goal:
To be able to run a 12 min pace per mile. I want to run consistently with minimal walking but in general to be able to sustain a 12 min mile. I am only...ahem...32...I should be able to do that, easily, but it won't be without lots of hard work, that's for sure!

Am I going to be able to do this the first time I run in August? HECK NO! And I know that. I expect to be huffing and puffing and barely able to run 1/2 a mile. I am ok with that. I have a new(ish) body that I have to get used to, again. Yes, I am back at my pre-pregnancy weight for this pregnancy, but my body is different. It feels different. I am more squishy in places. I have to get used to that. My goal is to be able to run a comfortable 12 min mile for the 10k I am running in October.

I plan on running 3-4 times a week. Saturdays will continue to be my long runs and the other runs during the week will be my training and speed work runs.

Other goals: 
More weight training. I plan on doing core, upper body and leg workouts 2 days a week to help build overall strength in my squishy body.

Yoga. I am planning on doing 1 yoga class a week to build flexibility and overall help me "de-stress" from the week. Likely it will be a Friday class.

Barre Class. My gym is offering a Barre class now and it has peaked my interest. I know that it will help build core and leg strength. I would like to try it out and try to incorporate it into my weekly routine. If it is the right fit for me.

My personal body goal: Yes, I am at my pre-pregnancy weight for this pregnancy, but that doesn't mean that I am at my goal weight. I have about 30 lbs to lose to be at my "first tier" goal which is my pre-pregnancy weight for Mason. (last years pregnancy/miscarriage I gained too much weight and that set me at a higher start weight for this pregnancy.) So, I am hoping that I can slim down my body to a healthy weight and size and do it in a healthy style with good nutrition and exercise.

Mental goals: Using the gym as my "mommy time" to help me be a better mommy at home. Meaning a solid 5 days a week at the gym to give me that "me time" I deserve AND need!

QOTD: Have you set any goals for the rest of the year? Do you make running goals?

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Woman's 4 Miler Training Program

Registration is up and running for the Charlottesville Women's 4 miler training program. Click here to go to the website and click on ONLINE REGISTRATION!

Fee is $20 which includes the summer of AWESOMENESS! The Workout Booklet and Other fun prizes. (There are raffle prizes every single week)

*The W4MTP fee is not the race fee itself. That is separate.*

1st day of training begins on June 14th at 7:00am! Yes, it is early, yes, you want it to be early. It can get very hot very fast and we want to be out running before it gets too bad.

Questions about the program?:
I'm not a runner I can't do a 4 mile run. 
You do not have to be a runner. Anyone is welcome. A non walker, a strutter, a new mommy, a walker, a wogger, jogger, a slow runner, and a sprinter. IF you fit any of these  categories please come out to join us. This program is for EVERYONE! We want to help you get new friends, an outlet for exercise and just to have fun. And you will have fun every week! I still talk to my friends from last summer by the way! Hey VAL!

I can't go every week.
That's ok! Come as often as you can. I can't go ever week either. My hubs has military weekend one weekend a month so I won't be there the first weekend of July or August for sure. It's ok. Come as often as you can.

I don't have the time for the mid week training. 
We encourage you to exercise as much as possible. The training program recommends 2 "running" days a week. (I do Tuesday and Thursday) Get outside and walk. Take a friend with you. Or your dog. Your dog will thank you. Just be safe in the heat of the summer that you go out early and drink plenty of water.

I promise you that you will love this program. It seriously changed my life and the way I look at running and at myself. Last year I went through my miscarriage. I was tired of feeling sorry for myself and being "fat". I signed up for my first 5k. That 5k I met a pink lady, Janet, from the training program and we walked together the whole time. She kept telling me about the training program and that I should totally do it. By the end of the 5k she convinced me to "look into it." That next day, I contacted her on FB and told her I signed up. Every week I said hi to her and she was so interest in my progress and super happy I was there. I was in the second running group and made many friends. We all encouraged each other and pushed each other. And accomplish so many great goals last summer. I couldn't wait for the next summer because I loved it so much! Because of the W4MTP I am a runner.

