Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Monday, January 4, 2016

Happy January 4!

Today is the day that thousands will be flocking to the gym or starting a new workout routine at home. Are you one of them? Check out my tips for success this week!

This was the mess I dealt with in my basement before my workout this morning. I think I will take it over the first 2 weeks of craziness at the gym, personally!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Easy Meal Prep Containers

Meal prep, food prep, is the #1 way you are going to succeed with a healthy lifestyle. Why? Because when something is already done and ready to go you are going to grab for it. Easy. Imagine this:

Around 5pm start thinking about what to have for dinner. You have 2 kids asking when dinner is going to be ready. You have cleaned as much of the house as you can and then the kids just made a disaster zone of your house since their school work is done and they are HUNGRY! Go to the fridge and look in there and find:

Scenario #1:

Chicken still partially frozen that you put from the freezer to the fridge this morning and it will take more time to defrost.

Scenario #2:

Pre-packaged meals that are already done and ready to go just need to be heated up and that will take less than 5 minutes!

Scenario #3:

Nothing really in there is calling to you so it is an instant Pizza night or fast food because it is too late to start making something now!

I have been there with all 3 of these scenarios. At 6 I am beyond that point in my day of trying to think of things to do to make dinner. (I say 6 because 3 days a week I teach until 6pm.) And often for those days, if I don't have anything all ready to eat before 6 then it is a boxed Mac n Cheese, or a pizza night for us. Which neither of those things are good for us.

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. 

Sunday nights I make my rice in my rice cooker. Season it with fajita seasoning to give it some kick and a yummy taste. And I also just cook up some chicken on the stove. I am going to try this week to make a kind of stir fry with broccoli. Cook the chicken and then add some broccoli florets in the pan near the very end. And I just got these awesome Meal Prep Containers on Amazon to help me sort them out for each day. Dishwasher safe and microwave safe too, however, for personal reasons I don't really use my microwave.

I am going back into my stricter eating habits for the next 8 weeks. This is one of my resolutions. Challenge myself to eat a super clean, healthy lifestyle for 8 weeks, and honestly see what it does for me and my body. So for me, these containers will be perfect. Mine and my husband's meals will be done and ready each day of the week. Just heat it up and go!

Here is what I am planning for my week!

Meal 1 (Breakfast): Egg scramble with onion and bell peppers. Apple 1 slice of GF bread – 1.5 red, 1 green, 1 purple, 1 yellow

Meal 2 (Snack): Quinoa Berry Parfait – 1 purple, 1 red, 1 yellow,

Meal 3 (Lunch): Chocolate Shakeology with almond milk, peanut butter, 1 banana, 1 kale shot. 
– 1 red, 1 purple, 2 green, 1 tsp

Meal 4 (Snack M/W/F/Su): 3 tsp. peanut butter and an apple, cucumber – 1 purple, 3 tsp 1 green.

Meal 4 (Snack T/Th/Sa): carrots and bell peppers with hummus- 1 green, 1 blue, 1 orange

Meal 5 (Dinner M/W/F/Su): Chili Spiced Chicken Salad. zucchini sautéed with ground cumin and 1 tsp. olive oil, salad of black beans, quinoa, cilantro, tomatoes, cotija cheese, lime juice, and 1 tsp. olive oil – 1.5 red, 2 green, 2 yellow, 1 blue, 2 tsp 1 orange.

Meal 5 (Dinner: T/Th/Sa): Baked chicken breast, fajita seasoned brown rice, broccoli roasted with 1 tsp. olive oil, bell peppers and onions sautéed in 1 tsp. olive oil – 1.5 red, 2 green, 2 yellow, 2 tsp. 

Meal 6 (Snack M/W/F/Su): Cottage Cheese – 1 red

Meal 6 (Snack T/Th/Sa): Greek Yogurt with blueberries – 1 red, 1 purple.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Workout Quotes and Mantras

Starting a new workout routine is hard. And the beginning of the year a lot of us go diving into a new fitness adventure. It is going to be hard. It is going to be uncomfortable. It is going to push you and you are going to have moments that you are going to want to say, "SCREW THIS! I'm DONE!" But what gets you through a workout?


Sometimes during the workout your mind will say, "STOP! I don't want to do this!" That is the moment that if you push past that thought, those feelings where true development happens. Pushing past our quitting moment will define you and give you the best post workout feeling knowing that you stuck with it and you did it! So here are a few workout quotes or mantras to say to yourself when the tough gets hard and you are at that moment where you are about to give up.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Friday, January 1, 2016

Hammer And Chisel Health and Fitness Program Details

This past Monday I began my new adventure in working out. I have upped the anti and moved on to a harder workout, and harder being the right word. This is more challenging and requires more focus and determination to do it, but I have to say that every workout has been FUN! I am excited to do my workouts. I am excited to see what they have in store for me. I am excited to see how strong I am getting. I am excited that I don't have to modify as much as I thought I would. I am excited to go up in weight on my dumbbells. I am just so excited to be on what I am calling part 2 of my adventure.

What is The Master's Hammer and Chisel? 

