Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Monday, January 11, 2021

Connect The Dots Fitness Is Growing! Ready To Join Us!

I feel official! You all know I've been running this blog for A LONG TIME, during that time I've created a second brand doing my health and fitness coaching as an independent Beachbody Coach. Well, the past 6 months or so I've felt it in my bones, My team is going to make amazing strides and help more people than we ever have. 

I've been busy behind the scenes developing our team portal for the past month and a half to help me team grow their teams easily, successfully and authentically. Like seriously, I run a different kind of team of sharing not selling! 

I've finally designed a team logo so that when we do get to meet in person, we'll stand out in a crowd. 

I've cracked the code to having a fun and ON FIRE group that is engaging, supportive and just empowering. 

What we do is focus on our journey, support each other in our groups and share about it to our friends. All the ups and downs! That's it! That's the secret! So if you are looking to get in the best shape of your life, learning not just a quick fix but actually learning to love moving your body daily, learning to love eating veggies and be surrounded by women who lift you up and want only the best for their life, I can help you with that, and teach you how you can help others along the way! Team Connect The Dots Fitness is READY TO GROW, STARTING WITH YOU! 

Drop me an email and let me know you are ready to join us! That you are ready to do this for you and for the women that you were meant to help, who is praying for you to be in her life to help her work towards her best self! Let me know that you are tired of trying all the fad diets, and only want to do what works and actually enjoy it (cause spoiler, you can still eat amazing food and chocolate and still make progress towards your goals!). That you are ready to live GUILT FREE and enjoy the life you have and love yourself as you are now! That you are ready to push play on the workouts that deliver results because you are ready to work hard for what you want! That you are ready to provide more of a financial cushion for your family to be able to do the things you want easier, because you get paid to get healthy! 

*can not already be actively working with another Team Beachbody coach. Enrollment currently only available in US, Canada, UK and France. If you live outside of these regions, but still interested, send me an email and I'll add you to my international list and contact you when Beachbody becomes available in your area!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK 

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Personal Development Reading | What I'm reading in the new year

One of the things I love is the fact that 2 of the main daily activities I do with my business actually pertain directly to me and my own journey. 1. Workout daily and follow the nutrition programs. 2. Read or listen to mindset enhancing books or podcasts. If you are following me on Instagram or Facebook, you see me pushing play on my workouts, almost every day on my workouts but you don't really see me reading or listening but I do them almost daily.

To kick off the new year and me continuing to educate myself on all things nutrition, it's really my struggle spot, I'm am currently reading Eat Smarter by Shawn Stevenson. If you don't know who he is, he is the author of my other favorite book I binge listened to as I drove 8 hours to our annual coach's conference back in 2019 Sleep Smarter. He also has the podcast The Model Health Show, which I listen to every week! 

He sites actual medical references and has done countless hours of research and studying to be able to provide the most accurate and up to date info for anyone with or without a medical, health professional or nutritional background. Basically he's out to educate anyone and everyone willing to listen.

In Eat Smarter, nutritionist, bestselling author, and #1-ranked podcast host Shawn Stevenson breaks down the science of food with a 30-day program to help you lose weight, reboot your metabolism and hormones, and improve your brain function. Most importantly, he explains how changing what you eat can transform your life by affecting your ability to make money, sleep better, maintain relationships, and be happier. Eat Smarter will empower you and make you feel inspired about your food choices, not just because of the impact they have on your weight, but because the right foods can help make you the best version of yourself.

2021 is the year to take back control on the one thing you can control. And for me that's learning how to take control of my nutrition, sugar addiction and just learn how to want to eat all the veggies and really and honestly love it. I'm so close to making this transition. I'm on the turning point. So for now, I personally am educating myself over and over again. Digging into training in our continuing education programs in our online fitness library and with outside resources making me mentally stronger just as I'm working daily to make myself physically stronger.

Hey, looking to join my current group and get access to over 1000 different workouts, or join me RIGTH NOW on the same program I'm doing? You can send me an email to or DIVE right in and get the recommended kit that not only gets you 1 year access to our online fitness library but also try out the exact same products I use daily at 50% off for your first month! Just CLICK HERE to order and I'll send you an email with how to get plugged into our group and my support! Hope to see you soon! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK 

Monday, January 4, 2021

Start 2021 Off With A Bang! | Exclusive Take Back Control In 2021 Group Now Enrolling!

