Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen: Training
Showing posts with label Training. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Training. Show all posts

Friday, June 13, 2014

Woman's 4 Miler Training Program

Alright C-ville and surrounding ladies! TOMORROW MORNING is the first day of training! Bright and early at 7AM! Here are a couple of things to know about your first day.

Be on time or early (Registration begins at 6:15am!) You are going to be super excited to be there anyhew and will more than likely be there early but there are a couple of reasons why you need to be a little early.

If you haven't already picked up your welcome packet from ACAC (you can today between 11am-1pm and 5-7pm at the Albemarle Square ACAC Location) you will need to stop by the registration table to SEE ME! (Well, not just me but I will be working at the registration table tomorrow ;)) You will stop there first to get your welcome packet and stuff! Or register for the program if you haven't already! (cash or check only it's only $20)

When you go up the stairs you will be handed a raffle ticket. HANG ON TO IT! (Another reason to be on time, to get your tickets for the raffle) Then there might be some tents set up with stuff on them. Check it out. Then make your way to the bleachers and find a seat. They will fill up quickly tomorrow! Then wait and enjoy the music and show in front of you!

BRING A TOWEL WITH YOU! The bleachers can be wet some days and after your run there is stretching on the grass, and to avoid being covered with grass blades or track pellets bring a towel to sit on.

At the beginning of each training day there are announcements and a guest speaker. Then the raffle. You do not want to miss them! Last year I wanted the Garmin running watch so badly!

Pink Pammie will explain the groups to you and how you fit in one and to find the right one. If you start in one and decide that it doesn't work, either not enough or too hard, you can change groups.

When you get into your groups. Say "hi" to at least 1 person, EVERY WEEK. This is what makes this fun. Having a friend to come back to and talk to the next week. Seriously it is so fun. I often would chat with a girl in the same pace group as me. Or we would push each other, right VAL! Run to the next light pole together then make it to the next one, together. It is awesome to see each others progress each week and to do it together!

After the running there is group stretching, YEA SARGE T! Then it is time to go home until next week. The program is seriously so much fun! The pink ladies make it fun!

Don't forget to meet us PINK LADIES! You will get to know us during the weeks. Last year they helped me so much on my runs. Gave me encouragement when I needed it and last year boy did they push me to push myself. They knew I could do it before I did! THANKS DEB!

When you get home (or today after reading this),  JOIN the W4MTP Facebook page for community support and news on the training program. And there is a TWITTER account for them too!

Have fun! Enjoy this experience. If you haven't registered, it's ok. Go to ACAC today or stop by the tables tomorrow to register. YOU DON'T HAVE TO RUN to participate in this program. The women's 4 miler is a run/walk race. Please, do this for yourself, your family, or whatever the reason to do this is. It is an amazing program run by an amazing lady with amazing volunteers for an amazing cause. Come on out and join us! SEE YOU TOMORROW!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Goal Setting...Again

I'm at it again. I am setting my goals for the next year on what I want to accomplish with my running, mind and body.

My main goal:
To be able to run a 12 min pace per mile. I want to run consistently with minimal walking but in general to be able to sustain a 12 min mile. I am only...ahem...32...I should be able to do that, easily, but it won't be without lots of hard work, that's for sure!

Am I going to be able to do this the first time I run in August? HECK NO! And I know that. I expect to be huffing and puffing and barely able to run 1/2 a mile. I am ok with that. I have a new(ish) body that I have to get used to, again. Yes, I am back at my pre-pregnancy weight for this pregnancy, but my body is different. It feels different. I am more squishy in places. I have to get used to that. My goal is to be able to run a comfortable 12 min mile for the 10k I am running in October.

I plan on running 3-4 times a week. Saturdays will continue to be my long runs and the other runs during the week will be my training and speed work runs.

Other goals: 
More weight training. I plan on doing core, upper body and leg workouts 2 days a week to help build overall strength in my squishy body.

Yoga. I am planning on doing 1 yoga class a week to build flexibility and overall help me "de-stress" from the week. Likely it will be a Friday class.

Barre Class. My gym is offering a Barre class now and it has peaked my interest. I know that it will help build core and leg strength. I would like to try it out and try to incorporate it into my weekly routine. If it is the right fit for me.

