Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen: diet
Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts

Monday, August 10, 2015

My 5 Biggest Weight Loss Secrets

I am coming up on 20 lbs lost since mid May. In 3 months I will have passed the big 20 pounds loss mark and almost 10% of my starting weight is GONE! THAT IS HUGE! And it is seriously just hitting me how huge that is! I have no idea why I didn't realize it earlier but I didn't!

So would you like to know my secrets??? And guess what, there is no pill, wrap or anything else I do. This is what I am doing to get my results!

1) Decide! The biggest factor to why I am finally losing weight is that I am determined to do this. I have decided that this is the time that I take back my life and I want to be as healthy as possible for the next time that I do get pregnant. And I will get healthy because this is my time. I decided that it was my time and I am DETERMINED! (Even my parents know that when I am determined, nothing will stop me!)

2) Clean eating! You can workout all you want and still get results. But if you combine clean eating with working out the weight will just fall off of you! I am living proof of that. It has happened now more than once in my life that when I start eating clean my body just sheds what it doesn't want which happens to be the excess fat on my body.

3) Exercise! You need to add exercise to your daily life. Even if it is just 30 minutes a day. Combining exercise with your clean eating allows you to build muscle which means you will overall burn more calories during the day because muscle is a CALORIE BURNER!

4) WATER! Drink lots of water! Our bodies need water to survive. It is 0 calories and you can drink as much of it a day as you want. And you can put fresh fruits in it to flavor it up naturally and it tastes so good! It also helps to flush our stuff from your system. Feeling bloated, drink more water! Stopped up, DRINK WATER! Stay hydrated and cut the sugary drinks. Those are not what our bodies NEED!

5) Stay determined! You have decided and you are eating clean, adding in some exercise and putting down the water, now what?!? You have to stay committed and give it everything you have. You have to really want it or else you are going to make excuses and just give up after a few days because you are going to miss your other foods. This isn't about missing foods or feeling like your are depriving yourself. It isn't about punishing yourself or dieting. This is about putting you first. This is about taking back your life. This is about you taking care of you. This is so much more than just the food. This is about you being here for your family. This is about you being able to play with your kids. Run after your kids. Getting up and down off the floor with your kids. This is about you being a good example for your kids. This is about bringing good eating habits into your house so that your kids learn it to and that they won't be one of the statistics of obese children in this country. Find your reason why you have to do this for you and you will be determined and you will stick with it.

My reason why I am doing this. I firmly believe that our baby girl sacrificed her time now to be with us. She saved my life because had the pregnancy continued there could have been other complications that could have done a heck of a lot more damage than what was already done. I also believe she did it so that we could both be healthy, together. If it continued and I made it out ok, she probably would not have been. I owe her  to get as healthy as possible now so that her sacrifice isn't wasted. And I firmly believe that I will get as healthy as possible now because I know I will. I believe in myself that I will.

All you have to do to believe in yourself is to start believing. You can do this. I know it is hard. I know that it might seem impossible but it isn't. You just have to decide, and stick with it and stay determined! You can do this.

Need daily motivation and one on one support? Let me know. We can do this together because you are stronger than you think! I know you can do this!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here to join my private online community where you get free advice, support and encouragement + a free gift with tips to help you get started with the right mindset for healthier nutrition choices!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Just A Little Bit Further

I just realized the other day that I am coming up on my first goal for this journey! I have no idea why it took me so long to realize that but I am. My first goal was to get down to where I was before I got pregnant with Collin. And I am only 10 lbs away from that. WHAT!?!

The cool thing is that I have already lost 15 lbs so right now, 10 more just seems like a cake walk. (without the cake of course!)

It is amazing how quickly that something will happen when you are consistent with it and it just becomes a habit! I was asked the other day about denying my kids sugar drinks and if they were missing out on something as part of their childhood. My kids prefer water over any other drink. Do they like sugary drinks? You bet! But it is only occasionally that they do have it. And that right there, my friends, is the key. OCCASIONALLY!

We have come to believe that "dieting" is restricting yourself on calorie intake and denying yourself certain types and kinds of foods! In a way I look at dieting as a form of punishment and I think that is why I personally would rebound so hard after a stint of dieting. Now that I have built up a habit of eating clean 80% of the time and allowing myself an indulgence 20% of the time I have learned a healthy natural lifestyle full of balance. And I know that I can enjoy that cake on our Anniversary, or birthdays and I won't feel guilty for it at all! I am going to enjoy every single bite, guilt free! And I deserve that in my life.

Don't restrict yourself. Live your life. But you have to learn the healthy way to do it! Need motivation to stick with your new lifestyle of eating clean and exercise? Let me know! My next challenge group starts TODAY and I would love to have you in there!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here to join my private online community where you get free advice, support and encouragement + a free gift with tips to help you get started with the right mindset for healthier nutrition choices!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Why Not Start Today?

