Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Thursday, August 1, 2019

What If Your Weight Loss Progress Takes Longer Than You Want?

Have you been feeling stuck in your progress? Following your meal plan, workout schedule, but still the scale is hovering around the same 5 pounds for a while? Girl, I've been between 242-247 pounds for a year now! I know how you feel. This is the exact reason why I take pictures OFTEN to compare my start to now so that I can see the results.

Just like the ones! Compare Oct 2017 and July 31 below.

There are a few factors in play as to why you might not be losing the weight as fast as you expect it to happen.

Expectations: The first, is a key phrase in the last sentence I just used. AS FAST AS YOU EXPECT IT TO. Often times we have expectations on exactly how much weight we should lose, how fast, and what we should look like after doing x amount of work. The reality of your body is that your body is your body. It won't act like "Karen's" body, that lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks by starting a new fitness program or "Shannon's" body that lost all the baby weight within the first 8 weeks of having her new baby all from breastfeeding. All bodies are different. And each of our bodies are going through their own stuff. This process is about learning how your body responds to what you are doing. Your journey is a lifelong pursuit, I know you don't want your weight loss to take the rest of your life to be accomplished but what I mean is that it's not something that should be rushed or by taking short cuts (super low calorie deficits, following a "fad" diet or doing excessive exercise to burn more than you eat.) Know that your journey might take longer. Mine is and it's taken me a LONG time to be okay with that. I literally had to accept that fact that my journey is my journey. So I'm sharing that advice with you.

Realistic: Are you really following your meal plan? Are you really following all your workouts? Are you really pushing yourself in your workouts getting the max calorie burn? Wait, what about taking a bite or 2 from your kids plate or just finishing the leftovers cause there was only a bite or 2 left on their plate? What about the crust they demand you cut off or else it's the worst food in the world, did you take a bite or 2 of those? Oh, don't forget that sexy date you went on with your partner last week and you guys shared a plate, including dessert. What about that birthday party you attended 2 weeks ago where you had some cake and a pop. Believe it or not, taking a bite here or there, not eating on plan or even having a whole day "off plan" can actually make a difference.

YOUR ACTION STEP: Write down EVERYTHING you eat for the next 2 weeks. If it goes in your mouth, WRITE IT DOWN! No if, and's or fries about it. It might be an eye opening experience to see if you are actually eating more than you intend.

Now let's talk about exercise. For Beachbody workouts, their meal plan calculators are based on you burning a specific amount of calories during your workout. But if you aren't burning that many calories, yet you are eating in the bracket you should be in based on the intended number of calories burned, you could very well be over eating. And even over eating the good foods, isn't ideal. It's still over eating which can lead to not losing weight.

YOUR ACTION STEP: Push yourself in your workouts. You should not have anything left in the tank when you are done. You give it your all because you are worth more than to half ass anything. PUSH YOURSELF! If you have to take a break, take a break to lower that heart rate, move around but don't stop. Don't sit. Don't take a 30 min break. You want to keep that heart rate up but not sky rocketing. You are training your body to work and recover more efficiently. And that requires you to push yourself.

More To The Story: If you are truly 100% on meal plan, and you are giving it all that you got in your workouts, there could be other things going on with your body. When's the last time you talked to your doctor and had a blood panel done to check hormone levels, thyroid, and all that stuff checked out. Knowing if you have something holding you back is power. Because they you have a better understand of how to deal with it. For me, it's PCOS. Hormone imbalance. And because my body has it's hormones imbalanced, and insulin resistance means it's twice as hard to lose weight. Plus, along this journey I've learned that I also have food sensitivities, and I'm trying to repair my "gut". If you look at my progress side by side picture above, I've only lost 12 pounds between the 2. Yet, I've lost over 30 inches on my body, over 8% body fat, I'm leaner, stronger, and more physically fit now than I ever have been.

YOUR ACTION STEP: Schedule a well visit for your yearly physical to make sure all the hormones and your body is functioning as well as it should be. Also this is a great time to talk to your doc about what you've been going through. They might suggest you to talk to a nutritionist or registered dietician to make sure you are eating exactly what you need to be eating. Make your doc aware, because they are probably going to want to see you back in 6 months to chart your progress, especially if you are taking the recommended steps but still no change.

