Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen: downtime
Showing posts with label downtime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label downtime. Show all posts

Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother's Day Weekend

I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day! I sadly spent mine sick as a dog with an upset stomach. The cramps were the worst part though. I almost felt like I was going through the miscarriage again which was not fun. But I'm doing better now and just relaxing this day away!

I wanted to share some pix we took over the weekend. Mason was the big man this weekend. Helping dad out with some very "manly" chores. Mason helped dad mow the lawn for the first time and LOVED IT! It was all he talked about the rest of the day. He came in all sweating from the work he put into it. Matt said that Mason was pretty much doing it all excpet for some parts as it goes up hill and Mason needed the extra push. But he was so proud of what he did! In a few years this is going to be Mason's chore so why not start him young! But what a great sight it was to watch how much fun Mason was having with Daddy.

Poor Collin was looking on wanting to go play. He does not like being left out and will whine about it. But we got to spend some fun time together watch brother and dad do the work.

I made a cake for Mother's Day to practice for the cake I was (notice the past tense there) going to make for Collin's birthday party this coming Saturday. The cake turned out ok. But it was a lot of work and I don't think I will have that much time to actually do it. So I am calling the bakery today to order a cake. Collin's smash cake is already ordered I just need cake for everyone else.

Matt had drill for the military so it was me and the boys during the day and we enjoyed playing on the floor with Mason's dinosaurs and watching Jurassic Park! Mason's favorite show as he now proclaims. He doesn't think it is scary at all. He loves it! He has seen it so many times that he knows what is happening and he will tell me that if it is too scary to cover my eyes. Kid always trying to protect mom! That was our weekend in a nut shell. What did you do?

Friday, April 10, 2015

Spring Break Project

I had originally planned on painting my bedroom and bathroom but since I am still recovering and have to take things slower, I just did my bathroom. I will finish it up in the next couple of weeks because I didn't get to the commode closet that we have. So just a little bit left but the main part of the bathroom is DONE! YEA!

And I really love this blue! It actually matches the blue in our bedspread pretty well so we have some symmetry from the bedroom to the bathroom. Next on the list is for me to paint our bedroom a nice light tan color. I love spring break when I can get these little projects done. Oh and Matt was super impressed with my painting again. With how well I do with it. So kudos to me from him! Now time to get some beachy accessories!

Color: Benjamine Moore- Buxton Blue. - yes it is the same blue as in the morning room off the kitchen and in the kids cave. I had an extra can of paint so, waste not, want not!

I do tape off the room as well. It is easier. And taping USED to be my fav thing to do with painting but man it wore me out yesterday. So I don't think I like it so much anymore. Do you tape off the room before painting? Blue or green tape?

What did you do for spring break?

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Waiting Game

~Tick tock goes the clock~

2.5 weeks since my miscarriage and I feel like I am just in a constant state of waiting. Waiting to feel better. Waiting to finally start exercising. Waiting to just feel NORMAL!

Recovery update: 2 days ago is when I finally feel like I am feeling somewhat "normal" again. I still get a little dizzy if I do too much too quickly. I am basically doing normal activities and household chores again, but at a much slower pace. I have to make myself remember to slow down. It is making my cleaning maybe a little bit more thorough though which is nice.

What I am doing: I have started adding in simple squats. Not a lot but just just like 3-5 at a time a couple of times a day. I am cleaning the house too which also burns calories. Oh and today, I am painting our bathroom. I had originally planned on doing our bathroom and our bedroom but scaled back to just our bathroom.

Don't worry about me. I am listening to my body and if it doesn't feel right. I stop. No questions asked. Oh and I am still drinking my green juice. (chlorophyll water)

I am hoping next week to start taking short walks with the boys around the neighborhood. This re-building blood thing is no joke! I am just thankful that I am here to do the laundry, clean the house and even paint my bathroom.

And a huge thank you to all that have helped us with words and emails of encouragement, advice, prayers, food, entertainment for our kids and even cleaning my house and doing my laundry. I am so humbled by all the loving support that we have received. Thank you friends!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Pregnant In Running Shoes...AGAIN!

Can you believe it? Can I believe it? NOPE! I think I am still in shock at seeing that second line on the test!

