Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen: clean eating
Showing posts with label clean eating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clean eating. Show all posts

Saturday, October 17, 2015

3 Day Refresh Cleanse: Day 2

Day 2 of my 3 day refresh cleanse. Day to went surprisingly better than I thought it would. Breakfast was amazing, sticking to my fave Shakeology. Fiber sweep was pretty good to and it finally did it duty!

Lunch though. I had a little bit of a set back. I was hungry and I didn't want to drink the vanilla refresh again. I don't like it and I threw a big hissy fit. Here is a copy of my Facebook post:

----You guys! I almost threw in the towel and started snacking on some gluten free snack foods I normally eat as a snack. I didn't want to do the vanilla fresh again. I was going to give in and say "SCREW IT" but then I thought of you guys and also the challengers in my private support group I am in as a challenger and how they have stuck to it (I am a day behind everyone). And decided to try one more time and if I still couldn't do it without gagging then I would stop.

I decided to blend up fresh strawberries with it. It wasn't as bad. It was still gross but I got it down to the last little swallow where I threw it back up and just that little bit. I figured out I can't smell it and just drink as many gulps as possible to get it down.

I'm gonna stick to it.

Plus motivation of our family pictures we are doing this weekend helped. But the number one factor to not snacking and giving up was my fellow support group challengers. IT REALLY DOES WORK YOU GUYS! If you have someone you are being held accountable to then you are less likely to give up!

I am stronger than I think and this is worth it! Just waiting for my asparagus to finish up and going to enjoy that as my veggie. So thank you for your support. Thank you for being here and for being that little voice in my head to walk me off the snacking cliff!----

But I stuck it out and I got it down. And dinner went surprisingly well too. I was able to drink the whole vanilla fresh and my tomato and cucumber salad was surprisingly filling. I am not hungry at all. I feel great! So tomorrow is the 3rd and final day. A little nervous for it because I am going to be gone all day long. But I am packing all my snacks with me and planning out everything. Tons of water too! I am so excite for tomorrow! See you then! 

What is the 3 day refresh? 

The 3-Day Refresh is a cleansing program that’s simple to use and gets great results. It’s a program of three daily shakes, a fiber drink, recipes that include a delicious and nutritious medley of fresh veggies and fruits, and plenty of healthy fats so you can lose weight without feeling like you’re starving yourself.

The 3-Day Refresh has uncomplicated meal plans that are easy to prepare and fun to eat. Meal plans offer many choices from the food groups in the dishes, so there’s no boredom, and if you don’t have one ingredient, it’s easy to substitute another. The 3-Day Refresh is a great way to start a serious weight-loss change, but it’s also great for fitness buffs that have stalled in their progress. The essential cleansing nature of the 3-Day Refresh kickstarts your body’s natural digestive balance to get you feeling more active and energetic while you shed unwanted pounds.
You’ll have to start out the day with at least 10 ounces of pure filtered water. Many people find it hard to drink so much water first thing in the day, but that’s a sign of an underlying problem. Almost no one drinks enough water! Your body needs water in order to flush out the toxins that build up in the body. Your body needs water, and once you get used to drinking more water, you’ll notice how much you enjoy it in addition to the health benefits you’ll get.
Thirty minutes later, you can have a chocolate Shakeology shake along with a piece of fruit. Shakeology shakes taste great, are packed with energy, and have enough vitamins to allow you to stop taking your multivitamins if you like.
The 3-Day Refresh Meal Plan supplies a health drink called the Fiber Sweep. Fiber Sweep is a blend of fibers, some which dissolve in water, others that are insoluble. It’s jam packed with flax, psyllium fiber, and chia seeds. These deliver important Omega-3 fatty acids to aid digestion while giving you a gentle cleanse. You’ll drink lots more fresh water, too, or green tea if you like. Coffee is OK, too, but no cream and sugar.
The 3-Day Refresh Meal Plan lets you choose one fruit, a vegetable, and one food item that contains healthy fat from their extensive lists of suggested foods. Then you have a delicious drink called a Vanilla Fresh. It’s full of protein, important for supplying you with energy for the rest of the afternoon, and it’s jam-packed with probiotics, minerals, and vitamins. It contains a clinically tested potato extract that makes you feel full, but the shake itself is light and creamy. Time for more filtered water.
The evening meal is where the 3-Day Refresh Meal Plan really shines. The method has great recipes for tasty meals, like a stir-fry medley of vegetables to go with hearty salads. The recipes are easy to follow, and they have selections to make hot or prepare and store if you prefer. The evening meal included another Vanilla Fresh shake, and then lots more water. Since the actual food intake during the day was so low, it’s uncanny how full you feel, and how much energy you have.
If you continue the plan for three days, your cravings for your old food favorites diminish quickly. You’ll be drinking a lot of water and consuming a lot of filling shakes, but you expel them quickly along with all the toxins your body needs to be rid of. It seems crazy, but drinking all that water makes you feel less bloated than you would after a heavy meal. Your body needs water and processes it effortlessly.
If you keep track of your progress, you’ll see real, measurable results. Depending on whether you’re starting a serious weight loss plan or tuning up an existing fitness routine, you’ll lose inches and pounds on your belly, upper arms, and upper legs. Give the 3-Day Refresh Meal Plan a try, and feel better and look better right away!
And, of course, be sure to like our FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

