Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen: motivation
Showing posts with label motivation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label motivation. Show all posts

Monday, July 13, 2015

Disney Princess Half Marathon Registration

The Disney Princess Half Marathon registration opens to everyone TOMORROW! Have you decided yet if you are going to be doing it or not? I sadly won't be doing it in 2016, as we have a couple of family events to attend next year that we are saving up to be able to attend but man, if I had unlimited funds, I WOULD BE DOING THE RACE! No questions asked. It is really that awesome.

Yes I was 29 weeks pregnant when I ran mine. Yes it was hotter than hades on a nice balmy day, and yes, my body hated me for the rest of the day, but it was TOTALLY worth it. The experience of running in my first Disney race, which is something that I had wanted to do for years! but the experience of it all. All the women coming together. To be healthy, to try something that seems impossible to so many. We did it! I DID IT! And I will never ever forget my experience of it. All 13.1 miles. (I may have zoned out for a mile or 2 in the beginning but still!) I remember the whole experience.

Put this on your race todo list if you can't do it in 2016. You want to!

Check out my tips for the half marathon!

Half Marathon Race Recap

The 1/2 Marathon race: What to expect

The Expo

The Costumes

Race Morning

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Next Adventure...

I have a new adventure I wanted to tell you all about. I have a YOUTUBE channel now! WHAT!?! This is totally new and I wanted to share some tips that I have with clean eating and sometimes it is just easier to tell you about it than writing it down! I won't be vlogging all the time just on some stuff so make sure you check it out. And that you subscribe to keep up to date on what I am doing! It is small right now with only 2 videos but over time it will grow and I hope that you will join me over there too.

I really am a real person. Sometimes it might seem that I am just someone story teller and yes I post pictures of me and my family but it is nice to see that I really do exist in real life. I fully believe that we all need some motivation. And I plan on doing some motivation type videos to help give you that push to get up and go for a run or do your workout. I really hope that you guys can see a whole new side to me.

Here is my most recent video that I did. One thing that I have written about is that last Friday I had oral surgery. For the past 8 years I have been told that I would eventually need a gum graft. Well that day has come and I had it done this past Friday. I made this video on Monday so I am still having a hard time talking and I can't smile at all (I know you will miss my big smile! My favorite feature!) But still I think the video is pretty educational on how to add greens into your daily Shakeology or Green Smoothie without having to have a salad. And it is cost effective.

So in this video I am making Kale Shots, as I call them. They are just 1 ounce cubes of pureed kale. I don't know about you but I have such a hard time eating Kale. I think it is too bitter and I just can't get it down. And using it in smoothies, I just wasn't getting through all of it in a week. So my solution is to puree it up and freeze it. And one once is equal to like 4 cups of Kale. And it is totally masked by Shakeology, and a banana or in your green smoothie. You will still taste it a little because it is so bitter but it won't be like it is in a salad or just straight up. Let me know what you think of the video, subscribe! And hope you join me on this next adventure!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

21 Day Fix Round 2 Results

I don't have my pictures yet. (CLICK HERE To see my 21 Day Fix Round 2 Results Photos) but I wanted to post my results from my second round on 21 day fix. 

In 7 weeks, I have lost 10 lbs. 10 POUNDS! I am no longer stuck at the weight I have been at for months and months. I am on my way to reaching my first goal which is 25 lbs lost.

I have lost 7.65 inches off my body. The most being from around my belly. I fit my pre pregnancy clothing more comfortably and just overall I am feeling great! 

I am so excited to keep losing weight. I see my goals happening because I have decided that I am doing this. I want this and I am worth it. This time is different for me because I have so much support from my challengers on our private support group page and together we are making huge changes in our lives!

Are you ready to get results like these? The time is now to get your membership to Beachbody On Demand bundled with Shakeology and your own Nutrition Fix Containers! NOW to join my EXCLUSIVE group!  CLICK HERE TO ORDER and I will send you an email to connect and help you get started right!  If you need to upgrade your current subscription or have questions EMAIL me, or send me a message over at FACEBOOK

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Finding that Drive

Have that lacking feeling of doing what you know you should be doing? I sure have! I need some motivation. I need something to kick my butt in gear. So what do you do to get that little kick in the tush to get you going???

1) Get support! Tell your family members, friends, co-workers, kids tell everyone what you are going to be starting. Because often times you will be reminded by someone asking you, "Hey how is your weight loss program going?" Or I was even told recently by a friend that her little girl was saying, "Mom, I don't think we should go to places like McDonalds until after you've gotten all your fatness away." Her little girl was helping her mom. And guess what, they aren't going there anymore!