~So was this planned? Not this early! No, we knew we were going to have another child, and that it would be close in age to Collin, but we never, ever, LIKE EVER! Thought it would be this close to having Collin. Collin and Baby #3 will be 16 months apart. I was hoping to get pregnant around March-May. But apparently the big guy up top had other ideas for us.

~How did you find out? At the beginning of Jan we went to Collin's 6 month check up and he had lost weight. So I was really pushing nursing like crazy with him. Then all the sudden I wasn't producing like, anything. Kid was crying at the end of every nursing session because he wasn't getting enough. 2 days later of this and being exhausted, I sent Matt to the store to get some tests because I just didn't feel right. I felt off and I wanted to prove that pregnancy was not in the picture. I was still nursing. No way I could still get pregnant. WRONG! I took a test that night, it was a Friday night. And I got a super faint line. I told Matt and he said that he wouldn't believe it till it was "morning pee." (morning pee is more undiluted pee and is supposed to give more accurate results.) So the next morning I took another test and the test was a little darker. (not much but there was definitely a line.) Matt then said he would believe the test on Monday morning after waiting a few days. "It could be a false positive!" he would say as he and I were in utter and complete SHOCK!

Monday morning rolled around and I took another test. The line this morning was much darker. I was concerned about nursing and wasn't sure about continuing nursing or even if my progesterone was at the right levels to sustain a pregnancy. (I had to take progesterone pills with my other pregnancies to sustain them) So I called my OB/GYM up that day and they decided to see me the next day.

I went in. Got an exam and check up and had my blood drawn. That evening I got the results of my test, called personally from my doc which usually isn't a good sign, and he said that it was 27 and that that could be normal for a very early pregnancy and for me to go back on Friday to get a second draw to make sure it doubled in that time. Time crawled by till Friday. I took another pee test (Matt got 6) on Thursday and the line was EVEN DARKER! Friday rolled around and got poked in the arm. Later that day, we got a call from the nurse and she said my numbers more than doubled. I was at 124! So baby was sticking. And my progesterone was fine. No suppositories! YEA!

Since then I have just been sitting on this news, dying to tell all of you!

Hard part though, I have been very sick with morning sickness. It seems to be getting worse ever single week. I even missed my 8 mile run this morning because of it and my INSANE migraines I have been getting. They are AWFUL! So I am still planning on doing the 10 miler next month. There isn't a time limit on it but I will be doing it. After that I have smaller races and can do them easy peasy. I just want to get past all the puking and dry heaving stage!

~How far along am I right now. Tomorrow I will be 8 weeks. I am announcing earlier than I would like, but I figured I need to be grateful for this amazing blessing. This was a surprise. A true blessing and I just can not hide it in any longer!

~What is your official due date? Well, this past Thursday, I went in for my 8 week check up. We didn't know my due date (since I am nursing, and I didn't remember my last period) so I got sent to the hospital for a dating ultrasound. I got to see our little gummy bear and the heart beat and based on the size of the embryo, I am due September 27.

I am so thankful for you sticking around with me and continuing to follow me. Again, my goal for this pregnancy is to remain as fit and healthy as possible. I still hadn't lost all the baby weight from Collin. I figured I had a few months to lose it before I got pregnant again and well, nope! So I am starting out this pregnancy even heavier than I ever wanted to start a pregnancy. I am almost at my end pregnancy weight I was with both boys. That scares me to death. So my goal is to remain as active as possible, do more exercises that spot certain areas of my body that I know get bigger, my thighs and BUTT! and to continue eating a healthy diet. (failing in that right now because sweets are just amazing, well some of them, and I am having a hard time eating meat in general.) So lots of eggs right now and I have been enjoying fresh fruit and green smoothies. Here is to the next 9 months!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Shin Splints Recovery Tips

I have Shin Splints down the inside of the leg on my right leg only.

Now that I am picking up my milage and actually running more the dreaded SHIN SPLINTS have made their appearance. Oh yes, such a wonderful painful experience if you have ever had them.

Shin splints can be caused by a couple of things. Poor foot support, meaning you need new shoes and increase in mileage too soon for your body to get used to it. Personally my shoes are only a year and a half old and I haven't had too much mileage on them. I did have a baby and my feet changed while I was pregnant and I still have some excess pregnancy fat between my legs so I know that my stride is a little different and that has some to do with my current shin splints. But they are in the same spot they were a year ago. And that tells me, personally me, that it is just from a lack of training! I give it another 2 weeks of regular training to get my legs used to the abuse I am putting them through.