Friday, October 16, 2015

3 Day Refresh Cleanse: Day 1

Hey guys! Wanna follow along my little journey right now??? I am doing a 3 day nutritious cleanse to help me get past my current plateau. (Well, it was when I ordered it. Currently down 18 pounds) 

I am making a video diary of my experiences and posting them to my Youtube channel! (yep, I have one, are you following it?) Be sure to head on over and check out my other videos I have up! Slowing adding more and more every week!

Here is day 1 morning of my 3 Day Refresh Journey: 

By the evening I was actually still feeling pretty satisfied. I was not hungry at all. I felt comfortable. I did have a slight headache which I think is normal because the body is detoxifying. And there is a calorie deficit but I'm not concerned with it. 

I am not going to lie. I had a really hard time getting down the vanilla protein drink you have for both lunch and dinner. I can not stand vanilla shakes ever. Even with just ice cream. Give me chocolate, give me cookies and cream but straight up vanilla, yuck! And vanilla flavored protein drinks are horrid. Too much vanilla smell to them. Anyways, I was trying to tell myself that it was just melted ice cream but that didn't help. Lunch, I barely got 1/3 of it down. And dinner, I added a banana, which helped but not much. I chugged as much as I could before my body knew what it was doing. I got all but one big gulp down. Hoping that tomorrow will be better with that. The one I was actually expecting to be the worst, the fiber sweet, was not bad at all. It had a gatorade after taste and it was thinner so it was a lot easier to get down. 

But overall doing pretty well.

What is the 3 day refresh? 

The 3-Day Refresh is a cleansing program that’s simple to use and gets great results. It’s a program of three daily shakes, a fiber drink, recipes that include a delicious and nutritious medley of fresh veggies and fruits, and plenty of healthy fats so you can lose weight without feeling like you’re starving yourself.