Not a lot of people know this about me. For the first few years after I got married every single time I went to the grocery store I would buy a doughnut or a candy bar. I would hurry and eat it on the way home so that Matt wouldn't know about it. As the months went by and I started gaining weight it didn't really bother me because I assumed I would get pregnant soon and that once I started breastfeeding I would lose all my gained weight. HA! It only took 9 years to get pregnant and have my 1st kid! Well that one doughnut or candy bar turned into 2 and then I was doing a candy bar and a doughnut or 2. IT GOT SO BAD! 

It took a few years, and Matt finding the "evidence" and that is when I realized that I had a very unhealthy relationship with foods. I have probably come across lately that I have it all together. And have never struggled with food. But I have. I have cravings just like you. I love food. Good food. I love sweets because it helps me feel happy and sometimes it brings back great memories of something from years ago. It is what I choose to do with those cravings that makes me different from back then to now!

But what I have learned is that I am stronger than those cravings. And those sweets only give me like 5 minutes of pleasure and add that to the way I would beat myself up afterwards it just isn't worth it. And the amazing food out there. Yeah, I still have it, sometimes, NOT everyday. I allow myself to indulge. But I also feed myself great tasting whole foods. And just because I eat healthy doesn't mean it tastes bad. It is actually pretty delicious! 

If you have ever felt like this or feel like you need a little helping hand in getting your nutrition and exercise back on track? Let me know! Send me an email message! I will get back to you and we can talk about your goals or set them if you want! I'm starting my next health and fitness private support group on the 3rd of August and I would love to have you join me and the others in the group! Let's do this together!

-One on one support from me to help you set and reach your goals.
-Daily motivation.
-Work with a program that is just right for you to fit your lifestyle.
-Provide you with recipes and a meal guide
-Daily dose of nutrition.
-Plus you will be with other people just like you in our PRIVATE accountability group where you can ask questions and get real answers.

Our Motto for August is: Simply Be-YOU-tiful It is never too late to take care of you! You are worth it!

(You must be willing to make a small investment in your health and wellness.)
Interested? Fill out this form!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Next Adventure...

I have a new adventure I wanted to tell you all about. I have a YOUTUBE channel now! WHAT!?! This is totally new and I wanted to share some tips that I have with clean eating and sometimes it is just easier to tell you about it than writing it down! I won't be vlogging all the time just on some stuff so make sure you check it out. And that you subscribe to keep up to date on what I am doing! It is small right now with only 2 videos but over time it will grow and I hope that you will join me over there too.

I really am a real person. Sometimes it might seem that I am just someone story teller and yes I post pictures of me and my family but it is nice to see that I really do exist in real life. I fully believe that we all need some motivation. And I plan on doing some motivation type videos to help give you that push to get up and go for a run or do your workout. I really hope that you guys can see a whole new side to me.

Here is my most recent video that I did. One thing that I have written about is that last Friday I had oral surgery. For the past 8 years I have been told that I would eventually need a gum graft. Well that day has come and I had it done this past Friday. I made this video on Monday so I am still having a hard time talking and I can't smile at all (I know you will miss my big smile! My favorite feature!) But still I think the video is pretty educational on how to add greens into your daily Shakeology or Green Smoothie without having to have a salad. And it is cost effective.

So in this video I am making Kale Shots, as I call them. They are just 1 ounce cubes of pureed kale. I don't know about you but I have such a hard time eating Kale. I think it is too bitter and I just can't get it down. And using it in smoothies, I just wasn't getting through all of it in a week. So my solution is to puree it up and freeze it. And one once is equal to like 4 cups of Kale. And it is totally masked by Shakeology, and a banana or in your green smoothie. You will still taste it a little because it is so bitter but it won't be like it is in a salad or just straight up. Let me know what you think of the video, subscribe! And hope you join me on this next adventure!

Friday, July 3, 2015

21 Day Fix Round 2 Results Photos

I can't believe the change that my body has done already! I talked about how much weight and how many inches here in my 21 Day Fix Round 2 Results post. I have lost the most inches from my belly and it is SO OBVIOUS! I feel like I am finally losing that baby bulge that I have had for a year now since having Collin. Not to mention how much smaller my hips are finally getting.

I have so much more energy and I don't crave sweets and sugars. It is such an amazing feeling knowing that I am not giving into these powerful cravings that I have had my entire life.

For years, I have had such an unhealthy relationship with food. If I was feeling sad or upset I would indulge and eat cookies, ice cream, pastries, and all manner of junk food. I would eat until I was full, way beyond satisfied. I used it as my coping for when Matt was deployed. I used it to drown my sorrows for the fact that I couldn't get pregnant, and I even used it to help me cope with my miscarriages and other frustrations I dealt with on a daily basis. During one miscarriage in particular I was eating ice cream almost every single day for the 6 weeks that I was pregnant for. It was AWFUL! I gained so much weight, lost control and just felt horrible. I have been dealing with that decision for 2 years now. Because I never lost the weight from that miscarriage before I got pregnant with Collin.
Thankfully I learned my lesson. When I got pregnant with Collin I was being more healthy. Exercising regularly. And now for the first time since I had Collin and this past miscarriage, I AM LOSING INCHES AND POUNDS! What an amazing feeling.
On top of taking care of myself, I am helping other women reach their goals too! You can join my FREE Private Health and Fitness Online Community with over a hundred women working on their goals. Tips, info and an amazing community filled with support! Come on over and join us! CLICK HERE to request to join!