In the mean time here is what I am doing to help me recover from shin splints.

1) R.I.C.E, is the first step. REST, ICE, COMPRESS, ELEVATE. So after I run now first thing I do when I come home is stretch and try to foam roll, or rolling pin works well too. Then after a shower, I grab my ice pack and sit up on the couch, put some pillows under my foot and elevate my leg with the ice pack resting on it. I then put on a good show.

2) Get compression socks to help while running or exercising for support. Might as well get fun ones! Check out these from A-Swift.

3) Get a massage.When I am training hard I get my monthly sports therapy massages! It is part of your self care to take care of your body. Or use your partner to massage your sore muscles.

4) Take a hot epsom salt bath to soak your muscles. My favorite epsom salt is Dr. Teals Epsom Salt Soaking Solution in Eucalyptus and Spearmint. Not only does it help my muscles but totally relaxes my body and mind!

5) STAY CONSISTENT! Don't take too many days off in a row.Make sure you walk the next day to help keep your muscles limber

6) Stretch, stretch and stretch some more! They are tight because and need to be loosened up. A good stretch after you get back is key! My favorite post workout and run stretch it Pigeon Pose.

7) Invest in new shoes if you think your shoes are problem. Go to a Running Shoe specialty store to have them look at how your run and fit your foot with the right shoe. Go in with your running log and show them how often you run, where the pain is and such and they should be able to help you out too!

disclaimer- I am not a medical professional. Please know I am just giving advice that has worked for me in the past. If you have any questions please seek the help of your medical professional. Do not continue to work out if it is causing you too much pain. There is discomfort and there is pain. I am just in typical shin splints discomfort.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

2014 Goals Recap

HAPPY NEW YEAR! It is the start of a great year and I am so looking forward to it and to my goals I have. First though I wanted to take a look back at my goals I had for 2014 to see if I accomplished them or not. So here is a look back!

Here are a list of my goals for this year:

1. Weight loss/Staying Healthy-
I was pregnant so this was hard on me but I DID IT! I continued to exercise while pregnant and only gained 15 lbs while pregnant. PRETTY GOOD for this food lover! It was after I had Collin that I struggled. I kept a pretty good diet while pregnant but then fell into eating poor foods after about 3 months postpartum. That has resulted in me ending the year gaining weight from when I had him and that is just not cool! So I did great for the first 6 months, it is the last 6 that I struggled. So I give myself a C+ on that one. And breastfeeding never helps me lose weight. Awful rumor to say that it will cause it does nothing for me! 

2. Exercise-
Yep, did pretty well with this one for most of the year. I ran all the way till 30 weeks pregnant (the week after my half marathon) And also again at 40 weeks started walking and doing some runs to help Collin come out. Then I had a LONG recovery after Collin to the point that any time I ran ) even after 3 months I would bleed heavily for a few days. I think those days are over but it has really messed with me mentally and wanting to get back into running. I was getting frustrated with my body for not listening to me and for fighting me for exercising. But I have pushed on and it seems (cross fingers) that it is getting better. 

3. Blog pageviews-
YES! I have doubled my views since last January and it has been AMAZING! I have had almost 25k total page views since I started blogging and that is AMAZING! Thank you so much for reading and it is still a goal of mine to continue to grow in my readership, which means for you, yes you my friend, to pass my blog on to your friends! 

4. Be a Better Mother-
Well, not sure about this. I question it most days if I am being a good mom or not and Mason will even say, "Not bad mommy, good mommy!" It is kind of cute, but I am still trying to be better. We do our little "homeschooling" most days and he is talking so much now and is doing great with numbers. January I plan on starting to help him color more and then hopefully transition into trying to write. Plus working on reading words. So we will see. Oh and he will be potty trained by July! 

5. Continue to grow my piano studio-
CHECK! YEP Totally did this! As of January I have 10 students! How awesome is that! I am so proud that finally after 2 years I finally have a full studio! The only thing is I have to keep it now, so I am always looking for more students to make sure that my studio stays full!