The 3-Day Refresh has uncomplicated meal plans that are easy to prepare and fun to eat. Meal plans offer many choices from the food groups in the dishes, so there’s no boredom, and if you don’t have one ingredient, it’s easy to substitute another. The 3-Day Refresh is a great way to start a serious weight-loss change, but it’s also great for fitness buffs that have stalled in their progress. The essential cleansing nature of the 3-Day Refresh kickstarts your body’s natural digestive balance to get you feeling more active and energetic while you shed unwanted pounds.
You’ll have to start out the day with at least 10 ounces of pure filtered water. Many people find it hard to drink so much water first thing in the day, but that’s a sign of an underlying problem. Almost no one drinks enough water! Your body needs water in order to flush out the toxins that build up in the body. Your body needs water, and once you get used to drinking more water, you’ll notice how much you enjoy it in addition to the health benefits you’ll get.
Thirty minutes later, you can have a chocolate Shakeology shake along with a piece of fruit. Shakeology shakes taste great, are packed with energy, and have enough vitamins to allow you to stop taking your multivitamins if you like.
The 3-Day Refresh Meal Plan supplies a health drink called the Fiber Sweep. Fiber Sweep is a blend of fibers, some which dissolve in water, others that are insoluble. It’s jam packed with flax, psyllium fiber, and chia seeds. These deliver important Omega-3 fatty acids to aid digestion while giving you a gentle cleanse. You’ll drink lots more fresh water, too, or green tea if you like. Coffee is OK, too, but no cream and sugar.
The 3-Day Refresh Meal Plan lets you choose one fruit, a vegetable, and one food item that contains healthy fat from their extensive lists of suggested foods. Then you have a delicious drink called a Vanilla Fresh. It’s full of protein, important for supplying you with energy for the rest of the afternoon, and it’s jam-packed with probiotics, minerals, and vitamins. It contains a clinically tested potato extract that makes you feel full, but the shake itself is light and creamy. Time for more filtered water.
The evening meal is where the 3-Day Refresh Meal Plan really shines. The method has great recipes for tasty meals, like a stir-fry medley of vegetables to go with hearty salads. The recipes are easy to follow, and they have selections to make hot or prepare and store if you prefer. The evening meal included another Vanilla Fresh shake, and then lots more water. Since the actual food intake during the day was so low, it’s uncanny how full you feel, and how much energy you have.
If you continue the plan for three days, your cravings for your old food favorites diminish quickly. You’ll be drinking a lot of water and consuming a lot of filling shakes, but you expel them quickly along with all the toxins your body needs to be rid of. It seems crazy, but drinking all that water makes you feel less bloated than you would after a heavy meal. Your body needs water and processes it effortlessly.
If you keep track of your progress, you’ll see real, measurable results. Depending on whether you’re starting a serious weight loss plan or tuning up an existing fitness routine, you’ll lose inches and pounds on your belly, upper arms, and upper legs. Give the 3-Day Refresh Meal Plan a try, and feel better and look better right away!
And, of course, be sure to like our FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Eating 5 Meals A Day

In the past I have been saying eat 5-6 times a day and this month I got to thinking, "What if they aren't even getting in their 3 meals a day?" It happens to me sometimes still. Some days before I know it, it is 3pm and I haven't had my lunch yet. That is actually a snack time for me. The number one goal is to make sure that yo are in fact eating 3 meals a day! It doesn't happen to just moms either! Have you been so busy at work that lunch didn't happen? Or you forgot your lunch and don't have the funds to buy one? 

It happens to everyone! I want everyone in here to make sure they are getting in their 3 meals a day. Start there! Then your next goal is to be adding in snacks at key points during the day so you don't feel hungry, or to help keep your 3 main meals a day smaller so that you are not over eating! Eating every 2.5 hours or so whatever works for you! But the final goal is to be eating 5 - 6 meals a day!

Benefits of eating 5-6 meals a day: 
Keeps blood sugar stable
Keeps your metabolism up
Keeps you sustained meaning less junk foods
More energy
Happier, no midday cranky pants!
Keeps you regular

So you guys. I want you to write down what time you eat your meals for the next week. Sound easy enough? See how many meals you are actually getting! Also you are going to see patterns that if you were running late, you might skip a snack? Or you might start packing a snack with you because you are becoming more aware of what you are doing! And please don't be concerned if you only got in 2 meals or 6. This is to help keep you aware of what you are doing and tracking your progress and then go from there! Comment below with how many meals you are getting on average in a day over a week! 

And, of course, be sure to like our 
FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Hungry For Change

Weekend documentary, I found a NEW ONE (new to me) that I haven't seen! You can find it on Netflix, Amazon Prime Videos, and on Hulu! Check it out and let me know what you think of it! Have you already seen it? Did it change the way you look at what you eat???
Check out the trailer!

And, of course, be sure to like our 
FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Upper Body Lovin'!

(Last weekend we got to visit my Grandpa in DC who was flown out by the Honor Flight in UT honoring WWII vets!)

