Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Springtime = Races, Races, Races!

With the welcoming of spring comes the new season of Races! Spring is the start time for most races in central VA. As it is finally starting to warm up a bit and the chance of snow is way less, however this coming Tuesday is saying that we are supposed to expect to see more snow! (I am ok with this snow because it is delaying the nasty humid summer from beginning too early and the blooming of the spring flowers and trees when my allergies go NUTS!)

Where To Find Races: There are so many races coming up near where I live and I am sure there are where you live too. (AZ and FL races tend to happen early in the year as it is just getting too warm to safely run races now.) You can go to to find races near you. I put in my info and within 100 miles from my house there are 306 races between today, 3/22 and 4/22. They even list healthy kid runs too! There also could be local races that aren't registered with runners world so check your local newspaper or running shop to find out when and where!

How To Pick Races: Go through your list and figure out what distance you want to do. And determine how far you would like to travel in that day. A ton of races are up in DC for us and going to DC a ton just doesn't do it for us. That place is a parking disaster so I would. I know that next year I will run in the C-ville 10 miler, (been wanting to do that 2 years in a row but too far pregnant this year.) But I would also love to run in the Cherry Blossom 10 miler in DC. (there is a 5k there too) So pick wisely.

Listen To Your Body: Don't overdo it. I know it is such an amazing feeling to finally run outside comfortably after such a long and cold winter, but don't schedule a race every weekend unless you are used to doing so. For me, (if I weren't pregnant) that would still be insane. My body would be so mad at me. It likes its recovery time. We need it. (that is another problem with the spring race circuit.) Every race is jammed packed in there every weekend. The C-ville 10miler is on March 29. The C-ville marathon, 1/2 and 10k is on April 5. The Cherry Blossom 10 miler and 5k are on April 6. Know your body and what it can handle.

HAVE FUN! Whatever you do decide to do, have fun! This is a race but the only person you are trying to beat is yourself. I try to PR every time I run because that is what this is all about. We train to better ourselves and every time we race/run we will get better. If you don't PR, that is ok too. You finish that race as best as you can. Make mental notes and still have fun. You are running in a race instead of sitting on your butt eating bon-bons! You are taking care of your body and trying to help yourself live longer! YOU ARE AMAZING!

(These races listed are the 3 I would pick to be in for the spring, doing a 5k for the Cherry Blossom race. Sadly they are every weekend. Not sure if my body could handle that but something to train for, for next year!)

Friday, March 21, 2014

Prepping For Labor- Daddy's Packing List

Here we go again momma's! Last week I wrote about Mommy's Packing list. Here's one for Daddy. Did you know that you should pack a bag for Daddy too? Well, the cool thing about Daddy's bag is that he is going to be carrying all the other stuff you couldn't fit in your bag. So your bag was all the stuff you need to get you through about 2 days of staying in the hospital. Daddy, especially if you have other children or pets will be making at least one stop at home. So he doesn't need as much stuff. Matt takes all his stuff in a backpack and that is about the size that we need. That way he can carry his bag and yours and be able to put yours down easily in case you are in the middle of a contraction and he needs to help hold you up! ;)

Couple of things to do first. If you are a first time mom, (FTM) take a hospital tour. Most hospitals have a snack room for mommy's in labor. This is the man's vending machine basically and your snack place for after you have baby or just before all the fun begins when you still want/need to eat. But check to see if your hospital has complimentary snacks available. My hospital has basic snacks and juice stocked in their snack area. Knowing this will change what you pack.

Ok Packing List For Daddy:

~Toiletries. (Don't forget the D.O.) In case you are in labor for a long time. Or have baby over night.
~Change of clothing (just one)
~pajamas for one night (prob long pants as the hospital will feel colder to him. You will be working either having a baby or nursing which I felt hot when I was nursing at first.)
~power chords to all electronics
~some reading material just in case labor stalls
~His fav snacks, have a couple just in case he feels like something different from the snack room. And pop, or soda whatever you call it. I picked up 2 6 packs of Mt. Dew for my friends hubs just after she had baby #3. He was in dire need of some Dew.

Not too bad, right!?!? Pretty easy. So after baby is born daddy will go home for a few hours and come back smelling good. Use the time when he is gone to not have any visitors, except for close family and try to get some sleep. Baby will be sleeping a lot and you need it too. You will want it. Sleep when the baby sleeps!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Make It Important!

The other week in church the teacher used this quote to emphasize her lessons. This quote has stuck with me that whole time. It has applied to many different situations in my life lately. This is true. It something in your life is important to you, you will do everything in your power to do it. If it isn't or not top in your life than you will make an excuse. Every time.

Case in point: I wanted to run the Princess half and it was important to me. I ran a ton, even though it was hard, it sucked and it hurt often. Now that the 1/2 is done I have not run or even walked as much as I should have. Because it is hard, it sucks and it hurts. I am still exercising  but not as much as I had planned on at this point. I am a work in progress. I can still change that and every week I have a goal and if I meet it, great if not then that is ok too.

No matter what it is in life, exercise, personal hobbies, or just anything. If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

March Week 2 Workout Recap

This week sure went by quickly! Before I knew it, it was Saturday. EEK! But staying busy with other things though.

Pregnancy changes: I AM STARVING ALL THE TIME! I feel so hungry. I am starting to graze for food, which I got out of that habit because I overate. So no I am just trying to have healthier foods around the house to graze on. Yummy yogurt. Need to be better though. Things are starting to get more difficult for me. Bending down, picking things up off the floor and getting up from laying down are hard. My belly is just starting to get big and in the way now. Tying my gym shoes is interesting too. Can't wait for warmer weather and flip flops!