I have written 316 posts including this one since I began blogging and I love it. Thank you so much for staying with me and getting to know me! Hope your day and beginning of the year is a great one! 

QOTD: How did you do with last years goals? 

Friday, November 28, 2014

Friday's Five

What a week it has been! I love Thanksgiving! I have had limited internet connection/time at the hotel that has the internet so I haven't been writing as much as I have wanted. We have been out enjoying a TON of family time. Leaving early and staying out super late! And let me say that the kiddos have been such great sports and AMAZING!
~How Mason slept on the plane!~

Today I wanted to let you know what my favorite 5 things are from this week! Why not, it is Thanksgiving!

1. FAMILY- How can this not be first?!? We have had so much family time. It has been amazing! I am so thankful that my kids have this chance, especially Mason now since he is old enough to really have fun and start remembering. I love seeing my kids with their Grandparents. How Mason loves his Guppy! And loves to talk to his Gummy! Going to the Zoo, seeing Dinosaurs and so on! It has just been so much fun playing and spending time with everyone we saw!
~Mason went to the Walking with Dinosaurs show with Guppy and Matt the day we got in and found this AWESOME poster with his FAV super hero, Captain America!~

2. Mexican Food- I miss real Mexican Food! Charlottesville is great and has amazing different food choices to pick from but Mexican food is not one of them. Enjoyed going to our favorite Mexican restaurant while in town. (and my fav cafe too! but it isn't Mexican food at all!)

3. Mountains- I forgot how beautiful real mountains are! They are seriously majestic. Love them!

4. Thanksgiving- I love Turkey Day! The food, feast, would actually be more correct. Had quite the gathering yesterday with Matt's family for a potluck Thanksgiving. And the food was great! Tried super hard to eat right, filled half my plate with salad but man the sweet potato casserole (no marshmallows) was AMAZING!

5. Arizona and Utah- I finally admitted to Matt how I do actually miss living in the valley of the sun. It is beautiful. The different types of flowers and some that are the same as in VA. I had fun on my run last Saturday naming the plants that I know. And of course the weather was AMAZING! Utah- I forgot how beautiful this place is. The mountains are all snow capped and it is quite beautiful. And the roads are so WIDE! It's the little things people!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Halloween 2014

Happy Halloween from the Allen Family! I hope everyone had a safe and happy halloween and that all your kids made out like bandits in the candy department! We had a fun evening of frolic and tantrums, as I am sure that most parents experienced during the evening.

We started the evening with a visit from one of my students. His family took our family pictures which turned out pretty good. PS Don't stare too long at my WHITE legs, they might BLIND YOU! HAHA! (The draw back to being a fair skinned red head!)

Then we went around the neighborhood to trick or treat with our neighbors across the street. Mason made out pretty well.

We ended up stopping to chat with our newest neighbors. She happens to be a red head, blogger, mommy of 2 and a Team Beachbody coach too! That was pretty cool. I really look forward to getting to know her more.

Mason went to play at his friends house for about 45 min while Matt passed our candy and I went to chat. Collin had passed out in his costume and was napping inside.

Then Mason came back and wanted to help pass out Halloween candy. It was a fun and long night. I love halloween. It is pretty cool to see it from my son's perspective too. He learned that he had to say "trick or treat" to get candy so he was running around yelling "TRICK OR TREAT!" and when he was helping hand out handfuls of candy and as the other kids left he yelled at them, "WE HAVE MORE CANDY!" It was really cute! That was our night.
~I rounded up to 60 squats. Not as many as I thought I would do, that is for sure.~
 ~My little parrot at our church's trunk or treat~

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

It's An All New Season!

I love fall. The cooler temps, the darker mornings and the chance to start wearing pants and sweaters. But the other thing that I love is the new TV schedule that comes out. New shows, Old shows with new plot lines. LOVE IT!

We don't have cable TV so I do my TV watching on my own time, which is great. Middle of the night feedings can get pretty boring and falling asleep while nursing sitting up is no fun! Thanks so much to Hulu that keeps me up to date on all my fav shows. And if they don't have it I find it somewhere on the internet.

Here is my weekly schedule that I watch.

Sunday: Once Upon A Time- LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THIS SHOW!