I don't really believe in spot training. It just doesn't really work. You want to workout your whole body out evenly and honestly you are going to lose weight evenly anyways. But I want my upper body to be stronger. Better. LESS FLABBY! You know, that wobble from the backside of your arms. I WANT THAT GONE! Looking at pictures of me I see my arms and I want them smaller. And the only way I can think of besides losing fat is to increase the muscle. Look at the picture above. I was really happy with it because you can totally tell that my stomach is getting smaller, YEA! but I don't know if it is just cause my arms are so WHITE but that is what jumps out at me is how big my arms are. They are 14.75 inches around. Not happy with that at all!

My arms and shoulders are sooooo weak too! My shoulders pop and crack whenever I am doing arm exercises (same with my hip flexers!) I have a hard time lifting anything more than 5 pounds when it involves my shoulders. But no more. I am adding in some extra upper body workout to help me out. Can't wait to try these workouts by Sia Cooper from Diary Of A Fit Mommy! Have you seen her arms! Girl has been working hard on her guns! So along with my 21 Day Fix I will be doing her upper, lower and core workouts to just get more awesome! And with cleaning up my diet this week...I will get the body that I want! you can count on that!

Need more help and want a challenge? Check out this upper body 28 day challenge! Who wants to do a monthly challenge together??

And, of course, be sure to like our FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

Monday, September 28, 2015

My Journey

It has taken me a while to finally finish and get the courage up to post this video, but I AM DOING IT! I'm not trying to brag about what I have accomplished. I am not trying to make anyone feel badly. I am doing it to show you that you can start at any time to take back your life. You don't have to wait until you are at the lowest of the lows. If you feel that little urge telling you, that you need to change something. Just do it. Your body knows when it is ready. Your heart knows too. Sometimes your head will agree with it too, but often our own insecurities about past performances is what holds us back.

Done a diet and weight loss plan before but it didn't work? That's ok. I bet you learned something from that experience. Try changing your routine, but quickly fell into the same habits from before? That's ok, all you need is someone to help support you and give you motivation. I have been there. Felt like I have done it all but the one thing that changed it all, was support and motivation and finally believing in me that I could do it! Send me an email and we can talk about your goals and what has worked before and what hasn't! You don't have to go through this alone! We can do it together, and before you know it you are going to have a pretty amazing journey too!

Check out my video below to watch my journey!

And, of course, be sure to like our FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Food Volume Matters!

Why are we encouraged to eat veggies and fruits with our meals? Yes we all know that eating our veggies is good for us because they contain vitamins and minerals in them that might not be found as easily or easy for our bodies to process but there is a whole other reason to it too! VOLUME! Veggies fill up our stomach and trigger that signal in our brains that tells us "HEY YOU'RE FULL! STOP EATING!"

The whole point to adding veggies, a cup or two at a time, with our meals is to add volume to our meal. Check out the picture below to see what I am talking about! Think about it. When you eat the "recommended" serving size of pasta you are still hungry and want more. Why? Because the pasta alone is not enough to fill you up. (Anytime we went to Olive Garden I would always get the salad for me and eat half the bowl and I could barely eat any of my actual pasta dish. This is why. I didn't realize what I was doing at the time but this is why.) Or sometimes with meats I still feel hungry. Yes the meat is a heavy thing to eat but I also tended to over eat on the amount. 
When you are making a sandwich, don't just add lettuce. Top it with bell peppers or have them on the side. Get more veggies in your diets so that your body will trigger that I'm full signal and you will feel satisfied longer and more sustained until your next meal! 

A typical breakfast that I have is 2 egg whites (now whites to clean up my nutrition) and 1 whole egg. And 1 cup (or 1 green container for all you fixers out there) of bell peppers and onions. Plus I have 1/2 cup of oatmeal (2 yellows) with 1 tablespoon flaxseed (blue) (and just a
touch of honey to help with allergies), and an apple (purple). VOLUME! I am satisfied to full when I eat my breakfast!

And I am not talking about adding a salad to your dinner or lunch. I really dislike salads! They make me feel like I am dieting too much. I am talking adding in bell peppers to dip in hummus, or adding in caramelized onions on top of or with your chicken. Roasted butternut squash as a side sprinkled with cinnamon. Check out these Apple Cider Brussels Sprouts by Chef Chloe! These look awesome! Need helpful side dishes to get more veggies. PINTEREST is the best! Just go looking and you will find it! 
(Chef Chole's Apple Cider Brussels Sprouts)

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free daily advice, support, motivation, encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Are you following my INSTAGRAM yet? Check out my stories and feed to see how I fit a healthy lifestyle into my busy mom life!

