Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen: W4MTP
Showing posts with label W4MTP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label W4MTP. Show all posts

Friday, January 16, 2015

Retiring My Running Shoes

Well, it looks like that time has come upon me. Time to retire my running shoes for a fresh, and spotless new pair. Over the last month I have been dealing with shin splints. I spoke with one of the captains of my training program about it and she suggested that I replace my running shoes with those that have more support. I was thinking that my shoes didn't have that much mileage on them to warrant that. I had heard that running shoes need to be replaced every 600 miles and surely I have not run that many miles.

Yesterday I picked  up my shoes to put them on to go to the gym and I noticed the underside of my left shoes was, different. There is like NO tread at the ball of the foot. I remember that it used to grip so much better. And it felt a little soft. I will say since I am back into running regularly my shin splints have gone away for the most part, as I thought they would, now to get the knot gone completely, but that still doesn't explain the pain in my left foot around the outer arch that I would get after runs.

Now I know. My shoes don't have enough support on them. They are worn out and I am now in the market to get new running shoes. And running shoes are not cheap! So time to save up the bones and head on down to my running shoes store and get fitted with a new pair. But why my shoes? Why did they wear down so quickly? Here are some thoughts I have on why mine wore down.

~I checked my mileage and I have done a total of 360 miles on these shoes with walking and running. I do not wear these shoes as my everyday shoes. I have been very good about that. I have been very diligent about logging all my runs or walks for training purposes and I am glad that I did but that number still seemed low to me. I have heard people replace their shoes at 300 miles, and some at 2,000 miles.

~I am not 120 lbs. When I run there is a lot more pounds of pressure applied to my shoes than say someone who weighs 120, or even 160 lbs. It does make a difference. So my tread literally got worn down faster because of my weight.

~Feet changes. I purchased these shoes in June 2013 just before I started training for my first 4 miler race. My old shoes weren't cutting it. Well I got pregnant with Collin in August 2014. I continued to run and train while pregnant. And during pregnancy my feet great little and the arch changed thanks in part to the hormone relaxin. Then after I had Collin and got back in my running shoes, my feet have shrunk and my arches lifted back up for the most part. So my feet have been changing during the whole time I have had these shoes.

~Stride changes. Also with being pregnant I have had to alter my stride to accommodate my changing body. Hence why the tread on my left foot is more worn down. Even now, since I still have excess fat between my legs from being pregnant (yes when pregnant you will get fat on your thighs, hips and butt, even the skinniest person will!) I have had to alter my stride again to accommodate my new body. Man, it is hard making babies!

I really have enjoyed my Brooks Adrenaline GTS 13. They have served me quite well. I have trained for and completed many races in these shoes. Time to save them for a mud race or foam fest where they can get totally trashed and be ok with it! Now to look for new shoes. What are your favorite running shoes? 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

2014 Charlottesville's Woman's 4 Miler - Race Recap

I have done my first repeat race ever! It was kind of fun knowing the course and what to expect going into my second time doing the same race. What an exhilarating experience running with so many other women though! It is such an awesome feeling.

My race I knew I was going to be slower than last year since I hadn't trained for it and certainly not like last year. I went into the race last year ready to conquer it and to kick it's butt. This year I was just happy to be there and to actually do it. I was nervous and scared of getting hurt so I did not push myself like I could have. (which makes me wonder how well I could have done if I had.) But it was my first postpartum race, and first time doing 4 miles in a row for a very long time!

We lined up in our corrals and I lined up with the 13-14 min mile pace. I trusted my body and knew that I could sustain that for a little while. I had a couple of friends in this pace group that I was going to run with, so why not!

We made our way to the line ups and before we knew it, it was time to go! Me and 2 other ladies who were starting together. One took off like a rocket and we told her to keep going, she did! The other 2 we ran together. One friend took a stumble just before mile 1 and I stayed with her to make sure she was ok and T kept on trucking along. It took me awhile to get back up to her. V was ok and got back up. Her ankle was hurt so we slowed our pace to let her get back into the groove. I started running with another lady and encouraged her to pump her arms more and we started talking. V caught up with us and then there was a third lady I started talking to along the course. She said she was going to pace with me and another lady did as well. So we just kept on trucking.

