Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen: Holidays
Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts

Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day BBQ Ideas

Just a quick shout out to my hubs and all those who are currently serving and who have served. Thank you for your willingness and sacrifice to protect our great nation. May you and your family be blessed, always! We honor you this day and everyday for your amazing bravery and patriotism! Thank you!

Here is a collection of a few recipes I found that would be AWESOME for today's BBQ! Check 'em out and let me know what you think. Comment below! We are having steak because I just had an amazing burger on Friday night, and I found a nice steak in the deep freezer begging to be used! But I'm doing the zucc, and the berries. Maybe the water and the fries. It all looks yummy to me! Enjoy and Happy Memorial Day!

Start with a nice Patriotic Drink of Blueberry and Strawberry Infused water! 

Grilled Zucchini -

Classic Hamburger- Make them slider size for better portion control. Use lettuce leaves instead of buns for gluten free option. I make my own homemade buns so I know what is in them. Here is the recipe for them.

Stuffed Strawberries-

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Happy 1st Birthday Collin Baby!

Here we are. 1 year old. My baby is 1 year old. So scary how fast this year has gone and how blessed we have been with this amazing year. Collin was our surprise baby. The one where I decided that it didn't matter if I sat on my butt or kept running. I had no control over if I miscarried or not. (I had 2 previous miscarriages just before him, and he stuck!) I still worried that what I was doing would make me miscarry but I put my faith in the Lord that if he was meant to be with our family he would be with our family. AND HE IS!

Collin is THE most laid back baby ever. He doesn't really fuss, doesn't really cry, doesn't really get mad. If he gets hurt he stops crying very quickly thanks to his 2 fingers that calm him down, and mommy of course. He is just a super observant baby and loves to watch his big brother do anything.

Collin loves to follow brother around too. Wherever brother goes, Collin is sure to follow because he doesn't want to miss out on any cool things. Or if dad is home Collin is always hanging out with daddy. Such a daddy's boy.

He is our little runt of the litter. He is still in 9 month old sized clothing. He is a little short but he will hit a growth spurt and get taller. He is also the healthiest eater in the house. His favorite meal of the day is breakfast that he inhales, actually he inhales everything he eats, all 2 cups worth of it! HE IS A BIG EATER. But check out what he loves for breakfast everyday: 1-2 eggs soft over easy cooked, 1 banana mashed, 2 teaspoons flaxseed, 1/4-1/2 cup oatmeal all mixed together. He loves it and is so sad when it is all gone. Healthy eater! He has his yearly check up on Wednesday so I will post his stats after to show he is growing and how much!

Here is a photo purge of some of the pictures I took at his Birthday Party this past Saturday!
~I made the comic book cover banner and we will be hanging it in the boy's room!~

 ~Sugar Coma~

Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother's Day Weekend

I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day! I sadly spent mine sick as a dog with an upset stomach. The cramps were the worst part though. I almost felt like I was going through the miscarriage again which was not fun. But I'm doing better now and just relaxing this day away!

I wanted to share some pix we took over the weekend. Mason was the big man this weekend. Helping dad out with some very "manly" chores. Mason helped dad mow the lawn for the first time and LOVED IT! It was all he talked about the rest of the day. He came in all sweating from the work he put into it. Matt said that Mason was pretty much doing it all excpet for some parts as it goes up hill and Mason needed the extra push. But he was so proud of what he did! In a few years this is going to be Mason's chore so why not start him young! But what a great sight it was to watch how much fun Mason was having with Daddy.

Poor Collin was looking on wanting to go play. He does not like being left out and will whine about it. But we got to spend some fun time together watch brother and dad do the work.

I made a cake for Mother's Day to practice for the cake I was (notice the past tense there) going to make for Collin's birthday party this coming Saturday. The cake turned out ok. But it was a lot of work and I don't think I will have that much time to actually do it. So I am calling the bakery today to order a cake. Collin's smash cake is already ordered I just need cake for everyone else.

Matt had drill for the military so it was me and the boys during the day and we enjoyed playing on the floor with Mason's dinosaurs and watching Jurassic Park! Mason's favorite show as he now proclaims. He doesn't think it is scary at all. He loves it! He has seen it so many times that he knows what is happening and he will tell me that if it is too scary to cover my eyes. Kid always trying to protect mom! That was our weekend in a nut shell. What did you do?

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

Wishing everyone a Happy Mother's Day today and that you all have a marvelous day today!