My personal body goal: Yes, I am at my pre-pregnancy weight for this pregnancy, but that doesn't mean that I am at my goal weight. I have about 30 lbs to lose to be at my "first tier" goal which is my pre-pregnancy weight for Mason. (last years pregnancy/miscarriage I gained too much weight and that set me at a higher start weight for this pregnancy.) So, I am hoping that I can slim down my body to a healthy weight and size and do it in a healthy style with good nutrition and exercise.

Mental goals: Using the gym as my "mommy time" to help me be a better mommy at home. Meaning a solid 5 days a week at the gym to give me that "me time" I deserve AND need!

QOTD: Have you set any goals for the rest of the year? Do you make running goals?

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Woman's 4 Miler Training Program

Registration is up and running for the Charlottesville Women's 4 miler training program. Click here to go to the website and click on ONLINE REGISTRATION!

Fee is $20 which includes the summer of AWESOMENESS! The Workout Booklet and Other fun prizes. (There are raffle prizes every single week)

*The W4MTP fee is not the race fee itself. That is separate.*

1st day of training begins on June 14th at 7:00am! Yes, it is early, yes, you want it to be early. It can get very hot very fast and we want to be out running before it gets too bad.

Questions about the program?:
I'm not a runner I can't do a 4 mile run. 
You do not have to be a runner. Anyone is welcome. A non walker, a strutter, a new mommy, a walker, a wogger, jogger, a slow runner, and a sprinter. IF you fit any of these  categories please come out to join us. This program is for EVERYONE! We want to help you get new friends, an outlet for exercise and just to have fun. And you will have fun every week! I still talk to my friends from last summer by the way! Hey VAL!

I can't go every week.
That's ok! Come as often as you can. I can't go ever week either. My hubs has military weekend one weekend a month so I won't be there the first weekend of July or August for sure. It's ok. Come as often as you can.

I don't have the time for the mid week training. 
We encourage you to exercise as much as possible. The training program recommends 2 "running" days a week. (I do Tuesday and Thursday) Get outside and walk. Take a friend with you. Or your dog. Your dog will thank you. Just be safe in the heat of the summer that you go out early and drink plenty of water.

I promise you that you will love this program. It seriously changed my life and the way I look at running and at myself. Last year I went through my miscarriage. I was tired of feeling sorry for myself and being "fat". I signed up for my first 5k. That 5k I met a pink lady, Janet, from the training program and we walked together the whole time. She kept telling me about the training program and that I should totally do it. By the end of the 5k she convinced me to "look into it." That next day, I contacted her on FB and told her I signed up. Every week I said hi to her and she was so interest in my progress and super happy I was there. I was in the second running group and made many friends. We all encouraged each other and pushed each other. And accomplish so many great goals last summer. I couldn't wait for the next summer because I loved it so much! Because of the W4MTP I am a runner.

Please if you are in the area think about this program and the race itself. It is for a great cause, the charity is the UVA Breast Cancer Care Program. Last year over $370,000 was raised for this charity. Click Here for the website for the race itself and more info on the charity work. It is a limited number of participants and registration will open and close in just a few short hours on sign up day, June 21! Hope to see you this summer!

Did you sign up! Let me know so I can look for you at the track on June 14!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Wearing Pink

Looks like this summer, early on Saturday mornings if you wanna find me, look for me in PINK! Got the email asking if I still wanted to volunteer to help with the training program this summer and, yep I sure do! Just hope they don't mind me bringing a boy along. At least he will be super cute and a babe magnet!

In the area and want to join the training program? Check out the registration info at the website: Women's 4 Miler Training Program. Program begins Saturday, June 14th at 7am!

Want to run in the race? Saturday, August 30th at 8am. register here June 21 early, early, early morning because they only allow a limited number of participants and it fills up quickly!

Hope to see you there!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Exercise During 3rd Trimester

I know I am doing a lot of pregnancy posts. And haven't done too many exercise posts as of late but that is because I am very pregnant and haven't been exercising as much as I did a few months ago, but I am still doing my walking as much as I can and I know that after I am cleared to run again that I will, and I plan on adding in more strength training, yoga and I would love to try that Barre class that everyone has been talking about.