My my calves were on fire and starting to cramp up around mile and a half. I kept thinking, how on earth am I going to do this. I am so silly to think I could just up and do 4 miles. I have to keep going to help these ladies. And that last thought gave me the motivation to just trust my body and to listen to it and keep going. We walked then jogged back and forth doing intervals. Allowing all of us to not over do it. Around mile 2 my legs started to feel pretty good and 2.5 miles in they were finally warmed up and I felt like I could keep going and fly! I started to push my pace a little more and 2 out of the 3 ladies I had with me now were keeping up but V and her ankle were hurting. She said to keep going and we did. At some point I lost another of the ladies but me and one other were able keep on going and push each other.

I was shocked at how my body was feeling. I was breathing fine, and my legs were doing great. It felt like I had been running all along. It is amazing what the body can remember doing even after so long of a break. Mile 3.2 is the long downhill and I just let gravity take me and ran the whole way down. I caught up with one of my starting buddies at that time. She was just trucking along! As we approached the end, I had to take a 15 second little walk break and K who was my running buddy kept going. I sucked up the little bit of tiredness in my legs and just ran the last 1/4 mile to the end. Thankful to have actually finished with doing as much running as I did. 59:53 is what I finished in. Last year I finished in 55 min so I was pretty pleased with myself. I knew I could have gone faster, but didn't want to risk injury and I had ladies that I was running with. It wasn't about me anymore it was about making sure they finished and crossed the finish line safely! And they did. I waited for V to make sure she was ok. She was fine until she stopped running and then the pain hit. Her knee was pretty banged up too but SHE FINISHED and that is what it is about people, just finish. It doesn't matter if you run the whole thing, walk or run/walk as long as you finish is the key!

Overall it was a great race. It wasn't too hot, it was humid but it was overcast the whole time! It was well organized and everyone I talked to had a great time. I love the field where the spectators watch and it allowed Mason to run around like the crazy 3 year old boy he is! I am looking forward to next years race and blowing my time out of the water!

I am so proud of all the women who ran for the great cause of supporting the University Of Virginia's Cancer Center Breast Care Program. And all the money that goes towards their research and care of the women. Donations are still being accepted. So if you would like to donate, click on the picture below and make a donation in support of me as the runner! EVER PENNY COUNTS!

Monday, June 16, 2014

4 Weeks

Guess who is 4 weeks old???? Yep, Collin! I can't believe 4 weeks ago this little guy joined the world. It has flown by and it is kind of crazy but I feel like I have know him longer than just 4 tiny little weeks (+ 9months). It is almost like he has always been part of our family. I have heard other people say that and thought they were crazy but I get it now. He just fits into our life so easily. Mason loves him, I love him and Matt loves him (when he is not crying in his arms!)
~His really pissed off face!~
~Brotherly love!~

How are things going? Pretty well! Collin is growing, getting chunkier and loves to eat and sleep. He doesn't cry. In all honesty he really doesn't. He cries mostly when someone else is holding him (i.e. Matt), when he is hungry and when he is getting his diaper changed. He sleeps like ALL. THE. TIME! Most of my pictures of him are of him sleeping, plus he is so cute when he is sleeping!

How has life changed? Not really too much. Now that I have survived 1 week with all family back home, and Matt back at work full time I have pretty much stuck with the same schedule we had before Collin (B.C., haha!) Mason was so well trained in his schedule that Collin just fits into it. Mason climbs into be with us in the morning while I nurse Collin and rest a little longer. Then Collin rests in his swing while Mace and I eat breakfast as usual. Then we go to the basement for playtime, go outback or now to the park or just together time. Then "Mommy quiet time" for Mason at 12:30ish. Collin eats then naps for a couple hours then Daddy comes home. It really has been an easy transition. And at this very moment, the dishes are done and the kitchen is clean and my main floor in my house is CLEAN! (Feeling accomplished!)
~Family TV time on Father's Day~

What about exercise for the momma (that's me!)? Well, I am not cleared to exercise yet. Haven't had my postpartum appointment yet. I did run about 100 ft last week to my car in the parking lot and things just felt funny and off in my belly. My body is not ready for it. My legs loved it though it was my belly that didn't. I wasn't planning on running quite yet anyhow but I would like to start doing some other exercises before I start running, like squats and other strength training exercises to get that back first.