I know and understand that this day can be hard for some of you. Maybe you haven't had kids yet (been there!), or are estranged from your kids or they have passed on. But today is a celebration of womanhood to celebrate all women. A day celebrate how amazing you are! So I hope you have a wonderful day!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Mother's Day 2015- Last Minute Gift Ideas

Can you believe that Mother's Day is SUNDAY!?! This year I was a little late to get the gifts sent out to my mom and mother-in-law, sorry mom! Because the past few weeks just got away from me. But I feel like I am back in the game now and in control of what is going on.

I wanted to share some awesome gifts for any mom out there in case you were a little "behind" like I was!

~Breakfast in Bed: What better way to help mom feel super special to wake up early and fix her breakfast and bring it right to her bed! And the kids love to help with this. It doesn't matter if it is Lucky Charms cereal, or an extravagant omelet. Any mom is going to appreciate not having to make breakfast the day of.

~Homemade cards by the kiddos: Kids love to color. So dad's get them coloring! Let them draw a picture of their mommy and see what they do. Write a nice little letter and try to have them sign their name. Mom's can tuck this away to bring out and show future girlfriends so this is an awesome idea!

~Chocolate Covered Fruit: One of my favs! And super easy to do. Dad's just melt the chocolate in the microwave, 30 second then stir, and so forth until it is all melted. But chocolate covered strawberries, pineapple, apples or anything is YUMMY! (edible arrangements has them too if you want to go that route!)

~Flowers: Always a good choice. Try to go with something more fragrant so that every time she walks in the room she can smell the beautiful flowers. Or get a new flower that you can plant outside together so that when you see it for the rest of the season you can remember Mother's Day. That is a gift that keeps on giving right there!

~Clean house: My dream, waking up to the house that is clean so that I don't have to do it. Or better yet... House clean for the whole weekend. Saturday and Sunday. Give me 2 days off. No dishes, no vacuum, no tripped over dinosaurs. No having to clean. I am off duty for that. (without it just piling up so that I don't have to clean it all on Monday anyways.) Ah that would be nice!

To all of you Grandmothers, moms, moms to be, fur mommy's and future moms, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY. I hope each and every one of you have an amazing day filled with laughter and love. You are amazing. You are super. You are the best thing in this world. Know how important you are to your little ones (future little ones too). You are their example, their super hero. They look up to you and love you, because you are MOM no matter how old they are! What a beautiful blessing you are to them. I truly hope you have an amazing Mother's Day!

Thanks to my mom for being such an awesome friend and amazing mother to me. Your example and steadfastness in life has been such a great inspiration to me and I am so proud to call you my mom!

Check out this video on how amazing you are MOMS! Let me know what you think because I was crying just watching this. I can totally relate and I love being a MOM!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Happy Cinco De Mayo

I LOVE Cinco De Mayo! It is my excuse that, I HAVE TO EAT MEXICAN FOOD! Why not! So I thought that I would share my skinny enchiladas with you! A couple of weeks ago I added a Green Enchilada Recipe. Well I made a red enchilada recipe and kind of did my own things with it and they turned out AMAZING! I had the chicken and salsa cooking while I was teaching and everyone who came in raved about how amazing my house smelled. When I just said it was chicken with a jar of salsa on it they were amazing at how good it smelled.

Skinny Red Enchiladas: 
1 lb chicken tenders -about 8 tenders
1- 12 ounce jar of red salsa. Not chunky - I like Trader Joe's variety
1/2 cup greek yogurt (I use 2%-22g protein per cup yogurt. It's thicker. Fage or TJ's.)
medium splash of chicken broth
8 small corn tortillas
1/4-1/2 cup cheddar cheese

In a crockpot add chicken and jar of salsa. Cook on high for 2.5-3 hours until the chicken is falling apart. If frozen chicken cook for 3 hours on high.

Remove chicken, leaving as much salsa in the crockpot as possible. Shred chicken. Set aside. Add greek yogurt directly to crock pot and add splash of chicken broth to help thin out the salsa. Stir together. (Don't need a blender just whisk together right in the crockpot.)

Grab a 9x13 inch pan and coat the bottom of the pan with some red salsa mixture. Warm up your corn tortillas in the microwave or steam for just a little while on the stove to soften them enough that they are pliable. Add 1-2 table spoons of chicken to tortilla and roll up. Place in your 9x13 pan. Continue until all tortillas are rolled up. Pour the remaining red salsa mixture over the enchiladas. Top with cheese. You don't need a lot of cheese.

Cook at 350 degrees for 20 minutes until cheese is bubbly and melted.

Side with Lime flavored rice and black beans.