2) Reach out to others going through the same thing. You can probably name 3-5 people who are "working on their weight" or watching what they are eating just like you. Find someone to check in with on a weekly basis to share how you did the last week, or to discuss your game plan for the coming week. Also Online Support Groups. I hold a 30 day support group every month now to give the daily motivation you need, plus inspiration to keep going and there is access to clean recipes and clean eating information. Plus others that are going through the same exact thing. There are so many thing available to you now to help you. Take advantage of that!

3) Make a game plan. Have your goals set on what you want to accomplish and by when. Make weekly meal plans so that you have everything set so that you don't go for foods that you shouldn't be eating! It just takes a little time to schedule and plan your week. And the more you do it the easier it will get!

4) Shed the negative. So you have done this before and it didn't quite work. Well how is this time going to be any different. BECAUSE IT IS! You want it to be different which means it will be. You are going to have the support of your family, and a small micro community, making a weekly meal plan. This is going to be your time to kick butt and take control of your life. And if there is anyone in your life telling you that it is not going to happen. You couldn't do it last time. blah, blah, blah. IGNORE THEM! Because if you choose to do something and you really decided that you are going to do it, YOU WILL! You can do anything you put your mind to. No more I can't. I CAN! The key though is that you need to believe that you can do this and you will!

5) DO IT! You have made the choice to do it, so do it! Make this time different. Don't let excuses get in your way and try to stop you. You are better than any excuses. You deserve more than any excuses. And you have 30 minutes to workout everyday. It is that important! Scheduled it in to your day. Workout first thing in the morning or before you go to bed. Just get it in there!

If you need that extra little bit of motivation in your life to reach your goals, no matter how big or small and willing to make a small investment in your health, JOIN MY FREE PRIVATE COMMUNITY

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Monday, June 22, 2015

One Step Forward, or Crawl

Can I just say how much I love this saying...I LOVE THIS SAYING! Because it is so true! It doesn't matter if you tip toe, crawl or drag yourself in the right direction just make your way there! NOW! 

I have seen what one wrong choice after another after another and many more can do to you. It drags you down deeper and deeper. People lose faith in trust in you because of the choices and actions you make. Or you lose faith in yourself that you can actually do better or be better (yo-yo dieting, why start over again if it hasn't worked in the past?) Or you might want to get out of the huge pit you dug for yourself but don't know how to even start or which direction is even the right direction. Well as long as that direction is opposite to what you have been doing lately then it is more of a right direction than you have been in. The point is to GET MOVING into that direction.

If you decide today that you are done living your life how it is. Yo-yo dieting. Or tired of putting of starting a new workout for next week. Make that choice to just do it. Set a date that you are going to start your workout. And do it! Stop yo-yoing around and don't diet, change your lifestyle! Dieting has such a negative mindset to it. Decide you want to change how you look at food in the first place and do it. Stop doubting what you can truly accomplish what you put your mind to! Read books about foods or watch documentaries about clean eating. (see below)

If you need any help in clean eating. Let me know! Or finding a workout routine that actually fits your lifestyle so you stop putting it off. LET ME KNOW! You have to make that first move. That first step and I will help you drag yourself, crawl, tip toe or even run if you want but you have to make that choice that you are ready to change! 

Primal Body, Primal Mind by Nora Gedgaudas
In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan
You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero

Forks over knives
Fed Up
Super Size me
Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

My journey thus far

I am only in the beginning but I have had a journey over the past month.

About 30 days ago I started this journey with one specific goal, to get out of my funk. I was in such a depression that I didn't want to be around anyone. Friends, family, not even my kids. I hated how I felt. I hated feeling lost and alone. I hated how I was feeling. Slow, and no energy. I wanted to sleep all day long. I didn't really want to do anything. It was so hard to find that motivation to start this. 

But just one day. I decided. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I was done feeling sad. Depressed. Tired. I needed to work on me if I was going to get any better. I called a therapist and made the choice that it was time to take care of me. That one decision was my fuel, my passion. I threw myself into this program. Workout wise. I could have been a ton more better on my eating, more on that later. I dedicated to myself that I was going to workout everyday. Drink my Shakeology everyday and no more fast food. 

AND GUESS WHAT! I did it! I made it 21 day of working on me. And you know what happened? I felt better. I had good days and fewer bad days. I learned to appreciate my body again and not be disappointed in it. I have had so much fun watching my husband exercise with me most nights. We have reconnected again because I was so distant with him. We are happy, laughing and enjoying life again. I can't stand the smell of fast food, I want whole fruits and veggies. We are staying in our eating budget because we aren't going out randomly anymore. 
This past month I feel like I have gotten my life back. And it only took 1 choice and 21 days. In 21 days I have lost (as of this morning) 3 lbs and 4.25 inches. I am retaining water still from the race over the weekend because I was so dehydrated. But I know the work I put into this. I see the difference in my life it has made. Small changes eventually add up to HUGE results!