Monday, August 31, 2015

104 Days Into My Journey

Hey, hey everyone! I am so excited to be writing about this. 104 days. I AM 104 DAYS INTO MY JOURNEY! First of all, it doesn't seem like it has been that long because 104 is a big number! And secondly, it does seem like that long because I see how far I have come which is a GREAT thing to see.

I started May 18th. That is when I took my measurements, my photos and just really started to get my act together. I was kind of doing it the week before but came back with a vengeance on the 18th. So to me that is my day 1. Think about it guys, 21st of March, I was going through my miscarriage. Dealing with my inner demons. Battling depression, PTSD and just in a major funk. Decided I had enough with it and got my life back! And now I am 104 days from that time and I feel like a totally different person on the inside. I am making huge progress with my counseling. I am believing in myself. And I am loving life. (Although I do have those times where I wish things would be different but they aren't and I can't do anything about it.)

So 104 days. (Sorry I just like saying that!) How did I do it?

1) Clean eating using the 80/20 rule. 80% of the time I am eating clean whole foods. No processed boxed foods. Only fresh clean foods. And the other 20% of the time I allow myself to indulge in a nice dessert, ice cream, or a meal I typically wouldn't have during the week. (cream saucy stuff, or a nice burger and fries!)

2) I drink Shakeology everyday to help me curve my cravings and to know that I am getting all the vitamins and minerals that I need to stay healthy but it doesn't do all the work for me. I have to decide not to eat the crap foods. I have to stay committed to what I am doing.

3) I also added in 30 minutes of exercise everyday. Even Sundays, but that is yoga and doesn't feel like exercise. Just another meditation to me.

4) And on top of that I have added in at least 10 minutes of listening or reading motivational, confidence building, learning to love myself podcasts or books. Commonly known as Self Help. But you know what. We all need a little self help! And it is ok.

And in my mind it is too long because I didn't workout at all during July and only ate clean for 2 weeks of the month because of recovery. So July I don't even want to count but I am. Anyways, in those 104 days I have lost over 15 inches. And over 15 pounds. (again not doing anything in the month of July) What is pretty cool to think about though is where am I going to be in another 104 days???

I see myself where I am going to be, mentally and physically. It is amazing. I know that by Christmas I will be at my next goal weight of under 200 lbs. I know that by May 2016 I will be at my goal weight of 165. (unless I get pregnant than that number will be different but I will still be working out everyday and doing everything I can to be healthy!)


Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here to join my private online community where you get free advice, support and encouragement + a free gift with tips to help you get started with the right mindset for healthier nutrition choices!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Preschool Lunch

Mason is starting pre-school in 2 weeks from today! YAY!!!! (I may be just a little bit excited for that fact!) He is one picky eater thought and I would much rather him take the option on the left more than the option on the right. I am a clean eater. My son, IS NOT!
He can eat gold fish till the cows come home. PB&J every meal. No more eggs for him, no more oatmeal. "EWWWW!" is what he says now to that. Pasta, yeah right. And if we tell him he can't have anything else, he would rather not eat at all. (like last night.) He will do hot dogs, without the buns but only if 5 Guys make it. (yeah, at a lost on that one!) No string cheese, no meat, no anything that resembles the color GREEN!

Last night we made these pocket sandwiches (just like in the picture which he said looked good by the way!) And he refused to eat it! He picked out the bread, meat and cheese for it all by himself. And wanted nothing to do with it. He wanted to eat more chips and grapes.

So moms! I got these recipe books from 100 Days of Real Food for help and inspiration. The food looks GREAT! Does anyone out there have any help for me. Tips and tricks. I want him to want to eat healthy foods, and a variety of foods too, not just the same thing over and over. (At least when I do it, is is something more substantial and healthy!) I am at a loss and I really need some help!

I did find this site by Keeley McGuire yesterday for 20 non sandwich lunches while searching. Cute ideas!