Know that progress takes time. And for some of us, it can take a long time. You have to really make the effort and be your own detective to find the problem. But remember, diets, weight loss programs, fitness programs, do not work unless you honestly and really do the work, or there is something else physiology getting in the way.

Use photos like mine or on Instagram as inspiration and goals but not as a way to demoralize yourself and make you feel bad for not making progress as fast as you think. And don't EVER let anyone tell you that you aren't making enough progress. Your journey is your journey. Be patient. Be forgiving. Be committed. Be dedicated. Be unwavering in your daily activities. Be dedicated. Be persistent. Be willing to learn. Be willing to try. BE YOU! 

If you are ready to start your journey, or even up level it to the next level with 1:1 coaching and support, let's work together! Message me on Facebook or Instagram or EMAIL ME and let's chat about your goals and what we can do together to help you get there!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Plus Size Fitness: 5 Total Body Power Moves Including Modifications

 Ready to work your body??? Try out these 5 TOTAL BODY POWER MOVES! 

Give these moves a try! Left picture is the modified move and right picture is the full out move. View the video below in real time to see the modified and full moves.  

For your workout complete 12 reps each!

- Bent over rows / Bent over rows with step back
- Modified lateral pushups / lateral pushups
- Modified side plank to T with weight / side plank T’s with weight
-Alternating tricep kickbacks / tricep kickbacks
- Single Leg Scissors (small range of motion) / Single leg scissors (full range of motion)

Ready to work with me and start your journey? I’m looking for women who are ready to dedicate time daily to their health and work together as a group and team doing workouts just like this —modifier available too!— to push past the suck and work towards your goals!

What you get, work out and calendar, nutrition support, meal plans, community and me as your 1:1 coach! 3 Month Membership is just $39 plus you get your first 2 weeks free! Seriously! And you get all this! Click the button below to get started and I'll reach out to you to get plugged into our community! Or send me AN EMAIL to get more details first! 
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Plus Size Fitness: How To Develop Discipline Over Motivation In Your Health and Fitness Journey

Tell me I can't do something, I'll be the first to show you, I CAN! That's the competitive person in me I learned from being a perfectionist. But, for way too many years, I told myself "I could NEVER do xyz." And I said it ALL THE TIME! Here's the thing, there are so many things I want to be able to do but I still would say, "I could never do a marathon." "I could never actually like to workout every day." "I could never do yoga." "I could never do a handstand."

It wasn't until I finally did things, like really big things in my life, that I started to change my thinking.

  • I wanted a natural, epidural free labor. It took me months of mental prep and I HAD 3! (including a few miscarriages.) 
  • I wanted to run a Disney race, it took me months of prep and massive determination because I ran the Disney Princess Half Marathon at 29 weeks pregnant and completed it. 
  • I wanted to finally get exercise a daily habit, It took me a year of consistently choosing to exercise daily and NOW exercise is just another part of my day just like brushing my teeth! 

And now I've been challenging myself to do the things I never really thought I could do but am doing! Like yoga, regularly. And after a year and 4 months I am doing wall assisted handstands! I'm 240 pounds and I DID A FREAKING VERTICAL HANDSTAND!

ALL OF THESE THINGS THOUGH DID NOT HAPPEN OVER NIGHT! They took months and months of dedication, determination and PERSISTENCE IN MY PURSUIT FOR MY GOALS!

So you want to know how to develop discipline over motivation in your health and fitness journey?

1) PATIENCE - You have to know that change doesn't happen over night. Or in 21 days. Or in 1 month. Or in 3 months. It takes months and months and months of choosing to do the hard stuff over not doing it. Did I want to run 9 miles on a treadmill because it was too icy to do it outside for me since I was 26 weeks pregnant. No but I kept telling myself for MONTHS, "Come hell or high water, pregnant or not, I am running the Disney Princess Half Marathon!" So I did it anyways. All 3 hours of it and 4 bathroom breaks.

2) PERSISTENCE - Do you think I wanted to really workout every day? NOPE I didn't. Sometimes you just have to suck it up buttercup and do the work anyways because how many times before have you said, "I'll do it tomorrow." Girl, today is tomorrow. This is your chance. You don't get this day back. You can't have a do over. Are you willing to look back and see that you choose not to take care of you when you really could have made the time to do it? Today is your day to change your life. SO START and no matter what comes up in your day or life, keep doing it. It's your time for you to better your health!