If you are ready to start your journey, let me know! Click on the Banner at the top for upcoming challenge groups. Sent me a message. Email. Just let me know! 

Friday, June 5, 2015

Motivation? Where Did It Go???

Motivation is the number one thing that can stop you cold in your tracks to something new you are trying to do. Whether it is looking for a new job, exercise or just finding a new pair of pants. If you have a hole in the crotch of your pants you are going to be pretty darn motivated to buy a new pair of pants but if you are in comfy in yoga pants and they can pass as all day wear, you are not going to be getting a new pair of pants for awhile! Right?!?

Well we all have those days where you just don't want to do it. Exercise I am talking about. I have days where I don't want to do it. And it is totally normal and it happens. But, if you want to make your goals and achieve great things. You gotta do it.

Here is my tip if you are just tired and can't find that motivation. Just do 10 minutes. Start doing 10 minutes (I aim for 15 min that way I know I am at least doing half my workout!) Most of the time you will feel fine and be able to finish it but if you aren't, then stop. Your body might need to rest and that is ok. Don't push beyond what your body wants to do. It can just make you feel worse!

It's ok to have a bad day. But the trick is to NEVER GIVE UP! Don't just stop because you had one bad day. Do a little and you might get your groove back. Or do a little in the morning and by later in the day you will feel better and can finish it up. Listen to your body. IT knows what you need and don't need! And by the next day you should feel just fine to get back into it. Just don't make everyday a rest day!

~3 days left until I find out exactly how many inches and weight I have lost! Be sure to check back on Monday!~

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

A Little Grain of Faith

I am so thankful for the chance that we have to have faith in something. To have faith in ourselves, our situation and our circumstances. And seriously our faith can be bigger than your fear. This morning I have been talking with a woman about wanting more children. But it might not happen. I am in the same place. I was told that I could have more children, but what if I don't? Am I ok with that? I am still working on the answer, but I have faith that we have one more child meant to come to our family. I have so much faith in general. About my life, family and businesses. I put all my faith in front of me right now it seems.

I am not saying that I am perfect. No way, no how. But I know that if something is meant to happen that it will. I have always believed that. It took us 9 years to get Mason. To get my first positive pregnancy test. After my second miscarriage, I lost my faith. I didn't want to believe anymore because it was too hard. But I got stronger and started having faith again.

I was reminded of one of my favorite talks today and encourage you that if you just need a little ounce of faith building today read it. Listen to this talk. Know that you are not alone. Know that we all struggle with something. Exercise is so hard. Changing your diet or lifestyle is so very hard. Losing a child or family members is devastating  Dealing with the kids. Not having children. Finding a job or switching jobs. Struggling with a family member who has lost their way. And a thousand more things. The key though getting through your tough times, your challenges, your trials is to keep your faith. As hard as it is sometimes that little grain of faith is all we have. But you have to keep moving on. Let your faith be stronger than your fear of not moving forward. Of trying that hard exercise. Of changing your lifestyle. Keep your faith.

If you have a few minutes to watch this and need a booster in your faith, please check this out. I so encourage you to take just a little bit of time and check out the following video. It is amazing and helps to remind me that I am not alone in my struggles.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Good Before The Bad

I'm a private music teacher and right now we are preparing for our BIG spring recital. Basically it is the culmination of everything they have learned in the last year. During our lessons the last 2 weeks I have been having the students "perform" for me to help them prepare. After they finish and practice their bows we talk about how they did. I always ask, "Tell me 3 things you did really great!" Often a student will say, "I kept the tempo except at this place." I then say, "only positive. So you kept the tempo at the beginning really well, right." They nod and get a smile on their face because they realize that they really did do well! Then we continue with the other 2 things that they did well. Most of the time they have to really think about what they did well. And it is hard for them. I help them along and then we talk about 3 things that needs improvement.

The first inclination my students have it to say something that needs improvement. I am so sad that a 6 year old and older already see the negative in their life before they see the good. I know they want to do better but I think it is so important that we always look for the good and then we look for the bad. I get it that adults think this way because eventually through school and receiving homework we find out the bad before we realize the good. But if we could change our way of thinking. Imagine how much more positive our lives would be. 

