Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen: Holidays
Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Tips & Tricks: Healthy Halloween

1) Talk to your kids first and foremost about how much candy is enough. Kids like the idea of candy but do they really need all that candy? Talk to them first and say, we are only going to this one neighborhood this year. Also tell them that they can not empty their bag and start over. It is one bag only and explain how much they will get.

2) Find a smaller neighborhood and just go there. Or just go trick or treating at a local church. When you get home have them help pass out some candy or only go and see their friends house in the neighborhood.

3) Line their trick or treating bag with batting or decorations. (Trick I do with our pass out candy!) (Pictured at top)

4) Fill the bottom of their bag with fruit, or make arrangements with a neighbor to give them fruit (you provide the fruit) Make that your first stop so that their bag is weighted down and so the fruit (apples and oranges) take up more room.

5) Make a "fill to this line only" line on their bag or bucket. Once the candy reaches that line, they are done.

6) Buy a smaller trick or treating bag. Invest in a customized one that just doesn't hold as much candy as the buckets do.
~Masson's Personalized Creations bag. Only about as big as his head!~

7) Talk about what you are going to do with all the candy. Make a pre-planned schedule as to when they will get their candy. Reward for doing chores? Or a sticker system?

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Thursday, September 11, 2014

9/11 - Never Forget

Today is a day of remembrance. A day to be thankful for the freedoms that we have. A day to know that we will stand up to terrorism. A day that I will never forget how many flags flew on the houses after the towers fell, after the Pentagon was damaged and the plane crashed that was meant for its target but taken down by those brave passengers, to show that WE ARE PROUD AMERICANS and we will not be silenced! We will not be brought down. We will mourn though for those lost. We will pray for the families still affected and we will never forget this day. Much like its predecessor Pearl Harbor this is a day that will always be remembered, even the smallest detail will be remembered. And it is our duty to teach our children and to help them remember and honor the memories and this day.
I wrote this on Facebook but thought I should do it here as well. I was eating breakfast with my roommates at Denny's and we were told by our server to come see the TV because a plane just went in to one of the Towers. We rushed home and watched both towers fall. All of us in shock about what happened and what was going to happen next. Then later that day, I still had to go to Marching Band practice. Coach sat us down to talk about what happened and having a moment of silence for all affected. During the moment of silence F-16's flew over head, freaking us all out silently since planes were not allowed to fly. It is amazing how one day can leave such a clear impression on you. Praying for the families of those who were lost and for those affected by this day 13 years ago.

Friday, September 5, 2014

12 Years! WOW!

Happy Anniversary to my sweet, kind, supportive and understanding husband MATT! We celebrate 12 years of marriage today. I just can't believe that it has been 12 years first of all and the fact that I am saying, "Yeah, I've been married for 12 years!" just kind of is mind boggling!

Funny thing, most people think we have only been married for a few years since our kids are so young. Often when I tell someone that I have been married for 12 years they always remark, "WOW, you got married young!" And it is always a shocker. They just didn't know that it took us 9 years of trying to be blessed with Mason. I am so lucky though, looking back of course, that I had those 9 years with Matt before kids. Yes, there were hard times and stressful times but we also had a ton of fun. We traveled, moved cross county 2 times, lived in the beautiful mountains and now we know that this is where we are supposed to be and raise our kids.

I am so thankful to be able to say "kids" too! I have wanted this for so many years to bring children into this world and I am so thankful to raise them with my kid at heart husband who, if you ask him, will say kids are ok, but he really loves them and throwing Mason around and wrestling with him and teaching him new things.

Going into our 13th year actually at this points is looking like a great year (despite the general bad luck associated with the number). And I am so excited to know that we are in this together. Matt is my rock when I feel like glass that can shatter into a thousand shards. He holds me up and supports me in all my endeavors and is my cheering squad, massage therapist, my therapist and my best friend. So glad that you picked me, Matt and so glad that it is for all eternity! Love you babe for ever and more!

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th of July!

I love to celebrate my freedom in this country! Yea for the 4th! I am so thankful for living in a country where I have the right to choose what I want. That I am free to choose what I want. I am so thankful for my husband for fighting for our freedom on a daily basis to give us these rights.
~Daddy's return from Iraq in 2012~

On the schedule for today is fun in the sun at our friends house for a BBQ and I am sure plenty of swim time for Mason. Collin and I will stay clear of the sun as I am very prone to FRY and I think that Collin will follow suit with me. I look forward to yummy food, time with friends, and fun fireworks at the end of the day!
~Mason's first July 4th- 2012~

Happy 4th everyone!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

National Running Day!

