Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen: personal development
Showing posts with label personal development. Show all posts
Showing posts with label personal development. Show all posts

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Be Fearless

How many of you feel like exercise and clean eating have become a normal and regular part of your life now? Yes, I have times where I just want a milkshake and goodies, but it is just times now. Not ALL THE TIME like it used to be. I love that I have a healthy relationship with food now. This is the first time ever! You do not have to sacrifice to be healthy you just have to realize that there are better things out there for you.

In high school I ate so little because I thought I was fat. Always skipping breakfast and I would eat Jr. Mints for lunch and that was it and barely ateany dinner too. I used to think, "to lose weight I have to cut food, or a food group." I lost 20 pounds in high school because I didn't eat. I used an excuse as a reason to why I didn't want to eat. I felt that I had to stop eating and exercise to be happy. And I still thought I was fat even when I was too thin for my body type. Most people thought I looked great. I was miserable. I was hungry. I was depressed. And I was hurting myself. 

Even as a young adult I was hard on myself. Thinking that if I ever reach a certain weight that I would just stop eating again. And I thought I was HUGE! 

Now, I finally get to eat, and it always fills me up and still lose weight. I am eating the right types of carbs. I am eating healthy fats. I am LOVING veggies and fruits. And I am getting the protein in my body that it needs to function correctly! And the food I make is pretty great! Oh and I still get goodies, sometimes. I live my life by the 80/20 rule where I eat clean most of the time but still get a good treat. 

We are all in here for our own reason but we are fighting for what we want. We are fighting to be healthy and sometimes the battle is REAL! Be fearless in what you are pursuing. Because in the end, you matter. Your healthy life matters! You are worth it and never forget that!

If you are done letting food rule your life and want to start eating clean and healthy. Fill out this GOOGLE DOC and I will get back with you within 48 hours.  I can't wait to talk to you! 

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

November Book Club

First Wednesday of the month is BOOK CLUB book announcement day! And it is November, the thankfulness month. With Thanksgiving at the end of the month it just makes sense to make this month the most happy and sharing of our thanks. This month I wanted to focus on working the good inside of us but also to see what makes us happy! Hence book #2 The happiness project! How excited are you for these books this month? Have you been keeping up with the books? 

Goal is to read at least 10 minutes of day. You can read both books this month or just one. You choose and have fun! Comment below with which one you decide.

Check out our books this month! 

Book 1: 
Rebecca Rosen- Awaken The Spirit Within: 10 Steps to Ignite Your Life and Fulfill Your Divine Purpose

We all want to be happy and fulfilled. We want to understand the very point of our lives—why we’re here and what we’re meant to do. Yet, when we think about how to get from here to there and answer life’s “Big” questions, so many of us don't know where to begin. The advice from so many different people and sources can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. In Awaken the Spirit Within, acclaimed author and spiritual medium Rebecca Rosen offers us an inspired and invigorating prescriptive program to give our lives clarity and deeper meaning. With Rebecca’s down-to-earth and conversational style, this book will help you learn how to: 
   • Create more peace and fulfillment in your personal relationships 
   • Gain confidence in your natural talents and abilities 
   • Succeed in greater degrees at your job 
   • Develop financial abundance and prosperity 
   • Conquer addictions and negative thinking 
   • Find freedom from weight struggles and poor body image 
   • Gain the clarity to make the “right” choices and decisions for your life
Bold claims? Yes. But when it comes to Rebecca Rosen, you’ll understand just after a few pages, why has told its readers to “Take her advice seriously.”

Book 2: 

Gretchen Rubin - The Happiness Project: Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun

In this lively and compelling account—now updated with new material by the author—Rubin chronicles her adventures during the twelve months she spent test-driving the wisdom of the ages, current scientific research, and lessons from popular culture about how to be happier. Among other things, she found that novelty and challenge are powerful sources of happiness; that money can help buy happiness, when spent wisely; that outer order contributes to inner calm; and that the very smallest of changes can make the biggest difference.

Monday, November 2, 2015

30 Days Of Thanks-November Support Group

I am so excited! I am setting up my next challenge group that begins THIS WEEK! 30 Days Of Thanks! Why not have a whole month to be thankful for our friends, family, health, strong bodies, and clean healthy foods!

I still have available spots to help more people stay on track, avoid the holiday bulge and food comas and feel their best EVER this holiday season!

Now that Halloween is behind us, more and more sweets and treats are going to be around and tempt us. Let this be the first year that you say "NO" to excess sweets this season. We will work together to find a workout program that fits your life. So you can Connect The Dots with your Fitness, Health and Life!

Are you ready?