Yes, this is a the glass is half full kind of thinking but that's ok. The main thing is to always remain positive. In working out with Matt I have caught him saying, "ouch I'm really sore, or that really hurt." But hun you did the workout, you did the exercise. Be glad that you were able to do it with 10 lbs weight. (he has chronic tendon problems and sometimes lifting weights can be really hard on his body.)

During this week I want to challenge you. At the end of the day think of 3 awesome things  you did. Think about your whole day. Write it down and write how your day went. The reason for writing it down is to see if it influences the way you think about the next day and the next. Did you talk to someone new? Did you compliment someone? Did you get your report turned in on time? Did you play more with your kids? Try it out and see what happens! Good luck and let me know below! Leave a comment! Like my FACEBOOK page! Send me a message or EMAIL! Let me know how it went! 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Never Give Up!

Believe you can do lose weight and you will! You are worth it to be happy. And not settling for how you feel just because you have tried in the past and things didn't work out like you wanted. YOU CAN DO THIS! You just have to keep trying, keep working and NEVER give up!
Support is out there for you! You just have to be ready for it and when you are, nothing will stop you! EVER!

Last Call...

It's the last call to be part of my 30 day challenge group for June! 

Why do I host these challenge groups? Because I know that exercise is easier with a buddy to join you! Seriously, how much faster does a workout go when you have someone doing it right along with you. Last July when I was a participant in my FIRST challenge group (not hosting actually a challenger) I was excited to do my workout and to tell everyone in the group about it. You could tell the ones who wanted it compared to the ones. We all supported each other, asked question and made it fun. I had daily motivation that made me think about how to better myself on the inside while I worked on the outside. It gave me confidence I didn't know I was lacking. I learned a ton about myself that first 60 days and I am so thankful to my friend Janet for encouraging me to join the challenge group. Take that first step and do it! 

I am offering that same opportunity to take that first step. Decide to do this for you. Commit yourself to 30 days of eating clean, working out and enhancing your life through positive thinking. Today is the last day that I will accept people (within reason of course) into the group! I want to be there for you. I want to help you. Let me walk you through this. Take that first step! 

Join me this JUNE for our challenge group to help you get started! Fill out the form below to let me know you are interested!
Being part of the challenge group you as the challenger get:

One on one support from me to help you set and reach your goals.

Daily motivation.

Work with a program that is just right for you to fit your lifestyle.

Provide you with recipes and a meal guide

Daily dose of nutrition.

Plus you will be with other people just like you in our PRIVATE accountability group where you can ask questions and get real answers.

Our Motto for June is: It's not about being skinny. It's about gaining confidence, better health, more energy and HAPPINESS!

(Please do not apply if you are currently a Beachbody Coach, are already working with a Beachbody coach (other than me) or are not willing to make a small investment in your health and wellness.)

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Hurt So Good

Why does it hurt so good??? Am I crazy or just weird. I love it now Getting that burn from exercise. (at least on my legs. Shoulders, HA that is another story. I wimp out way too quickly!) Last night Matt and I were doing our lower body workout and man I was burning. I was on fire, but I just kept going. I pushed through the pain. I DID IT! After 3 weeks of doing my lower body exercise, I feel like I finally accomplished something huge! I didn't give up. I just kept going. I told Matt how much I hated that exercise because it hurts so bad while doing it but it FEELS SO GOOD AFTER!

But why does it hurt so good? Remember in Legally Blond how Elle Woods says, "Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people don't kill their husbands." (it's true I don't get as frustrated with Matt after exercising!) But it is true. That burning sensation of the lactic acid also releases the endorphins that make you happy. And when you do enough you get that little "runners high" (even if you aren't doing running you still get that little high). Plus it is making you stronger with every single burn. Your muscles are working then recovering, then working then recovering. That is why it is so important to rest between days of working out. (don't do leg day twice in a row!)

When you don't think you can any more reps of your exercise, I dare you, no, no, double dog dare you, to do 2 more. Get that burn. Let it burn. Because it will be so good for your body and for your mind. Push past the burn. I know it sucks and that it is hard but you will love it when you get the results that you want!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Workout For Kids

Kids need exercise! I know that but I had no idea that Mason has actually been watching what I do, but he sure has. The other day he picked up my weights and said, "Look how strong I am mom!" He was so proud of himself that he was doing it and he wanted to do it. So yesterday I tried to help him with his "form" yeah that was real fun. But now I am going to try and make a little workout plan for him and me together here at the house. WHY NOT! If he wants to, right?!?

I will say last night though we did some stretching before bed. To the song: HEAD, SHOULDERS, KNEES and TOES. It was the cutest thing ever. I would hold the word head and have him reach his hands WAY above his head or toes and he would stretch the whole time reaching to his toes. Then I had him sit down and have him stretch to his toes and hold it with legs straight in front, straddle and butterfly. Kid is flexible!