Lime and Cilantro Flavored Rice: 
1 cup of rice (brown, jasmine whatever you eat. We like brown)
2 cups of water
1/4 tsp salt
2 - juice from 2 limes
2 Tablespoon or more of Chopped Cilantro (depending how much you want!)

Add all ingredients except for the juice of 1 lime to your rice cooker and cook. Or cook covered up on your stove until the liquid is gone.

Once cooked through, squeeze the juice of remaining lime over the top and fluff with a fork!

SO EASY! ENJOY and Happy Cinco De Mayo!


Friday, April 3, 2015

Happy Easter

Happy Easter weekend. Today is Good Friday. And Sunday is Easter. I don't talk a whole lot about my own personal faith here but I do love Easter. I wanted to share this beautiful message that my church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, made for this Easter season. Check it out. It doesn't matter if you are LDS or not, it is a great video! Let me know what you think.

Happy Easter. May we remember the season and what it truly means! #BecauseHeLives #IAmMormon

Monday, January 5, 2015

NYD5K Race Recap

My first race recap of the year! Oh how fun!
~Pink faced from the race. I look like I am dying but I am fine!~

New Year's morning I braved the wind and cold to run a 5k. I was told the week earlier by one of the coaches from my training program that the beginning is a dirt road. For nearly a week I was wondering what that meant. Like super rocky, like break my ankle cause I am super clumsy or if it meant anything else.

I got a ride from my friend J. It was a lot colder than we were expecting and very windy but the winds really weren't that bad when we started to run. It was just freezing at the beginning because it was so shady where the bib pick up was.
J and I went and huddled in the car after we got our bibs to try and warm up. J mentioned that she ran the race a couple of years ago and it was pretty flat. I am starting to like hills, to an extent, because that is where I can make up my time lost from walking. My game plan was to come in at under 50 min. That is all I wanted.

I lined up at the back of the pack, I was actually right behind my captain from the training program. I jogged with her in the beginning, for about the first 3/4 miles. Then I actually needed a short walking break. As I walked I noticed a lady behind me, then she passed me but she breathing a little hard. We started talking and she said that it was her second race ever.

I started pacing with her and talking with her to help her breathing out. The common question of "why am I doing this" kept coming up. I told her she was already doing it and I kept running with her. As we rounded the 1.5 mile mark at the turn around I felt like she was pulling back on the downhills. I told her to open up her stride and let gravity take her. She did and was loving it!

We continued to run and talk and I shared advice with her on running. As we came up to the last 1/4 mile my friend J met us and was join in. She was already done, totally kicked butt and she is pregnant! The lady I was running with, her family was going to run in with her too so I pulled ahead and ran in with J. Right as I crossed the finish line the lady I was running with sprinted right in front of me and finished half a second before me! And here I thought she was further behind me. J pushed me at the end and I was actually pushed at the end which is good!

And good news is, I came in at 47:45. I was super excited. I think I could have even come in sooner but I would rather help someone out than just let them suffer and struggle. Maybe for the 10k I have coming up in February I will push myself. Actually I have to push myself because I need to hit a certain time so that I can use it for corral placement for Disney. I want to be in a good corral!

The course was not too hilly. I had a steady climb then decline so that was nice. More rolling than anything. The landscape was beautiful. We were running on a back road and there were some pretty beautiful homes out there! Not to mention that a horse charged at us. I thought he was going to jump the fence at us.

The only draw back is that the road was not closed so cars were driving around us runners so it could have been potential even more dangerous than it was, but it was a back road and there weren't that many cars. It is a very small race. But nice to have a New Year race so close to home!

Friday, January 2, 2015

2015 Goals

Yesterday I posted my recap about my accomplishments and needs improvement on my 2014 goals. I am so happy with how well I did so I thought that I would share with you all my 2015 goals!

1. Run a race a month! Yep, I want to stay in constant training mode so I don't go into a funk and stop running or take too much time off from running and such. I want to do a mixture of local and "bigger" races to help with fees because let's face it, running races can get pretty pricey pretty quick! I am happy to report that I already have completed January's race, (New Year's Day 5k, yesterday.) And I am registered for February's and March's race as well. I know what race I will do in April. Don't have May's race yet. I will probably do the Wounded Warrior race in June and the 4th of July race in July. Looking for August. September will be the Woman's 4 miler. Need a September and October race. November the DISNEY WINE AND DINE 1/2 MARATHON and a local turkey trot and December I will probably do a local Jingle 5k. Super excited so far!