Anything else??? Well, I am addicted to sugar. So my goal is to start trying to cut out how much sugar we have in the house. When family was here we had a constant array of sweets and treats in the house. Not to mention the cookies I made for Matt last week, and the cupcakes we got for Fathers's Day yesterday. Yep, lots of sweets. I have been getting headaches and I think it is from just too much sugar and not enough protein. So that is something I will be working on.
~I'm a Pink Lady with the Women's 4 Miler Training Program. Training season kicked off Sat 6/14~

Friday, June 13, 2014

Woman's 4 Miler Training Program

Alright C-ville and surrounding ladies! TOMORROW MORNING is the first day of training! Bright and early at 7AM! Here are a couple of things to know about your first day.

Be on time or early (Registration begins at 6:15am!) You are going to be super excited to be there anyhew and will more than likely be there early but there are a couple of reasons why you need to be a little early.

If you haven't already picked up your welcome packet from ACAC (you can today between 11am-1pm and 5-7pm at the Albemarle Square ACAC Location) you will need to stop by the registration table to SEE ME! (Well, not just me but I will be working at the registration table tomorrow ;)) You will stop there first to get your welcome packet and stuff! Or register for the program if you haven't already! (cash or check only it's only $20)

When you go up the stairs you will be handed a raffle ticket. HANG ON TO IT! (Another reason to be on time, to get your tickets for the raffle) Then there might be some tents set up with stuff on them. Check it out. Then make your way to the bleachers and find a seat. They will fill up quickly tomorrow! Then wait and enjoy the music and show in front of you!

BRING A TOWEL WITH YOU! The bleachers can be wet some days and after your run there is stretching on the grass, and to avoid being covered with grass blades or track pellets bring a towel to sit on.

At the beginning of each training day there are announcements and a guest speaker. Then the raffle. You do not want to miss them! Last year I wanted the Garmin running watch so badly!

Pink Pammie will explain the groups to you and how you fit in one and to find the right one. If you start in one and decide that it doesn't work, either not enough or too hard, you can change groups.

When you get into your groups. Say "hi" to at least 1 person, EVERY WEEK. This is what makes this fun. Having a friend to come back to and talk to the next week. Seriously it is so fun. I often would chat with a girl in the same pace group as me. Or we would push each other, right VAL! Run to the next light pole together then make it to the next one, together. It is awesome to see each others progress each week and to do it together!

After the running there is group stretching, YEA SARGE T! Then it is time to go home until next week. The program is seriously so much fun! The pink ladies make it fun!

Don't forget to meet us PINK LADIES! You will get to know us during the weeks. Last year they helped me so much on my runs. Gave me encouragement when I needed it and last year boy did they push me to push myself. They knew I could do it before I did! THANKS DEB!

When you get home (or today after reading this),  JOIN the W4MTP Facebook page for community support and news on the training program. And there is a TWITTER account for them too!

Have fun! Enjoy this experience. If you haven't registered, it's ok. Go to ACAC today or stop by the tables tomorrow to register. YOU DON'T HAVE TO RUN to participate in this program. The women's 4 miler is a run/walk race. Please, do this for yourself, your family, or whatever the reason to do this is. It is an amazing program run by an amazing lady with amazing volunteers for an amazing cause. Come on out and join us! SEE YOU TOMORROW!!!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Woman's 4 Miler Training Program

Registration is up and running for the Charlottesville Women's 4 miler training program. Click here to go to the website and click on ONLINE REGISTRATION!

Fee is $20 which includes the summer of AWESOMENESS! The Workout Booklet and Other fun prizes. (There are raffle prizes every single week)

*The W4MTP fee is not the race fee itself. That is separate.*

1st day of training begins on June 14th at 7:00am! Yes, it is early, yes, you want it to be early. It can get very hot very fast and we want to be out running before it gets too bad.

