Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen: motivation
Showing posts with label motivation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label motivation. Show all posts

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Don't Let The Weekends Ruin Your Progress

Weekends are fun, but they can also be hard! Don't go hog wild this weekend and eat what you want. Stick with the 80/20 rule. Allow yourself one indulgent meal, including an amazing dessert, a week so that you can stay with your eye on the prize. Don't feel guilt. Don't feel bad. Enjoy it. This is what living a healthy lifestyle is all about.

Also, pick a healthy outdoor activity to do either today or tomorrow. (Sorry to my AZ peeps who are having to endure insanely high temps close to 120) But try to find something you can do to get yourself some fresh air and burn some calories while having fun! Swimming is a great idea! (oh that actually sounds so good to me right now, being weightless and just relaxing in nice cool water!)

What outdoor activity are you going to do this weekend to keep you on track with your goals?

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

5 Ways To Stick With Your Resolutions

Here we are 5 days into the new year! How is your resolution going so far? Are you working every single day to make you one step, (big or small) closer to your goal? You got this! Keep going. They are important to you or else you wouldn't have decided to make these changes in your life! And if "Losing Weight" made it on your list, it is the TOP resolution for the New Year! Followed closely by " exercise more" and "improve overall health" Maristpoll

Here are 5 ways to help you stick with those resolutions!

Set Real and obtainable goals: 

Be realistic in your goals. Start with smaller goals that are obtainable rather than larger daunting goals. Like, lose 10 pounds by March. instead of lose 100 pounds by March. It isn't going to happen safely or without medical intervention. You have to be realistic with yourself or else you are just setting yourself up to fail. And no one wants to do that. Another great goal to think about is to slowly increase how many days you are exercising. If on average you exercised 2 days a week, like clock work, bump it up to 3-4 for a challenge. But automatically jumping to 7 days a week might be too much of a leap and can lead to getting burned out pretty quickly. Be realistic in your goals.

Find the time. Or if you have to Make the time: 

If it is important to you, you will make the time for it or find the time in your day that you can fit it in. Make it fit into your schedule and if you have to wake up a little earlier in the morning to get the time you need into your life. You might have to sacrifice browsing Facebook or Instagram but what is going to make you feel better. Looking at people or being that person you want to become!

Share Your Journey:

One of the best things, and scariest things I have ever done, is starting to share my story with all of you. It scared the living daylights out of me for fear of judgement or ridicule. But you know what. I want to help people realize that they can change their lives too. That is what matters. And honestly it took me 17 months as a coach to share my actual weight on social media. I shared my before and after pictures but never, ever put a number to it, until last month and I came out with it. I am currently 235 pounds guys. And you know what is so funny. Now that it is out of the bag, I can't stop mentioning it. I feel like I am providing so many women out there who think they are too heavy or too out of shape or what not an opportunity to show them that NO THEY ARE NOT! We all start somewhere. Share your store. Inspire others. We have a real epidemic on our hands. Obesity. And it requires all of us to work hard to fight it. Be that example to your friends! Post your pictures. Share your story. Share your ups and downs. You never know who you will inspire.

Upgrade Your Eating Habits: 
It is so hard to cut something cold turkey. And often after a few days of no chocolate, chocolate ends up in the house and before you know it. It is GONE! (please tell me I am not the only one that this happens to!) Make small healthy, lasting changes to your diet. ask for veggies or a salad instead of fries. Drink water only with your dinner. Eat only one slice of toast in the morning, then slowly transition to eating oatmeal in the morning. Add more veggies to a smoothie. Or even just make a meatless meal once a week focusing on eating more greens in your diet! Try something new. You never know you might like it, and how it makes you feel!

Make It Exciting:
When you do go to exercise, make it fun and exciting! Start a new workout program. Doing the same old boring stuff means you can get bored sooner and more likely to stop. Try a new workout that challenges you. Hammer and Chisel, 21 Day Fix Extreme, a Cycle class, hot yoga! There are so many things out there to up the anti in your workouts! And make it fun! Also make an end goal for what you are doing to. Like sign up for a specific race that looks awesome, or be able to do 10 military style pushups. Challenge yourself but make it fun and exciting.