For the very first time, trainers Sagi Kalev and Autumn Calabrese have teamed up to create an expert program designed to help you craft a powerful, perfectly defined body. The Master’s Hammer and Chisel is an innovative resistance training system that incorporates three muscle-sculpting phases—Stabilization, Strength, and Power—or SSP Training. This is how Sagi and Autumn help you efficiently build, chisel, and refine a masterpiece physique in just 60 days.

What makes Hammer and Chisel different? 

  • It is built on the three phases of SSP Training— Stabilization, Strength, and Power. Other workouts only focus on one or two phases, which might give you decent results. But The Master’s Hammer and Chisel program incorporates all three methods to help you relentlessly chip away fat and carve every muscle for a strong, visually stunning body in 60 days.

  • 12 brand-new, 30- to 40-minute workouts that combine Sagi and Autumn’s proven techniques for 60 days of hardcore resistance training. 

  • Easy-to-follow and completely customizable nutrition plan, along with 7 portion-control containers that show you how to portion out the right amount of food to help you reach your unique fitness goals. Along with your daily does of nutrition and superfoods to help you reduce cravings for sweets, junk foods and fast foods. It has been my secret weapon in helping me to lose weight.
(From Chisel Balance. Last move of the day, kicked my trash but I did it and did not give up!)
  • Flexible nutrition that allows you to lean out, sculpt and maintain, or build muscle.

  •  Includes options to adapt certain exercises if you have limited access to equipment.

  •  Includes a modifier who demonstrates some moves at a lower intensity.

Hammer and Chisel is still on SALE this month. So if you want to join my exclusive group with others just like you doing H&C for the first time you can GO HERE, or if you want to know if this workout is right for you, fill out THIS FORM and I will get back to you and we can chat! I would love to have you join the group and get amazing results with me! Oh and when you do order through me you get an EXTRA FREE WORKOUT. Yeah! I hook you up!

I am seriously loving this workout. I was excited about it when they announced it to the coaches back in July, but you guys, IT IS REALLY AWESOME! I am more excited about it now and I can not wait to see the kind of results I get with this program. I lost 20 pounds with 4 rounds of 21 day fix. This is the next step for me. This is my moment that I am going to rock it!

(outtake: Kids love the containers too! Doesn't hep when I am trying to take pictures of them!) 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Make SMART Goals for 2016

Be SMART when you are making your goals for the new year or really any time. Take the time to really sit down using this SMART formula to help you really focus on what you want to accomplish for this year.

S- Specific- Be super specific when making your goals. Write down what you really want to accomplish, not just the overall goal but if you want to lose 20 pounds then write it down, instead of just "lose weight".

M- Measurable- How are you going to measure your success? Do you have an app that you can put your info in and the app will keep track for you? Make a spread sheet or have some sort of way you can track and measure how you are progressing. (lose 20 pounds by using a scale and using my iHealth app on my phone.)

A- Attainable- Be realistic in your goals. 100 pounds in 2 months is not going to happen. Make real smart goals based on what you know you are capable of, and maybe push yourself just a little bit. Also don't under value yourself either. And how are you going to do it, being specific again. (lose 20 pounds by March 31st by eating clean, exercising 6 days a week and allowing myself 1 meal a week that is an indulgent meal.)

R- Relevant- Is is worthwhile? Does it fit in with your overall long term plans? (Double my daily page views on my blog by June 2016.) Find your why on why you want to accomplish it and make it worthwhile. This will help you stick with it more when you are having a hard time!

T- Timely- Your goal or objective should have a time limit! That is going to drive you everyday to work harder, and smarter on your goal. A goal without a deadline is just a dream!

And lastly, it doesn't go with SMART but WRITE DOWN YOUR GOAL! WRITE IT DOWN! If you don't then it will not happen. Write it down, place it in a place you see everyday. And strive each day to move yourself in the direction that will help to obtain that goal!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

January 30 Day Plank-A-Day Challenge

It's another month and the holidays are NOW BEHIND US! Time to get busy! I thought it was the right time to do a 30 day Plank A Day challenge! Sounds great right?!?

Planks, oh planks! They kill me every time. Why? Because it is a full body exercise. It uses your whole mind and body to do them. Yes, mind! For me it is a mind over matter issue. If I just turn off my brain and keep it from thinking about how much my legs and core are shaking then I could just hang on a little bit longer. Let's engage our cores, and push our heels back and hold a strong plank. 

Here are the different level of planks you can do: Start as a level one and then you can progress from there as you get more comfortable and strong! 

Side Plank variations:

Each day that you participate, take a picture and post it on your Facebook and/or Instagram account with #PLANKADAY #SunKissedBecky #CTDG so I follow along your journey too! 

So let's go ladies! let's work our abs off! And get a strong core which will help us with all of our other daily things we do!

And, of course, be sure to like our FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Success in 2016: Plan Your Day

Hello New Year, in just a few days! Are you making your new year resolution list yet? I am still working on mine. But here is one that is on my list. To plan out my day and make sure that I have balance between my family, work, and everyday life stuff. Sadly when you say yes to one thing, you have to say no to something else. Like, if I say yes to working out, then I am saying no to sleeping in. Get it? 
Pick one day a week that you sit down and plan out your schedule, every hour of every day of the week. I am serious! 