If there is a National doughnut day, or National pancake day, you better believe that there is a NATIONAL RUNNING DAY! TODAY! So Happy National Running Day Today!

Great things about running:

Everyone is friendly: I have made so many friends in the running community both on and off the web! I am so excited to see my friends a week from Saturday at the 4 miler training program! I can't wait to meet my friends I have made over the web!

Races are addictive: When you do one race, you are GOING to do another. Humans are competitive by nature and we want to do better each time we do something. Running is purely a progressive exercise. You can literally see how much you improve with each race through your hard work and training. It just takes hard work and training!

Exercise Makes Us Happy: People who exercise are generally more happy. (see Legally Blond the movie!) It hops us up full of endorphins. It's an antidepressant. (maybe this is why I have been a bit of a grump in the last couple of weeks cause I haven't and can't exercise)

Live Longer: Exercise helps our heart which can help us live longer. Plus keeps us more healthy and make healthier choices in our food choices.

Feel Better About Yourself: when I am exercising I feel better about myself. I feel more sexy, I feel more confident. I just feel better. Plus I am now looking at super cute running apparel! Check out Kiava. Love their sports bras and tops!

Happy National Running Day Today everyone! Hope you have a great day running. I will be running with you in spirit as I still can't run quite yet.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

This day has been one of the hardest, most special and now a little bittersweet for me. The first 8 years of our marriage I really hated this day. It was a reminder that I couldn't get pregnant. All my friends were and their families grew and expanded over the years and our was stagnant. Not matter what we did I couldn't get pregnant. I hated receiving the Pity Flower at church. (Here you go sister Allen here's a flower that is supposed to be for moms but you aren't a mom yet and we will give you one anyways because that is what we were told to do.) I know that that is not the real intent of the flower but that is how I felt at church every year. It got to the point that I stopped going to church on Mother's Day because I just couldn't take it anymore.

Then I finally got pregnant. It was amazing. I relished the day. I loved it. I earned that flower for the first time, but wait, baby wasn't here yet and something could still happen and I could end up not being a mom because something could happen. But that year I went to church and I collected my flower and was proud of it! Got an amazing Mother's Day gift from Matt that year too. He knows my feelings on that day and normally doesn't get me anything but that year, 2011, he got me a massage, facial and just a pamper day at an amazing spa! It was amazing!

Last year is when this day has become bittersweet to me. I miscarried the day before Mother's Day. (which happens to be Mother's day this year.) I was 12 weeks pregnant and knew it was coming. Matt wasn't home yet from being away at military and wasn't going to get here until the 12th. I went through the miscarriage all on my own. I was alone. Crying my eyes out, and didn't have anyone here to help me or anything. It was awful. Thankfully that day Mason was amazing and was asleep a ton on that Saturday afternoon after a playdate from that morning. I didn't go to church the next day. I just wasn't feeling well and hello I just had a miscarriage. I was thankful for Mason and the blessing he is in my life. I knew that this day would be a little harder for me from now on.

But what a miracle things have become. I get pregnant without expecting it and when is my due date, right around the time of my last miscarriage. CRAZY HUH! I am so thankful that I will have a happy memory to help shadow my sad loss of last year. And whenever baby decides to come we will be so happy to finally welcome him in our family. We are truly blessed by the graciousness of God in our lives who has blessed up with this little miracle!

Please don't feel sad for me on this post. It is a post of growth and learning and it is apart of me. Here is a little picture roundup on how my life is with Mason.
~Allen Family Est. 2002. Best Day Ever!~

~Next Best Day of my life just over 8 years later~

~There's always lots of snuggle time in this house. Just too cute a kid not to snuggle with!~

~Cute little boy!~

~There's plenty of play and fun in our house everyday!~

~There's also a lot of this in our house. He is a little bit of a drama King!~

 ~But at the end of the day, he's my little man and we will always love each other!~

 ~Love my squeezes!

 Thank you Mason for making me a Mommy and loving it everyday! I love you son!

~I am so excited to be a mommy of 2 sons! See you real soon Baby!~

Monday, May 5, 2014

Cinco De Mayo

Happy Cinco De Mayo. Being from AZ this is a yummy day for us. Every year Matt and I go to our fav Mexican Restaurant and enjoy our (I mean Matt's) family traditions. Matt's mom grew up in Mexico and Matt spent many summers in Mexico. I hope everyone has a safe and happy Cinco De Mayo today.

Also, thought I might have a Cinco De Mayo baby last night but nope it is just the fun times of having early labor during the night every night! Plus my doc is out of town until late tonight, so no baby today. 5/5/14 has a nice ring to it though!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

I just wanted to send a little bit of love out there today and wish you all a happy Easter! I love holidays because it is an excuse for me to over cook and have fun and do my most favorite thing, family time! I miss not having my extended family near where we live but it allows Matt and me to build our own traditions.