Monday: Sleepy Hallow, Originals

Tuesday: Agents of Shield

Wednesday: Nashville, The 100

Thursday: Bones, Parenthood, Reign, Vampire Diaries,

Friday, December 27, 2013

Merry And Bright!

Sorry about yesterday folks! It has been hard few days around here. Kid was/is sick, now I'm sick oh and Daddy is sick too, but I still sent him to work. It is so hard having a 2 year old be sick. He doesn't understand what is going on with him or why I have to give him medicine or why we have to hold an inhaler to his mouth. We ended up going to the Doc office on Monday for Mason. He has a pretty serious cold. He was wheezing all weekend and took him in and he had to do this steam medicine for 10 minutes. WORST 10 MINUTES! I had to hold him down and just deal with the screaming, bitting, scratching, and kicking.

Now I have been knocked down with this thing he has and I can't take a darn thing for it. Having a bad cold and no remedy really stinks! So yesterday I was dealing with him while I was sick. What I don't understand is that when I was pregnant with Mace, I never got sick. Not once. This kid the entire month of December I have been sick. ARGH!

Anyhew, on to Christmas. Matt and I were asked by Santa's elves to finish assembling a wonderful gift for the goomer! We spend 2 nights putting it together and Christmas Eve we finished super gluing all the pieces down. You will see in a bit what it is!

We started with these yummy cinnamon rolls for the morning breakfast, but it ended up being more midmorning before we ate them because they took a little longer than I thought they would. I used Paula Deen's recipe and they were really good. I ended up giving most away to the neighbors for Christmas! It was my first time making homemade cinnamon rolls, ever. So I think I did pretty well!

Mason took a little bit to wake up and not freak out about the gifts under the tree. He didn't want anything to do with opening the gifts until about 10 or so. Some were even later so we just listened to what he wanted. But it definitely wasn't the picture perfect Christmas morning we all think about with children. He cried when he woke up, cried coming down the stairs, threw a wrapped gift we were trying to get him to open and just cried. Like I said around 10 though he started to calm down enough and unwrap some gifts, including some cars which he loved.

The big surprise was in the basement though and once he opened up that sucker he was hooked! HE LOVES his new Cars Land table. We glued the track down completely so that it stayed a track. We know our son and it would have been destroyed in 5 seconds had we not. BEST DECISION EVER! If the super glue ever fails, then we will screw down the pieces but we wanted to start simple with the glue and it seems to be working after 2 full days of playing on it. The rest of the day we just hung out and played, watched TV. Let Mason rest, I rested. Oh I did make my mom's beef stroganoff for lunch and IT HIT THE SPOT! It was so yummy. My husband doesn't like it, and continued to eat the tamales we got for our Christmas Eve dinner. But after the drama of gifts were done we just hung out as a family watching Christmas movies and playing with Mason's new table!
 ~Daddy and Mason working on mommy's fav Christmas Drink.~

Thursday, December 19, 2013


Not only did I make 8 dozen cookies this past weekend, I also signed up to take some cookies to a church function tonight, which means more baking. Then I got a call from the hubs yesterday that he is supposed to bring something to a potluck today. I got the call yesterday afternoon. He has known about this party for over a week and I get the call the day before!

I told him, I bet this is what it feels like when a 10 year old comes up to his mom and says, "mom I have a project due tomorrow. Can you help me make it?" A mom would internally scream, takes a deep breath and calmly asks her kid, " how long have you known about this project?" "3 weeks." ARGH! I know this will happen to us at some point, and more than once. But it just goes to show that my hubby is a big kid! Anyhew, I am making my grandma's marshmallow fruit cocktail (see below for recipe if you want to try it, but my Grandma made it and it is really yummy!) for him to take to work and the cookies for tonight, I am making this easy fudge.

Tuesday while on the on the treadmill running the Pioneer Women came on the food network and she made Quick and Easy Peppermint Fudge. It looked totally too easy! Just chocolate, sweetened condensed milk and peppermint candies for the topping. That's it! Not sure how it will turn out but 3 ingredients and 2 of them I already have on hand, can't beat that! (Also, I am going to add some chopped walnuts to it. YUMMY!)

Now, time to plan our Christmas meal. What should we do? Oh and yesterday I found out that my mom reads my blog! HI MOM!!! She was asking me questions about the hidden gifts in the house growing up.