By joining our group you receive:
~a workout program that works for YOU
~a months supply of superfoods nutrition
~meal plans/ prepping and planning help
~support/accountability and a community that helps motivate you daily and allows you to DREAM BIG!

You are worth it! Why not start today?

Fill out this application to let me know YOU WANT TO JOIN! 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Every Day Is A New Day

Just a few months ago I was in a deep depression, I didn't want to get out of bed. I was sad for losing my baby, I was sad that I was still here and I was MAD at what I had been through. I had gained weight during my recovery putting me back at my weight that I always give birth at. The heaviest I have ever been. It scared me. I felt like I didn't know where to start or what to do to get out of my huge blackhole I had built around myself. Until one day, I decided enough was enough.

I made a call and got in contact with someone to help me mentally. I decided too, to start exercising. It was hard. It hurt. My body was so mad at me because it didn't want to do it. But I realized that I needed it! It made me feel better. Happier. I could work out my frustrations through my exercise and I LOVED THAT! I craved it! Was I able to do what I could do before. NOPE! I had to take it slow and steady and MODIFY everything but the point is, I did it what I could and went from there. I also cleaned up my eating and stuck with more whole foods over processed foods. I am now down 15 pounds and this month is going to be the month that I will pass that 20 pound mark because I WILL be at my first weight loss goal by Thanksgiving! 25 pounds or more will be GONE!
What got me to where I am today? Support and daily motivation and encouragement. 30 minutes of daily exercise and super easy to follow nutrition that actually teaches you what your body needs to eat to lose weight without feeling hungry! I want to help you slim down BEFORE the holidays so that this year is the year that "lose weight" will not be #1 on your New Year's Resolution. You have the chance to lose 11-33 pounds by NEW YEARS! How different would you feel if you did that? How would the new year begin for you? Don't wait till after the holidays. Set the bar now on how you want to live your life! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

October Book Club

New month new books! Actually I am still finishing up my second choice for last month so I am adding it back to the list. And I have a second book for this month that I am excited to read about too. Why do I read these books? BECAUSE THEY HELP ME STAY POSITIVE! I am naturally a positive person but I have days where I just want to curl up in a ball and stay in bed all day. And thanks to these uplifting books those bad days are now few and far between! Want to feel better about yourself and pretty much any situation you are in. READ THESE BOOKS! Feel like you already have everything all figured out? READ THESE BOOKS! They are seriously for everyone! And it won't hurt you to enjoy some great advice. Check them out!

Book 1:

BrenÉ Brown: Rising Strong: If you are brave enough, often you will fail. This is a book about what it takes to get back up.  Need help getting through a rough patch? This is the book for you. You will learn how to take a negative experience and turn it around as a life lesson to help you get back out there and be brave enough to try again!

Book 2:

Alexis Jones: I Am That Girl: How to speak your truth, discover your purpose and #bethatgirl.  From Amazon: In a crazy, media distracted world the important questions often get lost like: What’s your passion? What’s your purpose? Who do you want to be? Alexis Jones has built a career listening to and helping girls around the world figure out those questions in order to inspire them to think for themselves, to speak their truth, to discover their purpose, and to dream HUGE! Alexis believes that you’re not broken nor do you need to be fixed. You already are that girl who creates magic wherever she goes, who lives fearlessly, who inspires those around her to dream bigger, and who will leave the world better, just for having been in it. 

Stop listening to that voice inside your head that tells you you’re not good enough. Stop worrying that you don’t have the perfect body, perfect job, perfect relationship, or perfect anything for that matter. Stop letting other people draw boundaries and limits around your life. And start living the life that you truly want (now!), the one you didn’t think you had the courage to imagine, but the one that’s absolutely possible! Including stories from thirty incredible women, Alexis has compiled everything she’s learned into one complete guide to being That Girl, the best version of you.

Comment below or send me an email that you are joining this month's book club! I would love to hear from you!

And, of course, be sure to like our 
FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Your Journey

Your journey has led you to this point! Are you looking for motivation? Are you looking for support? Are you looking to see if someone like you has been through it too? I was right where you are a few years ago. Looking for someone who was starting over and got through it. Who decided that they were ready to change their life. And I found them. It changed my life.

Whatever your journey, being overweight, miscarriages, infertility, chocoholic. You are NOT alone. I have tried every diet plan, I have had an eating disorder. I suffer from depression. I have suffered from suicidal thoughts. I have wanted to give up and just not try. I have made excuses. I have stopped. I have quit.

BUT I got back up and kept trying. I decided I was worth it. I decided I wasn't ready to quit. That I was ready to take on this day. And I take it one day at a time. Working on me. Bettering myself. Trying. Take a look around. Know that you are in like company. We can do this together. Thanks for reading along and I hope you too can learn how special you are and that it is ok to start over. It just takes that one choice to decide you are ready to change and then to just DO IT!