3) CONTINUING TO CHALLENGE YOURSELF - Last year I was introduced to Donkey Kicks in the fitness program I was doing. It terrified me the idea of kicking up into a handstand. And one of my fellow coaches started doing handstand training to help her get used to and gaining that level of trust in herself to kick up to it. Weekly I did donkey kicks for 9 months. And every few months I tried wall assisted handstands. And at each check they got better and better. More and more in control and comfortable. Until May. When I finally hit a vertical handstand with a little assistance from the wall. I didn't give up on my goal. I kept doing it even though the idea of my arms holding me up scared me. The idea of falling over and whacking into the other wall and getting hurt scared me. I did it anyways because I made a goal for myself!

4) ACCOUNTABILITY - This is a big one. Because when you have to show up for someone else, you are more likely to follow through than drop the ball. When you have someone that you check in with to help you along, to encourage you, or to tell you to get off your duff and do it anyways, you are going to show up! What drove me to push play every day was the fact that I was sharing my journey with my coach and support group and all of social media. Now you don't have to share your journey on Insta but when you have a coach or a support community you are part of and you commit to, YOU SHOW UP! People were counting on me to check in and show up with my progress. So even though I didn't want to. I did it anyways!
If you are ready to learn more about nutrition, and invest in your health, and get ME as your coach, cheerleader and support line in your life and learn, what to eat, exactly when to eat and what foods to eat together to help you lose more body fat faster CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW to get my recommended starter kit. It gives you everything you need to get STARTED RIGHT and to CHANGE YOUR LIFE! From trackers, workbooks, cookbooks, education training, how to portion out your foods without counting calories or logging your foods or macros in an app, pre workout energy boosting drink to get you started and stronger in your workout, a post workout anti-soreness drink, plus a lunch bag for your meals and ME as your 1:1 coach for daily accountability, support and help when you need it! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Plus Size Fitness: Strong & Sexy Leg Exercises

I have finally fallen in love with my legs because I've worked hard to make them SEXY AND STRONG! And I want to share my favorite moves with you!

Using medium to heavy weights or optional weights, complete of 12-15 reps of all 4 moves (on each side for the Side Lunge Back Lunge and Split Squats). Then repeat with a second set of 12-15 reps.

Move #1: Squat with Knee Lifts
With legs hip width distance start standing, then lower yourself into a squat position, keeping your knees behind your toes. As you lift back to standing, raise your knee to parallel or higher using your lower abs to lift your knee. Lower back down to a squat, then raise to standing lifting your opposite knee, and repeat until you have completed 12-15 reps.

Move #2: Side Lunge Back Lunge
Start with your feet together standing tall. Step your Left foot out to the side for a lateral side squat. Keeping your left knee bent and behind your toe and the weight in your heel and keep your right foot planted to its starting position and straight. Return to standing by pushing from your left heel (to engage your butt) and stand up straight again. Then step back with your left leg to a lunge position, aiming to have a 90/90 position with your legs. Again, keeping your right knee bent and not going in front of your toes. Putting the weight in your right heel to help you stand up to a standing position. Repeat all reps on the single leg moving then switch sides and complete the sequence for 12-15 reps.
Move #3: Split Squats
Position your legs into a Staggered Stance --one foot in front of your body and the opposite behind with the heel off the floor. Goal is to lower down to a 90/90 leg position keeping your front knee behind the toes. I like to think of it like you are going up and down a carousel horse. As you stand, keep the weight in your front heel and back toe.

Move #4: Sumo Squats
With your toes pointed outwards, and standing in a wide stance. Lower down, keeping your knees from caving inward and your butt going straight down like you're sliding against a wall. Then raise back up keeping the weight in your heels pushing evenly.