Marshmallow Fruit Cocktail: 

2 cans Fruit Cocktail
1 can pineapple triangles
1 can mandarine oranges
1 can maraschino cherries
1 cup shredded coconut
1 c of "tiny" marshmallows
16 oz sour cream
12 tablespoons sugar

Mix together and let set in fridge for a couple hours before serving.

QOTD: Do you do too much cooking/baking around the holiday?

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Christmas like a Kid!

I love Christmas. It is my favorite holiday of them all! I remember as a little girl sneaking out of my room and taking a peak at all the gifts under the tree and silently walking back to my room before anyone knew what I did, especially Santa. Didn't want to upset the big guy! I know one year I went out, then after I got back in my room, I heard my brother do the same exact thing. Then at some awful hour in the morning, I would sneak into my brothers room and ask when we should go wake up Mom and Dad, who specifically told us not to bother them until at least 7am. At 7am on the dot we would pounce on them in their bed and ask to open our gifts!!!

As I got older the fun thing was trying to find the hidden gifts in the house. My parents only had a few places that they could hid the gifts, but we found them most of the time. On top of my dad's dresser, in the top of my mom closet, or the back of her filing cabinet. One year they were piled high in the trunk of the car. Another year they were in the attic. Yep we found most of them. Or would shake the ones under the tree trying to figure out what was in it.

How as big kids now can we experience the same excitement about Christmas. This year I feel rushed to get everything sent out. I haven't figured out what I was going to do for Matt.  (actually I did but he spied it and got it last night!) Now to figure something else out. My gifts for me are on their way, and I picked them out. Also this year, Matt and I will be up until all hours of the night on Christmas Eve assembling Mason's HUGE gift from Gma and Gpa. I still plan on having a surprise for Matt, (yes dear you will be surprised by something!) I also can't wait to see Mason's face when he see his awesome gift in the basement! It has to do with Cars, Disney Cars. I will post plenty of pix of him with it on Christmas, have no fear about that!

Try to surprise your significant other. Get them something special that they won't be expecting but will love. See the joy in others around you and in your children on Christmas morning. Not is as sweet and pure as a Child's joy of the magic of Christmas. Take time to spend as a family. Go on a walk or just play more than usual. I still want to make a special meal for us, even if it is just the 3 of us. I will miss not being with extended family but I look forward to making new traditions!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Good Eats- Holiday Treats

Tonight I was schedule to go to a cookie exchange but sadly I am still not feeling 100% and don't want to bake my germs into the cookies or scare the other ladies away with my lovely cough! Ahem. 

I thought I would share with you what I would have brought tonight just for fun. We were asked to bring an appetizer so naturally I wanted to bring pumpkin pie. (plus I would have had to make 2, one for the party and one for the hubs. IT IS HIS FAV!) It counts as an appetizer right??? And the cookies, well let's just say there is a yummy little kick with them. They are super easy to make too. Delicious too!

Both recipes are from Pilsbury, go figure. Now keep in mind these are Holiday Treats. Eat them in moderation because they are in no way healthy foods so eat with caution because the cookies, well, it is hard to have just one! 

A crunchy oat topping complements every bite of creamy pumpkin pie. Refrigerated pie crust makes it super easy! (but I make homemade because it is just more fun!)

8 servings

 1 box Pillsbury® refrigerated pie crusts, softened as directed on box
I use this recipe by Ina Garten for my perfect pie crust! 

1 can (15 oz) pumpkin (no pumpkin pie mix)
1 can (12 oz) evaporated milk (1 1/2 cups)
½ cup granulated sugar
2 eggs, slightly beaten
1 ½ teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
¼ teaspoon salt

¼ cup packed brown sugar
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons butter or margarine, softened
½ cup chopped pecans
½ cup quick-cooking oats

1 teaspoon grated orange peel
1 container (8 oz) frozen whipped topping, thawed (3 cups)

1) Heat oven to 425°F. Place pie crust in 9-inch glass pie pan as directed on box for One-Crust Filled Pie.
2) In large bowl, mix filling ingredients until well blended. Pour into crust-lined pan.
3) Bake 15 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 350°F; bake 15 minutes. Meanwhile, in small bowl, mix streusel ingredients.
4) Sprinkle streusel over pumpkin filling. Bake 15 to 20 minutes longer or until knife inserted in center comes out clean. Cool completely, about 1 hour.
5) Gently fold orange peel into whipped topping. Serve pie with topping. Store in refrigerator.