For today I was going to write a 3rd trimester exercise post but found this super cute website with a great post on 3rd trimester exercise. Check it out here! Knocked Up Fitness

Mommas! Go out in the beautiful weather and take a walk! Walking is the best thing for us, and we might as well get used to it now because it is a great way to induce labor too!  And you know when you hit 40 weeks you will be taking all the walks you can, not to mention how much walking you might be doing at the hospital to get that baby out!

If you can find a prenatal yoga class, it is never too late to join. It will feel awkward but it is a slower style than normal yoga meant to work with your ever-growing belly. 

If all else fails, find some stairs and go up and down a few times in a row. Go slow and remember that this can bring on more contractions so if you are in the 39-41 week range and you want the baby out, try this out!

Mom's with older siblings, chase your kid around the park as much as you can. Great bonding with your children and good exercise for you!

QOTD: How many miles are you walking/planning on walking at a time from here on out? I have found my body is done at about 3 miles. 3.5 is really pushing it, unless there is a really great episode on Food Network at the gym I generally only do 3 miles at a time now! Every body is different. 

***DISCLAIMER***Be sure to consult your doc before you do this to make sure it is ok, as I am in no way a medical professional. I am just me giving helpful advice! 

*Also if you are new to the blog click on the Pregnancy tab at the top of the page to see other posts on pregnancy!*

Thursday, March 27, 2014

To Pink or Not To Pink

C-ville, VA- June 14-7am

How soon is too soon? I'm already starting to think about things postpartum. You all know that I am a little OCD and I like to be really, really organized and such. Just starting to think about things coming up in the next few months. And I knew that February and March were going to fly by because HELLO! IT IS ALMOST APRIL! Scary!

Anyhew. So how soon is too soon to get back to it after baby? I don't know. I didn't have this running hobby of mine when I had Mason. I wasn't able to go to the gym or exercise outside of the house regularly. But in June is the 4 miler training program again. I really want to be a volunteer this year. Last year I was encouraged to sign up by a couple of friends, so I did. But I'm thinking about making it official and really doing it. But I will be no less than about 2 weeks postpartum if we have the baby at the absolute latest we can have him (May 28). And what can I really do when I know I won't be running? And he will be with me on the Saturdays that I am there to help out.

Am I allowed to walk a mile or two post baby that soon after? Will I want to?

I have encouraged a few friends to make the commitment and to sign up and participate in the program and I would love to be a Pink Lady to help encourage them along their summer journey.

But this is what I am on the fence about right now. Should I sign up and go to help out as often as I can? Make the commitment now and just do it? What do you think? HELP!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Springtime = Races, Races, Races!

With the welcoming of spring comes the new season of Races! Spring is the start time for most races in central VA. As it is finally starting to warm up a bit and the chance of snow is way less, however this coming Tuesday is saying that we are supposed to expect to see more snow! (I am ok with this snow because it is delaying the nasty humid summer from beginning too early and the blooming of the spring flowers and trees when my allergies go NUTS!)

Where To Find Races: There are so many races coming up near where I live and I am sure there are where you live too. (AZ and FL races tend to happen early in the year as it is just getting too warm to safely run races now.) You can go to to find races near you. I put in my info and within 100 miles from my house there are 306 races between today, 3/22 and 4/22. They even list healthy kid runs too! There also could be local races that aren't registered with runners world so check your local newspaper or running shop to find out when and where!

How To Pick Races: Go through your list and figure out what distance you want to do. And determine how far you would like to travel in that day. A ton of races are up in DC for us and going to DC a ton just doesn't do it for us. That place is a parking disaster so I would. I know that next year I will run in the C-ville 10 miler, (been wanting to do that 2 years in a row but too far pregnant this year.) But I would also love to run in the Cherry Blossom 10 miler in DC. (there is a 5k there too) So pick wisely.

Listen To Your Body: Don't overdo it. I know it is such an amazing feeling to finally run outside comfortably after such a long and cold winter, but don't schedule a race every weekend unless you are used to doing so. For me, (if I weren't pregnant) that would still be insane. My body would be so mad at me. It likes its recovery time. We need it. (that is another problem with the spring race circuit.) Every race is jammed packed in there every weekend. The C-ville 10miler is on March 29. The C-ville marathon, 1/2 and 10k is on April 5. The Cherry Blossom 10 miler and 5k are on April 6. Know your body and what it can handle.