Please if you are in the area think about this program and the race itself. It is for a great cause, the charity is the UVA Breast Cancer Care Program. Last year over $370,000 was raised for this charity. Click Here for the website for the race itself and more info on the charity work. It is a limited number of participants and registration will open and close in just a few short hours on sign up day, June 21! Hope to see you this summer!

Did you sign up! Let me know so I can look for you at the track on June 14!!!

Friday, May 2, 2014

5 Things I'm Looking Forward To After Baby

I have had ideas of grandeur for the things I am longing for when I am no longer pregnant. There are really some things you can't do, or do very well while pregnant and these things are what I am really missing or looking forward to.

1. Sleeping on my belly. I miss it so much. I HATE sleeping on my side because it kills my hips and I have to flip from one side to the other. I can't really sleep on my back either because the weight of the baby is so heavy it actually hurts a little and I have to sleep like that propped up so much that it just isn't comfy. I often find myself woken up by Baby because I have rolled too much onto my belly from the side. He kicks the crap out of me till I wake up and move. Needless to say, I am very excited for the day when I can sleep with one pillow on my belly.

2. Running. I really am missing running. My legs ache for it most days which is surprising to me. Who would have thought, I would miss running. If you had told me that a year ago I would have laughed at you and said, "yeah right!" But I really do. So much so that I actually ran 1/2 a mile the other day during my walk. It felt really great. My legs got that nice warm burn in them and I just felt great. It was only a 1/2 mile though and I have a long way to go to build my endurance back up but I know I can and I will.

3. Kicking These Crazy Cravings! I have had cravings galore this pregnancy. I have been able to not indulge too much up until recently. My sweet tooth has gone nuts! I am trying to hard not to eat junk food that is around the house, but I have been, however, I AM NOT EATING THE WHOLE BAG in one sitting. I know that sounds weird and gross, but when you are a hormonal pregnant lady and you want some leftover Easter candy and there is a bag in the freezer, a bag can disappear very quickly. (think about thin mint cookies and how quickly they disappear when eating them).  I have been holding back though with is a miracle for me.

4. Getting my energy back. I have been so exhausted most of this pregnancy. A lot of that was self induced exhaustion. I am making a baby and on top of that I trained for a 1/2 marathon. Plus had to take care of my 2 year old and the hubs, and keep the house clean and take care of the dog. I had a lot going on. Now I have the end of the pregnancy exhaustion. It just knocks me down. But I also have the drive to nest. So last night super exhausted. Had Matt and Mace clean the basement, and I vacuumed the whole thing. Then proceeded to clean my bedroom, after already cleaning and organizing the closet, oh then picked up in the bathroom. I have the drive that I have to do every job all the way and not just a little bit. Hence why I am hiring Molly Maids to come clean my house before baby because I don't have the energy to be neurotic about cleaning.

5. Getting back to my pre-pre pregnancy weight. Yes pre-pre pregnancy weight. The weight I was before Mason. I might have only gained 14 lbs this pregnancy so far, but I started 30 lbs heavier than when I got pregnant with Mason. It has bothered me. It has driven me to eat smarter this pregnancy because I refused to end this pregnancy 30 lbs higher that what I had Mason at which would have made me cry if I did. So I am glad that I have only gained 14 lbs so far, and will likely end this pregnancy just under or at what I had Mason but I still want to get to back to what I was with Mason, then work on getting under that weight at that point. I have a long way to go, but I know that I can. It will make running so much easier on my body and the running will help me get back to the body I want. At least I have the tools in my pocket now on how to do that which I am so thankful for!

There you have it. 5 things I am excited for post baby! Have you ever made a list like this at the end of your pregnancy? What is on your list?

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Exercise During 3rd Trimester

I know I am doing a lot of pregnancy posts. And haven't done too many exercise posts as of late but that is because I am very pregnant and haven't been exercising as much as I did a few months ago, but I am still doing my walking as much as I can and I know that after I am cleared to run again that I will, and I plan on adding in more strength training, yoga and I would love to try that Barre class that everyone has been talking about.

For today I was going to write a 3rd trimester exercise post but found this super cute website with a great post on 3rd trimester exercise. Check it out here! Knocked Up Fitness

Mommas! Go out in the beautiful weather and take a walk! Walking is the best thing for us, and we might as well get used to it now because it is a great way to induce labor too!  And you know when you hit 40 weeks you will be taking all the walks you can, not to mention how much walking you might be doing at the hospital to get that baby out!