Ready to take your training or fitness journey to the next level? JOIN ME in my Exclusive Coaching group. Order your Starter Kit here or you can always EMAIL ME or MESSAGE ME ON FACEBOOK or INSTAGRAM to get more info first! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Friday, May 31, 2019

Think You're Too _____ To Workout? #FitHasNoSize

BEING A FIT PERSON IS NOT DEFINED BY YOUR SIZE! #FitHasNoSize! I'm here to tell you, you can do any workout, maybe not the whole thing on day 1 of trying, but eventually, YES you will be able to do the workouts you never thought you could and BEYOND!

I'm 240 pounds an I'm doing an EXTREME PLYOMETRICS workout. Was it easy? Hell no! I worked hard, and was totally toast by the end of the workout, but that is exactly what should be happening in a workout. You should be fighting so hard to push yourself and do your best that you need to take a beat at the end and just realize what you just accomplished! Check out my Instagram post below.

I hear from women every day that I'm inspiring them to believe that they could possibly have a chance to achieve their goals but "I could never do that!" "Why?" I ask. "Because I'm too: old, fat, overweight, not flexible enough, I've tried before but..." It's time to use posts like this to inspire you to take action and actually try. To stop comparing your day 1 to somebody else's because it will not be anything like what I'm doing right now or some other fispo IG'er. I'm on day, gosh, 693, and yes, I still have a long way to go in my journey, but...ACTION is what really makes the change happen for you.


1) STOP making excuses for why you can't do something. Eventually, with enough consistency you will be able to do what you intend to do. But it takes practice, patience and a whole lot of work. One does not learn to play a Mozart Sonata the first day of piano lessons. It takes years of learning, training and practicing. Same thing with exercise.
2) MODIFY, MODIFY and MODIFY! I was the modifying queen in the beginning. I literally had to modify every move and literally couldn't do many of the moves for the entire 60 seconds (the program has you complete a single move, as many as you can, in 60 seconds) And then I had to pause my DVD, sit down and catch my breath. My 30 minute workouts took well over 45 minutes to complete. But...I kept pushing play, I kept doing all the moves, and I didn't give up.
3) CELEBRATE every time you do something you didn't think you could. NOT with food, but do a little dance, tell your friends, and share it on Social Media. "OMG! I JUST DID 10 PUSHUPS and x weeks ago I couldn't do ANY!" Because you are the one who's now inspiring others. That way you are getting support from your community. It comes full circle girl!
4) KEEP GOING and don't let yourself get complacent. Years ago, right after I had my second baby, I had completed 3 rounds of doing 21 Day Fix, I knew all the jokes, I just lost my mojo and excitement. MOVE ON TO ANOTHER PROGRAM! It's okay to try something else and then go back to your "home base" That's the beauty of our online fitness library is that we have over 40 full programs and 800 separate workouts to choose from. There is not a lack of things to do to keep you motivated and moving on. Not sure what to do next? Well, That's what I'm here as a virtual coach. When you work with me I have the privilege to help you with as your personal 1:1 coach, I can help you find a program that will fit in your busy life and goals.
Ready to learn more about what I'm doing or want work with me? CLICK HERE to get started and let's get you set up and the support you need to ROCK your goals this summer! Any Questions? EMAIL ME!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Friday, May 24, 2019

Summer Strong Accountability And Success Group

It's that time! Another group is starting and I'm looking for ladies who have tried and tried to lose weight, and maybe you did, got in the way, or old habits just started to creep back into your life. We've all been there. HECK I've been there so many times. But now, it's about making a change that you can live with for LIFE! By NOT starving yourself. By NOT cutting out any food groups. By EATING lots of yummy foods. By KEEPING IT SIMPLE and not having to work too hard. By HAVING THE SUPPORT you need to help keep you on track. By USING the tools and accountability that WORK!
1 year difference working on mentally and physically changing my life using the tools that work!

If this sounds like something you need and are ready to work TOGETHER as a TEAM to get you the results you have wanted that will STICK! Then let's do this RIGHT NOW! NOW IS THE TIME. Don't let your excuses or fear stop you this time. Don't let the unknown or what if stop you. Don't let past struggles stop you. Because you have me on your side. I can relate. I know what you are going through. I'm still going through my journey. And just like you, I need support too. That's why I hold these groups. I NEED THE SUPPORT just like I know others need it! So...if you are ready to work hard, cause you will have to work, and are ready to get STRONG FOR SUMMER! Let's do this RIGHT NOW! Click the Order button below to get MY RECOMMENDED start kit with my favorite tools I use daily!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Thursday, May 23, 2019

The #1 Reason You're Not Seeing As Much Progress On Your Fitness Journey

This post contains affiliate links.