And, of course, be sure to like our 
FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

PCOS Awareness Month

I have been so hesitant to share what the actual cause of my infertility really is. I don't know why, considering I know so many women that are plagued with this syndrome and honestly I am just kicking myself right now. September was PCOS awareness month. That is the whole reason why I suffer from infertility. And it sucks. There are different types of PCOS infertility because trust me, talking with my friends we only one or two things in common with our infertility problems.

So my specific problem is that I do have polycystic ovaries. The docs call it a "ring of pearls" around both ovaries. Which make it difficult for me to get pregnant. I basically don't ovulate. At least I never did before I got pregnant with Mason. Hence why it took 8 years to get pregnant with him. Through fertility drugs. I also don't produce the hormones to tell my body, "HEY IT IS TIME TO MAKE AN EGG!" and "Hey it is time to release an egg!" Again this was all before Mason came around. What is interesting about pregnancies and PCOS is that pregnancies can jump start the system to functioning properly again. Which is what it did for me. But I have still had problems along the way with 3 miscarriages now.

Some facts I know about PCOS:

~Women with PCOS often have excess facial hair. Only because we have a hormone imbalance. Oh yeah, I have that too! I produce too much testosterone. Hence why I can squat my husband's weight easily! I am one strong cookie! and why I can build muscle easier than women without the syndrome.

~Worldwide, PCOS affects 6% to 10% of women, making it the most common eddocrinopathy in women of childbearing age.

~PCOS is the most common cause of ovulatory infertility.

~There is a lack of evidence that supports a very low carb or gluten free diet as an effective eating plan over other diets for women with PCOS.

~Regular exercise is an effective way to improve insulin levels in PCOS. Also docs have told me that if I just lose 10% of my body weight it will help increase the chances of getting pregnant naturally.

~Women with PCOS have a higher incidence of gestational diabetes, miscarriages, preterm deliveries, and stillbirths.

~It is estimated that 50-70% of women with PCOS have insulin resistance.

~The optimal treatment for PCOS is a multifactorial approach involving diet and lifestyle modifications and medications. ( I am not on any meds, and I won't go back on them cause they didn't help me one bit.)

These are just a few of the reason why I am doing what I am doing now to get healthy. Why I work so darn hard at trying to lose weight. Because I am already pre-disposed to being overweight, and PCOS makes it more difficult to lose weight because of the insulin resistance. I have how many of my friends are struggling with this same issue. It breaks my heart how common this syndrome is and left untreated it can get worse and lead to other diseases. I will not let that happen to me. I am fighting every day to win this battle. But it is a fight that I must take every single day of my life. Especially if we are to get our little girl here..

The news about this should get out! I wanted to share this with you and should have done more during the month of September. But I didn't. But I am asking now that you show your support of PCOS by commenting and sharing this post with your friends and family. Help other females know that they are not alone in this battle. That there are others just like them. And together we can kick some PCOS ASS! Help spread the word!

More information about PCOS can be found here. Show your support! Thanks!

And, of course, be sure to like our 
FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

Monday, September 28, 2015

My Journey

It has taken me a while to finally finish and get the courage up to post this video, but I AM DOING IT! I'm not trying to brag about what I have accomplished. I am not trying to make anyone feel badly. I am doing it to show you that you can start at any time to take back your life. You don't have to wait until you are at the lowest of the lows. If you feel that little urge telling you, that you need to change something. Just do it. Your body knows when it is ready. Your heart knows too. Sometimes your head will agree with it too, but often our own insecurities about past performances is what holds us back.

Done a diet and weight loss plan before but it didn't work? That's ok. I bet you learned something from that experience. Try changing your routine, but quickly fell into the same habits from before? That's ok, all you need is someone to help support you and give you motivation. I have been there. Felt like I have done it all but the one thing that changed it all, was support and motivation and finally believing in me that I could do it! Send me an email and we can talk about your goals and what has worked before and what hasn't! You don't have to go through this alone! We can do it together, and before you know it you are going to have a pretty amazing journey too!

Check out my video below to watch my journey!