If you can find a prenatal yoga class, it is never too late to join. It will feel awkward but it is a slower style than normal yoga meant to work with your ever-growing belly. 

If all else fails, find some stairs and go up and down a few times in a row. Go slow and remember that this can bring on more contractions so if you are in the 39-41 week range and you want the baby out, try this out!

Mom's with older siblings, chase your kid around the park as much as you can. Great bonding with your children and good exercise for you!

QOTD: How many miles are you walking/planning on walking at a time from here on out? I have found my body is done at about 3 miles. 3.5 is really pushing it, unless there is a really great episode on Food Network at the gym I generally only do 3 miles at a time now! Every body is different. 

***DISCLAIMER***Be sure to consult your doc before you do this to make sure it is ok, as I am in no way a medical professional. I am just me giving helpful advice! 

*Also if you are new to the blog click on the Pregnancy tab at the top of the page to see other posts on pregnancy!*

Thursday, March 27, 2014

To Pink or Not To Pink

C-ville, VA- June 14-7am

How soon is too soon? I'm already starting to think about things postpartum. You all know that I am a little OCD and I like to be really, really organized and such. Just starting to think about things coming up in the next few months. And I knew that February and March were going to fly by because HELLO! IT IS ALMOST APRIL! Scary!

Anyhew. So how soon is too soon to get back to it after baby? I don't know. I didn't have this running hobby of mine when I had Mason. I wasn't able to go to the gym or exercise outside of the house regularly. But in June is the 4 miler training program again. I really want to be a volunteer this year. Last year I was encouraged to sign up by a couple of friends, so I did. But I'm thinking about making it official and really doing it. But I will be no less than about 2 weeks postpartum if we have the baby at the absolute latest we can have him (May 28). And what can I really do when I know I won't be running? And he will be with me on the Saturdays that I am there to help out.

Am I allowed to walk a mile or two post baby that soon after? Will I want to?

I have encouraged a few friends to make the commitment and to sign up and participate in the program and I would love to be a Pink Lady to help encourage them along their summer journey.

But this is what I am on the fence about right now. Should I sign up and go to help out as often as I can? Make the commitment now and just do it? What do you think? HELP!

Monday, February 3, 2014

January Week 5 Workout Recap

Sorry, meant to post this yesterday! I am at the point in my pregnancy where I am starting to feel, UGH when exercising. It is becoming more and more difficult to do my runs. I am noticing that I have started to slow down, just a fraction, but slow down the nonetheless. It is taking more energy to run and I am really excited that the 1/2 is this month, at the end of the month but still it is this month and then I can back off on running a little.

Mondays at the gym it is often difficult to find a treadmill to work out on. And I have only been allowed to get my 30 minute in before someone is waiting behind me for my machine because ALL of the machines are taken up. This happened last Monday. Tuesday was Mason's 2.5 year check up at the doctor and he got his flu shot and wasn't up for going out afterwards so we came home and I let him sleep. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday became my running days, and I won't be able to do that again. I need a day off in-between. On Friday though I did get my belly taped. It helped me on Friday and on Saturdays not so long, long run. I will have the guy tape the belly just a little differently as I still had some pulling on my right side from the round ligaments, but I think it is because the tape didn't go under my belly on that side, it kind of crossed over it and I need the "lift." I am getting it done again on Friday for my last LONG run before the 1/2 doing 11 miles. I will see if it helps. If it doesn't then I will try out a support belt which a friend at church offered to let me borrow. But I am just happy that the 1/2 is so close now because seriously every week I ask my self, "What are you thinking!"

Monday: 1.5 miles walk on treadmill 30 min elliptical
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: 3 miles walk/run (15 min/mile)
Thursday: 1 mile walk/run (15 min/mile)
Friday: 2 miles walk/run (15 min/mile)
Saturday: 5 miles walk/run (15:10 min/mile)

Total Mileage: 12.5 miles at 25 weeks pregnant

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Postnatal Yoga Article

Hey guys! Here is a great article written by my prenatal yoga instructor, Eliza, about Postnatal yoga and getting back in doing yoga after baby. Check it out!