HAVE FUN! Whatever you do decide to do, have fun! This is a race but the only person you are trying to beat is yourself. I try to PR every time I run because that is what this is all about. We train to better ourselves and every time we race/run we will get better. If you don't PR, that is ok too. You finish that race as best as you can. Make mental notes and still have fun. You are running in a race instead of sitting on your butt eating bon-bons! You are taking care of your body and trying to help yourself live longer! YOU ARE AMAZING!

(These races listed are the 3 I would pick to be in for the spring, doing a 5k for the Cherry Blossom race. Sadly they are every weekend. Not sure if my body could handle that but something to train for, for next year!)

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Proper Running Shoes

Hey fellow readers! I know I have been kind of MIA but I have actually been doing research on a couple of upcoming blog posts. And well, just haven't written them yet, but they are coming!
~My current shoes, Brooks Adrenaline- GTS 13~

I learned a lot on my 1/2 marathon. Not just about me but about other runners too. When I run, I tend to watch the person in front of me and try to pace them or just think about their shirt, often I will call someone by their shirt, (a lady in my training program last summer was wearing a Cinderella the Musical shirt and I called her Cinderella for 3 miles as I was pacing her) or just anything that will keep my mind off of what I am actually doing. Running is hard and we need to focus on other things to keep going.

Well, I watched a ton of women's feet for their pacing and tried to match my pace to theirs on the 1/2. I often look down since I am pregnant just to make sure I don't trip or anything. One thing that I noticed were the improper running shoes some ladies were wearing. I broke my heart seeing them in some shoes that we not made for running knowing that they had a grueling 13.1 miles in front of them.

These are the 3 that really stuck in my mind:
Mile 2 I was behind a lady when she stepped she was actually stepping on the side of the shoe and not the actual base of the shoe. And she had to pull her shoe back into place about every 10 steps because it was sliding off her feet. AT MILE 2!

Other ladies, many ladies, were wearing their BRAND NEW New Balance Cinderella shoes, with the ribbons. Yes they were brand new because they were spotless on the sole of the shoe.

Another lady around mile 11 or so I passed had bloodied bandaids on both heels of her feet and the back of her shoes were just covered in blood. I felt so bad for her.

Please, please, please! GET PROPER RUNNING SHOES when doing 3 miles, or 6 miles especially 13.1 miles. These are shoes that you can find at a local running store or shoe store where they check your running stride, and foot fall and ones that you have been TRAINING IN! Break in your shoes by using them on training runs. Every time you run so that you know where rubbing happens or where you need to tape up your feet to avoid sores or bloodied heels. (I felt so bad for that lady) You will know how you feet feel after pounding the pavement at 3 miles, 6 miles and 10 miles. You will know if you need more support and have time to get it before the race.

Using brand new shoes is a no, no too because again you don't know how your feet are going to feel after such a long distance. And the shoes are so stiff and not broken in. Yes New Balance did make a brand of running shoes with the Disney theme in mind. They are cute and they have fun ribbon laces that will be totally trashed or damaged by the end of the race but again, knowing how the shoe and your foot work together is so important. Here is a Runner's World article on common shoe questions.

Running is a sport. Injuries happen. Toe nails are lost, and bleeding will incur. Runners may not have the best looking feet but we know that our feet can carry us many, many miles! But I felt so bad and my heel just ached after seeing the lady's heel. I know someday it might happen to me, but I have finally learned taping up certain parts of my foot is ok to add extra protection. If you start to get a blister on a test run, or a shorter distance run you know what your tendencies are for longer runs now. (E, I'm talking to you!) I taped around the ball of both feet to protect the bunion area and the callus on the bottom of my feet during my runs. They helped but, I taped too high (like 2 cm) on my left foot and got 3 tiny little blisters from the irritation caused by my shoes. I will chalk it up to being super excited and nervous oh and sleep deprived for my misplacement of my tape.
So there we have it! Running shoes, properly fitted, and worn by you, running shoes really are a necessity. I hope these 3 ladies and all the others that participated in the race had a happy and safe race and they were able to accomplish what they set out to do. Take care of your feet because they will take you place if you show them a little love! 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Last Run Before My Half

I am so excited! Today is my last 3 mile run before I run my half, and possibly my last 3 mile run while pregnant. Still haven't decided yet how much I will run beyond next week. This training has really taken a toll on my body. I am ready to just take it easy a little bit. I will still do some walking. 3 mile+ walks are definitely on the books even up until I have the baby, got to get the baby out somehow, right! And I will try to do some running every week to keep up with it until I can't but it will be no more than 2 miles at a time. So this is my plan.