Sticking with your goals is only part of the battle. Go back and check out about SMART goals and making sure that each and every one of your goals matches all the categories in the acronym. Your goals are worth it. They matter! You matter! Stick with these and you will stick with your goals!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Workout Quotes and Mantras

Starting a new workout routine is hard. And the beginning of the year a lot of us go diving into a new fitness adventure. It is going to be hard. It is going to be uncomfortable. It is going to push you and you are going to have moments that you are going to want to say, "SCREW THIS! I'm DONE!" But what gets you through a workout?


Sometimes during the workout your mind will say, "STOP! I don't want to do this!" That is the moment that if you push past that thought, those feelings where true development happens. Pushing past our quitting moment will define you and give you the best post workout feeling knowing that you stuck with it and you did it! So here are a few workout quotes or mantras to say to yourself when the tough gets hard and you are at that moment where you are about to give up.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Success in 2016: Plan Your Day

Hello New Year, in just a few days! Are you making your new year resolution list yet? I am still working on mine. But here is one that is on my list. To plan out my day and make sure that I have balance between my family, work, and everyday life stuff. Sadly when you say yes to one thing, you have to say no to something else. Like, if I say yes to working out, then I am saying no to sleeping in. Get it? 
Pick one day a week that you sit down and plan out your schedule, every hour of every day of the week. I am serious! 

1) Family always comes first so start with that. Schedule in any doctor appoints, kid drop offs and pickups, or any other family appointments that you have for the week, oh yeah and church activities.

2) Schedule in your workout just like a doctor appointment. It really is that important for me that I schedule it in secondary in my life. 
3) Next I schedule in my work time. Teaching and coaching. My goal in 2016 is to stick to my schedule. Do what I have to do in the time allotted. I have been crossing over way too much and that is not ok for me and my family. I will no longer sacrifice my family time. I have to become more efficient in my actual work time! 

4) Lastly I schedule my me time. I personally need some alone time for me to just unwind from my activities. I can usually get 30-45 minutes of this a day. I use this for reading or just turning off my brain. 

Here is how to stick with your schedule: 

Turn the sound off on my phone
Set alarms or timers for how long to do something
Close my laptop and put it away
Mute the notifications on Facebook
Only open the window you need to work in right now
Keep yourself focused on the goal in mind
Work from a to do list

Starting today you can plan to make 2016 more successful with these tips! Be sure to follow me on FACEBOOK and PINTEREST for more daily motivation and support!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Staying Healthy For Christmas with Shakeology

I am so loving this Christmas so far! I made it a goal to drink Shakeology every day this month. I have missed 2 days this month, but still, this is the first Christmas in YEARS that I am NOT sick with a cold or flu or just feeling run down or lack of energy. In fact no one in my family is sick! This is why I drink it everyday. To keep me healthy and happy AND it has totally done that for me! I have invested in my health and wellness and I have not looked back since the day I started enjoying my first shake! 

Why is it helping me feel so great? There are 70 superfoods packed in just 1 scoop. All those superfoods contain the vitamins and minerals that my body needs to stay healthy. Check out this list! 

  • Adaptogen Supernutrients that may support strong immune function, help the body cope with environmental stress, and naturally help increase energy
  • Antioxidant Supernutrients that protect the body from free radicals and prevent cellular damage
  • Vitamin and Mineral Supernutrients that help your cells make energy, build and repair muscles,  and support energy production
  • Protein and Amino Acid Supernutrients that build muscle, reduce hunger and food cravings, help keep blood sugar steady
  • Phytonutrient Supernutrients that support healthy aging and vitality
  • Probiotics Supernutrients that promote healthy digestion and healthy colon function
  • Prebiotics Supernutrients that help probiotics grow and thrive, and strengthen the system
  • Digestive enzyme Supernutrients that help your body break down food to assimilate nutrients better
Check out this AWESOME festive recipe

Want more info? CLICK HERE to read more about it and order if you are ready to give your body the best for 2016! Next health and fitness support group begins Jan 4! Let's kick off 2016 with a BANG! 

Want more info?  And did you know that you can get 25% off all future Shakeology orders? Comment below, or email me! Excited to hear from you! 

