Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Thursday, October 22, 2015


Did you know I have a You Tube channel! Yep, I sure do! I am adding to it every week with motivational messages and such so make sure you check it out and subscribe to it so that you can keep coming back. But first check out what was announced last Friday. The newest workout to be released by Beachbody by Tony Horton. I am so excited! SO EXCITED! Matt is excited and this is going to be great. What a great way to support our military! 22 Minute Hard Corps!

Wanna get your hands on the beauty when it comes out early next year? Send me an email to let me know!

And, of course, be sure to like our 
FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Every Day Is A New Day

Just a few months ago I was in a deep depression, I didn't want to get out of bed. I was sad for losing my baby, I was sad that I was still here and I was MAD at what I had been through. I had gained weight during my recovery putting me back at my weight that I always give birth at. The heaviest I have ever been. It scared me. I felt like I didn't know where to start or what to do to get out of my huge blackhole I had built around myself. Until one day, I decided enough was enough.

I made a call and got in contact with someone to help me mentally. I decided too, to start exercising. It was hard. It hurt. My body was so mad at me because it didn't want to do it. But I realized that I needed it! It made me feel better. Happier. I could work out my frustrations through my exercise and I LOVED THAT! I craved it! Was I able to do what I could do before. NOPE! I had to take it slow and steady and MODIFY everything but the point is, I did it what I could and went from there. I also cleaned up my eating and stuck with more whole foods over processed foods. I am now down 15 pounds and this month is going to be the month that I will pass that 20 pound mark because I WILL be at my first weight loss goal by Thanksgiving! 25 pounds or more will be GONE!
What got me to where I am today? Support and daily motivation and encouragement. 30 minutes of daily exercise and super easy to follow nutrition that actually teaches you what your body needs to eat to lose weight without feeling hungry! I want to help you slim down BEFORE the holidays so that this year is the year that "lose weight" will not be #1 on your New Year's Resolution. You have the chance to lose 11-33 pounds by NEW YEARS! How different would you feel if you did that? How would the new year begin for you? Don't wait till after the holidays. Set the bar now on how you want to live your life! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

3 Day Refresh: Results

Hey Guys! So it has been a couple of days now since I completed my 3 day refresh. If you would like to catch up you can check out my daily posts you can read about day 1, day 2, and day 3. I was a little sad at first with my results. I only lose 2 ounces!  :( But once I took my measurements I was so happy with what I had accomplished in just 3 day!

First though, 3 days. It isn't too bad right. Doable by anyone. But I will tell you, that you need to be 100% committed because there is going to be a time or a few times where you are going to want to eat something else. Those pesky little voices are going to tell you it is ok to eat something else. You are hungry. Or make some excuse. But you guys it is only 3 days!

I did not like the vanilla fresh at all. It was hard for me to get down. But by the 3rd day I was able to get all of it down by mixing fresh strawberries in with it and it really did fill me up. I never really felt hungry, hungry unless I was late eating a meal. So if you stick with eating every 2.5 hours then you are going to be so golden on this.

Also the fiber sweep took more than a day to work for me. Hence why I waited a couple of days to give my results. I didn't officially "pass" everything until Sunday. And even more on Monday might not work for everyone. Also I was super bloated at night. Like my belly would be very puffy from the gas from the fiber sweep. So be mindful of that.

One tip. Pick 3 days where you don't have a whole lot going on. I did the best when I was at home and able to stick to a regular schedule. Like for me doing this from Wednesday-Friday would be perfect in the future. But Saturday or Sunday, I am gone too much usually to make this work. Plan 3 days to be less active too because you will not have much energy and you will burn through the calories you eat those days way too quickly because it is a reduced calorie cleanse.

Ok the results.

I lost:
.25 inches from my chest
.5 inches from my waist
.5 inches from my belly (around the belly button) 
.75 inches from my hips (HOLY CROW!) 

Arms and legs didn't lose anything on them. But the areas I was most concerned with I lost a good amount of inches. I AM SO HAPPY WITH THAT! The whole reason why I did this was to lose around my waist and belly so that I would look a little better for our family pictures. And it did just that.

Would I do the 3 day refresh again? I would. It was only 3 days. But really only for a special occasion or function. Something that I need a quick lose for.

I'm done, now what do I do? Don't go binge eating on things you missed that is for sure. You do that, and you will gain everything back. I did have a special treat waiting for me when I was done and that was it. I am still clean eating and getting back into my workout routine and I will be losing at least 10 pounds by the end of the year as there is only 10 weeks left of the year!

