So I really have taken a couple of weeks off from serious training. I wanted to rest. I hadn't really taken a "rest" since before I started the W4MTP in June. I needed one.
Well, rest time is over! This week I am back into it, seeing in how I have my first long run scheduled this Saturday with the 10 miler training program, I really ought to run prior to that. So Today and Friday are my short run days. Yesterday I did a 2.5 miles walk and cleaned, cleaned, cleaned. Wednesday is my swimming class and Thursday is my yoga class. And Saturday, long run. No idea how many miles but thinking at least 4 miles, maybe. We will see what group I get placed into.
Also, we did see our little baby yesterday! Healthy and happy and squirming around all over the place! Every time the Doc tried to get a good profile pix it would move around. But the one below is pretty good! This one is going to be a super active little baby. It will be interesting to see if it is more active than Mace was when I exercise. That was when Mace would go crazy.