Tonight will be a fun filled dinner of Chicken Scampi, recipe from Karrie at her Blog, Happy Money Saver (who has amazing freezer recipes and lots of other great stuff, check her out!).

And for dessert, well I will let the pictures speak for themselves! Made from scratch Chocolate cupcakes filled with homemade caramel sauce, topped with buttercream frosting, toasted coconut, peanut M&M's, and a licorice handle. I will let you soak that in for a bit...

I had a little bit of fun this morning in the kitchen with an almost 3 year old running everywhere throwing his new bouncy balls everywhere that were in his easter basket. My house might look like a mess right now, with candy wrappers and his fuzzy balls all over the floor but my desserts look like a million bucks!

Happy Easter!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Prepping For Labor- Packing for Siblings

2 weeks ago I wrote about Mommy's Packing list, and last week was Daddy's Packing list so here is the last one! Packing for your kids, even if you have family coming in town to help take care of your other children, blood or the 4 legged kind, (THANKS MOM!) I still suggest that you pack up some things to help out whomever is helping you out! It will make it so much easier on them so they are not searching your house for your son's favorite blanket because all the other blankets aren't good enough! Or for the 4 legged kid make it easier on your pet and the sitter. I would have your kids bag packed about 2 weeks before with a reminder note on what to add to the bag. (toy and blanket, toothbrush and toothpaste.)

Packing for the Pet: 
Have their food in pre-packaged portions. I put Archer's food in ziploc snack size bags labeled with dates in an easy to find area. Plus time and directions. (AM/PM feedings, soak in water, add meds and such.) Also write up a schedule of when your pet likes to be fed and taken out. Yes this is OCD, and that is how I roll but I know it will help my mom out a ton when she is here and I am in the hospital. Place the leash near the food too so the sitter knows where to find it to take the dog out.

Packing for the Sibling at home or away: 
If your other child or children are staying at home or going away while you have a baby either way. Pack up their favorites so it is easy for the sitter.

~Toothbrush, and toothpaste

~Pack 2-4 outfits, depending on how messy your kid is or activities they might be doing. (going to the spray park don't forget swimsuit too) If they go to the park they might want/need a change of clothes.

~2 nights worth of pajamas.

~Have a package of whips and diapers set out in an easy to find place for your sitter to find. Or in a place that they would prefer. (Mom is not going to want to climb the stairs every time she has to change a diaper so we will have diapers stashed around the house on each level for her.)

~Favorite toy or 2 and blanket for child so the sitter knows which it is out of the 1,000 you already have.

~Pack chords for your child's tablet, if they have one.

~Pack snacks up too so that there is not question about what to give your kid when you are away. It makes it easier too.

~Have a schedule written down of when your child normally eats and sleeps so that they can try to stick to the schedule as best as possible.

UPDATE* There is an update on Mommy's Packing list so check it out!

So there we have it. Packing for the whole family! I will have another post next week on Leaving The Hospital. Daddy's Backpack is going to be fully loaded with stuff! Come back and check it out!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Prepping For Labor- Daddy's Packing List

Here we go again momma's! Last week I wrote about Mommy's Packing list. Here's one for Daddy. Did you know that you should pack a bag for Daddy too? Well, the cool thing about Daddy's bag is that he is going to be carrying all the other stuff you couldn't fit in your bag. So your bag was all the stuff you need to get you through about 2 days of staying in the hospital. Daddy, especially if you have other children or pets will be making at least one stop at home. So he doesn't need as much stuff. Matt takes all his stuff in a backpack and that is about the size that we need. That way he can carry his bag and yours and be able to put yours down easily in case you are in the middle of a contraction and he needs to help hold you up! ;)

Couple of things to do first. If you are a first time mom, (FTM) take a hospital tour. Most hospitals have a snack room for mommy's in labor. This is the man's vending machine basically and your snack place for after you have baby or just before all the fun begins when you still want/need to eat. But check to see if your hospital has complimentary snacks available. My hospital has basic snacks and juice stocked in their snack area. Knowing this will change what you pack.

Ok Packing List For Daddy:

~Toiletries. (Don't forget the D.O.) In case you are in labor for a long time. Or have baby over night.
~Change of clothing (just one)
~pajamas for one night (prob long pants as the hospital will feel colder to him. You will be working either having a baby or nursing which I felt hot when I was nursing at first.)
~power chords to all electronics
~some reading material just in case labor stalls
~His fav snacks, have a couple just in case he feels like something different from the snack room. And pop, or soda whatever you call it. I picked up 2 6 packs of Mt. Dew for my friends hubs just after she had baby #3. He was in dire need of some Dew.