Monday, August 10, 2015

My 5 Biggest Weight Loss Secrets

I am coming up on 20 lbs lost since mid May. In 3 months I will have passed the big 20 pounds loss mark and almost 10% of my starting weight is GONE! THAT IS HUGE! And it is seriously just hitting me how huge that is! I have no idea why I didn't realize it earlier but I didn't!

So would you like to know my secrets??? And guess what, there is no pill, wrap or anything else I do. This is what I am doing to get my results!

1) Decide! The biggest factor to why I am finally losing weight is that I am determined to do this. I have decided that this is the time that I take back my life and I want to be as healthy as possible for the next time that I do get pregnant. And I will get healthy because this is my time. I decided that it was my time and I am DETERMINED! (Even my parents know that when I am determined, nothing will stop me!)

2) Clean eating! You can workout all you want and still get results. But if you combine clean eating with working out the weight will just fall off of you! I am living proof of that. It has happened now more than once in my life that when I start eating clean my body just sheds what it doesn't want which happens to be the excess fat on my body.

3) Exercise! You need to add exercise to your daily life. Even if it is just 30 minutes a day. Combining exercise with your clean eating allows you to build muscle which means you will overall burn more calories during the day because muscle is a CALORIE BURNER!

4) WATER! Drink lots of water! Our bodies need water to survive. It is 0 calories and you can drink as much of it a day as you want. And you can put fresh fruits in it to flavor it up naturally and it tastes so good! It also helps to flush our stuff from your system. Feeling bloated, drink more water! Stopped up, DRINK WATER! Stay hydrated and cut the sugary drinks. Those are not what our bodies NEED!

5) Stay determined! You have decided and you are eating clean, adding in some exercise and putting down the water, now what?!? You have to stay committed and give it everything you have. You have to really want it or else you are going to make excuses and just give up after a few days because you are going to miss your other foods. This isn't about missing foods or feeling like your are depriving yourself. It isn't about punishing yourself or dieting. This is about putting you first. This is about taking back your life. This is about you taking care of you. This is so much more than just the food. This is about you being here for your family. This is about you being able to play with your kids. Run after your kids. Getting up and down off the floor with your kids. This is about you being a good example for your kids. This is about bringing good eating habits into your house so that your kids learn it to and that they won't be one of the statistics of obese children in this country. Find your reason why you have to do this for you and you will be determined and you will stick with it.

My reason why I am doing this. I firmly believe that our baby girl sacrificed her time now to be with us. She saved my life because had the pregnancy continued there could have been other complications that could have done a heck of a lot more damage than what was already done. I also believe she did it so that we could both be healthy, together. If it continued and I made it out ok, she probably would not have been. I owe her  to get as healthy as possible now so that her sacrifice isn't wasted. And I firmly believe that I will get as healthy as possible now because I know I will. I believe in myself that I will.

All you have to do to believe in yourself is to start believing. You can do this. I know it is hard. I know that it might seem impossible but it isn't. You just have to decide, and stick with it and stay determined! You can do this.

Need daily motivation and one on one support? Let me know. We can do this together because you are stronger than you think! I know you can do this!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here to join my private online community where you get free advice, support and encouragement + a free gift with tips to help you get started with the right mindset for healthier nutrition choices!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Lose the Lower Belly Pooch

This has been my problem area for YEARS! Even before kids, and in high school I always was so concerned about this pooch. How do you get it to go away? Well, eating is one of the biggest factors. You want it gone, clean up your eating. But it also depends on what you have done. Had a baby, you might not be able to get it gone all the way, but you can reduce it. Check out these exercises to help shrink your midsection!
And, of course, be sure to like our FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Why Did I Become A Beachbody Coach

It is an important thing for me to learn my why. Without a why I would be floundering. Not know what exactly to do. Why am I making these changes in my life? Why am I sticking with my lifestyle change? Why did I become a Beachbody coach?

Today I wanted to share my story of WHY I BECAME A BEACHBODY COACH! I made a little video on why! Check it out! It has been the best decision I could have made. (Do me a favor! Like and subscribe to the video! Let me know you liked what I had to say! THANKS!)

