Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen: downtime
Showing posts with label downtime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label downtime. Show all posts

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Halloween 2013

I know we are in November already but I wanted to show everyone our Halloween getup this year. AND this year is THE first year that I actually convinced my husband to "dress up." He hates to dress up but I guess the idea of just a hat was fine by him. I have got my foot in the door now so we shall see what I can talk him into for next year! Buwahahahhaha!!!
Oh, and apparently I look good in a super bright blue wig as my friends on FB keep telling me. What do you think? Should I go blue more often???
~Here is what my shirt looked like~

QOTD: What do you do with your kids Halloween candy? Do you eat it, throw it out, save it for bribing? I need ideas!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween 2013!

Today marks my favorite season of the year! I love Holiday season. I really love Halloween for that reason! I am in a constant change of decorations around my house from Oct-Dec. I LOVE IT! It makes the house just so different.
~This is Wanda's Wardrobe (I named her Wanda), a hanging quilt my mom made for me a few years back~
~Halloween 2008. I made this with the help of one of my student's mom.~

I love halloween because it is the one day that I can be whoever I want to be. No rules (well some rules, not reveling, modest costumes) Just an excuse to wear that crazy outfit you have in the back of your closet. Or wear PJ's out and about and no one will think less of you if you do. Or bring out your old Letterman jacket from High School. (Haven't done that one yet.)
~ Halloween 2009. No he is not dressing up as a soldier. He actually had to go to military drill right after an activity we went to.~
Today, I get a special treat! Pre-natal yoga to start with. Then I get to see my fabulous chiropractor. (Been needing an adjustment for a few days now). Then right after is my amazing monthly hour massage! I AM SO NEEDING IT. My low back has been hurting for about a week and look forward to a nice relaxing massage. Then go pick up the last of the halloween candy at the store, take the kid out trick-or-treating and then pass out candy for the rest of the night! Debating on following a couple of friends traditions and busing out Hocus Pocus tonight. (I LOVE THAT MOVIE!)
 ~Halloween 2010. Look at all the weight I LOST!~

~Mason in 2011. We were Arizona State Fans~ 
~Halloween 2012. Renaissance Princess and her little spider~
~Archer from about 7 years ago! Love his face, "Mom, you have got to be kidding me!"~
I hope you all have a wonderfully ghoulish Halloween today!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

3 Days

It took me 3 days to not be sore anymore from the race! Wow, I think that is a new personal record for me. I have still been doing light exercise to keep the lactic acid moving and not building up. My friend K is adamant that after the 1/2 marathon in Feb, no resting just go straight to the park and walk, walk, walk. I'm a little nervous about that but I do know that moving is best. That and a hot tub would be really good too.

Now on to just taking it easy and in a week from Sat the 10 miler training program will commence. And a new running schedule will begin!

(on a side note, as I am writing this Mason is pushing his truck as fast as he can and when he hits the carpet he is doing barrel rolls and laughing up a storm, then does it again. He is having way too much fun. Oh to have that kind of energy!)

QOTD: Are you participating in the 10 miler training program?

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Apple Picking

Today we are trying something new in our neck of the woods. We are going to visit our local apple picking orchard, Carter's Mountain. I have been asking Matt for years to go and visit and we just haven't. Yesterday he asked what are we going to do for today. I said I had some errands I had to take care of. He had a brilliant idea of, why not go apple picking?

HE is so smart! That sounds great to me. Funny thing. We are actually going to be there next week for our family pictures. So we are going to check out the place today and have fun and that way we can focus next week on taking pictures and trying to get THE PERFECT PICTURE!

Super excited for today and apple picking. Great non stress, no exercise, rest day activity to help me rest for tomorrows big race! Pictures to come later!

QOTD: Do you visit your local orchards to pick fresh fruit?

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Premieres All Around

Off normal exercise topic and this topic is what can lead to much inactivity in a have been warned!
I LOVE THIS SEASON where all of my favorite show come back and I can get back into my regular TV viewing schedule. I know, this is putting me in front of the TV on my extremely comfortable couch but come on you know you have 1 or 2 shows that you love and are totally looking forward to their return. Shows that I am looking forward to the most:

Once Upon A Time and OUAT Wonderland
Totally enjoying Sleepy Hallow too!
Vampire Diaries (Oct)
Originals (really looking forward to this too! Oct.)

I Hulu everything since we don't have cable in our house so my viewing is Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday during "mommy quiet time". (best thing ever. Lock the kid in the room with his tablet and he will play for awhile then nap for another while. It is amazing! He loves it, I need it, BEST THING EVER!)

My goal is to exercise first in the day then rest and relax watching my favorite shows. So excited for all the new season!

QOTD: Has your favorite show returned this season? 

Picture borrowed from Once Upon A Time Facebook Page. Visit hyperlink on picture to visit the ABC Website for the show.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


It is amazing the changes out bodies go through when we exercise. But how much our mind set changes is pretty amazing too. As a stay at home mom most of my energy in each day goes towards my son or household. Finding activities for him to do to keep him happy. Chase him around the house. Teach him a new song, or read a book to him. Keeping the house clean. Making food for everyone. And it goes on and on. Too many times moms focus on everyone else and not themselves. I used to watch that show, What Not To Wear, and more often than not it was a mom who took care of everyone else. Finally they were taking care of themselves and felt so happy and vowed to continue when they got home. Not sure if they made the full change, but decide today that you are going to make changes.

It is ok if the house is messy. My goal is to keep the main floor clean incase unexpected guests arrive or for when I teach. I usually do a big cleaning day, or a laundry day, but never on the same day. Too much with everything else I have to do.

But now, everyday, I take a little time for myself. I love my gym because it offers 2.5 hours of daycare a day. I could go and do my workout and read and eat in the cafe after I work out if I really wanted to, (I don't to save money but still I could if I want to.)

Decide to take just a little time for you today. Have quiet time. Read a book, pop in your fav workout DVD. Go to the GYM. Follow a new workout on Hulu (there are tons!). Stretch. Do something and you WILL NOT REGRET IT!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Rest Day

Today, day after race day which happens to also be a Sunday, is my rest day. Day to relax and just, ahhhh do nothing that involves high exertion!  No running or exercising. Besides chasing kids at church and Mason at home. Today I nap or watch a movie/TV show or just read. So happy resting to all the runners today except for those in the Disneyland Half Marathon that takes place today! GOOD LUCK to my family and friends running!

QOTD: Which day is your exercise rest day?

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Just Finished

When I am not running or exercising at the gym, chasing my son, teaching, practicing, cooking or cleaning my house my fav relaxing thing to do is READ! I love reading. Just upgraded a few months ago from my Kindle 2 to Kindle paperwhite and I love it. I can read in bed at night without having to have the light on, which my hubby loves.

I love Jane Austen. I have loved her books for years. I read them only once in awhile because I love the movie adaptations of her books. My fav Austen book is Pride and Prejudice. I watch the movie about ever 6 months. For fun. Because I love it. The BBC Version. Its 6 hours long.
I finished reading Austenland by Shannon Hale last night. Figured that I would see the move eventually so might as well read the book. Austenland was an ok book. Predictable. The idea of role playing and dressing up in Regency attire for 3 weeks sounds fun. But a fake set up romance not so much. I am looking forward to the movie because Jennifer Coolidge as Miss Charming totally fits! She is going to be hilariously annoying! Fast read if you are interested I would give it a 3 star on Goodreads. Enjoy!

QOTD: What are you currently reading?
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