Are you ready to get results like these? The time is now to get your membership to Beachbody On Demand bundled with Shakeology and your own Nutrition Fix Containers! NOW to join my EXCLUSIVE group!  CLICK HERE TO ORDER and I will send you an email to connect and help you get started right!  If you need to upgrade your current subscription or have questions EMAIL me, or send me a message over at FACEBOOK

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

A Little Perspective

I finally uploaded my pictures from my phone to my computer. There were a ton of pictures but these two kind of caught my eye. I forgot that I took a picture of myself after the miscarriage to show how white I was after everything and the blood loss. But here it is. 

On the left is me at 7:17am on March 21st volunteering for the 10 miler and on the right is me at 5:33pm on March 22nd. That night of the 21st I went through the absolute worst experience of my life. And almost lost my life. But here I am despite all of what happened, still smiling. Putting on a brave face. That's who I am. I find the good in all things. I was still alive. And I was thankful for it. 

I have come a long way mentally and physically since the 22nd. I don't blame myself anymore for the miscarriage. I am still learning to accept and cope with it. Can't do anything about it now. Just keep moving forward. But now I am taking care of my body and my life so that I am as healthy as I can be for the next time I do get pregnant. 

I am drinking a daily drink that fills my body with vitamins and minerals and superfoods that give me energy to keep up with my 2 beautiful boys. I am exercising daily for only 30 minutes. And I am reading personal development for both spiritual and mental well being. I am dedicating my life to helping others reach their personal goals and I am loving every minute of my life right now! I am still alive. And I am so thankful for that.

If you need that extra little bit of motivation in your life to reach your goals, no matter how big or small and willing to make a small investment in your health, just let me know! I am starting my next private fitness support group on July 1. I would love for you to join me! Comment below or message me. We can do this together! 

Monday, June 22, 2015

One Step Forward, or Crawl

Can I just say how much I love this saying...I LOVE THIS SAYING! Because it is so true! It doesn't matter if you tip toe, crawl or drag yourself in the right direction just make your way there! NOW! 

I have seen what one wrong choice after another after another and many more can do to you. It drags you down deeper and deeper. People lose faith in trust in you because of the choices and actions you make. Or you lose faith in yourself that you can actually do better or be better (yo-yo dieting, why start over again if it hasn't worked in the past?) Or you might want to get out of the huge pit you dug for yourself but don't know how to even start or which direction is even the right direction. Well as long as that direction is opposite to what you have been doing lately then it is more of a right direction than you have been in. The point is to GET MOVING into that direction.

If you decide today that you are done living your life how it is. Yo-yo dieting. Or tired of putting of starting a new workout for next week. Make that choice to just do it. Set a date that you are going to start your workout. And do it! Stop yo-yoing around and don't diet, change your lifestyle! Dieting has such a negative mindset to it. Decide you want to change how you look at food in the first place and do it. Stop doubting what you can truly accomplish what you put your mind to! Read books about foods or watch documentaries about clean eating. (see below)

If you need any help in clean eating. Let me know! Or finding a workout routine that actually fits your lifestyle so you stop putting it off. LET ME KNOW! You have to make that first move. That first step and I will help you drag yourself, crawl, tip toe or even run if you want but you have to make that choice that you are ready to change! 

Primal Body, Primal Mind by Nora Gedgaudas
In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan
You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero

Forks over knives
Fed Up
Super Size me
Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

My journey thus far

I am only in the beginning but I have had a journey over the past month.

About 30 days ago I started this journey with one specific goal, to get out of my funk. I was in such a depression that I didn't want to be around anyone. Friends, family, not even my kids. I hated how I felt. I hated feeling lost and alone. I hated how I was feeling. Slow, and no energy. I wanted to sleep all day long. I didn't really want to do anything. It was so hard to find that motivation to start this. 

But just one day. I decided. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I was done feeling sad. Depressed. Tired. I needed to work on me if I was going to get any better. I called a therapist and made the choice that it was time to take care of me. That one decision was my fuel, my passion. I threw myself into this program. Workout wise. I could have been a ton more better on my eating, more on that later. I dedicated to myself that I was going to workout everyday. Drink my Shakeology everyday and no more fast food. 

AND GUESS WHAT! I did it! I made it 21 day of working on me. And you know what happened? I felt better. I had good days and fewer bad days. I learned to appreciate my body again and not be disappointed in it. I have had so much fun watching my husband exercise with me most nights. We have reconnected again because I was so distant with him. We are happy, laughing and enjoying life again. I can't stand the smell of fast food, I want whole fruits and veggies. We are staying in our eating budget because we aren't going out randomly anymore. 
This past month I feel like I have gotten my life back. And it only took 1 choice and 21 days. In 21 days I have lost (as of this morning) 3 lbs and 4.25 inches. I am retaining water still from the race over the weekend because I was so dehydrated. But I know the work I put into this. I see the difference in my life it has made. Small changes eventually add up to HUGE results!