Questions about the program?:
I'm not a runner I can't do a 4 mile run. 
You do not have to be a runner. Anyone is welcome. A non walker, a strutter, a new mommy, a walker, a wogger, jogger, a slow runner, and a sprinter. IF you fit any of these  categories please come out to join us. This program is for EVERYONE! We want to help you get new friends, an outlet for exercise and just to have fun. And you will have fun every week! I still talk to my friends from last summer by the way! Hey VAL!

I can't go every week.
That's ok! Come as often as you can. I can't go ever week either. My hubs has military weekend one weekend a month so I won't be there the first weekend of July or August for sure. It's ok. Come as often as you can.

I don't have the time for the mid week training. 
We encourage you to exercise as much as possible. The training program recommends 2 "running" days a week. (I do Tuesday and Thursday) Get outside and walk. Take a friend with you. Or your dog. Your dog will thank you. Just be safe in the heat of the summer that you go out early and drink plenty of water.

I promise you that you will love this program. It seriously changed my life and the way I look at running and at myself. Last year I went through my miscarriage. I was tired of feeling sorry for myself and being "fat". I signed up for my first 5k. That 5k I met a pink lady, Janet, from the training program and we walked together the whole time. She kept telling me about the training program and that I should totally do it. By the end of the 5k she convinced me to "look into it." That next day, I contacted her on FB and told her I signed up. Every week I said hi to her and she was so interest in my progress and super happy I was there. I was in the second running group and made many friends. We all encouraged each other and pushed each other. And accomplish so many great goals last summer. I couldn't wait for the next summer because I loved it so much! Because of the W4MTP I am a runner.

Please if you are in the area think about this program and the race itself. It is for a great cause, the charity is the UVA Breast Cancer Care Program. Last year over $370,000 was raised for this charity. Click Here for the website for the race itself and more info on the charity work. It is a limited number of participants and registration will open and close in just a few short hours on sign up day, June 21! Hope to see you this summer!

Did you sign up! Let me know so I can look for you at the track on June 14!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Wearing Pink

Looks like this summer, early on Saturday mornings if you wanna find me, look for me in PINK! Got the email asking if I still wanted to volunteer to help with the training program this summer and, yep I sure do! Just hope they don't mind me bringing a boy along. At least he will be super cute and a babe magnet!

In the area and want to join the training program? Check out the registration info at the website: Women's 4 Miler Training Program. Program begins Saturday, June 14th at 7am!

Want to run in the race? Saturday, August 30th at 8am. register here June 21 early, early, early morning because they only allow a limited number of participants and it fills up quickly!

Hope to see you there!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Race Is Finished!

The women's 4 miler was AMAZING! There were so many women there running it was such a neat experience to be apart of. I have learned how to weave and bob through women like a pro! I did really well but looking back I probably should have pushed just a little bit harder. But the humidity and "soup" like conditions were not favorable for me! It zaps my energy and makes it hard to breath easily. I just feel like every breath takes so much just to fill up. I cough a ton after those kinds of conditions later in the day too! Anyhew, my legs don't hurt, my feet do because they got wet before we started running. I will say this, I love my run keeper app on my phone because it has been keeping track of my running time. This month alone I went from a 14:30 min mile to 13:30 min mile. So I am getting better and I love seeing the results of all my hard work!
~Foggy, humid morning~
It was fun a lot of my friends were on the other side of the street running back to the finish line before my second turn around yelling my name as we passed. They are all such amazingly fast runner! And are my inspiration to keep no moving my feet!

The last mile of the race is considered motivational mile which has posters lining the road of cancer survivors or for those who have passed. Sadly the last mile I get tunnel vision to FINISH THE RACE and just get in that zone to get back. But before the we had to line up and we were lined up right in the motivational mile. It was really neat to see who we were running for and for the great cause we were running for. (How do you like my pink top?)

Excited to run again next year! This is only the beginning! Oh and one thing. I did get a little too much sun, just slightly pink but man my freckles are so dark after today! I will get a pix of my amazingly awesome racer back freckle line, I mean tan line! :)
 ~Running buddies and Sarg T (Rainbow skirt) who keeps us moving! and Pacing group lineup! A SEA of Women!~~
QOTD: What is your favorite post race activity? Mine is napping!
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