It's here, finally 2020 is GONE and we are in the new year. is still going the same. We are all still dealing with Covid. Many of us are dealing with online school with our kids (ugh!) The only things that have changed is we added a 1 at the end of the year, and our excitement for a fresh start with our lives. 

With everything going on around us, it's time to take back control in the 1 thing we can literally control, our health. Our wellness. Our own fate. I read a post from someone saying, "I'm tired of being fat!" it went on to more but the first comment on there was, "DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT THEN!" Literally doing something about our health and wellness is all in our hands (unless you have medical reason as to why,) but I'm here telling you, as a plus size fit ginger who has PCOS, I am taking control of my life. Not by making resolutions for losing weight but to step into this new year knowing that I'm going to make the choices and decisions that will change my life by choosing to complete program after program. By eating the foods I know my body needs and limiting the foods that my head wants. Not stopping because that's not life, but limiting them and saving them for special occasions and really making them count. 

If you're tired of waiting for the world to return back to normal, take your own fate and your own life in your hands. Join us in our group! SEND ME AN EMAIL RIGHT NOW SAYING I WANT IN YOUR GROUP! to! We've actually got 2. Choose from any of our complete fitness programs included on our online library that you can do right in your house, or at a gym, whatever you fancy, or UPGRADE to join me in doing the brand new program 9 Week Control Freak. Commit to showing up every day to the workout. Commit to completing it and then move on to the next while working every day on your mindset about foods and following the principals of the nutrition programs helping you uplevel your health and wellness! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

9 Week Control Freak 411| Connect The Dots Fitness

Are you ready to get your freak on and learn to TAKE CONTROL of your health and fitness journey? That's what this program is ALL ABOUT! IF YOU ARE INTERESTED PLEASE EMAIL ME RIGHT NOW at, or send an IG MESSAGE OR FACEBOOK MESSAGE! I'm collecting information NOW for pre-ordering and I will send you a customized cart when ordering opens on Monday! 


What is 9 Week Control Freak?

Super Trainer Autumn Calabrese created 9 Week Control Freak to help you get game-changing results—but there’s a catch. You have to hustle, give her everything, and take control of the things that truly dictate your quality of life, like your strength, stamina, nutrition, and even your sleep. Go all in, and you’ll have the power to reach your goals. For the first time ever, 9 Week Control Freak combines innovative training methods to help build lean muscle and burn more fat for a slim, sexy look. But the work doesn’t stop there. You’ll dive deep into getting control of what you eat with Ultimate Portion Fix or 2B Mindset, and learn how to help relax and reframe your mind, so you’re ready for the next day’s workout. Now, it’s up to you—are you ready to become a control freak? 

What makes 9 Week Control Freak unique? 

9 Week Control Freak packs an incredibly effective and intense workout into just 18 to 30 minutes, 5 days a week. You won’t waste a second to get sweating, because you’re working out smarter and harder, not longer. Three innovative methods— Density Training, Strength Complexes, and Tabata—in 3 of the 5 weekly workouts will target major muscle groups with a combination of resistance training and cardio to help build strength, increase stamina, and boost your cardiovascular system. You’ll use the Control Track, a revolutionary new piece of essential equipment that hits your muscles from multiple angles and heights to increase time under tension, a key muscle-growth driver. The Core Ball is used in every workout to target and engage your core. By totally integrating nutrition and a proactive approach to rest into the program, Autumn wants you to have EVERY tool you need to succeed, reach your goals, and feel great.

What equipment is needed? 

You’ll need light, medium, and heavy dumbbells, a Core Ball, a step, and the Control Track. 


Workouts: 45 Unique Program Workouts. You’ll work out with Autumn and the cast in real time, 5 days a week for 9 weeks. MODIFIER INCLUDED and a new Modifier mode, that keeps the modifier on your screen the entire time! PLUS...

Controlled Stretches: Do these at the end of the day on workout days to help reset and reframe your mind, and relax your body so you’re ready for the next day’s workout. 

Autumn’s 10-Minute Bonus Workouts: Add one to any workout to target a particular muscle group based on your personal goals. 

Remote Control Workouts: These mimic one full week of 9 Week Control Freak, but are meant to be done when you don’t have access to your dumbbells or step—for example, if you’re traveling. They utilize the Core Ball and the Control Track, giving you the same intense workout, so you never have to pause your 9-week commitment. 

Tabata Bonuses: Add one of these to any workout when you want to double up on your cardio.