I am the energizer bunny when it comes to exercising daily. I've been exercising consistently, 5+ days, a week from December 2016 until I had my emergency appendectomy in August 2017 and then had to take 8 weeks off and then jumped back in October 2017. And with all that exercise, I got some really great results. But...I didn't get the change I have really been waiting for. MORE FAT LOSS LEADING TO DEFINITION! 

Just to put this out there, I'm 240 pounds. I'm still in the middle of my fitness journey. I have a ways to go to be at what is considered a healthy body fat percentage of 24%. But...From January 2018 to May 2019, I have lost 7% body fat, and only lost 2 pounds. I have been working on having a STRONG body. A body that can hold me up and not feel weak. A Body that moves and has more range of motion. A Body that has more endurance. A Body that just functions better. A body that looks strong. A body that is lean and defined.

I am getting that body! But...Just like any other woman out there, I FREAKING WANT THAT SCALE TO GO DOWN! And the #1 reason why the scale isn't going down comes down to NUTRITION! Check out the differences between these 3 pictures. 

May 2018: Following a nutrition plan, but not 100%, more like 75%

March 2019: Following a nutrition plan, more strict and increased my cardio.

May 2019: FOLLOWING MY NUTRITION PLAN TO A T and it is showing! I'm doing the Faster Way To Fat loss program that implements Carb Cycling and Intermittent Fasting (My coach is AMAZING and I've linked her direct page!) using the knowledge I have learned using my Ultimate Portion Fix perfect portion containers to make sure I'm not over eating on food groups. That I am eating all the food groups my body needs, and keeping my portions in control. I think it's working, don't you? 
What did I do? I got SERIOUS about my nutrition. I changed things up and went 1 step farther than I have before. Not going to lie, the program I'm following right now is intense and a little more work involved than I like to do (I like to keep things simple). But I needed this in my life right now. I personally have to just dig my heels in and do the hard sh^&! And I wouldn't have been able to do it if I didn't have my knowledge and experience using the Ultimate Portion Fix containers for the past 4 years. And that's why I think they are the best way to start, because it's simple, easy to follow and takes all the guess work out. Giving you education so you learn the right foods you should be eating, how many servings of each food group category you should have each day because we need to eat all the foods including carbs and even sugar (occasionally) and learn what foods work best for your body. It's about learning to fuel your body and help it function better and that is what is going to make the biggest difference for a longer time. 


1) DRINK MORE WATER - Drink at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces a day of water. If you exercise, drink more than your minimum by another 8-20 ounces making sure you stay plenty hydrated. 

2) STOP EATING PROCESSED/BOXED FOODS: This is a biggie. Not only do they have tons of excess sodium (which will make you retain more water and swell up) But they are often empty calories and we consume way more that we should. Think about Doritos. Can you really just eat just one? Don't bring them in the house. If you have to have processed foods occasionally, buy a single serving that way it's portioned out and you don't have the rest of it telling you to consume it!

3) MAKE YOUR OWN HOMEMADE FOODS - Not only will you end up saving money, yes it's true! but when you make your own food you control what goes in it and you know what goes in it. There are tons of amazing recipes out there. My Favorite come from the cooking show, FIXATE, which is included in my fitness library membership. Not only do we get instructional videos but the recipes, and it breaks down what food category they use. There are recipes for everyone from Vegan, Vegetarian, Paleo and Gluten Free. PLUS you can also buy the FIXATE COOKBOOKS if you aren't ready to invest in the membership! 

4) MOVE YOUR BODY - I'm a personal trainer and I will always tell you to just move your body more. It does amazing things for your body and digestive track. Feeling "stuck" go fo a walk and it helps to make things moving in the right direction. Plus when you exercise you tend to want to eat better. They work hand in hand. Need workouts to help you get started? our fitness library is stocked with well over 600 workouts. Plus me as your coach to cheer you on...If you're ready, let's do this! 