AND IT WAS FUN! He loved it! I LOVE IT! And it was a great bonding exercise. He then proclaimed, "WHEW! I'm tired. Time for bed!" And he climbed right in, no fuss or muss.

I love that he is such a copy cat sponge! He just wants to do what everyone else is doing and will absorb it in and want to do it ALL THE TIME! So proud of him. Now to get a little routine going and I will share it with you when WE figure it all out!

Oh, this isn't the first time I have done this. At the gym, I sometimes pull Mason out of the kids zone and we go run around the little track they have inside. He holds my hand the whole time and he runs as fast as he can. I do this on the lighter patron days (Tuesday and Thursday) and when there is really no one there or on the track. And I have taught Mason that this is for exercise even though it is fun. Once we are done with the track and running we have to get off. He loves it and it is fun to see all the people smiling at him. We get lots of ooo's and ahhhh's and "how cute!" from the older patrons! Now we will just take his exercise to the next level.

Do you workout with your kids? What exercises do you do.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Day Or Night...Does It Really Matter?

When do you work out? Morning? Afternoon? Night time? Does it really matter?

The Huffington Post has an article on when the best time day to work out based on what you want to accomplish, but honestly, working out whenever you can is what is best. It beats not working out. Let's say you sleep in and miss your workout time you were scheduled not like I did that on Wednesday morning when I slept in until 10am... Does that mean that I have to miss my workout completely? Some people do. OOPS! I missed my workout window. I guess I have to try again tomorrow! No, no, no my friends. But I don't have time to workout anymore. Have you thought about right before you go to bed. In those quiet times when the kids are first falling asleep and you get that moment of "AHHHH, time to relax."

Night time has been my time lately. I am personally trying to workout twice a day. Go to the gym in the morning for the kiddos and then during that relaxation time just after the kids go down. I am doing this because it helps keep me in better moods. Apparently I need the endorphins right now because they are working and keeping me from being super depressed. Thanks in part to the hormone drop I had after the miscarriage. So for me. I need it, twice a day. Have I been able to go to the gym everyday this week? Nope! (again I slept in on Wednesday) But at least I am getting my evening 30 minute workout in. I have been a lot more consistent with my evening than I have during the day! (weird for me)

Even if you have to break up your workout to 10 minute increments. Do what ever you can to get some exercise into your day and I promise you that you will feel better. Have more energy. Sleep better (oh yeah, I am sleeping like a rock!) Be happier. Might be a little sore, but that's ok! The point is. DO IT! JUST WORKOUT! Make that choice. FOR YOU! You are worth it!

Need a work out buddy? Or someone to keep you accountable. Maybe you need motivation? Send me an email to join my PRIVATE Facebook group!! Make that first choice. Take that first step to changing you. The hardest part is the beginning!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Overweight And Exercise

We all have to start somewhere. Right? Did you wake up this morning and think, it is time for a change! I need to change? I don't want to be like this anymore. Now what do I do? Exercise is hard. It doesn't matter if you are a size 0 or a size 24. Exercise does take work and effort.
~2010. Picking my hubs up after a deployment and surprising him with all the work I did to lose 35 lbs!~
Here are a few pointers to think about as you begin this new journey in your life style change. YES! LIFE STYLE CHANGE! This is not an easy battle. It will take time, it should take time. There are no quick fixes to losing weight. There are no pills, special drinks or wraps that will accomplish the results that last. It is a total mindset. How can she say this. She is overweight and hasn't been able to keep the weight off herself. Why listen to Becky. Because I have been there. I am there. But I have also lost the weight. I lost 40 lbs and not just once I have done it a couple of times. I learned to eat right and what my body wanted and needed. I have also fallen off the wagon and I trying to climb back in. I am just like you who has dieted, tried pills, drinks, HCG, meal plans, starvation, Atkins, I have tried it all! 
~Hard work and dedication to exercise and eating right and her is what I looked like. I will be here again! I AM WORTH IT!~
The one thing that worked? Eating right and exercise. When I finally started to eat right the weight just fell off. I didn't even have to workout for an hour or 2 a day. I was doing 30 minutes of exercise and the weight just fell off. Well if it is so easy... IT IS NOT EASY! It takes work and a total commitment and I'm human. I really like ice cream, sweets, candy, cookies, pasta. I mean I really like them. I lose sight of what I really need to be doing. And I am worth more than that. I know I am. And it isn't about being SKINNY. I want to be HEALTHY. I want to be able to run more easily. I want to be at a healthier weight when I get pregnant again so that when I do gain weight through the pregnancy I am not pushing 300 lbs. That scares the crap out of me. And that is just more work to do in the end. So today, eating better. Shakeology so that I know I am getting my super foods that I need. More veggies. Exercise. I can and I WILL do this. WE CAN DO THIS! 