Be sure to follow me over at FACEBOOK and PINTEREST for more inspiration and motivation.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Reduce Holiday Stress With Exercise

It is the last weekend before Christmas. Many of us are going to be out and about today getting the last things we need for a spectacular Christmas! In the midst of running around, take time to get your workout in during the day. It will help tone down the surrounding stressors.

30 minute walk
30 minute run
Strength Training
21 Day Fix Workout Routines
Hammer and Chisel (ordering mine this week!)
Just do something! 

The best way to reduce stress is by sticking to your health and fitness routine. We often drop our exercise program during the holidays because we're so busy with errands and to-do lists when, in actuality, we need more exercise than ever.

It is more important than ever to schedule in your calendar, just as an errand or doctor's visit would be scheduled.

When you take the time to take care of yourself, you're ensuring that you'll have the energy and peace of mind to get all your tasks done efficiently and timely. Besides that, exercise releases those feel good endorphins and who can't use a little of that this time of year?

Comment below with what time or a picture of your scheduled workout time for this week!

Even Santa is getting his workouts in to haul all those presents around! ;)
wink emoticon

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Holiday Season Have You Feeling Overwhelmed?

How many of you have or are currently feeling OVERWHELMED with the holiday season. This is the first year ever that I have not had my Christmas decorations all up the day after thanksgiving. I just haven't been able to. I am finally just taking my time, not stressing and just trying to do a little at a time. I am done feeling overwhelmed with things in my life. And really overwhelmed just means that there are too many things going on, at the same time. I don't want to be stressed. I don't want to feel inadequate. I don't want to just lose my marbles this holiday season. And it has actually been quite freeing. Matt just asked me last night, "When can we have the dinning room cleaned up?" I said, "I'm not done decorating yet." "Babe, it is Dec 16..." I just gave him my "shut up I will get to it when I am good and ready to" stare. I love him. But I also know that I have to take care of me. And I just don't want a whole lot of stress and drama in my life right now!

If you are feeling overwhelmed with your workout, your eating, fitting all this into your life during the holidays. Sit down and take a look at everything that is going on in your life. Have you agreed to go to not 1 but 3 cookie exchanges or holiday parties this season? Are you having guests over and feel overwhelmed with the idea of cleaning your house? Are you running out of time to get everything perfect for Christmas?
If you are feeling overwhelmed with workouts, think about what you have going into your workouts. The Time you are working out. Or look at your schedule. Find a time that works for you because when you start to doubt yourself with workouts excuses come flying in and it is hard to say no to them and easy to stop!

It is ok to say "no" to holiday parties. I did. I backed out of two at the last minute because I just couldn't do it. 

My house will be as clean as I can get it before my parents get here. Thankfully Matt is picking up the slack more to help me but I just don't have the energy to do it all anymore.
Christmas will never be perfect. I still might not get all the decorations up. But I will have a rocking Christmas because I will see my boys faces and excitement they have towards everything they are getting from us and family. It is ok to put your family first and maybe back off on some things to keep you from feeling overwhelmed.

Do what you can. You do not have to be perfect. You just need to enjoy life, live it and make memories! And heck if you decide to ditch the ornaments on your Christmas tree, you might even remember that more than the year you decked your house out with a million lights! Keep it simple. Keep it smart!
You are in charge of your life and how it is. Don't let the season be the reason to give up on you. You are worth more than that and the season is worth more than a few decorations or parties. It doesn't have to be perfect, it is about making memories. Remember the season and remember your why!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Tracking Your Journey

One thing that's so important to remember as we're on this journey is that this is in fact A JOURNEY. It's ongoing, and we need to be making lifestyle changes in order to have a lasting effect on our health. There are no more diets in our world - just clean, whole, healthy foods, portion control and exercise to go with it.

Have you struggled in the past with dieting and having it quickly come back once you resumed your normal habits? What is your story about why you got here and why you realized you needed to change your habits, and not just do another fad diet out there?  I have. But it wasn't until I finally realized that I eat the things I like in moderation that this lifestyle change really clicked for me! 

I think it is so important to keep returning to our journey and see where we have come from and how far we have changed. Answer these questions: Where did you start at the beginning of your journey? What have you learned from your journey thus far? And where do you so yourself at the end of your journey? 