If you are ready to start your journey, let me know! Click on the Banner at the top for upcoming challenge groups. Sent me a message. Email. Just let me know! 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Last Call...

It's the last call to be part of my 30 day challenge group for June! 

Why do I host these challenge groups? Because I know that exercise is easier with a buddy to join you! Seriously, how much faster does a workout go when you have someone doing it right along with you. Last July when I was a participant in my FIRST challenge group (not hosting actually a challenger) I was excited to do my workout and to tell everyone in the group about it. You could tell the ones who wanted it compared to the ones. We all supported each other, asked question and made it fun. I had daily motivation that made me think about how to better myself on the inside while I worked on the outside. It gave me confidence I didn't know I was lacking. I learned a ton about myself that first 60 days and I am so thankful to my friend Janet for encouraging me to join the challenge group. Take that first step and do it! 

I am offering that same opportunity to take that first step. Decide to do this for you. Commit yourself to 30 days of eating clean, working out and enhancing your life through positive thinking. Today is the last day that I will accept people (within reason of course) into the group! I want to be there for you. I want to help you. Let me walk you through this. Take that first step! 

Join me this JUNE for our challenge group to help you get started! Fill out the form below to let me know you are interested!
Being part of the challenge group you as the challenger get:

One on one support from me to help you set and reach your goals.

Daily motivation.

Work with a program that is just right for you to fit your lifestyle.

Provide you with recipes and a meal guide

Daily dose of nutrition.

Plus you will be with other people just like you in our PRIVATE accountability group where you can ask questions and get real answers.

Our Motto for June is: It's not about being skinny. It's about gaining confidence, better health, more energy and HAPPINESS!

(Please do not apply if you are currently a Beachbody Coach, are already working with a Beachbody coach (other than me) or are not willing to make a small investment in your health and wellness.)

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Missed Opportunities

Have you ever just looked back on your life at some point wishing that you just did it differently. The other day I was talking with some other ladies. And one mentioned that they have their 20th high school reunion coming up and how they were not so excited to go to it. I asked, "if you could go back to high school, would you?" Of course this is right out of the movies, 17 Again, but why do you think movies like that are so popular? I would go back in a hot second if I had the confidence in myself that I have right now. I would be more outgoing. I wouldn't be as shy. I don't think I would be as boy crazy because it shouldn't have been my huge focus anyways. And I would have loved my body I was in. (Heaven knows I would love to be 160 again!) I would appreciate my life a little more and my parents for that matter.

But I can't regret the way I was way back when, now. I have to learn from it. Understand that that is what made me how I am today. I would give anything to be what I weight in high school again. And that is why I am working on me. But that means that I need to love my body now and be impressed that it is as strong as it is. I am working on me.

I also can't regret any missed opportunities now. People not knowing what I do. Some people might not know a whole lot about me. Or how much I gave up to start my own business and now I have 2! I decided that working for someone else wasn't for me. I have not looked back since because I have been so blessed with finding students when I needed them and growing both my businesses! So I decided that I am going to tell you what I do so that you know from now on!

 So here it is! Me in a nutshell. I am a mommy of 2 super cute boys! An almost 4 year old and a beautiful 1 year old that is so patient with me he deserves to have anything he wants. I am a stay at home mom. And I love it! I hate working for other people. I always did. I always wanted to be the boss not be bossed around. And that is what led to me opening and starting my own business in teaching private music lessons. When we moved to VA we decided that I needed to look for a job at least until we had kids. After a week or so thinking about what to do. I dreaded going to my interviews and I said a quick prayer, "Please help me to know very quickly if this is what I should do or not." Within the first 5 minutes of the interview she mentioned something about the hours and I knew that it wouldn't work out for me in general. I just couldn't do it. I finally took the dive and decided that I wanted to teach piano privately. I have been teaching privately as a business setting for, goodness, almost 8 years now! I have relocated my studio and started it up again in that time once since we moved to another city. So I have started my business twice now. Fist time people came to me and I didn't even have to work at it. It just happened. But when we moved to a larger city, it took me almost 2 years to get to my goal of how many students I wanted in my studio. It took a lot of patience, and just getting out there and telling people. Putting myself out there. Plus a lot of word of mouth. I have taught and made a positive musical impact with over 100 students. It is amazing to see them learn and I love it!

I am also a coach through Beachbody. And that only came about because of this blog. I felt inspired to start my blog to help people start a new journey for themselves. To know that it can be done. That it takes a whole lot of work and patience but it can be done. Then a year ago I felt inspired to take my coaching through the blog to a whole new level! To work one on one, since I love doing that anyhow because of teaching. I love working with other people. I truly am a people person. I love seeing how strong my challengers get. How much they learn about themselves during the whole process is AMAZING! And for me personally it is such a blessing to have 2 "jobs" (they are so fun it doesn't seem like I am working honestly) that I am in charge of and know that I am impacting lives for the future in such a positive way! I have the freedom to still be with my kids, travel when we want to (within reason) and still be able to help contribute to our family financially.