A year ago when I became a coach, we were paying 2 mortgages because our renter stopped paying and she was out of the house. Our other house was up on the market to be sold and we were stressed because we weren't receiving ANY OFFERS at all! We had no extra money. I wasn't teaching in the summer. We seriously had no extra money to spend, but my healthy was that important to us. And it was something that I believed in. I did not let anything stand in my way of me taking my body back and getting back on the right track. I took the leap and I did it.

I am a busy mom of 2 boys. I have found time to work on me every single day. I have finally learned how to put me first! And I get to talk every single day with other women just like me! Being able to work one on one with women in all walks of life and see how much their lives are changing because they are getting motivation and support like they have  never had before is AMAZING and the best feeling in the world!

Know that you are worth taking huge risks in your life. You are worth all the hard work that you put into your life, choices and workouts! Believe in yourself! You can do this! Any questions about joining my team? Send me an email and let me know! I would love to work with you and change lives!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Just A Little Bit Further

I just realized the other day that I am coming up on my first goal for this journey! I have no idea why it took me so long to realize that but I am. My first goal was to get down to where I was before I got pregnant with Collin. And I am only 10 lbs away from that. WHAT!?!

The cool thing is that I have already lost 15 lbs so right now, 10 more just seems like a cake walk. (without the cake of course!)

It is amazing how quickly that something will happen when you are consistent with it and it just becomes a habit! I was asked the other day about denying my kids sugar drinks and if they were missing out on something as part of their childhood. My kids prefer water over any other drink. Do they like sugary drinks? You bet! But it is only occasionally that they do have it. And that right there, my friends, is the key. OCCASIONALLY!

We have come to believe that "dieting" is restricting yourself on calorie intake and denying yourself certain types and kinds of foods! In a way I look at dieting as a form of punishment and I think that is why I personally would rebound so hard after a stint of dieting. Now that I have built up a habit of eating clean 80% of the time and allowing myself an indulgence 20% of the time I have learned a healthy natural lifestyle full of balance. And I know that I can enjoy that cake on our Anniversary, or birthdays and I won't feel guilty for it at all! I am going to enjoy every single bite, guilt free! And I deserve that in my life.

Don't restrict yourself. Live your life. But you have to learn the healthy way to do it! Need motivation to stick with your new lifestyle of eating clean and exercise? Let me know! My next challenge group starts TODAY and I would love to have you in there!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here to join my private online community where you get free advice, support and encouragement + a free gift with tips to help you get started with the right mindset for healthier nutrition choices!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Why Not Start Today?

Not a lot of people know this about me. For the first few years after I got married every single time I went to the grocery store I would buy a doughnut or a candy bar. I would hurry and eat it on the way home so that Matt wouldn't know about it. As the months went by and I started gaining weight it didn't really bother me because I assumed I would get pregnant soon and that once I started breastfeeding I would lose all my gained weight. HA! It only took 9 years to get pregnant and have my 1st kid! Well that one doughnut or candy bar turned into 2 and then I was doing a candy bar and a doughnut or 2. IT GOT SO BAD! 

It took a few years, and Matt finding the "evidence" and that is when I realized that I had a very unhealthy relationship with foods. I have probably come across lately that I have it all together. And have never struggled with food. But I have. I have cravings just like you. I love food. Good food. I love sweets because it helps me feel happy and sometimes it brings back great memories of something from years ago. It is what I choose to do with those cravings that makes me different from back then to now!

But what I have learned is that I am stronger than those cravings. And those sweets only give me like 5 minutes of pleasure and add that to the way I would beat myself up afterwards it just isn't worth it. And the amazing food out there. Yeah, I still have it, sometimes, NOT everyday. I allow myself to indulge. But I also feed myself great tasting whole foods. And just because I eat healthy doesn't mean it tastes bad. It is actually pretty delicious! 

If you have ever felt like this or feel like you need a little helping hand in getting your nutrition and exercise back on track? Let me know! Send me an email message! I will get back to you and we can talk about your goals or set them if you want! I'm starting my next health and fitness private support group on the 3rd of August and I would love to have you join me and the others in the group! Let's do this together!