5) SLEEP BETTER - Aim for 8+ hours a night. Not 5, not 6, not 7 but really work hard to hit at least 8 hours. If you get 8.5, GREAT! Your body needs to rest and recover and sleep helps with that! (Speaking of, it's currently 10:07pm, that means I finish this post up later cause I gotta get my 8+ hours sleep too!) 

If you are ready to learn more about nutrition, and invest in your health, and get ME as your coach, cheerleader and support line in your life and learn, what to eat, exactly when to eat and what foods to eat together to help you lose more body fat faster CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW to get my recommended starter kit. It gives you everything you need to get STARTED RIGHT and to CHANGE YOUR LIFE! From trackers, workbooks, cookbooks, education training, how to portion out your foods without counting calories or logging your foods or macros in an app, pre workout energy boosting drink to get you started and stronger in your workout, a post workout anti-soreness drink, plus a lunch bag for your meals and ME as your 1:1 coach for daily accountability, support and help when you need it! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Monday, May 20, 2019

When The Scale Doesn't Go Down And You're Stuck In A Plateau...What Do You Do?

Affiliate links included in this post.

I'm calling it right now. I've been stuck in a plateau for MONTHS even though I have been exercising 5+ days a week for the past year and a half and even though I was eating pretty well. But...what do you do when you're stuck. In the past I would have thrown my hands up in the air and gave up, but NOT ANY MORE! 

What causes plateaus? 

1) How much sleep are you getting? Your body needs sleep. Actually it needs a lot of sleep. Sleep helps the body repair and rest from your exercises, movements and over use, keeps the mind functioning better. Aim to get AT LEAST 8 hours a sleep at night. YES the whole 8 HOURS AT LEAST! I know this sounds so weird, I used to aim for 7-8 but  now, 8 is my magic number. Ever since I got my Apple iWatch I've really been diligent on tracking my sleep with the Autosleep App. Aiming not only for 8 hours but watching my deep sleep. 

2) Be mindful of exactly what you are eating. Are you really following your meal plan or just kind of sort of following it? This is my deal. I'm about 80% eating really, really well and following my plan (okay maybe 75%) and then I still allow myself to eat treats, in moderation. This idea is great when you are in MAINTENANCE MODE but not when you really have to get the weight loss going. You have got to be on it like Donkey Kong. Log all your meals. If you bite it, write it! In my exclusive group we have a food log tracker, and many of our programs include a tracker too or you can use the My Fitness Pal app to track your  macros! 

3) Not changing your workouts up. Your body actually acclimates to doing the same workouts over and over again. Like if you just do bicep curls with an 8 pound weight for 3 months in a row expecting to see mass built in your bicep, it's not going to happen. You have to challenge yourself in new ways. Change it up. Do other exercises that work the same muscle but in a new way. Pushups with a leg lift, or hammer curls, or even doing half reps, reps that only go up half way or start halfway and go to the top! That's why I LOVE the Beachbody On Demand online streaming library. We have access to over 40 complete programs (that's way more than 600 workouts), plus trainer tips, tracker sheets, meal plans, nutrition plans, recipes and even a healthy cooking show geared towards perfect size portions that are simple to make and yummy to eat! 

In the end you need to focus on letting your body rest, eating your best and changing it up in your fitness routine every now and then. Sleep, Nutrition and Movement. These are the 3 vitals to rock your progress! 

Looking for help with your nutrition or fitness journey? My next group is starting soon and I'd love to help you on your journey! EMAIL ME or Send me a Private message on INSTAGRAM or FACEBOOK and let's start the convo on how you can get back on track without having to cut food groups, reduce your calories and can do it all in your own home with workouts from 20-60 minutes a day! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

The Truth Behind Shakeology | Is It Really Worth the $130 Price Tag?

Affiliate links are included in this post.
Want to geek out with me about some healthy stuff?

Common Misconception: Shakeology is overpriced and a bag of protein powder. 😏
That price and the raving fans are there for a REASON! You are getting 5 DIFFERENT HEALTHY FORMULAS!