On a plus side, I am glad that I have ran as long as I have because it has helped in other departments during this pregnancy! I have had no weight gain beyond what I started at, yea! I am losing fat/parts of my body are not growing as much as they did with Mason. The pants I wore when I was pregnant with Mace I am wearing now and they are a little baggy on me yea! And I passed my glucose test with flying colors. This is the one test I am so scared of because I am overweight, but I was 20 points better on this test than I was with Mason. The biggest change for all of this is that I have been running/doing more consistent exercise.
One other note! Mason moved to his big boy bed on Monday. He has slept in his new room 2 nights now and hasn't fallen out of bed and really enjoys his new room! So excited for our big boy! Now if we could only teach him that the potty is not scary!

QOTD: How do you taper your runs before a race?

Monday, February 17, 2014

Less Than 1 Week

Less than 1 week to go and I will be running in my first 1/2 marathon, (while pregnant). I seriously think I am still crazy for wanting to do this but I am proud of the fact that I am because it is a very, very, VERY hard thing to train for while pregnant! I am so excited that we are actually leaving in just a few short days! I still have a lot to do before we go but I know I will get everything done. I have to!

As far as a weekly workout recap last week was not supposed to be my taper week but it kind of turned out that way in a bad way, as in no workouts! Just didn't happen. NOT GOOD! But this week is tons of walking and tomorrow is my last run before the race. 3 miles is on the books for me! But I feel good and ready for the race. I know I can do it. It is going to be hard and I will have to push myself slightly but I can do this!

I am so excited to run my race with my best friend K! It will be such a fun experience for both of us and yeah I am a little excited, more than a little to run through the castle. This race is going to be AWESOME!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Good Days & Bad Days

I am at that point where I will often have a good running day and a bad running day thanks to this little guy I'm carrying. And they can be completely back to back. Case in point: Yesterday. BAD RUNNING DAY. The whole day my stomach just felt queasy and every time I got ready to go running I would need to postpone because it just didn't feel right. So I didn't run or walk yesterday.

Today, good running day! I felt strong and ready to get going. Mason is the one who took forever to let me get him dressed to get to the gym. I did my 3 miles with a different type of plan in mind, didn't really work and went back to my old plan but at least I tried something new. I still finished in just over my 15 min/mile requirement I have placed for myself. The first mile and a half though, wow, my round ligament doesn't like me very much but after that point it lessened up a bit and I was able to continue. But now I know that it will take me at least 2 miles to feel comfy running.

On another note, all the half marathon paperwork is up on RunDisney along with the course map. I found out what corral I am in, and it isn't the last one, YEA! But there are also 1,778 other runners with me in my corral alone! Looking at the map too, after this Saturdays run I will know I can do 11 miles and miles 12 and 13 are at Epcot so that makes me happy because once I am in Epcot I know I will almost be done! The only thing they don't list on the course map is the bathroom stops! I know that there is a "real" restroom in Tomorrow land. But reading another blogger today from her review of the marathon is that there were really long lines for that bathroom, for most of them, so a little worried there because I don't have too much time that I can slow down and stop and I will probably need at least 2 stops. Anyhew! Less than 3 weeks to go! I CAN DO THIS!

QOTD: What do you do when you have a "bad" running day?

Monday, February 3, 2014

January Week 5 Workout Recap

Sorry, meant to post this yesterday! I am at the point in my pregnancy where I am starting to feel, UGH when exercising. It is becoming more and more difficult to do my runs. I am noticing that I have started to slow down, just a fraction, but slow down the nonetheless. It is taking more energy to run and I am really excited that the 1/2 is this month, at the end of the month but still it is this month and then I can back off on running a little.