Not too bad, right!?!? Pretty easy. So after baby is born daddy will go home for a few hours and come back smelling good. Use the time when he is gone to not have any visitors, except for close family and try to get some sleep. Baby will be sleeping a lot and you need it too. You will want it. Sleep when the baby sleeps!

Monday, March 3, 2014

We're HOME!

Wow! Last week went by so quickly! I love vacations for that reason, but also dislike them for the same reason. We all need a break from the everyday life so it is nice to get out of the norm and have a little fun too!

I am so excited to tell you that I DID FINSIH MY RACE! If you followed me on Facebook, twitter or Instagram you got to see all the pictures first, but have no fear they will be here soon!

Today is another snow day for us here in central VA so we get a vacation from our vacation.  I wanted to take a day to gather my thoughts, download my pictures and tomorrow I will start writing all my fun vacation posts, including my first Disney Princess Race Recap!

But for today, we are all a little worn out from our 2 days of driving and will be resting, a lot!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Get Set...

We are all set to go here. I packed all I could last night and left the rest to this morning. I am taking an extra bag I wasn't thinking of taking, but considering that we only have one medium/large sized bag for both Matt and I that is pretty good. Plus the extra bag will have all my marathon stuff in it so that I can just grab that bag Saturday night and that is it.

This morning I am off to get my belly taped for the weekend! Hoping it stays on and doesn't cause too many issues between now and Sunday.

Then to pick up some dry ice for the cooler. Make breakfast for all of us and off we go! I am super excited for my race and glad that everything is done, including this beauty! Here is the back and the rest, well that will be shown on Race morning!
Check me out on FB, Twitter, and Instagram for updates and plenty of pix before I come back and post them all here!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Get Ready...

Oh boy, oh boy! I have a ton of things to do today! This is my busy day that just won't let up on me! Are you ready for my list?

Do last load of laundry for whole family
Make 6 dozen cookies for trip, dough made yesterday so that helped!
Prenatal yoga
Have the hubs meet me at the gym to switch cars and pick up the kid
Go straight to my prenatal check up to get my "permission slip" to run in the race on Sunday.
Go straight to chiropractor for last race adjustment and 1 hour massage
Hurry home, teach a lesson
Feed the family dinner
Attach vinyl to shirt for race costume
Sleep, whenever that happens...

Today there is no rest for the weary, unless you count the 1 hour massage. But things that are already complete:

All the dinners are made.
All the bread is made.
Jam already made.
Snacks bought for trip down and trip.
Bought cooler for said trip. (And new water bottles for the parks too)

Just need to organize some things, make master list of what is being taken so we know what to bring back with us. (Yes I am that OCD i.e. Plastic plates and cups for Mace so we don't brake the glass stuff at the hotel, but my stuff is my stuff.)

QOTD: Do you go OCD when packing for a big trip?

Friday, February 7, 2014

Disney On A Budget

2 weeks from today we will be leaving on our little "trip". Little HA! This is a big trip for us and with that has come a lot, TONS, of pre-planning to make sure that it goes nice and smoothly.

As you know vacations can become pretty pricy. And trips to Disney, well they are pricey! We are attempting Disney on a budget this time around. So here are some ideas that we have come up with to help save some pennies on this trip.

~Since we live on the east coast we decided to drive and take what we wanted with us. We figured that driving would be about as much as flying since Mason now requires a ticket to fly so we would be paying for 3 people to fly. We are splitting up the driving between 2 days though to make it easier on this momma to be and a 2.5 year old. I am so excited to be stopping in cities that I have never visited before!  Since we are driving we can take Mason's mattress with us since he has never slept in a twin sized bed yet plus his toys and some of his plates and cups. Plus toys and other things that he likes. I feel like we are going to pack up the whole house just for this kid! (so thankful for my van! It can haul a ton of stuff!)

~Time share- We are going on this trip with a friend and her hubby and we are staying in a time share as opposed to staying on the Disney Resort. (The night before the race K and I will be staying on Resort while the men stay at the time share so that her and I can get some sleep before the very early wake- up call!) By doing this we are able to save money. Try to see if timeshares have transportation provided to the parks or not because then you have to pay for parking everyday or every time you leave and come back to the park. Which can get pricey.

