Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Potty Training Tips For Preschool

Well the day is here! Mason has started school! And HE LOVES IT! Everyday since the first day of school he has come running up to me thanking me for taking him to preschool and that he loves me so much! It just melts my heart!

Yesterday he did have a little trouble getting his jean shorts pulled up after the potty. They had just had play time at the playground and he was all hot and sweaty, but just in case, I ran out and got him some elastic waist band shorts to make it easier on him and the teachers.

So one of the rules at this preschool is that he has to be completely and totally potty trained to attend. That is he do it all on his own. EVERYTHING! We worked all summer for this. Mason knew to go to pre school he had to be able to do it all. And when he finally did start using the potty full time after he did he would ask, "Can I go to preschool now!" and here we are. AT PRESCHOOL!

Here is what we did to help potty train Mason over the summer.

We have been trying since 2.5 years to potty train him. Started with just letting him walk naked and tell us if he needs to go potty. Didn't work. I set a timer to go off every 20 minutes to sit on the potty. That didn't work. We gave up a few times. Then tried again. Gave up and tried again. Fast forward to February when I told him he had to go on the potty. He still didn't want to. By May he was wearing underwear (or naked) and would go pee on the potty. But when he had a diaper on for mommy quiet time or night he would go poo! He was holding his poop for the diaper!

The end of June I had enough of that and just let the chips fall where they were. I told him "NO MORE DIAPERS!" And I hid his diapers. I told him that he is in underwear all the time and that we couldn't buy more diapers. He would respond. "The super market has more diapers!" Smarty pants!!! Finally just a few weeks before his 4th birthday he couldn't hold his poop any more and I saw it in his eyes. (cause they about bugged out of his face! He had to go poo!) He ran into the potty and went poop on the potty for the very first time! He then knew he was ready to go to preschool! We have been in underwear 24X7 since the beginning of July! And we are saving money not having to buy him diapers anymore! YEA!

1. Bribing didn't work.
2. Sticker charts didn't work.
3. Songs didn't work.
4. Happy dances didn't work.
5. Apps didn't work.
6. Reading didn't work.

Telling him (fibbing) we had no more diapers and just not putting him in them any more worked! Mental note has been made for child #2, but Collin is not as strong willed as Mason is! (speaking of child #2 I keep asking for my phone so I can get a picture for this post off of it and he keeps fake handing it to me and runs away! LITTLE STINKER! Oh yeah, I just totally made him cry!)

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Sexy Side Butt

Time to work the BUTT! Side butt that is. No more saddle bags. This is a great routine to follow to help you slim down your butt! 
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Monday, September 7, 2015

13 LUCKY Years!

This past Saturday the hubs and I celebrated our 13th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY! Crazy huh! 13 years I have been with this guy and I love him more than the day we married. It is totally possible to find bliss and happiness! 

We have had an amazing roller coaster of a marriage! We have had great years and years that were not so great but we got through all of them together and stronger. We had so many years, and still dealing with it, the whole kid thing. We were ok with having kids right as we got married but when it didn't happen, and a year went by, then 2, 3 and up to 8 we struggled. I pestered Matt. It was what I wanted but we didn't know what to do because it just wasn't happening. 3 fertility doctors, 54 shots in my belly and 2 IUI's and we finally got Mason. Now we are dealing with miscarriages that have been so hard on me mentally and stronger. But we are doing this together. Matt is there for me and has been there for me every step of the way. I love though that during those years we were able to still travel and spend time together! We had 9 years to get to know each other and build a strong relationship and a great friendship!

Marriage takes work. Even though you love someone you can still get mad at them. But you have to take that effort to talk through it. Forgive and work through any struggles that you might be having. If you are having an argument just holding hands while talking through it helps to not stay mad at them. It helps you stay connected it helps you forgive! It is worth it. At one point in time you fell in love with your partner. Just remember why you did! Check out this awesome video of Chalene Johnson giving relationship advice. It is pretty funny and so true! Check it out. Comment below what you think about it. What you took away from the video! 

I am one lucky lady who married such a great role model for his boys who is strong in his faith, devoted to his family and dedicated to his work!

Thanks hubs for picking me and for going on this crazy life journey with me. 13 years out of forever is pretty sweet!

Friday, September 4, 2015

What Is It Like?