What is the 3 day refresh? 

The 3-Day Refresh is a cleansing program that’s simple to use and gets great results. It’s a program of three daily shakes, a fiber drink, recipes that include a delicious and nutritious medley of fresh veggies and fruits, and plenty of healthy fats so you can lose weight without feeling like you’re starving yourself.

The 3-Day Refresh has uncomplicated meal plans that are easy to prepare and fun to eat. Meal plans offer many choices from the food groups in the dishes, so there’s no boredom, and if you don’t have one ingredient, it’s easy to substitute another. The 3-Day Refresh is a great way to start a serious weight-loss change, but it’s also great for fitness buffs that have stalled in their progress. The essential cleansing nature of the 3-Day Refresh kickstarts your body’s natural digestive balance to get you feeling more active and energetic while you shed unwanted pounds.
You’ll have to start out the day with at least 10 ounces of pure filtered water. Many people find it hard to drink so much water first thing in the day, but that’s a sign of an underlying problem. Almost no one drinks enough water! Your body needs water in order to flush out the toxins that build up in the body. Your body needs water, and once you get used to drinking more water, you’ll notice how much you enjoy it in addition to the health benefits you’ll get.
Thirty minutes later, you can have a chocolate Shakeology shake along with a piece of fruit. Shakeology shakes taste great, are packed with energy, and have enough vitamins to allow you to stop taking your multivitamins if you like.
The 3-Day Refresh Meal Plan supplies a health drink called the Fiber Sweep. Fiber Sweep is a blend of fibers, some which dissolve in water, others that are insoluble. It’s jam packed with flax, psyllium fiber, and chia seeds. These deliver important Omega-3 fatty acids to aid digestion while giving you a gentle cleanse. You’ll drink lots more fresh water, too, or green tea if you like. Coffee is OK, too, but no cream and sugar.
The 3-Day Refresh Meal Plan lets you choose one fruit, a vegetable, and one food item that contains healthy fat from their extensive lists of suggested foods. Then you have a delicious drink called a Vanilla Fresh. It’s full of protein, important for supplying you with energy for the rest of the afternoon, and it’s jam-packed with probiotics, minerals, and vitamins. It contains a clinically tested potato extract that makes you feel full, but the shake itself is light and creamy. Time for more filtered water.
The evening meal is where the 3-Day Refresh Meal Plan really shines. The method has great recipes for tasty meals, like a stir-fry medley of vegetables to go with hearty salads. The recipes are easy to follow, and they have selections to make hot or prepare and store if you prefer. The evening meal included another Vanilla Fresh shake, and then lots more water. Since the actual food intake during the day was so low, it’s uncanny how full you feel, and how much energy you have.
If you continue the plan for three days, your cravings for your old food favorites diminish quickly. You’ll be drinking a lot of water and consuming a lot of filling shakes, but you expel them quickly along with all the toxins your body needs to be rid of. It seems crazy, but drinking all that water makes you feel less bloated than you would after a heavy meal. Your body needs water and processes it effortlessly.
If you keep track of your progress, you’ll see real, measurable results. Depending on whether you’re starting a serious weight loss plan or tuning up an existing fitness routine, you’ll lose inches and pounds on your belly, upper arms, and upper legs. Give the 3-Day Refresh Meal Plan a try, and feel better and look better right away!
And, of course, be sure to like our FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Clean Eating: Read The Labels!

Yep! clean eating is all it takes you guys! You want to lose weight? STOP EATING THE CRAP! 

Don't know how to start clean eating? THE #1 RULE to eating clean is to: READ THE INGREDIENTS! Can't say the ingredients or know what they are then do not buy it!
So we ran out of bread and I sent the hubs out to get some because we had NONE and I had to have it for Mason's lunch! (He went out at 6am to the closest grocery store) He came back with bread that says HEALTHY on it. Sure it looks good but I don't know what some of the ingredients are. (left pictures in collage)
Here is the thing. Marketers know that if they slap a HEALTHY label on something that people are going to buy it, but it can be chalk full of stuff they don't know what it is. Or lab created ingredients for preserving the freshness of the bread. You have to be better than those gluiness marketers and read the labels. Don't trust the front! Don't be fooled any more! Here is the bread I normally buy (pictured on the right). And I don't need no stinkin' preservatives. I buy 2 loaves a week and stick one in the freezer until I am ready to use it and keep them in the fridge to keep them fresh. Haven't had any problems with stale bread!
Check out the 21 Day Fix Approved Foods that I use to help me stay on track with my eating. Click to enlarge.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free daily advice, support, motivand encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Are you following my INSTAGRAM yet? Check out my stories and feed to see how I fit a healthy lifestyle into my busy mom life! 