~3 months into my nutritionist given plan and I lost 20 lbs by this point. Time and dedication! That is all it takes!~

Let me know if you want to join my Facebook group to become the healthiest version of you!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Infertility Awareness Week

We are currently in the middle of infertility awareness week and I have had a hard time getting up the strength to continue to talk about it at this time. I have been pretty open, but to be honest I am still learning to cope with what I went through. Multiple miscarriages is still considered infertility problems.

I am talking with others and trying to work through my feeling and emotions. I am keeping a journal right now that is just an ongoing non stop journal. I have titled it The Ramblings After A Miscarriage. I just recently showed it to my hubs and had him read it.

But yesterday evening just before I put the kids down for bed. I read this article. I couldn't even get through it without balling. I tried reading it out loud for Matt to hear and I just lost it. It pretty much sums up what I needed to hear right now. Especially the Create Space section.

I have had it in my mind that by such and such a date I should be all better. No more bleeding, no more running out of energy. No more dizzy spells or getting out of breath. And learning to deal with what I have already been through before. I put this time table on WHEN I SHOULD FEEL NORMAL. And honestly, I am past that "date" and I am frustrated. I am done feeling weak, broken. I just want to be normal but I still need time. Mentally and physically. It sucks. But there it is. It just takes time.

So please read this article to show your support for Infertility Awareness Week. Let me know what you think in the comments below! 

Please know I am so grateful for all of your support through prayers and emails or messages I have received. It has meant to so much to me. You are all amazing!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Disney Princess 1/2 Marathon Tips for New Runners: Race Morning

If you have stumbled upon my blog about the Run Disney Princess Half Marathon looking for tips, I am sure that you have probably read at other places that EARLY TO BED, EARLY TO RISE!

When you get to your hotel, on WDW or off site, check with your hotel, if there is transportation provided and what time the transportation is offered for race morning. It doesn't matter if you drive there or take transpiration provided for you, you will be leaving VERY EARLY IN THE MORNING! K and I set 2 alarms to go off to make sure we woke up for a lovely 2:45 am! She set the ring tone to Eye of the Tiger. We were staying at the Shades of Green resort on the WDW park. (Shades of Green is the military hotel that is on the resort for only military guests and their families! It is AWESOME! If military check it out!) It is located across the street from the Polynesian resort, and we actually ran right past it during the 1/2 marathon! We figured that we would walk to the Polynesian and then catch the buses there but thankfully Shades had their own buses. You are going to want to be to the busses pretty early, because they fill up quickly and you don't want to be running to the start of the race then run the 1/2. No fun! We were on our bus by 3:45 or so am!
(1st long walk!)

Know that where the busses drop you off, is a LONG WALK! A very long walk. It feels like forever just to get to the waiting area. Not the corral staging area just the pre-marathon waiting area. There was a band/DJ playing music. Lots of people were having fun. I was in search of food, cause I was still hungry and found a banana from one of the tents (a race volunteer took pity on me and passed me one.) And a bathroom. K made me drink tons of water when I woke up, when we got on the bus and on our way to the waiting area. I already had to go. NOT GOOD!

There were tons of bathrooms to choose from so we went. I learned that morning how hard it was going to be going to the bathroom with my tutu and big pregnant belly! EEK! We then found a place to sit and rest by the gates that would open to take us to the coral staging area. I was on the hunt trying to find other bloggers I followed, never found them but I looked! I wanted to even go up in the coral area that I knew she would be but I didn't want to be that stalkerish! We walked the next mile or so to the staging are and K and I found my corral, 1 down from hers and sat down near the front. We talked about our running strategy and she had me munch on more food and drink MORE water. I decided that I needed to go to the bathroom again and went on search to the hundreds more port-a-potties there. I got back in the coral and the first corral was off. And we waited our turn. This was it! I was about to embark on my first 1/2 marathon. 29 weeks pregnant.
(Waiting in the corrals!) 

Bring water and food to munch on while you wait. Use the port-a-poties by the corrals before the race starts, because the line at the mile 1 port-a-poties is LONG! The line at all the port-a-potties is long, except for mile 13. I didn't have to wait for that one!

