Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen: My New Threads!

Friday, January 3, 2014

My New Threads!

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my new Running For Two shirt by For Two Fitness in Spring that Santa brought me for Christmas. I have worn it twice now. One to a long run and yesterday to yoga to show off to all the other Momma's.

I have gotten so many compliments on it. On my long run a ton of people were like, "WOW! WAY TO GO MOMMA!" "Cute" and of course lots and lots of Awe's! The color is perfect for me. The spring color is a Kelly Green color and is perfect to bring out my red hair and of course red face from running but that is ok.

I love the fit! IT IS AWESOME! Yesterday during yoga I never had to adjust my shirt down. It is plenty long enough to cover my belly and there is still a ton of room left for me to grow. The fabric is super soft and I never had any chaffing from the hem. It fits and feels so nice!

All you fit momma's out there, this is definitely a piece of clothing I suggest you invest in. It will last through your whole pregnancy and it also answers that question, is she pregnant or not? People know I am pregnant when I am wearing the shirt. I LOVE IT!
~After yoga yesterday!~
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