I truly encourage you that if you ever felt inspired to do another type of work and thought that it could work. IT WILL! You just have to put your whole heart into it and go. Trust in yourself and God that he will help you accomplish the things you need to do. It might be super scary to leave what you have known for so many years but when you love what you do, your days are better, you find more joy in what you are doing and you don't feel like you are working but connecting with others! It is such an amazing experience!
If you need motivation and encouragement to help you achieve your goals in fitness or help just click on the Sizzlin' Summer Banner at the top of the page or CLICK HERE to let me know you are interested! Serially all it takes is just one decision to change the rest of your life. What are you going to pick?

Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day BBQ Ideas

Just a quick shout out to my hubs and all those who are currently serving and who have served. Thank you for your willingness and sacrifice to protect our great nation. May you and your family be blessed, always! We honor you this day and everyday for your amazing bravery and patriotism! Thank you!

Here is a collection of a few recipes I found that would be AWESOME for today's BBQ! Check 'em out and let me know what you think. Comment below! We are having steak because I just had an amazing burger on Friday night, and I found a nice steak in the deep freezer begging to be used! But I'm doing the zucc, and the berries. Maybe the water and the fries. It all looks yummy to me! Enjoy and Happy Memorial Day!

Start with a nice Patriotic Drink of Blueberry and Strawberry Infused water! 

Grilled Zucchini -

Classic Hamburger- Make them slider size for better portion control. Use lettuce leaves instead of buns for gluten free option. I make my own homemade buns so I know what is in them. Here is the recipe for them.

Stuffed Strawberries-

Monday, May 18, 2015

Sizzlin' Summer Is HERE!

I don't know about where you live, but here in central VA, it is getting hot outside! To me, mid May is the beginning of summer. Being an Arizona girl born and raised mid May is when it is just plain hot out and it will only get hotter. Well now in VA this is when the humidity starts to sky rocket and doesn't let up until October. Yeah we get our nice day here and there of low humidity but for the most part it is going to be SIZZLIN' OUTSIDE!

So let's talk about this summer time. Summer time the dreaded time of year where it is swimsuit season. Time to hit up the pools, beaches and splash parks in our case to beat the heat. This year I want to feel comfortable in my own skin. I don't want to look back in my pictures and hate what I see. I am starting NOW to work on that and I wanted to invite you to join me in my next private accountability group that will begin JUNE 1st.

Something amazing happened this weekend. We had Collin's 1st birthday party and I for the life of me couldn't eat the cake. AT ALL. It tasted bland and just not satisfying. I mean it was good cake. Everyone said so and the place I got it from I have always enjoyed their products but it just didn't taste right to me. If you would have told me last July, when I joined my first challenge group, that sweets, junk food and fast food would not taste right to me, I wouldn't have believed you. I have made changes to my life that have helped me come this far. To not want to eat any of that stuff. Yeah, with the pregnancy I fell off the wagon. But I am human. We all make choices that we aren't happy with. That will not happen again! I assure you! I drink Shakeology now everyday and I know that this is what has helped me kick the sweets and to me, a person who is addicted to sweet, this drink is PRICELESS!

I promise you that I am changing my life. Making choices daily to better myself for me and my family. I have found through working out that I am happier. I have more energy and I want to do it more and more as each day passes. And I want to help you gain more energy, be happier and want to exercise. I want you to be comfortable in your own skin. Make goals and ACHIEVE them. And I know you can because you can do anything you put your mind to!

So Join me this JUNE for our challenge group to help you get started! Fill out the form below to let me know you are interested!

You will get:

One on one support from me to help you set and reach your goals.

Daily motivation.

Work with a program that is just right for you to fit your lifestyle.

Provide you with recipes and a meal guide

Daily dose of nutrition.

Plus you will be with other people just like you in our PRIVATE accountability group where you can ask questions and get real answers.

Our Motto for June is: It's not about being skinny. It's about gaining confidence, better health, more energy and HAPPINESS!

(Please do not apply if you are currently a Beachbody Coach, are already working with a Beachbody coach or are not willing to make a small investment in your health and wellness.)

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Water Kefir

Have you ever heard of kefir? I am sure you have. There is a brand at the grocery store that is a dairy product. Have you ever tried it?

Did you know that you can make your own kefir at home? Yep. There is milk kefir, like the Lifeaway brand, and water kefir. I have tried both and don't really like the milk kefir. It is tolerable but the water was so much better! Water kefir tastes like a carbonated drink. And you can flavor it to whatever you want. So it is a healthy naturally carbonated drink that actually tastes good.

What is water kefir? Water kefir is fermented water. You use grains (not really grains but that is what they are referred to as) which are a live bacteria that you add to sugar water and let it ferment for 24-48 hours. The bacteria feed off of the sugar and replace it with natural fructose. The drink becomes sweet but not like normal sugar. You strain the grains before you drink it up and you can use them again in your next batch of kefir water. It is really quite cool! My friend has a jar of kefir fermenting, one in the fridge ready to drink and a new one just started. So she has some every single day.