I am so blessed that I can be a stay at home mom. We don't get the adult interactions that we need, start talking like a baby (Mason's tablet is called a tabby!) dishes piling up, laundry to do. We have all been there. Thanks to coaching I feel like I get to leave the world of babies and cleaning behind for just a little bit every day. I spend a little time every day working on me. Physically and mentally. I get to chat with friends, old and new. And why do I do this? BECAUSE I LOVE IT! This has been the best decision I have ever made. I get to work one on one with amazing people and I am helping them change their lives! And now I wanted to extend this to you!

I am hosting a totally exclusive 5 day sneak peek into what I do as a health and fitness motivator along with personally mentoring those who are ready to help others be the best versions of themselves! - my coaching is free, but you will be expected to work with me. 

The sneak peek will include:
~ Why I became a coach, 
~ What I do as a mentor and coach to my challengers and to my team
~ How I work to be my best version of me both inside and out
~What coaching is in a nutshell
~ Social Media and networking tips
~ How to earn money

You do not need to have a rock hard body, you do not need to be a business owner - you need to have a great attitude and want to learn and we will do this together.

Remember I am a stay at home mom - I am in the middle of my journey and have lost 15 pounds in just a few months, and I work part time as a music teacher too - I had to get it together to do this. I will help you do the same.

THIS IS A NO OBLIGATION, NO NONSENSE OPPORTUNITY....Are you curious about what I do? Let's do it! Let me know if you want to join us?

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

September's Book Club

Every month now, I try to pick out a new book every month that I need to read and that I want to read to help me continue to learn to love my life, gain more self confidence and to just better my self. These books are often called "self help." But they are so much more than that to me. I call them my personal development to help me develop myself to be better. And since I started reading these kinds of books in May, the way I see my life and the lives of those around me have totally changed.

So what's on my reading list for this month? Book #1

52 Ways To Live A Kick Ass Life: BS-Free Wisdom to Ignite Your Inner Badass and Live the Life You Deserve  By Andrea Owen. I love her podcasts and she really is about giving it to you straight and making you really think about how to look at life. I am so excited. Oh and it is for FREE on Kindle Unlimited! Yeah Baby!

Book #2 for when I finish 52 Ways:

BrenÉ Brown: Rising Strong: If you are brave enough, often you will fail. This is a book about what it takes to get back up.  This is a book that was recommended by Andrea Owen on one of her podcasts and when she talked about it and reading the brief little summary it is something that I totally need right now and can't wait to start reading! 

Monday, August 31, 2015

104 Days Into My Journey

Hey, hey everyone! I am so excited to be writing about this. 104 days. I AM 104 DAYS INTO MY JOURNEY! First of all, it doesn't seem like it has been that long because 104 is a big number! And secondly, it does seem like that long because I see how far I have come which is a GREAT thing to see.

I started May 18th. That is when I took my measurements, my photos and just really started to get my act together. I was kind of doing it the week before but came back with a vengeance on the 18th. So to me that is my day 1. Think about it guys, 21st of March, I was going through my miscarriage. Dealing with my inner demons. Battling depression, PTSD and just in a major funk. Decided I had enough with it and got my life back! And now I am 104 days from that time and I feel like a totally different person on the inside. I am making huge progress with my counseling. I am believing in myself. And I am loving life. (Although I do have those times where I wish things would be different but they aren't and I can't do anything about it.)

So 104 days. (Sorry I just like saying that!) How did I do it?

1) Clean eating using the 80/20 rule. 80% of the time I am eating clean whole foods. No processed boxed foods. Only fresh clean foods. And the other 20% of the time I allow myself to indulge in a nice dessert, ice cream, or a meal I typically wouldn't have during the week. (cream saucy stuff, or a nice burger and fries!)

2) I drink Shakeology everyday to help me curve my cravings and to know that I am getting all the vitamins and minerals that I need to stay healthy but it doesn't do all the work for me. I have to decide not to eat the crap foods. I have to stay committed to what I am doing.

3) I also added in 30 minutes of exercise everyday. Even Sundays, but that is yoga and doesn't feel like exercise. Just another meditation to me.

4) And on top of that I have added in at least 10 minutes of listening or reading motivational, confidence building, learning to love myself podcasts or books. Commonly known as Self Help. But you know what. We all need a little self help! And it is ok.