Mondays at the gym it is often difficult to find a treadmill to work out on. And I have only been allowed to get my 30 minute in before someone is waiting behind me for my machine because ALL of the machines are taken up. This happened last Monday. Tuesday was Mason's 2.5 year check up at the doctor and he got his flu shot and wasn't up for going out afterwards so we came home and I let him sleep. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday became my running days, and I won't be able to do that again. I need a day off in-between. On Friday though I did get my belly taped. It helped me on Friday and on Saturdays not so long, long run. I will have the guy tape the belly just a little differently as I still had some pulling on my right side from the round ligaments, but I think it is because the tape didn't go under my belly on that side, it kind of crossed over it and I need the "lift." I am getting it done again on Friday for my last LONG run before the 1/2 doing 11 miles. I will see if it helps. If it doesn't then I will try out a support belt which a friend at church offered to let me borrow. But I am just happy that the 1/2 is so close now because seriously every week I ask my self, "What are you thinking!"

Monday: 1.5 miles walk on treadmill 30 min elliptical
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: 3 miles walk/run (15 min/mile)
Thursday: 1 mile walk/run (15 min/mile)
Friday: 2 miles walk/run (15 min/mile)
Saturday: 5 miles walk/run (15:10 min/mile)

Total Mileage: 12.5 miles at 25 weeks pregnant

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Baby It's Still Cold Outside!

Brrrr! Anyone else thinking that this winter should be over and done with soon? It has been so cold this year. I am kind of missing the AZ winters I grew up with where the weather just stayed nice and chill not FREEZING COLD!

I am building my list of things to buy before next winter. I didn't invest this year since I am pregnant and I don't want to stretch out my pants or shirts this year and try to wear them next year, won't work. So here are a few items on my list:

I am still trying to find the perfect jacket still. And yes there is a ton of Under Armour on this list. But their cold gear clothing is really good and I have heard awesome things from my friends and fellow runners about it. Even from the hubs he likes UA.
Under Armour fitted cold gear tights. Not really looking forward to wearing tights in general (too tight) but I know that they will be really nice when running in.
 Under Armour fitted crew top.

Under Armour cold gear infrared v neck long sleeve shirt. This is a nice cute fitted top.

 Champion by Target flip gloves. I had these on my list for Christmas and still haven't gotten them yet but next year I will have gloves to run in.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Can't Believe I Actually Did That

Most weeks I think I am CRAZY, nuts, bonkers for wanting to train and run in a half marathon while pregnant. Every week I question if I am actually able to do it as it is getting more and more difficult to find the energy and will power to get my butt to the gym to do my runs during the week. But today, I proved that I can do it.

I walk/jogged/ran 9 miles. MY FIRST 9 MILES EVER! I have done 9 miles. While 24 weeks pregnant and am still standing, (sitting while typing this though.) I survived!

Who would have ever thought that I could actually do this? I hoped I could do it and now I can say, I CAN DO THIS! I will say that the first mile was horrid. As it usually is. Body warmed up by 2.5 miles and I felt strong, and great until mile 6-7. Then I ran out of steam, no energy. I literally walked the next 3 miles to finish my run out but made sure I kept a quick pace to keep under the 16 min mile limit. But I did it, and that is the important part. I finished and kept under the 16 min mile pace restriction.

I will say that I am again suffering from a stuffy nose and didn't feel all that great today. And I was on a treadmill for the whole run.The good thing that this taught me though is that I will be fine at the half. There is going to be so much excitement and positive energy from everyone that will help fuel me, plus I will be running with my best friend who will push me to an extent, and I tend to run faster and better when out on the street so now I know, I CAN DO THIS!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

January Week 2 Workout Recap

Another week done in January, another week I feel I did pretty well with the exercise front. Monday I did take the day off. I have been getting these head splitting migraines and I had one that happened the morning of Monday. Usually they had been occurring in the middle of the night and I can try and sleep it off, but Monday, I had to teach and take care of the kid. Matt came home early from work to watch Mace so I could sleep. But man these migraines are awful. I have never felt my head hurt so badly. It feels like my right eye is being pushed out of the socket and just argh! it hurts! Wednesday, I was watching a friends kid while she was being monitored in the hospital in the labor and delivery dept. she didn't have the baby but she had to have some other things checked out. Here is how I did this week:

Sunday: rest
Monday: rest
Tuesday: 3.5 miles run/walk (14:51 min/mile)
Wednesday: rest
Thursday: 2 mile run/walk (14:50 min/mile)
Friday: 2 mile walk (15:45 min mile)
Saturday: 7.5 miles run/walk (14:47 min/mile)