We have a variety of different options to get access. EARLY, EARLY BIRD ordering begins Monday, Dec 7 with FREE enrollment in our Loyalty Membership/ Coaching discount! (This is the day I'm suggesting to order to ENSURE you get your equipment before we push play on day 1 as a group on Jan 4. Yes you want to order EARLY!) If you do not want to get enrolled in the loyalty membership/coach discount (coaching others is totally optional and you still enjoy a 25% discount on future products) Early Access enrollment for the program begins Dec. 21 (see why I'm suggesting Dec. 7, that way you have 4 weeks over the busiest shipping time of the year to get your equipment and supplements.)

Our options include the early access to this program, the equipment needed for the program (step is not included), an entire year access to our entire fitness library! Access to 2 complete video based nutrition programs, first month of our superfood nutritional shake and/or a pre and post workout drink and me as your coach to help mentor and support you through this program AND beyond.

PACK OPTIONS FOR NEW TO BEACHBODY CUSTOMERS: only available in 🇺🇸, 🇨🇦, 🇬🇧 and 🇫🇷


Me and my groups to help with daily accountability, motivation and to support you starting NOW and beyond! 


Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK

Monday, November 9, 2020

6 Week Holiday Hustle: End Of 2020 Healthiest Self Push

It's official! I've committed and you know what happens when I decide and commit, I SUCCEED EVERY SINGLE TIME! What are your workout plans and goals for the last 7 weeks of the year (YES there is only 7 weeks left of the year how crazy is that!) For me, this is the final push to get closer to my goals before the new year which will have a whole new set of goals to achieve. 

Without a plan, it's just a dream!

Starting next MONDAY, NOV 16, me and some of the ladies in my Exclusive Virtual Gym are committing the next 6 weeks for a final push to finish 2020 strong and as a way to prep for our newest program that is releasing in January, 9 Week Control Freak by Autumn Calabrese! I'm committed to a program I've wanted to do but haven't yet. I've got this excitement right now to get started again. Plus I'm still digging my heels i deep with our nutrition program because I know it works! I've got some BIG goals that I still want to achieve by the end of the year.

Comment over on my post on FACEBOOK POST what your goals are and how you will reach those goals in the last 6 weeks of the year! Interested in joining my HOLIDAY HUSTLE VIRTUAL GROUP to work with me as your coach and mentor? You must have access to our online fitness library membership with me as your coach. CLICK HERE for the different membership options or EMAIL ME and I'll help you get enrolled today! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK

Monday, September 28, 2020

MBF and MBFA Program Results

I told you this program was going to be HUGE and it is! Not only was the launch the biggest in Beachbody's history but it also delivers AMAZING RESULTS! I've done it! I've completed 2 rounds of the new Beachbody Program Muscle Burns Fat (#MBF) and Muscle Burns Fat Advanced (#MBFA) And I CAN NOT believe my results. Guys, it's not like I wasn't working out daily or eating right but this program has just DONE IT for me! Check it out! I took a picture after my Sunday workout each week to track my progress. 

I started this leg of my journey June 22 when I hit my highest weight, which I didn't even record because I'm so embarrassed by it. 260.9. I hit 260 again! It freaked me the eff out! So this chart below from my Fittrack Dara Scale is as close as I could get it. I started with my nutrition first and really dove deep into our Mindset focused Nutrition program 2B Mindset. But you guys. This is more than just weight loss with this program. Not only did I reduce my weight with pure fat loss but also BMI, Body Fat %, butI also improved my water %, my bone mass, and even gained leaner muscle. It's about the bigger picture. Plus I've lost over 12 inches and am down 1 pant size and sitting comfortably in a size 16 when before, I was pushing out of an 18. Now my nutrition is on point. I've learned more about what foods really help me in losing weight and when the best time for me to eat but also, I'm not cutting out anything. I still have ice cream. I've still had sweets and treats. I still went out of town twice, indulged and still lost weight over the time period.

The key is to commit. Go all in on a program, and commit to following the program as it is written. Don't skip workouts, don't double up. Do the program as it says. Also go all in on your nutrition program. I tried for too many years, and wasted so much time trying to combine a bunch of nutrition philosophies together even our 2 Beachbody nutrition programs. But you can't fit a square peg into a round hole. It took me deciding I was going to do the program and just see what happened to now, living the program and the weight just coming right off. 

