Alrighty moms! Here is a healthy tip to keep in peak condition! While in yoga on Thursday, my instructor talked about the one area that has a hard time getting back into shape after baby. What is that area? The inner thighs! OK I know that there are other areas that have a hard time getting back in shape after baby but really do we really work our inner thighs?
I am not the kind of person to just jump out of bed and start doing squats and lunges but sadly those are the exercises that our inner thigh muscles need to get back to it. has 5 easy tips on how to strengthen your inner thighs, actually it will work your whole leg too but main focus is for inner thigh. They are easy and short. I tried them out a few times since Thursday and my legs already feel stronger. I feel ready for my short run tomorrow! Yes they are a little sore, but they feel strong. Give them a try!
On another note! I get to see the baby today. We are doing a 12 week screening today. I'm adopted and we don't know my medical history so this gives us a peek inside to make sure everything is developing great! I am sure it is but I like to know, know. Ya know!?!
QOTD: Would you like to participate in a November challenge with me??? Like the squat challenge?
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