~Bring your own food. With staying in a Time Share we are getting a full kitchen. Disney resorts do have some accommodations that have full kitchens in them so there are some options there. And if you fly it is hard to bring your own food but you can still shop at the store and make your own food and still save money. Food at the parks can get expensive!  Dinner- I am bringing 5 freezer meals for dinner with us. We are keeping them good in a chest with dry ice on the way down to make sure they stay frozen. Pack a lunch- We will be brining our lunches with us on most of the days. I am making all the bread needed for PB &J sandwiches and will have some snacks pre made for the days to keep the kid entertained. We are stopping at the store to get the basic essentials that we will need for the week, fruit, veggies, milk and eggs.

~Bring you own water bottles. There are drinking fountains all over the parks and water bottles get expensive if you have to buy one every time you get thirsty, and our kid, LOVES water! So this is a must for us, his cup and water bottles for us.

~There are different ways to get discounts on ticket prices. Military can go through their MWR to get military priced tickets. Travel agencies can possibly get you a discounted package price or AAA might have variation prices or purchase a package with lower prices. Most people want to spend 5 days at the parks but they might only have a 4 day and 4 night package. It might save you a ton of money to do that option instead of the 5 day option.

I still have a ton of things to do before we leave but I can't believe that this is so close now! I love Disney and am so excited to see Mason experience Disney for the first time!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

MIA? Not Really

I know I have been MIA but this week has been a fun week for us in the Allen household. Monday was a federal holiday, which my hubs gets off, so family day for us. Then with the snow he had a half day Tuesday, yesterday and TODAY! CRAZY HUH! This central VA area just freaks out with snow and such, but the ice has been pretty bad too so I understand, and I kind of like the extra family we are getting so I haven't blogged because my schedule has been off and we have been having some fun together.

Monday Matt and I were able to go on a DATE! We try to go on one every month. We both need some time away from the kid. We went to one of our fav resurants here in town, Kabob Palace. It is an Afghan food restaurant. It is so yummy and clean tasting! And it is the only time my hubs will eat butternut squash and a salad! They have an appetizer that is called a Bolanee Kadu and it is a turnover filled with butter nut squash, onions and special seasonings served with a garlic yogurt dipping sauce. TO DIE FOR! If you have an Afghan style food restaurant look for this and try it! SO GOOD! Then they have such yummy kabobs and supper yummy brown rice and fresh from scratch made nan bread! I love that place!

Tuesday was the snow day. It finally started to come down around 10am. We didn't get too much but that night it iced completely over!

Wednesday, fun Wednesday we took Mace out to play in the snow. It was about 11 degrees out and felt like 4 per Mason's gloves were too small so he went out without. (later my mom suggested putting socks on his hands, why didn't I think of that!) I got Mason all layered up even in his snow bibs we got at a consignment sale last fall. Mason had fun at first, following Matt around. Archer was the first to bail, his poor paws were cold. Mason liked to touch the white stuff and called it pretty but then his hands to cold. After about 10 minutes he freaked out and went to Daddy to go back inside. While inside it took about 15 minutes to calm him down from being scared not understanding what was happening to his hands and why they were so cold. Again Daddy to the rescue which is a first in this house! The rest of the day, we stayed nice and warm inside. I haven't been to the gym, due to schedules being off. And planned on going today, but as I was writing this out, Mason came upstairs to me and puked. LOVELY! Today is going to be an at home walking day it looks like. Did it yesterday too because I have to get my miles in this week. 9 miles to do on SAT!

Sorry for being MIA but loving the family time!

QOTD: How do you do exercise when the weather is freight full?

~After all the excitement in the snow we stayed inside. Learned my kid has one heck of a kicking ability!~

Saturday, January 4, 2014

52 Week Savings Challenge

This year the hubs and I want to be ahead of the game at the end of the year. We have been taking about how can we have savings for family pictures, Christmas or even a vacation for next year. (yes next year as the trip to FL for the Princess Half is our big trip this year.) This 52 week Challenge program is floating around on Facebook and I thought it was worth trying out.
(click on the pictures to see a larger view)
But for us, paying $200 a month by December didn't really work. December we have real estate and personal property taxes, and our HOA due. So that much for December alone would really hurt us and we probably wouldn't be able to complete the challenge. So I came up with a new one, same money amounts and all but it is just spread out throughout the year. So, if you could save $1378 in one year, would you do it? Also don't feel like you have to do the entire 52 weeks version. Just do $1-$26 and then repeat or on the 2nd half of the year go $26-$1 so again, your December is super easy to handle. You will still be saving more money than you might be saving now! It is worth a try, right? I will post an update half way through the year to see if this is actually working or not. And let me know how it is going for you too!

QOTD: Which version would you try if you did the 52 week challenge? Or would you come up with one on your own to fit your families needs?
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