Plus my hormones aren't all screwed up as much as they were a year ago. I 'm actually in "the normal ranges" for all hormones. Which I don't understand how but I am. Sometimes it just takes some humbling and listening and doing. So after 3 years now, I'm finally seeing the progress I've been hoping for! But I'm not done yet. I'm already planning my next round. A 42 Day Challenging. Doing MBF and MBFA back to back like they were intended to see what results I can get from that! I can't wait. If you're ready to do this program JOIN ME and LET'S WORK TOGETHER! CLICK HERE to get your steal of a deal on our bundle kit which will give you the EARLY ACCESS to MBF and MBFA, and the entire fitness library for the next year, plus access to both our nutrition programs including the same one I'm doing 2B Mindset. You'll get the BODropes which are required in this program. You'll also get your first month supply of our daily superfood shake, the pre and post workouts drinks and more goodies plus me as your coach and access to my exclusive Virtual Gym and Nutrition Help Center. Guys, this is your sign. DO THIS PROGRAM! It will not disappoint!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Upcoming Prep and Test Group | #mbf At Home Workout Program

Ready to tackle the summer? I get it, the past few months have been crazy. And honestly I'm going a little stir crazy in my house, and one thing that brings a sense of normality is planning out my workout schedule. My new schedule includes starting the newest Beachbody Programs to be released called #MBF and #MBFA. Created by Super Trainer Megan Davies, these programs are each 3 weeks long and designed to go back to back giving you 6 weeks of burning fat while you build lean muscle! Don't worry these workouts are designed to get you lean and toned!

#MBF Details: 

  • Program length: 3 weeks
  • Workouts per week: 7 workouts
  • Workout length: 25-35 minutes
  • Fitness level: Beginner

#MBFA Details: 

  • Program length: 3 weeks
  • Workouts per week: 7 workouts
  • Workout lengths: 25-40 minutes
  • Fitness level: Intermediate 

What to expect in the workouts: 

  • Monday, Wednesday and Fridays: Asymmetrical moves using one weight.
  • Tuesday and Thursdays: Cardio workouts.
  • Saturday: EMOMs (Every Minute On The Minute) that will push you to give it all that you have! 
  • Sunday: Recover workouts to stretch and revitalize your muscles. NECESSARY AND NEEDED! 

Equipment Needed: 

  • Light, medium and heavy dumbbells
  • BOD Rope (available July!) It's a cordless indoor jump rope.

To prep for this program, and as an interim for completing the Barre Blend program, I'm hosting a PREP and TEST GROUP for #MBF! Starting June 22 we will take it back to the basics with our most popular program 21 Day Fix in REAL TIME! And beginning June 27, we begin DAY 1 of #MBF and then go straight into #MBFA!

What you need to do to JOIN MY Prep and Test Group is 1st: Get your membership to Beachbody On Demand so you can start 21 Day Fix with me and the other gals committed to doing the program. And when #MBF become available I'll send you the link to get your Early Access Registration. If you would like to go all in with pre and post workout drinks to help give you energy to get started and reduce soreness after your workout so you can do it again the next day, we have a pack for that! I HIGHLY recommend getting THIS BUNDLE KIT (<-- click that link) that includes your membership for a whole year, and the pre and post workout drinks I enjoy daily and when #MBF is released it's easy to sign up for Early Access to include the program.

Why start now? Start getting your results BEFORE you start MBF, plus in my groups we talk about motivation, tips, info and all about nutrition learning how to dial in your nutrition  while you still live the life you want, GUILT FREE! There's so much mindset that goes into a weight loss journey, and really learning to be mindful and make those small changes mentally to allow for life long healthy changes.

In my groups we focus on the daily workouts through accountability and tracking helping to develop a daily discipline. I host live calls for motivation, tips provide support when you need it more with direct access to me as your coach and mentor on your journey! My goal, is to help you reach your goals. Period. That's what I want each and every one of my customers to accomplish! So if you're ready to step up and join me, let's do this! Click on the link above, get your membership or bundle kit, or EMAIL ME RIGHT NOW and let's chat first.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK

Thursday, April 9, 2020

"Netflix" of Fitness All Time Record For At Home Workouts | BOD Fitness Library

The CEO of the company I'm a coach with, Beachbody, made an exciting announcement the other day!

Over 700,000 workouts were streamed in a single day on our online fitness platform, Beachbody On Demand, with the best of the best workouts for working out at home, or anywhere! No problems with bandwidth either. The platform was running perfectly! If you are looking for workouts to do in your house, this is the way to do it! Check it out here! Our 3 month membership starts at $39 with no monthly fees. And the year membership is $99. Pay once and you are set for the whole year! Plus this month we are adding BOD GROUPS! An all in one access to me as your coach and the support of my groups together! 