Total Mileage: 15 miles

Staying in my goal at staying under 15 min miles on my run walk days even though I am just under it but I'm still under. 22 weeks pregnant this week. I am still having Braxton Hicks contractions when I am exercising. Mostly notice them when I am in a walking stint. I also started to notice that I am getting round ligament stretching pain in my lower abs. It diminishes around 1.5 miles but the first 1.5 miles it is pretty noticeable and I am just taking it easy when it gets too much pulling sensation. I am listening to my body. It is just adjusting to my belly which is getting bigger and bigger every week!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Oh Man!

I think this is the coldest outside I have ever felt in my life!!! currently in central VA at 9:44 am it is 5 degrees outside with a wind chill/feels like -6 degrees! THAT IS CRAZY COLD!
Everyone stay safe and warm if you venture out. As far as running outside. BUNDLE UP or go run inside at a gym. I have a friend here that has been waiting for the last few hours to go for a run outside and decided since the temp hasn't gone up at all just to do stair work in her house instead of hill pickups.

Me personally I will be running at my gym in another hour or so. I have a good solid 3.5 mile run. YEA!

And yes, all my AZ friends your 44 degree morning is quite nice compared to my frigid weather! You are lucky. Enjoy the outside weather and go run outside for me, please!

QOTD: Are you running inside or outside today?

Sunday, January 5, 2014

January Week 1 Workout Recap

This week with New Years threw me off my normal schedule. And I just didn't want to work out on Tuesday or Wednesday. Oh, and I did get puked on early in the week so Mace really shouldn't have gone to the daycare anyhow! But I did do some workouts, just not as much running, running as I should have done.

Oh and it is the beginning of the year which means increased gym attendance and restricted time on the treadmill. The gym has a 30 minute limit on the machines so I have to watch to see how many machines are taken up to see if I can stay on or move to another machine.

Monday: 3.5 mile walk- 15:43 pace
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: rest
Thursday: 1/2 mile walk- 16:00 pace. 1 hour prenatal yoga
Friday: rest
Saturday: 4 mile walk- 16:15 pace

My goal for this next week is to run on Tuesday and Thursday as my training runs and Saturday is my LONG run of 7.5-8 miles. WOW! Longest yet! Monday and Friday will be walking days again and I will continue to do my prenatal yoga on Thursdays! 7 weeks! ONLY 7 more weeks until my 1/2 marathon!

Friday, January 3, 2014

My New Threads!

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my new Running For Two shirt by For Two Fitness in Spring that Santa brought me for Christmas. I have worn it twice now. One to a long run and yesterday to yoga to show off to all the other Momma's.

I have gotten so many compliments on it. On my long run a ton of people were like, "WOW! WAY TO GO MOMMA!" "Cute" and of course lots and lots of Awe's! The color is perfect for me. The spring color is a Kelly Green color and is perfect to bring out my red hair and of course red face from running but that is ok.

I love the fit! IT IS AWESOME! Yesterday during yoga I never had to adjust my shirt down. It is plenty long enough to cover my belly and there is still a ton of room left for me to grow. The fabric is super soft and I never had any chaffing from the hem. It fits and feels so nice!

All you fit momma's out there, this is definitely a piece of clothing I suggest you invest in. It will last through your whole pregnancy and it also answers that question, is she pregnant or not? People know I am pregnant when I am wearing the shirt. I LOVE IT!
~After yoga yesterday!~

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 Goals

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I love new years because it is a chance to start over and try to do better in all that you do, or choose to do. My usual goals are to lose weight, make more lunches for my hubs, do better at my church duties.

Here are a list of my goals for this year:

1. Weight loss/Staying Healthy-
This year is different. I can't lose weight because I am pregnant. My goal with that is to not gain too much. I am already doing pretty well in that department. I am still 4-5 pounds under what I started this pregnancy at, which is a pretty good feeling. I am not doing it on purpose. If I am hungry than I eat. But this pregnancy, I am still exercising, a lot more than I was with the first. I feel fuller sooner too. So I am not eating as much as I used to.