Prepping for Baby: Set up the pack and play in our bedroom, found out missing a part of it now trying to search the house for it. Also painted the nursery with the help of friends. YEA! Daddy also cleaned out the van and set the base in the van. Things are happening. My hospital bag is partially packed. Moved baby toys from the nursery to the basement.

Prepping Mason for baby: Getting things set up around the house for baby and explaining that the crib, pack n play and toys are for Collin is helping to get Mace used to the idea of another little one in the house. He says baby and points to objects that will be for the baby. Oh and he started saying that he has a baby in his tummy too. Cute guy!

Workout Recap: 
Monday: Rest. I had a mommy helper come over and help clean my house. A girl from my church is trying to raise money for summer camp and offered her services during her spring break. Jumped on that band wagon, yes I did! She was all day, and she watched Mace for me when I had to go to a doc appointment so I didn't make it to the gym.

Tuesday: Rest. My doula came and I started noticing that Mace wasn't doing too well. He didn't want to eat breakfast and his voice was raspy, plus he slept in until 9:40ish, even with the time change that is late for him.

Wednesday: Rest. Mason was up the night prior throwing up so no gym for us.

Thursday: 1 mile walk; 1 hour 15 min prenatal yoga class

Friday: 3.5 mile walk/run

Saturday: Rest. Painted the nursery

Mileage 4.5 miles
31 weeks pregnant

Friday, March 14, 2014

Prepping For Labor- Mommy's Packing List

It's getting to be that time where I need to have a bag packed and in a place easy to grab just in case we have to leave in a hurry. I am going to do this in 3 parts. One for Mommy, Daddy and one if you already have children even if they aren't leaving the house. So stay tuned for the next 2 over the next couple of weeks!

Remember Father of the Bride 2, where Annie goes into labor and George, (Steve Martin) is running around with his head cut off. Has to look for the keys to the car, then runs back in to grab the bags which are right next to the door, then has to run back in because he forgot his son, Matty. Keep in mind most cases of labor will not be like this. You might feel like this, the stress of, Oh my goodness baby is going to fall out if right now if I am not in the hospital at this very second! But often labor takes hours, or even days, or weeks. Yes weeks! As Annie shows in the next scene it was a false labor and they return to the house exhausted. (I still have no idea how long mine will take since Mace was induced. So this is the part even I am a little nervous about. How will I know when it is real?)

Father of the Bride 2 had things going for them. They had the bags packed. I wanted to share my list of things that you want to think about packing in your bag and keep you bag in a place where your hubs and family members who are with you know about so when you do go, it is easy to remember. Or have it tucked away in your room and as your due date approaches move it closer to the garage or front door.

What to pack for Mommy: Starting from bottom of bag up.
~Going home outfit for you and for new baby and going home blanket for baby (I have a special one, don't forget baby socks too!)
- bring your comfy sweat pants. No jeans here cause you won't want to pull them on. And bring a pregnancy top too as you will have a bump still. (see Kate Middleton pix of Prince George meeting the world)

~Washed blankets from home for baby to get used to smell of home while in the hospital.

~clothing to wear for your hospital stay. 2 tops 2 bottoms (sweat pants again or capris or loose fitting non tight stuff). PJ's would be great, I just choose black bottoms or dark bottoms because of the after birth bleeding that happens, unless you want to wear the hospital gown.

~Nursing bras (2, just in case) and pads, along with nipple cream or coconut oil in a small container

~Cheap flip flops for the showers

~toiletries- toothbrush, hair brush, hair tie, face wash, shampoo and conditioner, glasses case, contacts and solution and makeup if you so choose.

~Birthing gown (I choose not to use the open butt gowns the hospital has and I bring a night dress that goes down to my knees and has thin straps. (Nursing gown from Old nearly 3 years old.) More comfy. Check with doc and hospital to see if allowed.)
UPDATE* Don't forget to bring a robe with you so you can walk around the hospital if you have to during labor.

~Birthing sports bra or nursing bra- I have a black one that I will use again to give birth in. Keep in mind this one will get messy from when you meet your baby as they will place the baby on your chest or belly when they are born. That is why black. My cousin did hot pink though.

~Chapstick and hair tie easily accessible for use while laboring. You will need it.

~Charger for phone, tablet and all electric things you are bringing. (make sure your camera if bringing one that is not your phone, has a fully charged battery prior to being packed.)

~Ipod or MP3 player and headphones (or have these close to where your bag is so that you don't forget.)

~Insurance card, birth plan, pre-registered hospital card, picture ID and list of what you packed to make sure you bring it all home in a file folder so that you can check into the hospital and also add the hospital paperwork to before you leave the hospital too.

I am hoping to do most of my laboring at home prior to the hospital. And when I get to the hospital I want to be all work no play basically. But if getting induced, bring a good book or crossword puzzle or a game with you and make sure you rest because inductions can take some time and it can get boring just sitting there watching the clock, which you will do even if you bring a book, game or rest. I also bring essential oils with me to help calm me or help me through the labor. My doula and hubs will administer them to me during labor.

Other women bring their Boppy pillow with them or a pillow from home. I don't, because that is just more stuff to take home when your hands are going to be full of stuff, including your new baby!

But these are my essentials. If I think of anything else to add between now and DD I will update this post!

QOTD: What do you think is the most essential thing to pack to the hospital?

Want to know what to pack for your hubs? CLICK HERE

Want to know what to pack for your kids and pets? CLICK HERE
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