If you are looking for workouts to do while at home during this quarantine, USE THIS LINK TO GET THE HOOKUP! Our membership includes not just access 800+ workouts, but also, trainer tips, extra bonus enhancement workouts for many of the programs, nutrition guides, meal plans, recipes, including our healthy cooking show, FIXATE, with all the comfort food, health-ified. Plus you get me as your coach and mentor to help support you along the way. If you want to upgrade with one of our 2 complete nutrition programs or add on any of our amazing supplements (the very same ones I use) USE THIS LINK TO CHAT WITH ME VIA EMAIL TODAY! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK

Thursday, March 19, 2020

FREE Fitness Activities and Workouts For Kids During Quarantine

Are you looking for workouts to do with your kids during PE time or just to get some balled up energy out of their system while stuck at home from the Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic? 

Beachbody has got your back offering FREE ACCESS to our WORKOUTS FOR THE KIDS!!! Beachbody is such an amazing company to work with!! Click the link below to get access, and keep me posted which ones were your favorites!

“During this unprecedented time, we want to continue helping families stay healthy and sane by offering some fun ways to expend energy together. With schools out and no formal recess or P.E., we have decided to make a selection of Beachbody Kids Workouts, from Beachbody celebrity trainers Tony Horton, Shaun T and Leandro Carvalho, free for all to access with no Beachbody On Demand registration required. We hope you’ll use these workouts to make family fitness fun and a part of your daily routine.”--Carl Daikeler

CLICK HERE to access the workouts!!! 

🌟 🌟 HEY MOM's! Don't forget about you! If you need at home workouts, CLICK THIS LINK to get your membership to our online health and fitness Online Library with over 800 workouts to help you take some time for yourself, working out at home so you can feel your best too! Our 3 month membership also gives you 2 Weeks Free before you card is even charged!!! BONUS! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK

Friday, March 13, 2020

Basic Food Storage Tips To Get You Started

Ready to stock up for multiple days at home to help flatten the curve of the Coronavirus. It's time to head to the store and stock up wisely on the essentials you really need.

🌟Biggest tip, think about every thing you truly need --not want---for the next 2-3 weeks.

🌟 Frozen fruits and veggies are a must. They help you stay on track with your fruits and veggies. You can also blend them in a blender for an easy yummy green smoothie. Our kids love the Daily Sunshine that also has a serving of fruits and veggies in every cup. That way my kids are still getting the vitamins and minerals their bodies need.

🌟 There are some fresh veggies that last up to a month in your fridge or counter. Spaghetti squash can sit on your counter. Turnips and whole heads of cabbage will last for a month in your fridge.

🌟 Stock up on chicken, and beef, fish or tempeh. Whatever normal proteins you eat, freeze them to use for later. Also quinoa is also a great source of plant based protein. Shakeology is my easiest and fastest source for protein, vitamins and minerals to keep me on track health wise.

🌟 Shelf stable dairy is a great alternative to fresh milk. Buy cartons and keep them on the shelf until you open them up. I'm personally hoping my kids don't notice a difference. Also cheese freezes really well! Evaporated milk can also be an alternative to milk. You will need to add water to it as it's concentrated. 50:50 ratio of water to evaporated milk.

🌟 Basic essentials are a must as well. Yes, toilet paper is an essential but, you also need: toothpaste, hand soap, cleaning supplies like counter cleaner, laundry soap, dishwasher soap, over the counter medicine, feminine hygiene products and shampoo and conditioner. My tips, buy 2 of everything.

🌟 Alternative fuel sources. Keep eating at home fun and exciting with different ways to cook. We love grilling and with spring here, we can get out and grill more. Make sure you have a couple bags of charcoal. A couple cans of propane and plenty of wood to make this happen. Again, buy 2 of everything.

🌟 Last tip, make sure your cars have gas in them. Invest in a couple gas cans and fill those up just in case. You never know. But at least you will have it on hand.

BONUS: Make a plan before you head to the store so that you have a clear idea of what you are getting and have enough room to store these items.

BONUS:  Meal plan if you can and plan to make large freezable meals. I make large freezer meals but store them in my freezer in 8x8 foil pans. I only take the single 8x8 pan I need, have less leftovers and can alternate when we have the other servings so that we don't get tired of having the same thing for multiple days in a row. This allows us to have more variety without variety.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK
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