(For cookie exchanges I call them Adult Nookie Cookies, cause they are hot, hot, hot!)
S'more flavors with a pinch of heat fill a yummy chocolate-chip cookie cup.

24 Servings

1 package (16 oz) Pillsbury® Ready to Bake! Refrigerated chocolate chip cookies (24 cookies)

1 ¼ cups Mixed Nuts with Peanuts
1 ¼ cups Hershey’s Special Dark chocolate baking chips
1 ¼ cups marshmallow creme
2 tablespoons half-and-half
1/8 teaspoon Ground Red Pepper (cayenne) (I use an extra dash to get a little more heat)

1) Heat oven to 375°F. Place paper baking cup in each of 24 regular-size muffin cups. Place 1 cookie dough round in each cup. Using floured fingers, press dough to flatten slightly.

2) Bake 7 to 10 minutes or until golden brown. Cool in pans 15 minutes. Remove from pans to cooling rack. Cool completely, about 20 minutes.

3) Meanwhile, remove Brazil nuts from mixed nuts; coarsely chop Brazil nuts. In 2-quart saucepan, heat chocolate chips, marshmallow creme, half-and-half and red pepper over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally, until chips are melted and mixture is smooth. Stir in remaining mixed nuts.

4) Drop about 1 tablespoon nut mixture onto each cookie. Let stand about 15 minutes or until chocolate is set. To serve, remove bites from paper baking cups. If desired, place each bite into a new paper baking cup.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Black Friday and Race Recovery

Today is recovery day from black Friday and all the racing you did around the stores and oh if you did run a race than today is a nice little day to just sit back and relax and rest. See you on Monday with a race recap! I love the holiday weekends to spend with my family!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Good Eats- Spinach Salad

I know, I know what you are thinking. Spinach salad, blah or I already have a ton of those how is yours any different or special. Here is this AMAZING recipe! It is also REALLY GOOD! The kicker for this salad is the HOMEMADE DRESSING that is TO DIE FOR! Seriously! In my house, it is not a holiday without this salad. So I thought I would bring this out to you before the big day so just in case you want to try out this AMAZINGLY Yummy salad you can!

It is easy. Yummy and everyone will like it, unless they really don't like to eat salads in the first place. Like my husband. It's a lost cause.

Spinach Leaf Salad with Homemade Poppy Seed Dressing

~2 bunches fresh spinach leaves, stemmed and washed (pat dry with paper towels.) OR 2 bags of baby spinach leaves

~1/4 lb fresh mushrooms, sliced

~1/2 lb bacon (8 slices), cooked and crumbled

~1/4 lb swiss cheese, grated

~1/4 red onion, thin half moons

~6 boiled eggs, sliced


Dressing: Combine in a Blender
~1 cup salad oil

~1/3 cup cider vinegar

~3/4 cup brown sugar

~1 tablespoon dry mustard

~1/2 teaspoon salt

~1 tablespoon red onion (from the salad)

~1 tablespoon poppy seeds

Assemble salad in a large bowel. Combine dressing ingredients in the blender and blend together. (If you pre make the dressing store it in the fridge and blend it together just before serving because the oil will separate.) Just before serving, pour dressing over salad and stir well. Top with croutons. 

There you have it. Super simple and super yummy! Here are some changes that I have made over the years. I buy the bags of spinach, the pre-sliced mushrooms, pre-grated cheese, use the egg slicer thing to slice the eggs and I don't use bacon or croutons in it. Super no-fuss. I also tend to use a smidge more apple cider vinegar and a little extra brown sugar. I like it sweet but tangy! Play around with it and make it your own. Enjoy these good eats. This salad is great anytime but it has become a holiday tradition in my family! Maybe it will be for yours too!

QOTD: Do you think you will try this for one of your Thanksgiving sides? LET ME KNOW IF YOU DO AND WHAT YOU THINK!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thursday Turkey Day - 1 Week Away!