Also, it can be a little chilly until the race starts. Head to Goodwill and find a hoodie to toss to the side after the first mile or 2 when you warm up. Disney takes all the toss clothing and donates them so it is for a good cause!
(Everyone behind us)

Make sure you rest and sit down, so bring a towel or something to sit on, again a toss clothing if you are worried about sitting on the ground! When you get there it will feel like a bunch of hurry up and wait, and it is but it's ok. Just rest as much as possible. Get off your feet and sit down!

From where the busses drop you off to the corrals is seriously about 2 miles. So just know that. You are awesome! Who else do you know that walks 2 miles before a half marathon just to start the half marathon!
(Ready, Set...)

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Disney Princess 1/2 Marathon Tips For New Runners: The Expo

Oh the EXPO! We hit the expo on Saturday afternoon last year. A TON of the Disney merchandise was already gone by then.

The Official Even Guide is up right now ( I love that they are taking this Frozen theme into it so much! I am sure that you will be seeing lots of Anna and Elsa's and Olaf's too as you run!). Take some time to look through it. Figure out speakers to go and watch. Familiarize yourself with the booths at the expo. One HUGE TIP! Know your budget before you go in there. Only allow yourself to spend $X amount of dollars so that you don't go crazy when you are in there. THERE IS A TON OF CUTE STUFF and you are going to want to get it all!

Here are my top things that I wanted, and got and other things to check out and do while at the EXPO:

1) The "I DID IT" Shirt! I had to have it. Yes I got a shirt with the race, but I love the idea of the I DID IT shirt. Because I earned that shirt and my gorgeous medal! Like I said above, most of the Disney Merch. was sold out. There were a couple of people at a table with the shirts they had left and they were handing out cards to go to a specific site AFTER the race to be able to order your shirt. BUT you had to do it right after the race, and they only had so many. So you better believe that after I got back to our hotel and before I got in the tub to soak I ordered my shirt. I got the Tech shirt and I LOVE IT! I wear it all the time. The back of it has the race route on it and it is great! It did take me about 2 months (no kidding on that) to get the shirt delivered to my house but when I got it I was doing a happy little dance and I seriously wear it all the time. ( I like the Glass Slipper Challenge merchandise so much this year!)

2) Mini Medal pin. This I ordered when I registered for the race. Yes, I have a lanyard with pins I have collected on it. They are special pins that you can only get if you have done them. Like I have one for the Disney Cruise Mexico, and for the Keys to the Kingdom tour, our Segway tour. So now I have my little princess half marathon pin on there! They had plenty left and Glass slipper pins left too so get those. Also, they make really cute Christmas Ornaments. They are small enough for the tree that you can hang your collection. (Maybe get 2 sets of pins.)

3) KT Tape. If you haven't gotten taped yet, but you have a lingering pain it might be a good idea to stop by the KT booth and get taped up professionally. As a back up though bring your own tape with you. By Saturday they were all out of tape and they said if I had my own they would tape me so, bring a roll with you but have them tape you up! I had my belly taped up for the race, prior to even leaving home so I was already covered with tape.

4) Get something specific for you that you are going to look back on for your experience. There are lots of booths with motivational items in them. I went with the shoe charms. My BFF and I got Sole Sisters. I also now want to get a 13.1 because I have done it. But there were lots of shirts that we saw that we really liked.

5) Try out the different flavors of GU. Gu will have a booth set up with samples. These are the same samples that will be available to you at mile 9. Know before you go. Technically if you haven't tried Gu before running the 1/2, like on your training run, then it might not be a good idea but you might need that pick me up, (that being said, if you haven't tried Gu or another energy picker-uper you still have to try it out before the race!) There are so many flavors from vanilla to mocha flavor to caffeine free. I went with Raspberry and Lime which were both caffeine free since I was so pregnant.

6) I wish I had a chance to listen to the speakers. My friend Elizabeth just did the Star Wars 1/2 at Disneyland last month and got to listen to Jeff Galloway and LOVED IT! She ended up getting his walk/run timer and used it to help her complete her first 1/2 marathon!

7) Take lots and lots of pictures. Even at the expo! It is ok, just do it! You will want to remember everything and the weekend is going to be a whirlwind of craziness and you will forget. So make sure you take PICTURES!

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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Disney Princess 1/2 Marathon Tips for New Runners: Costumes

The RunDisney 10k & Princess Half Marathon is in less than 2 weeks! Sadly, I won't be participating in this wonderful race this year but I did it last year and thought it would be fun to share some tips and tricks I learned about the race to any new participant this year! So I am going to do a series of posts over the next few days about RunDisney and the Princess Half Marathon!
(Brave inspired costume. Tutu by Race Junkie. Nike Shirt with custom vinyl by Be Bold.) 

