Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen: Get Ready...

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Get Ready...

Oh boy, oh boy! I have a ton of things to do today! This is my busy day that just won't let up on me! Are you ready for my list?

Do last load of laundry for whole family
Make 6 dozen cookies for trip, dough made yesterday so that helped!
Prenatal yoga
Have the hubs meet me at the gym to switch cars and pick up the kid
Go straight to my prenatal check up to get my "permission slip" to run in the race on Sunday.
Go straight to chiropractor for last race adjustment and 1 hour massage
Hurry home, teach a lesson
Feed the family dinner
Attach vinyl to shirt for race costume
Sleep, whenever that happens...

Today there is no rest for the weary, unless you count the 1 hour massage. But things that are already complete:

All the dinners are made.
All the bread is made.
Jam already made.
Snacks bought for trip down and trip.
Bought cooler for said trip. (And new water bottles for the parks too)

Just need to organize some things, make master list of what is being taken so we know what to bring back with us. (Yes I am that OCD i.e. Plastic plates and cups for Mace so we don't brake the glass stuff at the hotel, but my stuff is my stuff.)

QOTD: Do you go OCD when packing for a big trip?
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