So why would kefir be good for your body? You know that Activia commercial where they say that Activia will help with bloating, and irregularity. Well, the yogurt has live bacterias in it and they help keep your insides moving. Our bodies naturally have bacteria in our gut for this purpose, but sometimes we need a little extra push. So now instead of spending $4 for a pack of Activia or Lifeaway Kefir you can make your own. A packet of water kefir grains is $17 and they are reusable! (they can die so you do have to take care of them. Think of them as a new pet in a way!) You can get the grains here!

You also need a strainer and some mason jars, and coffee filters and a rubber band to keep the bugs out since it is sugar water, while it is fermenting. So start up isn't that bad and you won't have to buy Activia or other kefir like products again.

Check out this video on how easy it is to make and use. But this is one thing I am, and have been for a while, seriously thinking about starting.

QOTD: Would you ever make your own kefir water? 

Monday, May 4, 2015

Overweight And Exercise

We all have to start somewhere. Right? Did you wake up this morning and think, it is time for a change! I need to change? I don't want to be like this anymore. Now what do I do? Exercise is hard. It doesn't matter if you are a size 0 or a size 24. Exercise does take work and effort.
~2010. Picking my hubs up after a deployment and surprising him with all the work I did to lose 35 lbs!~
Here are a few pointers to think about as you begin this new journey in your life style change. YES! LIFE STYLE CHANGE! This is not an easy battle. It will take time, it should take time. There are no quick fixes to losing weight. There are no pills, special drinks or wraps that will accomplish the results that last. It is a total mindset. How can she say this. She is overweight and hasn't been able to keep the weight off herself. Why listen to Becky. Because I have been there. I am there. But I have also lost the weight. I lost 40 lbs and not just once I have done it a couple of times. I learned to eat right and what my body wanted and needed. I have also fallen off the wagon and I trying to climb back in. I am just like you who has dieted, tried pills, drinks, HCG, meal plans, starvation, Atkins, I have tried it all! 
~Hard work and dedication to exercise and eating right and her is what I looked like. I will be here again! I AM WORTH IT!~
The one thing that worked? Eating right and exercise. When I finally started to eat right the weight just fell off. I didn't even have to workout for an hour or 2 a day. I was doing 30 minutes of exercise and the weight just fell off. Well if it is so easy... IT IS NOT EASY! It takes work and a total commitment and I'm human. I really like ice cream, sweets, candy, cookies, pasta. I mean I really like them. I lose sight of what I really need to be doing. And I am worth more than that. I know I am. And it isn't about being SKINNY. I want to be HEALTHY. I want to be able to run more easily. I want to be at a healthier weight when I get pregnant again so that when I do gain weight through the pregnancy I am not pushing 300 lbs. That scares the crap out of me. And that is just more work to do in the end. So today, eating better. Shakeology so that I know I am getting my super foods that I need. More veggies. Exercise. I can and I WILL do this. WE CAN DO THIS! 

~3 months into my nutritionist given plan and I lost 20 lbs by this point. Time and dedication! That is all it takes!~

Let me know if you want to join my Facebook group to become the healthiest version of you!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

So Long To Fast Food

How many of you guys keep a monthly budget? Do you stick with that budget? Over the past few months I have noticed that we were eating out more than usual. This pregnancy I ate out more often that I did while pregnant with Collin. Yes, I was way exhausted being pregnant and having 2 kids to chase after and frankly when 5pm hit I had no energy to think about dinner. AT ALL!

So my goal over the next 3 months is to stick to our budget. Stop eating out so dang much and get healthier meals in our BODIES! 

How am I going to do that? 

~Well, planning sure is one of those things. Thankfully with all the food we received from the miscarriage we froze a lot of the leftover to eat for later. So that helps. But also not waiting until 5pm to figure out what we are eating. 

~A new rule I have with Matt is, you eat what I make. Instead of me asking, "What do you want for dinner?" It is now. "We are having this for dinner." I know his likes and dislikes and I often will throw in some of his dislikes masked in a dish and he will eat it just fine. So no worries there. But like the other day, I made pulled pork. He likes dry rubbed BBQ. I don't so since I am the one cooking I make it how I like it. That also means left overs for me. 

Now I am going to just plan away and use up what we have in our freezers. Some days I am not going to want to cook and that is ok, but it is time that we just start having mac and cheese from a box or pb&j. I am seriously going to be tightening down on this. I have got to stop relying on fast food. It is not the best thing for anyone on a regular basis. 

(i.e. fast food in our house is: Panera, 5 guys, Chic-fil-a, Tropical Smoothie Cafe or Subway. It is not other common fast foods so it isn't too bad for us...At least that is what I keep telling myself.) 