A must do is to DRESS UP! Wearing a running costume is all the rage at RunDisney events! You don't have to but most everyone running will be wearing a costume of some sort! And generally they are Disney themed but seriously you can wear whatever you want to wear!

Trust me it is so much fun to run in costume and to see what everyone else is wearing to run in. Need inspiration? Check out my Pinterest page for some ideas.

Angie, from a Facebook group we are part of, gave me permission to post her picture with her AWESOME costume! She got the skirt from Run Princess Run, the top was homemade. Leg warmers are from Run Alice Run and the cape is from her daughter's costume (way to repurpose Angie!)

Outfit: Styles of costumes are important to think about. Tutu's are great to run in, however the length of the tutu does matter. Last year, I ran in a tutu. It was made by RaceJunkie (I am pretty sure it is past the cutoff point to order a tutu from her at this point.) If you decide to make one, there are lots of tutorials online, between now and the race make sure the Tutu is 9-12 inches in length. RaceJunkie does them 9 inches preferred, but I will say that it barely covers my big butt. The 12 inch tutu might be too long and can get caught in between your  thighs as you run and can cause a TON or chaffing! So shorter might be better in this case. Last year I saw someone wearing an ankle length tutu. Talk about annoying and painful! Oh, and be creative. You don't have to dress up like a main character. I have seen a Chip, from Beauty and the Beast, costume from this year. There is even talk about someone dressing up as a balloon lady, balloon and all. That will get everyone around her to run a little faster!

Trial and Error: Do a Test Run in your costume! So important! You will learn if there is chaffing before you have to deal with it for 13.1 miles. You will learn if your costume can hold up to running. You will learn the annoyances of it too. I had a large pregnant belly to help keep the tutu riding low on my hips, but when I ran in a tutu at 17 weeks pregnant my tutu kept riding up a big and I just ended up pulling it up above my belly button so I wouldn't have to deal with it.
(My BFF K. tutu and shirt from RaceJunkie)

Hair& Makeup: If you put spray color in your hair to temporally change the color of your hair while running. TRY IT OUT BEFORE the race day. Go do a sweaty workout or a nice long run that gets your head all sweaty to see how much the spray dye will drip into your eyes or if it will drip down your head. Also don't forget if you run in makeup try to wear waterproof mascara and eyeliner.

Motivational Quotes: Have sayings on your shirt, front and back. It was fun to read all the motivational sayings on the shirts. Seeing what was on the back and also trying to read the front. My friend who ran with me kept telling me how many people I was passing and I was 29 weeks pregnant. And others would come up from behind and say, how amazing it was that I was running at 29 weeks pregnant. My front of my shirt was my motivation to me and the back was a reminder that a very pregnant lady was in front of them.

Shoes: New Balance released a new series of shoes and they will be for sale at the Expo. Buy a pair if you want, but DO NOT RUN 13.1 MILES IN THEM THE NEXT DAY! Huge rule of thumb is to not do something new that you have already tested out. I saw so many people on the course wearing their new beautiful New Balance Cinderella shoes, some even with the satin as the laces. I saw bloody heels and hobbling going on from some of the ladies. You have been training for the last couple of months for this in your running shoes, stick with it for race day. And wear the awesome new shoes around the parks. Don't mess with running mojo on the day of the race!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Treadmill Interval Training

Some days it is just too cold outside to go running. For me, there is 1 Saturday a month that I  cannot run with the training group, guaranteed, because that is the weekend that Matt has his Army training. GO ARMY WIFE! So I am stuck with running on the treadmill or dreadmill as some call it for my long run that day. YUCK! (anything more than 4 miles on the treadmill is HARD! Also during the week though you can find me at the gym on the treadmill and elliptical. Since my gym has 2.5 hours of daycare allowed per day I try to spend a good amount of time there.

So what do I do from getting bored on the treadmill. First of all. I use the personal TV that is on the machine. Since I don't have cable TV at home I love to watch the Food Network when I exercise. I also go to the gym around the same time each day so that I catch my fav shows. I love cupcake wars and Pioneer Woman. And if I am there late enough I catch Ina Garten.

But also I am starting to incorporate interval training into my daily workouts. Since I do interval running/walking on the weekends I should be doing that during the week. I aim for 30-45 min 2 days a week of my runs. For a beginning runner or like me a slower one here is what I am doing:
You can adjust these speeds based on your current running level but the point it is to push yourself and for me 5.0 is pushing it. But because of this I have noticed that my average running speed on the weekends when I am running is around a 12 min mile. YEA! So it is working!
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