And, of course, be sure to like our FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Be Fearless

How many of you feel like exercise and clean eating have become a normal and regular part of your life now? Yes, I have times where I just want a milkshake and goodies, but it is just times now. Not ALL THE TIME like it used to be. I love that I have a healthy relationship with food now. This is the first time ever! You do not have to sacrifice to be healthy you just have to realize that there are better things out there for you.

In high school I ate so little because I thought I was fat. Always skipping breakfast and I would eat Jr. Mints for lunch and that was it and barely ateany dinner too. I used to think, "to lose weight I have to cut food, or a food group." I lost 20 pounds in high school because I didn't eat. I used an excuse as a reason to why I didn't want to eat. I felt that I had to stop eating and exercise to be happy. And I still thought I was fat even when I was too thin for my body type. Most people thought I looked great. I was miserable. I was hungry. I was depressed. And I was hurting myself. 

Even as a young adult I was hard on myself. Thinking that if I ever reach a certain weight that I would just stop eating again. And I thought I was HUGE! 

Now, I finally get to eat, and it always fills me up and still lose weight. I am eating the right types of carbs. I am eating healthy fats. I am LOVING veggies and fruits. And I am getting the protein in my body that it needs to function correctly! And the food I make is pretty great! Oh and I still get goodies, sometimes. I live my life by the 80/20 rule where I eat clean most of the time but still get a good treat. 

We are all in here for our own reason but we are fighting for what we want. We are fighting to be healthy and sometimes the battle is REAL! Be fearless in what you are pursuing. Because in the end, you matter. Your healthy life matters! You are worth it and never forget that!

If you are done letting food rule your life and want to start eating clean and healthy. Fill out this GOOGLE DOC and I will get back with you within 48 hours.  I can't wait to talk to you! 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Keeping The Holidays Healthy

Here they are! The Holidays are HERE!

Every December I have been resigned with the fact that I was just going to enjoy my holiday and deal with the aftermath in January. But this year is going to be so different. This is the first year that I am going into the holidays losing weight and actually knowing what I should and shouldn't eat. And trying to follow that. I am taking the time for me, my health and my body! No more just allowing the holidays to run my life for me.

Why wait for New Years to make the changes your body is wanting?

For December I am running a group to help keep your holidays healthy. A holiday survival group just for women who are ready to make themselves a priority this year.
My 30 day exclusive private group will include:

-A fitness program that fits your lifestyle and needs
-30 day supply of dense nutrition
-Meal plans, recipes and grocery lists
-Meal planning help and support
-Accountability and one on one coaching
-Daily motivation to help you stick with your goals
-Clean eating and holiday survival guide ebooks
-A group of supportive women who can relate to YOU

I am ready to make this December the most healthy and best one I have ever had with ME as a priority. Are you ready?
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Facing Fears

Yesterday was a rough day for me guys. I faced a huge fear of mine during my counseling session. And it is something that has come out during this whole process of the miscarriage. Because I was so close to it actually happening.
I faced my fear dead on. I am so scared of not being here for my family. My fear is, had I had died during the miscarriage. I had to face that today. We had to go back into it and talk through those feelings of sadness and grief and how close I really was. I even said, "I didn't want to go down that path because it scared me." Talking about me dying and not being here just broke my heart.

But you know what. I realized how much I love my family. I realized that I have a lot more work to do here in this life and that I am making my life count. I have my two amazing boys who need me. And my husband that loves me and wants me. I have friends that would miss me. I have lives that I am helping to change right now and countless future people that I know I am going to be helping that need me! I am so thankful that I am still here. That it wasn't my time and that I have found my purpose as a mother, wife, teacher and motivator.
I give all of myself in all that I do. Because we only have 1 life to live. Live it to your fullest. Every single day! And be thankful for the life that you do have. It has helped shape you into the person you are now!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Monday, November 2, 2015

30 Days Of Thanks-November Support Group

I am so excited! I am setting up my next challenge group that begins THIS WEEK! 30 Days Of Thanks! Why not have a whole month to be thankful for our friends, family, health, strong bodies, and clean healthy foods!

I still have available spots to help more people stay on track, avoid the holiday bulge and food comas and feel their best EVER this holiday season!