~Mason and his cousins will be making these Turkey Cupcakes next week when we go to visit. Fun activity for children to do while waiting for food to cook!~

Next week is Thanksgiving day! YEA! I love this holiday because it is a day for me and my family. I remember going to Grandmas house for Thanksgiving when I was a little girl. All my cousins would be there. We would all sit at the table in the kitchen, wishing for the day that we could sit at the grown-up table in the dining room. (I actually inherited said grown up table and it is in my dining room.)

Grandma made her famous rolls that would be so yummy and Uncle John brought his homemade jelly. Mom made her yams and later added the spinach leaf salad to the mix. (MY FAV! And sharing the recipe next week!) I remembered watching Grandma getting the turkey and taking the innards out (EWWW!) and do all the fixing to that bird.

Sadly it seems that Thanksgiving is just another day sometimes. Or Black Friday is "the real holiday." This year so many stores are opening or staying open on Thanksgiving day. Where back in the old days, my days, everyone got the day off or most of the day off. The occasional grocery store was open for those who forgot something for their meal. Now stores are opening at 6pm and staying open over night and through the next day. If you want that deal be in the store at 6pm on THANKSGIVING!

Next week don't forget to just take a moment and really say thanks to all you have! Enjoy your family, whether you are with your entire extended family, traveling from one family to the next and having multiple Thanksgiving dinners in 1 day, we have done that, it is a very filling day. Or if it is just you and your sweet. Enjoy the day. Make a new tradition. Do something new this year and try to stick to it next year! Mine is running in my first turkey trot. With my hubby. I am super excited to do this and cross the finish line holding hands! It is a healthy activity and burns some calories that I am sure I will be eating later!

1 more week. Make it a special day.

QOTD: What do you plan on doing with your family on Thanksgiving?

Monday, November 18, 2013

Good Eats- Vegan Baked Ziti

First off, we are not vegans, or vegetarians. We are carnivores. We like our meat in this house, but every now and then I will throw in a meatless meal. Not always a hit but this one was not a miss.

Don't let the name fool you. Vegan. Yes, Vegan. Vegan does not mean that there is no flavor and that you won't like it. Trust me! YOU WILL LIKE THIS! Because of this recipe I have found a new herb that I like to throw in various dishes now because of the black licorice taste and deep flavor it gives. Who knows what herb I am talking about???

Fennel seed! It is actually a really cool herb to use. So this recipe I found almost 2 years ago. (Still trying to find the website where I originally found it. When I find it, it will go here. Sorry!) Try this recipe out. Super healthy and super filling!

Vegan Baked Ziti w/Roasted Vegetables

  • 1 lb. eggplant, peeled or not, cut into 1" cubes
  • 1 large red onion, cut into 1" cubes
  • 2 yellow peppers, large pieces
  • 1 Tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • 16 oz. ziti pasta, cooked
  • 1 bunch fresh spinach, chopped ~( I used a small spinach container)~
  • 1 cup non-dairy cheese, Mozzarella, grated (I like Follow Your Heart) (parm cheese works too)
  • 1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 cup onions, fine chopped
  • 2 teaspoons garlic, minced
  • 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon fennel seed
  • 2 pounds tomatoes, crushed
  • Sea salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste
  • 1/4 teaspoon organic sugar
  • 1 pinch thyme
  • 2 Tablespoon fresh parsley
1. Heat oven to 450F. Toss eggplant, red onion, peppers, oil and salt in small baking dish. Roast 30 minutes, stirring once or twice until vegetables begin to brown.

2. TO MAKE SAUCE: Heat oil in saucepan. Add onions and cook covered over med-low heat 10 minutes. Stir in garlic, red pepper and fennel seed; cook 30 seconds. Add tomatoes, salt, pepper, sugar and thyme. Bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer 15 minutes. Stir in parsley. (Makes 3 cups.)

3. Reduce oven heat to 400F. Toss ziti pasta with vegetables, sauce, spinach and cheese in bowl. Spread in shallow 3-quartbaking dish. Bake 20 minutes or until bubbly.

Serves 6. (we actually got closer to 9 servings because it was so filling)
Per Serving: 427 Calories; 2g Fat (5.1% calories from fat); 23g Protein; 79g Carbohydrate; 7g Dietary Fiber; 0mg Cholesterol; 429mg Sodium.

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