My story, the first week I didn't like Shakeology! Yep, that's because It took me a few days to learn the consistency I liked, the add in flavors I liked and once I figured out that I liked 12 oz whole milk, 1 heaping tsp of peanut butter, 1 banana and 1 cup ice. I was hooked. Now 5 years later, my recipe is totally different because over the years, I've want it to be as healthy for me as possible. My current recipe: 10 oz water, 1/2 cup ice, handful of spinach (about 2 cups, 1 level tsp of peanut butter or coconut oil. And I still love it, and I drink it almost daily (I still have room for improvement on drinking it on the weekends)

So let's dive into the 5 Different Formulas that are in Shakeology!
  1. Clean Protein Blend (2 options: Vegan or Whey)
  2. Superfruits & Antioxidants Blend
  3. Supergreens & Phytonutrients Blend
  4. Adaptogen Blend --helps combat stress in our body!
  5. Digestion support
It's not "just a protein shake" and it's not an overpriced shake. When you break it down, it's actually CRAZY how convenient this is. Our ingredients are sourced from all over the world and our batches of Shakeology are tested 1,900 TIMES to ensure the best.

1) Let's dive into the CLEAN PROTEIN BLEND! 

Vegan Formula Clean Protein Ingredients: 
  • Chia
  • Pea
  • Sacha Inchi
  • Flax
  • Quinoa
  • Rice
  • Oat
Regular Whey Formula Clean Protein Ingredients: 
  • Whey
  • Pea
  • Sacha Inchi
  • Chia
  • Flax
  • Quinoa

The whey protein isolate is the highest purity grade of whey protein commercially available based on protein concentration with nearly all of the fat and lactose removed. It is UNDENATURED with a gentle state of the art cold filtration process to main the quality of the protein. Each batch of whey is tested to ensure it contains no hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals or other toxins.

2) Superfruits/Antioxidants 

🍎***Antioxidants are substances found in our foods that prevent and repair damage done to our bodies caused by oxidation. In addition to preventing oxidation, antioxidants perform many other important roles in our bodies, such as reducing inflammation, keeping arteries flexible, and preserving the genetic material in our cells.

If you go to the natural foods store to buy an immunity blend, you are most likely going to see some of these POWERHOUSE ingredients in there!

- Superfruits/Antioxidants in Shakeology!
  • Camu-Camu
  • Acerola Cherry
  • BilberryLycium Berry (Goji Berry)
  • Green Tea
  • Luo Han Guo
  • PomegranateRose Hips
  • (Regular formula also has added Vitamins A,C,E)

3) SUPERGREENS and Phytonutrients! 

🌱Supergreens are known for their powerful ability to detoxify, oxygenize and alkalize our bodies. Our bodies are constantly cleansing, filtering and trying to repair themselves. Individually, these plants have proven to have powerful effects against cancers, lifestyle diseases, and degenerative disease.

-Supergreens and Phytonutrients in Shakeology-
  • Moringa
  • Chlorella
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Matcha

4) Adaptogen Blend 

🌟Adaptogenic herbs help us "adapt" to our environment to bring us back to balance. Research has shown this unique classification of herbs are powerful at helping our bodies become more resilient to stress, naturally boost energy and promote cellular regeneration.
(Mushrooms are a HOT TOPIC in the world of health right now!) 🍄

-Adaptogen Ingredients in Shakeology-
  • Ashwaganda
  • Astragalus
  • Cordyceps
  • Maca
  • Maitake
  • Reishi
  • Schisandra
  • Chaga

5) Digestive Support & Probiotics

“All Disease Begins in The Gut.” - Hippocrates. Where do we ABSORB all of our nutrients? Where is over 70% of our immune system? THE GUTApproximately 70,000,000 people in America suffer every day from some form of digestive issues. Beachbody actually puts in one of the most expensive probiotics known as Bacillus Coagulans!

-Digestive Support Ingredients in Shakeology-
  • Yacon Root 
  • Chicory RootBacillus Coagulans Probiotic
  • Amylase
  • Cellulase 
  • Lactase 
  • Glucoamylase 
  • Alpha-Galactosidase
  • Invertase
So, it's a LOT more than you think. Want to learn more or try it? There's a 30 day bottom of the bag money back guarantee. You can get your first bag in my favorite flavor (chocolate whey) HERE! And if you love it, like I do, you can even get set up with a 25% discount on your next order! Have any questions? Message me HERE or email me and let's chat!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK
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