(Eliza Whiteman)
Postnatal Yoga- How a yogi got her groove back

Couple things about Eliza. She is a mommy of 4! And she did all of her births without drugs. She is a rockstar with yoga and knows what she is talking about. For about 3 weeks I got one on one yoga instruction because I was the only one attending prenatal yoga and it was pretty awesome! Here is her website for you to check out and if you have any yoga questions shoot her an email! She is so amazing and nice!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

January Week 3 Workout Recap

This week was a slow week for me. Literally. I walked all week. Didn't make it to the gym on Monday. Tuesday we had another 2 year old visiting us all day while his mommy was  having her 2nd baby, so no gym. But when I did go, I just couldn't get that groove to run. I don't know what happened this week. I tried but it was like trying to fight my body too much, so I walked. I was get really strong round ligament pulling pain and it affected my speed of the walking. This week I will see if it continues, but I might have to get a support belt to help me out if this continues. Yesterday in my 4 mile walk, I got 3-4 braxton hicks contractions along with round ligament pain. But I am pretty sure yesterdays icky feeling was due to a lack of water the day before and day of.

Monday: rest
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: 2 miles walk (18 min/mile)
Thursday: 1 mile walk (16:30 min/mile), prenatal yoga
Friday: rest
Saturday: 4 miles walk (was supposed to do 5 ARGH!) (17:15 min/mile)

This coming week is a big mileage long run on Saturday so I have to do way more, and get my groove back!

Each walk was way over the min I need for the half marathon. I know I will have to do lots of spurts of running with my walking for the half. I know I can do it! 5 weeks left until my race, then I can back off on the mileage! BUT I CAN DO THIS!

Any tips or advice to push through a burnout week?

Friday, January 17, 2014

4 Tips to Staying Active As A Fit Mom To Be

I have just over 5 weeks until my first 1/2 marathon! I AM GETTING SO VERY EXCITED! This weekend is the Tinkerbell half Marathon at Disneyland. My friend Kat and I almost signed up for it but decided against and and to try it another year. I could have been running a 1/2 marathon this weekend! EEK! That is kind of scary.  But my training for the Princess Half is coming along quite nicely!

Yesterday in prenatal yoga I mentioned that I only have about 5 weeks until the race and all the women's jaws dropped with the fact that I am still running, let alone training for a 1/2 while pregnant. I also saw my doc yesterday for my monthly checkup and he was very proud of me for my training, and my lack of weight gain. My blood pressure is better than average, my weight per his records has only gone up 4 lbs and that is because I lost so much and I am slowly gaining it back, still 2 lbs under what I was when I got pregnant by the way.  Baby sounds great, and looks great per the ultrasound. He said, this is how pregnancy should be. Continuing what you were doing before and having fun with it.

So as a momma to be my question to you is, how can we continue to exercise and be fit when we don't feel so fit, or in the beginning really like doing anything at all? It is hard. I tell this all the women I talk to. It is hard to get that motivation to go running most days, even now at 23 weeks. I still would rather just lounge on the couch or in my bed staying nice and warm and comfy than go to the gym and exercise. But exercising while pregnant is pretty cool. I am still getting tons of looks at the gym when I am running, because I look pregnant now and it is just not common to see a pregnant lady running. (plus the older generation were told not to run at all or had specific rules which have since changed but they might not know about those changes) I also get a lot of "good job!, great workout" too which is pretty cool because I look pregnant and I am still working my body! But I feel so empowered and I know I am doing something good for my body and for my baby. And he likes the bouncy ride too. Here are some tips to help you get back into exercising while pregnant even if you are just newly pregnant or if you are 38 weeks and are going to do some serious walking to get that baby out!

Start small-
If you haven't exercised in months or years or ever. Do not go to the gym and decide to start walking/running 4 miles in one day. You might feel great after you finish but your legs and feet will be barking at you tomorrow. YOU MUST START SMALL! Make it more of a time thing than distance. Don't go too fast, maybe just a little faster than you would normally walk so that you are doing something different. Start with 30 min at a 3.2-3.5. If you feel yourself struggling to keep up with that speed, slow down. If you sign up for a class for the first time, stand in the back or to the side, and take it easy. Allow yourself 2-3 classes to learn the moves and get the groove of things. Also look for shorter timed classes as taking an hour step class is a very long class, or choose a machine that lets you look in on the class to get a sense of what they do.