2. Potty Train Mason. My goal is to have Mason potty trained by his 4th birthday. Yep, 4th. It just isn't happening. He is one of those types of personality that it won't happen until HE wants it to happen. We have an incentive for him right now, a Pachyrhinosaurus (Pack-E-Rhyn-O-Saur-Es) dinosaur toy for him when he is potty trained but so far that has only lasted 1 day.

3. Be more diligent in Mason's preschool between January and May to help him prepare for official preschool in September. I think we are going to do it and enroll him in school. We have noticed that he does better when it is not Mom or Daddy teaching him and it has been quite a struggle for me. Dude just likes to say NO to me right now. So now my goal is to make sure he is proficient in his alphabet, colors, shapes, numbers to 50 and starting to read by September. Tall order but it is what it is.

4. Lose 20 lbs in the next few months. I know this seems fast and all but I know that if I stick with my nutritionist based diet that the weight just falls off of me, quickly! I just have to stick with it. Why the weight loss? Well, we want to add another little one to our family and I do not, DO NOT want to get pregnant at this weight! It hurts when running and I frankly don't want to carry around another 15 lbs of baby on top of what I am already carrying around. What about my races if I get pregnant. Well I know I will defer the Wine and Dine a year if I am pregnant, depending on how pregnant, because I will not run another 1/2 when I am super pregnant again! I have the turkey trot as my back up for November.

(ummm, Mason just locked himself in the bathroom. Hoping he is going poop! Nope false alarm, just locked himself in!) Just keeping it real!

5. Continue to grow my readers for this blog! I love that I doubled my daily and overall viewing of this blog this past year and I want to do it again. That means, more meaningful content and with the help of you I can grow this blog! I love doing it and it is so fun and a great way to stay accountable for what I need to do! Working out has kind of become my job and I need to do better at it and I will this year. I KNOW IT Because I am WORTH IT! I AM WORTH FIGHTING FOR!

Along with that I do have a clean eating group starting Monday the 5th! If you wanna join comment below or send me an email at connectthedotsginger (at) gmail (dot) com.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

2014 Goals Recap

HAPPY NEW YEAR! It is the start of a great year and I am so looking forward to it and to my goals I have. First though I wanted to take a look back at my goals I had for 2014 to see if I accomplished them or not. So here is a look back!

Here are a list of my goals for this year:

1. Weight loss/Staying Healthy-
I was pregnant so this was hard on me but I DID IT! I continued to exercise while pregnant and only gained 15 lbs while pregnant. PRETTY GOOD for this food lover! It was after I had Collin that I struggled. I kept a pretty good diet while pregnant but then fell into eating poor foods after about 3 months postpartum. That has resulted in me ending the year gaining weight from when I had him and that is just not cool! So I did great for the first 6 months, it is the last 6 that I struggled. So I give myself a C+ on that one. And breastfeeding never helps me lose weight. Awful rumor to say that it will cause it does nothing for me! 

2. Exercise-
Yep, did pretty well with this one for most of the year. I ran all the way till 30 weeks pregnant (the week after my half marathon) And also again at 40 weeks started walking and doing some runs to help Collin come out. Then I had a LONG recovery after Collin to the point that any time I ran ) even after 3 months I would bleed heavily for a few days. I think those days are over but it has really messed with me mentally and wanting to get back into running. I was getting frustrated with my body for not listening to me and for fighting me for exercising. But I have pushed on and it seems (cross fingers) that it is getting better. 

3. Blog pageviews-
YES! I have doubled my views since last January and it has been AMAZING! I have had almost 25k total page views since I started blogging and that is AMAZING! Thank you so much for reading and it is still a goal of mine to continue to grow in my readership, which means for you, yes you my friend, to pass my blog on to your friends! 

4. Be a Better Mother-
Well, not sure about this. I question it most days if I am being a good mom or not and Mason will even say, "Not bad mommy, good mommy!" It is kind of cute, but I am still trying to be better. We do our little "homeschooling" most days and he is talking so much now and is doing great with numbers. January I plan on starting to help him color more and then hopefully transition into trying to write. Plus working on reading words. So we will see. Oh and he will be potty trained by July! 

5. Continue to grow my piano studio-
CHECK! YEP Totally did this! As of January I have 10 students! How awesome is that! I am so proud that finally after 2 years I finally have a full studio! The only thing is I have to keep it now, so I am always looking for more students to make sure that my studio stays full!

I have written 316 posts including this one since I began blogging and I love it. Thank you so much for staying with me and getting to know me! Hope your day and beginning of the year is a great one! 

QOTD: How did you do with last years goals? 

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year's Eve Eating Help

Are you going to a New Year's Eve Party? Here are a couple of tips and tricks to help you get through to midnight without letting your eating get out of control! 