1) Family always comes first so start with that. Schedule in any doctor appoints, kid drop offs and pickups, or any other family appointments that you have for the week, oh yeah and church activities.

2) Schedule in your workout just like a doctor appointment. It really is that important for me that I schedule it in secondary in my life. 
3) Next I schedule in my work time. Teaching and coaching. My goal in 2016 is to stick to my schedule. Do what I have to do in the time allotted. I have been crossing over way too much and that is not ok for me and my family. I will no longer sacrifice my family time. I have to become more efficient in my actual work time! 

4) Lastly I schedule my me time. I personally need some alone time for me to just unwind from my activities. I can usually get 30-45 minutes of this a day. I use this for reading or just turning off my brain. 

Here is how to stick with your schedule: 

Turn the sound off on my phone
Set alarms or timers for how long to do something
Close my laptop and put it away
Mute the notifications on Facebook
Only open the window you need to work in right now
Keep yourself focused on the goal in mind
Work from a to do list

Starting today you can plan to make 2016 more successful with these tips! Be sure to follow me on FACEBOOK and PINTEREST for more daily motivation and support!

Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas From The Allen's!

I hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas! I am late on getting our Christmas Cards out for the year to all my friends and family and you are my friends too, so I wanted to share it here so you can see it. I am so thankful for you watching my journey. That you are following me and I hope getting some good health, fitness and life tips. I really appreciate you always coming back! I am so excited for 2016 and the amazing things that are going to happen next year.

Merry Christmas everyone! Enjoy your day and make it healthy!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Last Minute Gifts For Your Fitness Loving Friends

It's Christmas Eve and you are still looking for something for your fitness loving friends. Well, here are a few places that have great, low priced stuff, perfect for those stocking stuffers!


Old Navy is seriously one of my favorite places to shop for low priced active wear and they are having a massive sale on their site (just looked last night) 20% off everything, even stuff on sale. Tanks are averaging between $8 and $14. Graphic motivational tanks are a must!


Target has some great C9 Champion stuff, but they are a little pricier. Looking at about $15-20 on avg. there. Check out this cute pull over for just $30!

Another option would be to enroll your friend, spouse or loved one as a VIP member with Fabletics. Every month you can choose a new outfit for the same price. Very affordable clothing. I have gotten many workout clothing from here and love the styles. Very hip and trendy. Super convenient because they send out recommended outfits to you at the first of the month based on your style profile and you can shop at home and you have 5 days to decide if you are going to get anything or not! Super easy. And they get a new outfit every month.

With access to TONS of full workout programs (P90X Programs, Brazil Butt Lift, Insanity and many, many, more) included in your quarterly membership fees it is the gift that GIVES A TON! Plus sneak peeks to new workout programs being released and a discount to Beachbody products including Shakeology. But most importantly, you get me as your coach and motivator to help you set your goals and reach them. You will get access to all of my exclusive tools that have helped me lose weight and helped me to stay motivated and keeping on point!

If you have any questions about any of these please let me know! I hope you all have a happy and healthy Christmas! 

For more motivation, tips and support be sure to follow me over at FACEBOOK and PINTEREST

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Staying Healthy For Christmas with Shakeology

I am so loving this Christmas so far! I made it a goal to drink Shakeology every day this month. I have missed 2 days this month, but still, this is the first Christmas in YEARS that I am NOT sick with a cold or flu or just feeling run down or lack of energy. In fact no one in my family is sick! This is why I drink it everyday. To keep me healthy and happy AND it has totally done that for me! I have invested in my health and wellness and I have not looked back since the day I started enjoying my first shake! 

Why is it helping me feel so great? There are 70 superfoods packed in just 1 scoop. All those superfoods contain the vitamins and minerals that my body needs to stay healthy. Check out this list! 

  • Adaptogen Supernutrients that may support strong immune function, help the body cope with environmental stress, and naturally help increase energy
  • Antioxidant Supernutrients that protect the body from free radicals and prevent cellular damage
  • Vitamin and Mineral Supernutrients that help your cells make energy, build and repair muscles,  and support energy production
  • Protein and Amino Acid Supernutrients that build muscle, reduce hunger and food cravings, help keep blood sugar steady
  • Phytonutrient Supernutrients that support healthy aging and vitality
  • Probiotics Supernutrients that promote healthy digestion and healthy colon function
  • Prebiotics Supernutrients that help probiotics grow and thrive, and strengthen the system
  • Digestive enzyme Supernutrients that help your body break down food to assimilate nutrients better
Check out this AWESOME festive recipe

Want more info? CLICK HERE to read more about it and order if you are ready to give your body the best for 2016! Next health and fitness support group begins Jan 4! Let's kick off 2016 with a BANG! 

Want more info?  And did you know that you can get 25% off all future Shakeology orders? Comment below, or email me! Excited to hear from you! 

Be sure to follow me over at FACEBOOK and PINTEREST for more inspiration and motivation.
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