And, of course, be sure to like our FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

No Room For Excuses

In March and April I had a hard time just climbing the stairs without feeling dizzy or winded during my recovery from the miscarriage. Making new blood and filling my body back up with blood was HARD WORK! For months after I have had a hard time with pushing myself to where my heart rate accelerated too much. I have been afraid that I am going to pass out, because I was getting just as winded as I was during my recovery. (thanks to PTSD!) 
Now I can finally run up and down my stairs without being winded, just dizzy cause they turn a lot! But I am working on me everyday. Pushing myself as hard as I can because it is important to me. Eating clean, and just spending 30 minutes working on my body making it as fit as possible. I have decided that I am worth it and I can not stop what I enjoy doing just because I have a little bit of fear creeping inside of me anytime I try to better myself! I am worth more and so are you! 
I have seen too many excuses. Too many times. Heck, I made those excuses too! I am too fat. I haven't exercised in forever. I can't do it because it is hard. I can't breath. I'm too sore. I'm too slow. I'm too this and I'm too that. I love chocolate too much. I can't do that. I want to but... Enough with excuses. You want to change. You have to decide that you want to and DO IT! That is all it takes. You want to lose 20 pounds so you can get pregnant, then decide why you want to do it and think about that why when you have one of those pesky excuses enter into your head.

Here is the thing. EVERYONE has excuses. Arnold Schwarzenegger probably had an excuse as to why he didn't want to lift that day, but he didn't listen to those excuses. He did what he had to. Even moms. You can make an excuse as to why you aren't going to make lunch for your child that day, but you want your kids to eat healthy foods and they need a lunch so your motivation to make the lunch is greater than your excuse. Don't be ruled by your excuses. Stomp them down and stick with what you know you need to do! It really is that easy!

If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will have excuse after excuse as to why you can't do something! Fight those excuses and show them who is boss! You have it in you! You can do it!

Monday, September 21, 2015


This past Saturday I finished my fourth piano solo composition. Bet you didn't know that I have actually dabbled in writing music? I am not a mastermind at music composition but I just write what comes to me and take it from there. Sometimes I hear a melody and I can get swept up in it and write a decent amount of music in a day, or sitting and that is really what happened with this one. It has been on my mind almost every day since I started it. I started writing again, a brand new song, on the 30th of August. And now less than 30 days I have completed it.

I have titled it Hope, or A Mother's Hope (still deciding). It really is about my roller coaster of a ride with having babies. All the struggles and joys I have experienced.

I was inspired to finish it when my sister in law had her baby. A red headed little girl. Which is what I always imagined my baby girl would be. I am not going to lie. I am jealous, I am sad. My due date was actually this coming Saturday on the 26th. My sis-in-law and I were both expecting at the same time. And it is hard knowing that she has her little girl and I don't... yet. I know this might seem petty, and I am not writing this to get pity or make my sister in law feel upset for having her baby, or anyone else for that matter. I am saying this because it is normal and natural to experiences these feelings of jealousy, anger, frustration, and sadness. It is ok to feel these things. And don't let anyone tell you different! It is also about how we express those feelings. Being angry at our family or anyone because they have something you don't is not the best right. The feelings need to be talked about, expressed and released. I needed to get those feelings out and I did it through my music. I was bawling my eyes out when my music took a turn I wasn't expecting. Mimicking the sadness and grief I felt when I lost her. But the end is so hopeful. I know that someday when the time is right she will join our family. This is not in my control. I am on God's timeline and at this point, I am hopeful that someday she will be with us. When that will be? I have no idea but I have hope that she will be here when it is her right time.

I am thankful that I have the talent to be able to play my feelings out. Holding them in is the last thing I want to do. I have to let them out. In any way I can. Music, art, dancing anything creative that you can do to help you express those feelings so that you can feel free, lifted and just at peace with what is being thrown your way. Trust in yourself and in God that you can get through this and you will. I am so happy for my sister in law and her family for her little girl making it safely here. Babies are a miracle no matter what! It is hard work making a baby!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

September's Book Club

Every month now, I try to pick out a new book every month that I need to read and that I want to read to help me continue to learn to love my life, gain more self confidence and to just better my self. These books are often called "self help." But they are so much more than that to me. I call them my personal development to help me develop myself to be better. And since I started reading these kinds of books in May, the way I see my life and the lives of those around me have totally changed.

So what's on my reading list for this month? Book #1

52 Ways To Live A Kick Ass Life: BS-Free Wisdom to Ignite Your Inner Badass and Live the Life You Deserve  By Andrea Owen. I love her podcasts and she really is about giving it to you straight and making you really think about how to look at life. I am so excited. Oh and it is for FREE on Kindle Unlimited! Yeah Baby!

Book #2 for when I finish 52 Ways:

BrenÉ Brown: Rising Strong: If you are brave enough, often you will fail. This is a book about what it takes to get back up.  This is a book that was recommended by Andrea Owen on one of her podcasts and when she talked about it and reading the brief little summary it is something that I totally need right now and can't wait to start reading! 
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