1. Check out this portion reminder! As you go to get food from the buffet keep this in mind. Opt for the small plates if there is an option. Fill your plate with fruit and veggies and go from there.

2. Make a promise to yourself that you will only get food at 7pm and 10:30pm (if you need to) for a light snack. Try not to graze the whole night long, 

3. Limit your alcohol. There are so many wasted calories in alcoholic drinks. Stick with water as much as possible to stay hydrated. 

4. Don't go hungry to your party. Make sure you eat a nice healthy filling dinner before you go so that when you do go eat you will only eat snack sized. Chicken, broccoli and rice would be a perfect dinner to help you feel full! 

5. Have fun! New Year's parties are so fun to talk with your friends and make new ones! So even though you might be taking it easy on the food and drink you can still have plenty of fun! Happy New Year! 

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New Year, New Resolutions

As we come up on the end of the year I start to think about my resolutions. I am not going to share all of them quite yet, waiting till Jan 2 for that but I thought I would off a little help to help you think of new ones for you!

1. Put you first. It would be great to have world peace and there are some things we can do to help with that but not a whole lot. Your new year resolution is YOURS. So make it personal. And if it is personal than it is more likely to stick. Make your new years resolution personal. Not just, GO TO GYM MORE. That isn't going to help much. More like, I want to go to the gym more because... and make your point. Make it personal. Make it deep. That is how you will achieve your resolution.

2. Learn to love yourself. Find a way this year to add in learning to love yourself for how you are today. Not how you will become if you lost x amount of pounds or after you have another kid. Embrace your flaws. You must first love yourself and work on yourself before you can help anyone else.

3. Don't forget to add something about service. Service is a great way to learn to love others and to help you love yourself better. It keeps you humble. It keeps you appreciative for what you have. You recognize more blessings in your life. Trust me try to find a place to add this in!

I have made the lists in the past and I barely do any of them. But they always contain items that are more: of do this, not that. I have never made them personal and have my WHY! Very important.

Monday, December 29, 2014

2014 Year In Review

Here we are! At the end of an amazing year. And what a year it has been. This year has been full of so much joy and accomplishment, as well as needing to give myself a kick in the BUTT! So here it is.

January marked me passing my half way point in my pregnancy. And training going strong for the ENTIRE MONTH! I had to train for my first 1/2 marathon. And I did it all while pregnant.
February had me planning for our Disney Trip and training and some days questioning my sanity to run in a 1/2 marathon at 29 weeks pregnant! And actually completing my very first 1/2 marathon. And doing something that I never actually thought I would ever do! (next time regardless of how I feel, I WILL take a great happy shot of my medal. Kicking myself over that one for sure!)

March was all about baby and getting ready to have one. Getting the room set up and feeling more prepared.

April was about tying up my studio for the year so that I could take 3 months off from teaching. Looking back, I really think that this month was pretty good for me. I also became an Ambassador for Girls Gone Sporty! I love being part of networks with like minded people and I have learned so much from the amazing awesome women who are part of this!

May, I felt like I was the white rabbit always checking my calendar and watch for when baby will arrive. And even did some late term pregnancy running to GET THE BABY OUT! And thankfully we welcomed baby Collin into our family and he was healthy and happy after just a short little scare. But all was well. I had my no drugs needed labor and was able to get up and walk to the NICU, unassisted, 30 minutes after having him to be with him.

June and July I rested and recovered. I did help out with the local Woman's 4 miler training program and another local race on July 4th with Collin in attendance. I didn't start actually running until after August though. I also became a Beachbody Coach to help motivate people one on one  and to achieve their weight loss and lifestyle goals!

August I started running again, as best as I could with still recovering. And I ran in the Woman's 4 Miler again!

September, I became an Ambassador with FitFluential. An origination that I had been trying to be part of for a year! I love working with them and so thankful that we are working together and love meeting and reading all about my fellow ambassadors.

October, November and December have been a roller coaster of training and not training. Still dealing with my body not liking me running, still have issues to this day, more on that later. I have lost motivation and gained it. I have not lost my baby weight either. But I am not perfect. I am human. I am still trying everyday to do better and some days are better and some not so much. But overall it has been a pretty AMAZING year for me!

I am so excited for the amazing goals I have set for 2015 and can't wait to share all of them with you. I am so thankful for the wonderful blessings I got in 2014 and for my healthy family. Thank you so much for joining me on my journey because I love hearing from you and knowing that someone is reading. Here's to 2014. And because it is worth fighting for let's make our dreams come true in 2015!

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