Pain vs Soreness-
Know the difference between being sore and having pain. Yes, after your first exercise like the day after, you will be sore. It is ok. You feet will ache, your muscles in your legs will be tight and won't really let you walk all that much, or if you lift for the first time ever you might have a hard time lifting your arms up to brush your hair or teeth. Been there. Felt that. Biggest thing go walk again that day. It will help get the soreness out by moving the lactic acid around and getting it out of your system. That is what makes you sore. The lactic acid being released from your muscles, oh and the little micro tears but they are ok too. But go walk it off. It will feel better. I promise. Pain is different on the other hand. Right now my feet are sore after I do my long runs. But if my knee really hurts than that is cause for concern. Usually muscles are sore. Joints are pain. Think about that in your sore/pain assessment after you exercise. If you have pain, ice it and take a day or 2 off to let it heal and try to think about what you did to make that pain, don't do it again. Maybe you stepped wrong in the step class, or your knee didn't like the 4 miles you did because it wasn't conditioned to do it. Think about what you did and try not to repeat it again for awhile.

This is the biggest thing. After you exercise you must stretch. No before. Don't stretch before. After! Take some time, a good 15 min really to get a really good stretch. Stretch your whole body. It will feel good. I am having a hard time stretching right now because some of my favorite stretches I can't do anymore because of my belly. IT Stretch. I miss you! But I still do the old fashion sit on the floor and stretch my hamstrings. If I really need a good stretch then I also have my foam roller which is a great device to help move that lactic acid around. But take the time. Even if you walk, stretch out and don't forget to get your upper body too. Your shoulders were working, your arms were working, stretch them out too. Show them the love!

Water. You must drink water before, during and after you exercise. It is really important again to stay hydrated. If you feel thirsty than you should have already drank something! So drink and drink a little more. Try not to drink too much water while exercising so you don't get that sloshing feeling or puky feeling, that is why drink before. After you exercise it is important to drink because it helps to flush that nasty lactic acid out of your system. Drink a glass of water before the gym drink during and then drink another glass after the gym and during the rest of the day. WATER is the key too. No fruit juices, or sugar drinks. WATER. We are made up of 80% of the stuff it is the stuff we should be drinking!

In all honestly these are things that we already know. I am not a fitness expert or a doctor but we have heard these rules a thousand times. These are the things I follow too. Last summer I started small with the running and now I am up to 7.5 miles. Progress is a great thing! We need to be reminded of them every now and then. I was last night at a church activity and that is why I wanted to write about it today. We all need a reminder.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

January Week 2 Workout Recap

Another week done in January, another week I feel I did pretty well with the exercise front. Monday I did take the day off. I have been getting these head splitting migraines and I had one that happened the morning of Monday. Usually they had been occurring in the middle of the night and I can try and sleep it off, but Monday, I had to teach and take care of the kid. Matt came home early from work to watch Mace so I could sleep. But man these migraines are awful. I have never felt my head hurt so badly. It feels like my right eye is being pushed out of the socket and just argh! it hurts! Wednesday, I was watching a friends kid while she was being monitored in the hospital in the labor and delivery dept. she didn't have the baby but she had to have some other things checked out. Here is how I did this week:

Sunday: rest
Monday: rest
Tuesday: 3.5 miles run/walk (14:51 min/mile)
Wednesday: rest
Thursday: 2 mile run/walk (14:50 min/mile)
Friday: 2 mile walk (15:45 min mile)
Saturday: 7.5 miles run/walk (14:47 min/mile)

Total Mileage: 15 miles

Staying in my goal at staying under 15 min miles on my run walk days even though I am just under it but I'm still under. 22 weeks pregnant this week. I am still having Braxton Hicks contractions when I am exercising. Mostly notice them when I am in a walking stint. I also started to notice that I am getting round ligament stretching pain in my lower abs. It diminishes around 1.5 miles but the first 1.5 miles it is pretty noticeable and I am just taking it easy when it gets too much pulling sensation. I am listening to my body. It is just adjusting to my belly which is getting bigger and bigger every week!

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