Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen: 4 Months Pregnant

Thursday, January 2, 2014

4 Months Pregnant

Yesterday I have finally hit 21 weeks pregnant! YEA! Less than 20 weeks left until we meet our little guy or girl! Yep we still don't know and we should be finding out on the 13th!

What's up with baby? Per What To at 16 weeks the baby is as big as an onion weighing at 3.5 ounces. At 20 weeks as big as a large banana weighing 11 ounces. Also as of 16 weeks the baby can start to hear sounds from outside the uterus. So baby will be hearing the piano lessons and definitely be hearing my horn playing! By 20 weeks the baby is practicing for life outside the womb. It is practicing swallowing, and can taste the difference in the amniotic fluid as that changes from what I eat on a day to day basis.

It feels like the whole last month I was sick. I had bronchitis for the first 2 weeks and a pesky cold for the last 2 weeks. When I was pregnant with Mason, I never got sick once! NOT ONCE! This kid, an entire month. Exercise took a backseat for me to get better. When I was feeling good I did run/walk.

I also got a new running schedule to get my mileage up to prepare me for the half marathon at the end of Feb. I just need to stay healthy and well so that I can do my long runs on the weekends and the shorter runs in the week!

I am still getting Braxton hicks contractions when I exercise. I think it will be a constant for me up until I deliver. I only get 1 though that I can feel where with Mason I would get 2-3 in a 45 minute window.

I noticed that this baby is sitting lower in my belly than Mason did. I do have to use the bathroom more frequently that I had hoped I would have to at this point. And often have to use the bathroom when walking/running. I'm still napping/resting during the middle of the day to keep my energy up for the later end of the day.

I did start listening to my HypnoBirthing CD's in week 20. I have been listening to them for my afternoon rest/nap. Weird/exciting experience: I got flashes of my labor with Mason that I don't remember. I realized how much my Doula helped me, and I am surprised that she didn't pass out from all the breathing she did to help me. I also remember emotional feelings from the labor and birth. It kind of surprised me. I was crying when I woke up. Very powerful emotions!

That is about it. My belly is still about 4-5 weeks bigger now than I was at this point with Mason. I am still down 3-4 lbs from my starting weight. Slowly my weight is going up but again, I am trying my darndest to keep it as low as possible! Also, check out my new tab at the top for pregnancy related blog posts, including my monthly updates!

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