And, of course, be sure to like our 
FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

3 Day Refresh Cleanse: Day 3

this post contains affiliate links, meaning that if you buy the products recommended, you won't pay more but I'll get a small commission. It's what pays the bills! 

Today was hard. I was gone all day long so I had to take my stuff with me. I pre-blended the water and strawberries for my vanilla fresh. And decided that I was going to drink the fiber sweep in the morning, then my coach and I were going to go out to lunch at a great pizza place that also had roasted veggies as an appetizer that would be perfect for me to eat. The only problem. I didn't plan on being out as late as I was. We ended up going out for dinner again, and I ate my veggies first but also had some chicken and a little bite of dessert. It is what it is. But other than that I was feeling good. My clothing was fitting way better and I can't wait till I wear my clothing for our family pictures to see how much better they are fitting!

What is the 3 day refresh? 

The 3-Day Refresh is a cleansing program that’s simple to use and gets great results. It’s a program of three daily shakes, a fiber drink, recipes that include a delicious and nutritious medley of fresh veggies and fruits, and plenty of healthy fats so you can lose weight without feeling like you’re starving yourself.

The 3-Day Refresh has uncomplicated meal plans that are easy to prepare and fun to eat. Meal plans offer many choices from the food groups in the dishes, so there’s no boredom, and if you don’t have one ingredient, it’s easy to substitute another. The 3-Day Refresh is a great way to start a serious weight-loss change, but it’s also great for fitness buffs that have stalled in their progress. The essential cleansing nature of the 3-Day Refresh kickstarts your body’s natural digestive balance to get you feeling more active and energetic while you shed unwanted pounds.
You’ll have to start out the day with at least 10 ounces of pure filtered water. Many people find it hard to drink so much water first thing in the day, but that’s a sign of an underlying problem. Almost no one drinks enough water! Your body needs water in order to flush out the toxins that build up in the body. Your body needs water, and once you get used to drinking more water, you’ll notice how much you enjoy it in addition to the health benefits you’ll get.
Thirty minutes later, you can have a chocolate Shakeology shake along with a piece of fruit. Shakeology shakes taste great, are packed with energy, and have enough vitamins to allow you to stop taking your multivitamins if you like.
The 3-Day Refresh Meal Plan supplies a health drink called the Fiber Sweep. Fiber Sweep is a blend of fibers, some which dissolve in water, others that are insoluble. It’s jam packed with flax, psyllium fiber, and chia seeds. These deliver important Omega-3 fatty acids to aid digestion while giving you a gentle cleanse. You’ll drink lots more fresh water, too, or green tea if you like. Coffee is OK, too, but no cream and sugar.
The 3-Day Refresh Meal Plan lets you choose one fruit, a vegetable, and one food item that contains healthy fat from their extensive lists of suggested foods. Then you have a delicious drink called a Vanilla Fresh. It’s full of protein, important for supplying you with energy for the rest of the afternoon, and it’s jam-packed with probiotics, minerals, and vitamins. It contains a clinically tested potato extract that makes you feel full, but the shake itself is light and creamy. Time for more filtered water.
The evening meal is where the 3-Day Refresh Meal Plan really shines. The method has great recipes for tasty meals, like a stir-fry medley of vegetables to go with hearty salads. The recipes are easy to follow, and they have selections to make hot or prepare and store if you prefer. The evening meal included another Vanilla Fresh shake, and then lots more water. Since the actual food intake during the day was so low, it’s uncanny how full you feel, and how much energy you have.
If you continue the plan for three days, your cravings for your old food favorites diminish quickly. You’ll be drinking a lot of water and consuming a lot of filling shakes, but you expel them quickly along with all the toxins your body needs to be rid of. It seems crazy, but drinking all that water makes you feel less bloated than you would after a heavy meal. Your body needs water and processes it effortlessly. Not exactly sure how much water you should be drinking daily? Check out this site with a Water Intake Calculator to find out EXACTLY how much water you should be having daily!
If you keep track of your progress, you’ll see real, measurable results. Depending on whether you’re starting a serious weight loss plan or tuning up an existing fitness routine, you’ll lose inches and pounds on your belly, upper arms, and upper legs. 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!
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