Now that Halloween is behind us, more and more sweets and treats are going to be around and tempt us. Let this be the first year that you say "NO" to excess sweets this season. We will work together to find a workout program that fits your life. So you can Connect The Dots with your Fitness, Health and Life!

Are you ready?

By joining our group you receive:
~a workout program that works for YOU
~a months supply of superfoods nutrition
~meal plans/ prepping and planning help
~support/accountability and a community that helps motivate you daily and allows you to DREAM BIG!

You are worth it! Why not start today?

Fill out this application to let me know YOU WANT TO JOIN! 

Friday, October 30, 2015

Healthy Halloween Game: 2015

I did this last year with Anna and Elsa costumes that came a knocking and ended up doing 60 squats for the night. I wanted to up the anti this year. Adding more categories of costumes and a variation of exercises to do per costume.

So the rules: Whenever one of these little costumes make an appearance at your door keep a tally and do the exercise associated with it either right then and there or after the little monsters have gone to bed. Think of this as your way to eat a candy bar or 2 for the night. Fun way to help keep you healthy and happy this holiday season!

Also check out my trick to keep the candy in the house at a minimum! Big bucket, lots of stuffing!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Dairy...A Love/Hate Relationship

For the past few months I have severely reduced how much diary I am consuming. I just thought, "I will try this Almond milk to see how it is." And I haven't gone back since. It has actually been a pretty cool transition. And really the only dairy I eat regularly is butter and cheese. But it is such a small amount that it isn't enough to really affect me.

A couple weekends ago though, I ate dairy, I had cheesecake. and baked goods, and other snacks in the house I bought to help keep my kids at bay while I was in survival mode since the hubs was out of town for 4 days. And guess what??? It totally backfired on me and I am still suffering from that indulgence today! By Sunday, I was so bloated I looked like I was 6 months pregnant and my stomach was cramping like crazy. Sunday I realized that I did not eat the best decisions over the weekend and cleaned up my eating and it took till Tuesday to help clean out my body, no more bloat and the bloated weight I gained is GONE! 
What have I been doing? I have been drinking 64 oz of water with 1-2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. And every morning I have been having warm lemon water (1 cup of water with half a lemon juiced into it). Along with cutting out sugars (except found in fruits) and also not eating breads/cutting out gluten. (I am going to be getting gluten free bread this week at the store). Plus increasing my veggies to make sure I am getting enough of them because we all could use more veggies! 
I don't think I am lactose intolerant. I could be but I have never been tested for it and don't have it official. I honestly think though that my body just isn't used to processing that kind of protein any more. And it was heavy dairy that killed me more than anything. My body has changed over the past few months and it is pretty awesome! And for me to just over load it with foods that I haven't had in so long my body was like, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO ME!" The coolest thing is how I have been able to clean out my body and how much better I am feeling. I don't feel sluggish any more. I am not as tired as I was. My body isn't bloated anymore. I feel better. And Shakeology is ROCKING at helping me feel satisfied.
Here is the thing. Dairy is amazing and yummy and in so much of what we eat. It is also an inflammatory. A huge way to help your body is to just cut out some of the dairy that you are eating. I went from drinking 2 large glasses of milk to just 1 glass, to 1 small glass of milk, to now no more milk (can't stand it anymore) and just a little bit of butter on my toast and just a pinch of cheese on my eggs in the morning. Small changes lead to huge results. Just give yourself a challenge to reduce or cut for a short time. See how it makes you feel and then you will know!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here to join my private online community where you get free advice, support and encouragement + a free gift with tips to help you get started with the right mindset for healthier nutrition choices!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Motivation To Habit!

If you want to succeed with making the shift to a PERMANENT healthy lifestyle, you have to STOP THE EXCUSES every day and JUST DO IT! I know, Nike logo, but it's the truth. Whenever you don't feel like working out, just do it. Whenever you don't feel like eating healthy, just do it!

People make excuses as a way to make themselves feel better for not completing something. For example, "I don't have time" is a common one, but you do have the time, you just have to create it. Before you make an excuse, take some time to think about it and instead of saying to yourself “I can’t” or “I don’t have the time” say “I’m choosing not to”. That will make you realize that you have the control and power to either do it, or not do it. It’s your CHOICE. Eliminate excuses, find success!