Also, I am eating better foods in general. I have indulged, I love my desserts, but again I can't eat too much without feeling icky and sick. So I think that is a good thing for me. I get little tastes not the whole cake! Also once the baby is born my goal is to try and stay healthy, and let my body and the baby do the work in the weight loss dept with the breast feeding. Hoping that this time the breast feeding will help me shed some of the baby weight I put on.

2. Exercise-
I plan on exercising as long as I can before baby. I already know my cutoff for the gym though which will be May 1 so that it is a full month instead of a partial month payment. I plan on running as long as I can too. I will not be running long distances at the end of the pregnancy, but if I can continue to do 1-2 slow, slow, slower miles than that would be nice. But if not, than a nice walk would be great too. I plan on doing yoga up until I have the baby. I will probably fork out a day price to go to the yoga class because I think it will help me in the end more than it does now.

After baby I plan on starting to run again in August. I am giving myself the full 2 months to rest and recover after baby. It could be a little longer depending when the baby arrives in May but Aug 1 I will be in the gym. I also plan on running/walking in the Women's 4 miler that is at the end of Aug/early Sept. It is such a great race I don't want to miss it. Then it is getting back into training and such. Still debating if I can pull off running a 1/2 marathon in November or not. We will see how I am feeling after baby. But that is in the plans for me!

3. Blog pageviews-
I really love writing in this blog. It is personal, it is real and it is fun. I love hearing my friends read it. I would love for all of your friends to read it too. I would love to get double the number of monthly page views by the end of the year. I know that it is just me, but I also know that a year ago, I was looking for other blogs out there to help inspire me to get off my duff and get moving and I hope to do the same for someone else! Through Heather's looking Glass, Healthy Heddleston and This Runners Trials are the 3 blogs that I visit all the time and helped me keep on moving. I am inspired by their stories and adventures!

4. Be a Better Mother-
Yes that is true. I am still learning how to be a mom and there are things that I am lacking in and things that are pretty good. I need/want to be better at reading with my son. Sitting down with him explaining things. Make him put the puzzles together without my help. It is so easy for me to just do things for him. He needs to learn on his own and I really struggle with having him figure it out on his own, cause it is just easier for me to do it for him. On top of that I have to learn how to be a mom to 2 kids. I am scared for this. I am scared about the whole juggling thing. I just hope and pray that my kids are patient with me as I learn how to be a mom to both. As my husband says, take it one day at a time.

5. Continue to grow my piano studio-
I love teaching. I love my students. It is sad that I am having a hard time finding students in my area. By the end of the year I hope to have a steady solid 10 students with a possible wait list. I can only fit 10 in my schedule with the hubs and 10 is plenty to have when I am also a full time stay at home mom. Teaching is just amazing though. I love being able to pass on the love of music to our next generation.

So there you have it! My goals. If I think of any more I will write them out, but I have spent all day thinking about them and this is what I have right now. Also on a cool note, this is my 100th post! Such a small number but still I have done 100 posts in the last 4 months! Pretty neat!

QOTD: Did you make new goals this year or keep some of the old ones?

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

December-Week 3 Workout Re-Cap

Last week was a great week for me in the working out department! I really did well and am super proud of myself. I pushed myself but not too hard. I listened to my body (until Sat.) and I think we both did more than we thought. (My body and me)

Mon: 2 mile walk-17 min mile- super slow to get back into moving
Tues: 3 mile run/jog - 14:42 pace
Wed: Pilates stretching 20 min DVD
Thurs: 2 mile run- Interval walk @ 3.7 with 5.0 run on treadmill (2:30 sec)-15:09 pace
1 hour prenatal yoga class
Friday: 1 mile run/jog- Interval walk 3.8 with 5.0 run (2:1)-14:00 pace
Saturday: 5.5 mile run/walk-15:06 pace (first time I got hip pain going uphill.)

13.5 miles!

Spoke to my running coach for the training program I am in and he gave me a schedule to follow to help me get ready for the 1/2. My long runs are just getting longer from here on out.

I am doing much better today and yesterday after downing a ton of water. I have learned my lesson. More water! I now carry around a 32 ounce bottle with me and my daily goal is 4+ of them. It is a ton of water! I will also be running with my water bottle and a camelback on my long runs and when I get home, gatorade and more water, even if I don't feel like drinking anything.
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