So with that said, I wanted to share an awesome and super easy recipe that I got from my sister in law while we were visiting her for Easter. 
Green Tomatillo Enchiladas:
1 package of Chicken Tenders
1 12 oz jar tomatillo salsa ( I used Trader Joe's Verde Salsa) 
1/2 block cream cheese
1 Tablespoon sugar
Splash of chicken stock
8 tortillas softened
1/2 small block tillamook cheddar cheese or pepper jack would be awesome! 
cilantro to garnish
sour cream and tomatoes on side  (optional)

Pour Verde Salsa over chicken tenders in a crock pot. Cook on high for 1-2 hours. 

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Once cooked, shred chicken. Reserve sauce and put in blender and combine with cream cheese, sugar and stock. You want it to be a little thick. 

Pour some sauce, about 1/4 cup, on a plate and dip each tortilla before you assemble the enchilada. Add the rest of the sauce to the shredded chicken. Add 1-2 Tablespoons of the saucy chicken to the tortillas and roll it up and place in a 9x13 pan. Continue until all tortillas used or saucy chicken is all gone. Pour remaining sauce over top of rolled enchiladas. Top with cheddar. 

Place in oven for about 15 min or cheese is fully melted. Serve with a side of black beans and rice.

Super easy. Way easier than I thought it would be. Enjoy! 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Ditch The Junk Food

Oh man! I am still dealing with the after affects of "too many cookies for Christmas!" So to help get me out of my bloated, irregular and icky feeling state I am going to eat clean. Yep, I'm taking the plunge in cutting out the junk food and eating whole foods. No more processed foods for me here!

And I need your help! Studies have shown that people who have friends going through diet and exercise together are more likely to succeed than those that go at it alone.

So I am hosting a 5 day clean eating challenge on a private Facebook page. If you are just like me and trying to clean up what you are eating and ditch the belly fat and bloating send me a message and I will get you added on the group! I would love to have you help me out!

You know what, You are worth Fighting For!

Friday, January 2, 2015

From Fat to Fit

This year is THE YEAR that I am going to get my eating under control and make a difference in myself. I have been saying this for months but it is finally time I get off my butt and actually do it! Not just dream about it. I have gone from being overweight to thinner then back up and down now for 4 years. (I was just overweight for years before that!) Yes I am calling myself overweight because I am considered overweight by BMI and I am frankly just carrying around way too much fat on my body. As you have heard me say a lot over the last 2 weeks, I AM HURTING! My body hurts. I am trying to do something good for it, exercise, and my body HATES me right now! Does that mean I am going to stop? NOPE! I refuse to. I am going to kick my sweet tooth, and not overindulge in pastries. I am going to feed my body the food that it wants and needs.
~2002, I wasn't thin but wasn't fit either.~

Here is my story. I was diagnosed with PCOS 10 years or so ago. It's been a really long time. I went to my doc and they said if I want to get pregnant I need to just lose weight. I never did. I just stayed around the same weight.

4 years ago I decided I needed to make a change. We were married for 8 years and hadn't had a kid and I was getting worried and upset and I really wanted to have children So I found and worked with a great personal trainer. I lifted weights, I did cardio and after months of little change I decided to do a test and tried a controlled diet of Slim Fast, I lost 20 lbs in 2 months. Then I started to run and continued to workout a ton.
~December 2009, about 2 months after I started with my personal trainer~

I stopped lifting weights and I just did 2 hours of cardio. I figured out that I burned more calories on the elliptical so I was doing 2 hours a day, 6 days a week, 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour at night. It killed me! It was hard. But I lost weight and I looked and felt like I was in the best shape of my life. I had lost 33 lbs. I was under 200. I was going to a fertility doctor and doing the shots so that we could do an IUI. A few months later I got pregnant with Mason. I was so freaked out about losing the baby that I stopped exercising and basically just relaxed for the next 9 months.
~July 2010 a few months before I got pregnant, 200 lbs~

I gained back the weight I lost while pregnant in about 2 months and I gained 35 more on top of that. So I was now up 50 lbs what I started. I had mason and tried to exercise when I could but my husband was deployed to Iraq (left when Mace was 3 days old) so exercise really didn't happen.
~Morning of my induction for Mason, child #1. 1 week early~

I refused to have my husband come home to me looking like I was. Still 40 lbs over what I was when I got pregnant. So, I found a nutritionist and followed her diet. I was eating a clean diet. I was eating more food at one meal than I had ever allowed myself to eat before and the weight fell off of me. It was magical. I was eating what my body wanted and trying to exercise more and I lost weight. After about 6 months I got to 203.
~April 2013, 2 weeks before miscarriage #2 and before I started running again. Started gaining weight here.~

Then I just let myself go. I thought, "Wow! I did it. I could do it again." Boy, was I wrong. I stopped watching what I ate and I ate breakfast really well, but eh not really the rest of my day. I started eating the foods I wanted to eat because they tasted good and that is what I wanted. I then got pregnant and miscarried twice. And I stopped exercising every time.
~Day after my first 1/2 marathon, so healthy and barely gained weight at this point in pregnancy.~