Sit down with your calendar and look at your whole day. Can you find 30 minutes in that day? You might have to sacrifice something, sleeping in, watching your favorite TV show live, or even some alone time just chillin'. But don't you think your health and wellbeing are worth it? Do you think it is important to your family, your children, for you to be healthy and around as long as possible? I want to be here for my grandkids. I want to be able to play on the ground, take them to the park and run after them. I want to be healthy now so that I can be healthy when I am older! Stop making excuses and just do it! You can do this! 
So with your calendar I want you to schedule in a time everyday that you can exercise and take care of you. Make it with an alarm. Make it important. Just like you would a doc appointment. Commit to yourself that you are going to do it. When it is time for your work out, like early in the morning. And your alarm goes off 30 minutes earlier than it has in the past, put your alarm across the room. and as you make your way to the alarm in the morning repeat to yourself, "AWAKE! I'M AWAKE" The whole way there. You will be awake and alert! Then get dressed, best to set your clothing out the night before, and get downstairs and do your workout! 

It really is that simple! Comment below with what time you scheduled your workout for!

And, of course, be sure to like our FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Every Day Is A New Day

Just a few months ago I was in a deep depression, I didn't want to get out of bed. I was sad for losing my baby, I was sad that I was still here and I was MAD at what I had been through. I had gained weight during my recovery putting me back at my weight that I always give birth at. The heaviest I have ever been. It scared me. I felt like I didn't know where to start or what to do to get out of my huge blackhole I had built around myself. Until one day, I decided enough was enough.

I made a call and got in contact with someone to help me mentally. I decided too, to start exercising. It was hard. It hurt. My body was so mad at me because it didn't want to do it. But I realized that I needed it! It made me feel better. Happier. I could work out my frustrations through my exercise and I LOVED THAT! I craved it! Was I able to do what I could do before. NOPE! I had to take it slow and steady and MODIFY everything but the point is, I did it what I could and went from there. I also cleaned up my eating and stuck with more whole foods over processed foods. I am now down 15 pounds and this month is going to be the month that I will pass that 20 pound mark because I WILL be at my first weight loss goal by Thanksgiving! 25 pounds or more will be GONE!
What got me to where I am today? Support and daily motivation and encouragement. 30 minutes of daily exercise and super easy to follow nutrition that actually teaches you what your body needs to eat to lose weight without feeling hungry! I want to help you slim down BEFORE the holidays so that this year is the year that "lose weight" will not be #1 on your New Year's Resolution. You have the chance to lose 11-33 pounds by NEW YEARS! How different would you feel if you did that? How would the new year begin for you? Don't wait till after the holidays. Set the bar now on how you want to live your life! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Eating 5 Meals A Day

In the past I have been saying eat 5-6 times a day and this month I got to thinking, "What if they aren't even getting in their 3 meals a day?" It happens to me sometimes still. Some days before I know it, it is 3pm and I haven't had my lunch yet. That is actually a snack time for me. The number one goal is to make sure that yo are in fact eating 3 meals a day! It doesn't happen to just moms either! Have you been so busy at work that lunch didn't happen? Or you forgot your lunch and don't have the funds to buy one? 

It happens to everyone! I want everyone in here to make sure they are getting in their 3 meals a day. Start there! Then your next goal is to be adding in snacks at key points during the day so you don't feel hungry, or to help keep your 3 main meals a day smaller so that you are not over eating! Eating every 2.5 hours or so whatever works for you! But the final goal is to be eating 5 - 6 meals a day!

Benefits of eating 5-6 meals a day: 
Keeps blood sugar stable
Keeps your metabolism up
Keeps you sustained meaning less junk foods
More energy
Happier, no midday cranky pants!
Keeps you regular

So you guys. I want you to write down what time you eat your meals for the next week. Sound easy enough? See how many meals you are actually getting! Also you are going to see patterns that if you were running late, you might skip a snack? Or you might start packing a snack with you because you are becoming more aware of what you are doing! And please don't be concerned if you only got in 2 meals or 6. This is to help keep you aware of what you are doing and tracking your progress and then go from there! Comment below with how many meals you are getting on average in a day over a week! 

And, of course, be sure to like our 
FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.
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