And in my mind it is too long because I didn't workout at all during July and only ate clean for 2 weeks of the month because of recovery. So July I don't even want to count but I am. Anyways, in those 104 days I have lost over 15 inches. And over 15 pounds. (again not doing anything in the month of July) What is pretty cool to think about though is where am I going to be in another 104 days???

I see myself where I am going to be, mentally and physically. It is amazing. I know that by Christmas I will be at my next goal weight of under 200 lbs. I know that by May 2016 I will be at my goal weight of 165. (unless I get pregnant than that number will be different but I will still be working out everyday and doing everything I can to be healthy!)


Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here to join my private online community where you get free advice, support and encouragement + a free gift with tips to help you get started with the right mindset for healthier nutrition choices!

Friday, August 28, 2015

30 Advanced Workout Challenge | September 30 day Full Body Workout

September is almost here! Check out this month long full body workout to get your body if great shape! Love this that it has rest days every 4 days! Are you going to do September's 30 day challenge? Comment below! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Preschool Lunch

Mason is starting pre-school in 2 weeks from today! YAY!!!! (I may be just a little bit excited for that fact!) He is one picky eater thought and I would much rather him take the option on the left more than the option on the right. I am a clean eater. My son, IS NOT!
He can eat gold fish till the cows come home. PB&J every meal. No more eggs for him, no more oatmeal. "EWWWW!" is what he says now to that. Pasta, yeah right. And if we tell him he can't have anything else, he would rather not eat at all. (like last night.) He will do hot dogs, without the buns but only if 5 Guys make it. (yeah, at a lost on that one!) No string cheese, no meat, no anything that resembles the color GREEN!

Last night we made these pocket sandwiches (just like in the picture which he said looked good by the way!) And he refused to eat it! He picked out the bread, meat and cheese for it all by himself. And wanted nothing to do with it. He wanted to eat more chips and grapes.

So moms! I got these recipe books from 100 Days of Real Food for help and inspiration. The food looks GREAT! Does anyone out there have any help for me. Tips and tricks. I want him to want to eat healthy foods, and a variety of foods too, not just the same thing over and over. (At least when I do it, is is something more substantial and healthy!) I am at a loss and I really need some help!

I did find this site by Keeley McGuire yesterday for 20 non sandwich lunches while searching. Cute ideas!

Monday, August 24, 2015

My Running Troubles

As you have probably noticed. I haven't blogged in awhile. I'm sorry that I left you all hanging. I have been deal with some hard stuff lately. And I finally decided it is time to get it off my chest and share with you what's been going on.

This blog was mainly started around me and my running and what running has done for me. It has since morphed into general health and wellbeing which is great but I have been so ashamed because I have been having such a personal emotional time dealing with my love of running lately.
I have major PTSD right now in regards to my miscarriage. I always thought PTSD was for people in the military or who have gone through other things in life. But never in regards to a miscarriage. But I do. And it is so freaky! I have nightmares of the day, I have flash backs. The scary thing for me  is I get panic attacks and get anxious when I think, talk or do some of the things that took place the day of my miscarriage. It is a real thing guys! I can't breath and I start to freak out. I look for a way to escape. I have been having panic attacks on my Saturday walks. I am usually talking with another lady and try to just let it be but 2 weeks ago I was looking for a way out. The "safety" car. By the time it came around I was better but it freaked me out that 5 months after my miscarriage this is still happening. I thought I would be better by now. But I am not. I am still working with my counselor and we are making progress but I am still working through it. Here is the thing though, I know that it was completely out of my hands and that I lost the baby but just things that took place are coming to light in what happened and how close I was to not being here. It is starting to catch up with me now. And I am coming up on my due date. So that isn't helping much either.

And it isn't just with running, I was cleaning up after having guests last week and I started getting all anxious and nervous because it was during cleaning up after guests that I started my miscarriage. I even get anxious at church and in other areas. I feel so embarrassed for feeling this way, and I find myself shamming myself. I should be better! It wasn't my fault But I am not. I am not always happy, and positive because I am human. I have been through very traumatic experience and it has made a huge dent in my life.

What is cool though is that I haven't given up on exercise or me. I still am doing my daily workouts, and I am clean eating. I am working on me mentally too to help me stay positive and see the good in all situations. And I don't have bad days anymore. I just have bad moments in my day which is so amazing! I just can't do running right now, and that is ok. I will get back into it. Will it sucks starting over AGAIN! You bet!!! But I have to work on me mentally first before I can put my heart and soul into something that I love, which is running.
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