After my second miscarriage I gained more weight and was pissed that it was happening. So I started running. And kept running. Ran while pregnant. Did really well for the fist 30 weeks while training.Then I started to gain weight with the pregnancy
~2 days before baby #3 Collin arrived. 40 weeks 5 days was when he hatched~

Flash forward to now, to after second baby and I can't lose the weight. I'm stuck and have actually gone up not down in weight and size. Have I given up pastries completely? NO. Do I love ice cream and sweets? Yep. So the change happens now. Tomorrow is the grocery store and on Monday I start clean eating with my group and we are going to do this together. I know that if I want another child, which I do, I have to lose weight. That is just how my body and the hormones in my body work. I need to be exercising and smaller weight for the right hormones to work when they need to work to get pregnant.
~Here I am now, plus a little more weight, thanks to the holidays!~

So...Where does that leave me here. Well, if you ever been like this. Had PCOS. Have or had a hard time losing weight. Been overweight, lost weight, then overweight again. Yo-Yo diet. Tried everything. I am going to share what I have gone through and we can do this together! Let the journey of 2015 BEGIN! I AM worth fighting for!

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year's Eve Eating Help

Are you going to a New Year's Eve Party? Here are a couple of tips and tricks to help you get through to midnight without letting your eating get out of control! 

1. Check out this portion reminder! As you go to get food from the buffet keep this in mind. Opt for the small plates if there is an option. Fill your plate with fruit and veggies and go from there.

2. Make a promise to yourself that you will only get food at 7pm and 10:30pm (if you need to) for a light snack. Try not to graze the whole night long, 

3. Limit your alcohol. There are so many wasted calories in alcoholic drinks. Stick with water as much as possible to stay hydrated. 

4. Don't go hungry to your party. Make sure you eat a nice healthy filling dinner before you go so that when you do go eat you will only eat snack sized. Chicken, broccoli and rice would be a perfect dinner to help you feel full! 

5. Have fun! New Year's parties are so fun to talk with your friends and make new ones! So even though you might be taking it easy on the food and drink you can still have plenty of fun! Happy New Year! 

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New Year, New Resolutions

As we come up on the end of the year I start to think about my resolutions. I am not going to share all of them quite yet, waiting till Jan 2 for that but I thought I would off a little help to help you think of new ones for you!

1. Put you first. It would be great to have world peace and there are some things we can do to help with that but not a whole lot. Your new year resolution is YOURS. So make it personal. And if it is personal than it is more likely to stick. Make your new years resolution personal. Not just, GO TO GYM MORE. That isn't going to help much. More like, I want to go to the gym more because... and make your point. Make it personal. Make it deep. That is how you will achieve your resolution.

2. Learn to love yourself. Find a way this year to add in learning to love yourself for how you are today. Not how you will become if you lost x amount of pounds or after you have another kid. Embrace your flaws. You must first love yourself and work on yourself before you can help anyone else.

3. Don't forget to add something about service. Service is a great way to learn to love others and to help you love yourself better. It keeps you humble. It keeps you appreciative for what you have. You recognize more blessings in your life. Trust me try to find a place to add this in!

I have made the lists in the past and I barely do any of them. But they always contain items that are more: of do this, not that. I have never made them personal and have my WHY! Very important.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

So Easy?

Why is it so hard to stay healthy and to eat well? Why is it so easy to gain weight? Do you ever ask yourselves these questions? I do. All. The. Time. I wish it wasn't so easy to gain weight that it was just something that happened to stay the same weight and never gain no matter what we ate. But it is easy. And it is so hard to take off the weight!

I look at my now 5 month old. He isn't active, well he is for 5 months, but he doesn't run around like his crazy older brother. Collin has rolls for days. And it is ok for him to be pudgy and have rolls and heaven knows that I love those rolls. But he is a prime example to what happens to us. In the 5 months he has bulked up to be the Michelin Man of babies, (there are babies out there that have way more rolls by the way.)

Or the Wall-e effect. At the end of the movie you see what happens to the humans. They are all in the floating chairs and no one walks. They lose muscle mass, and fat overtakes their bodies. And it takes strong hard work to get their bodies healthy again.

This is what happens to our bodies. If we just gorge on food we will gain weight. Our bodies need activity in general. That is why we have 2 legs to move us around and strong arms to lift things. Our bodies crave to move. As hard as it is to be active our bodies actually really like it.

So why is it so hard to stay healthy and eat well? Well, cause it just is. This is just one of those things that we face on this earth is to learn how to take care of our bodies so that they function to the best of their ability. It is sad but true. It takes daily work to eat healthy and to stay healthy. Time to stop making excuses and just deal with it. It is hard work. But the benefits to being healthy are ENDLESS! I want to be here for my kids! I want to be able to travel the world after my kids leave the house and explore this amazing world. Go off the beaten path as it were and enjoy life as long as I can. I want to be an example for my kids that being healthy is a way of life. I don't want them to have to work as hard as I have had to do or deal with the lower self confidence that you have as a kid with being overweight. I want to enjoy life!

~This post was my mental kick in the face I need to keep eating right and not falling off the wagon and eat things I want to eat!~
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