-One on one support from me to help you set and reach your goals.
-Daily motivation.
-Work with a program that is just right for you to fit your lifestyle.
-Provide you with recipes and a meal guide
-Daily dose of nutrition.
-Plus you will be with other people just like you in our PRIVATE accountability group where you can ask questions and get real answers.

Our Motto for August is: Simply Be-YOU-tiful It is never too late to take care of you! You are worth it!

(You must be willing to make a small investment in your health and wellness.)
Interested? Fill out this form!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Next Adventure...

I have a new adventure I wanted to tell you all about. I have a YOUTUBE channel now! WHAT!?! This is totally new and I wanted to share some tips that I have with clean eating and sometimes it is just easier to tell you about it than writing it down! I won't be vlogging all the time just on some stuff so make sure you check it out. And that you subscribe to keep up to date on what I am doing! It is small right now with only 2 videos but over time it will grow and I hope that you will join me over there too.

I really am a real person. Sometimes it might seem that I am just someone story teller and yes I post pictures of me and my family but it is nice to see that I really do exist in real life. I fully believe that we all need some motivation. And I plan on doing some motivation type videos to help give you that push to get up and go for a run or do your workout. I really hope that you guys can see a whole new side to me.

Here is my most recent video that I did. One thing that I have written about is that last Friday I had oral surgery. For the past 8 years I have been told that I would eventually need a gum graft. Well that day has come and I had it done this past Friday. I made this video on Monday so I am still having a hard time talking and I can't smile at all (I know you will miss my big smile! My favorite feature!) But still I think the video is pretty educational on how to add greens into your daily Shakeology or Green Smoothie without having to have a salad. And it is cost effective.

So in this video I am making Kale Shots, as I call them. They are just 1 ounce cubes of pureed kale. I don't know about you but I have such a hard time eating Kale. I think it is too bitter and I just can't get it down. And using it in smoothies, I just wasn't getting through all of it in a week. So my solution is to puree it up and freeze it. And one once is equal to like 4 cups of Kale. And it is totally masked by Shakeology, and a banana or in your green smoothie. You will still taste it a little because it is so bitter but it won't be like it is in a salad or just straight up. Let me know what you think of the video, subscribe! And hope you join me on this next adventure!

Friday, July 3, 2015

21 Day Fix Round 2 Results Photos

I can't believe the change that my body has done already! I talked about how much weight and how many inches here in my 21 Day Fix Round 2 Results post. I have lost the most inches from my belly and it is SO OBVIOUS! I feel like I am finally losing that baby bulge that I have had for a year now since having Collin. Not to mention how much smaller my hips are finally getting.

I have so much more energy and I don't crave sweets and sugars. It is such an amazing feeling knowing that I am not giving into these powerful cravings that I have had my entire life.

For years, I have had such an unhealthy relationship with food. If I was feeling sad or upset I would indulge and eat cookies, ice cream, pastries, and all manner of junk food. I would eat until I was full, way beyond satisfied. I used it as my coping for when Matt was deployed. I used it to drown my sorrows for the fact that I couldn't get pregnant, and I even used it to help me cope with my miscarriages and other frustrations I dealt with on a daily basis. During one miscarriage in particular I was eating ice cream almost every single day for the 6 weeks that I was pregnant for. It was AWFUL! I gained so much weight, lost control and just felt horrible. I have been dealing with that decision for 2 years now. Because I never lost the weight from that miscarriage before I got pregnant with Collin.
Thankfully I learned my lesson. When I got pregnant with Collin I was being more healthy. Exercising regularly. And now for the first time since I had Collin and this past miscarriage, I AM LOSING INCHES AND POUNDS! What an amazing feeling.
On top of taking care of myself, I am helping other women reach their goals too! You can join my FREE Private Health and Fitness Online Community with over a hundred women working on their goals. Tips, info and an amazing community filled with support! Come on over and join us! CLICK HERE to request to join!

Are you ready to get results like these? The time is now to get your membership to Beachbody On Demand bundled with Shakeology and your own Nutrition Fix Containers! NOW to join my EXCLUSIVE group!  CLICK HERE TO ORDER and I will send you an email to connect and help you get started right!  If you need to upgrade your current subscription or have questions EMAIL me, or send me a message over at FACEBOOK

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK.
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