Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Old Ways Won't Open New Doors

Know the saying, "You can't teach a dog new tricks." Well, that is not true. The yo-yo dieting cycle of reducing calories, exercising more, lose some weight, then stop doing everything only to gain the weight back, plus, needs to STOP! It doesn't work. It really doesn't. Why? Because it is too extreme of a change to sustain. Humans don't like change. And to completely change your lifestyle in such a drastic style just won't work. It didn't work for me, and I think if you are in here it probably didn't work for you either.

It's time to change how you think of losing weight.
Nutrition: It all starts with nutrition. Really! To lose weight you need to fill your body with healthy whole foods. Healthy food has more volume than junk food. So you will actually feel full sooner eating healthy foods compared to junk foods. Compare the calorie count of junk food to the calorie count of fruits and veggies. Think about it, how much junk food did you have to eat to feel full compared a large salad which is quite filling.

Exercise: Think of exercise as the way to make your body stronger, lean, defined. Not as your way to lose weight. That means, no more spending hours in the gym burning 1000 calories to counteract your calorie intake.
Don't Be Perfect: Doing a diet plan 100% doesn't work, or actually it only works for so long before you want to give in to a treat, or start making excuses. (21 Day Fix is so popular because it is only 21 days long and it is easier to follow a program that is short) Allow yourself to not be perfect. Eat healthy whole foods 80% of the time, and allow yourself an indulgent meal occasionally. and you won't feel guilty because it is allowed! I am following my program for the next 21 days, but agreed to let our Valentines Date be my off day. And honestly I am so excited for it! And I won't feel any guilt for it. Being 100% on nutrition and workouts just don't work for me! I have found that 90/10 or 80/20 is the best way to think about it for me.
Excerpt from my Love Yourself Fit ebook
Love yourself: In the end, this is a journey of bettering yourself. You have to love yourself first though. Don't forget to tell yourself how amazing you are!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

21 Day Fix: How The Containers Work

If you are new to the 21 Day Fix program, be sure to check out my Tips To Getting Started Post as well!

The hardest thing about losing weight is the FOOD PART OF IT! Nutrition. Healthy Eating. Clean Eating. Whatever you want to call it, that is the part that most people struggle with. Why??? Food is good. Food is AMAZING and it is yummy and IT IS HARD TO CHANGE HOW YOU EAT! Plus, restaurants are serving up huge portion sizes that are enough for 2-3 people most times and sometimes the portion sizes we eat at home are too big. And for me, I grew up in a household where you had to eat all your food. So combine HUGE PORTIONS with the thought of having to clean your plate, leads to over eating.

The Color Coded Containers were created to solve the problem of over eating and make learning portion control easy and fun without having to count calories. If the food fits in the container and it's on the approved food list, you can eat it!

How the 21 Day Fix Containers Work

There are six colors for each type of food group:
The green container is for vegetables. These can be cooked or raw, sliced or chopped. Some examples include lettuces, kale, squash, peppers, mushrooms, and onions. Go ahead and really squish the lettuce into there to create a nice big salad! This is the only container that I personally suggest that you can a) squish full of and b) eat more of during a day. We all could use more veggies!
The purple container is for fruits. Berries can easily fit into this container as can grapes and cherries, but you’ll want to cut larger fruits like watermelon, or fruits with pits, like peaches.
The red container is for protein. Fill it with chicken breast, yogurt, eggs, tofu, or shellfish. For some of the other protein, consult the food list in your guide.
The yellow container: carbs & starches. This is where you’ll fit in foods like rice, beans, sweet potatoes, and whole-grain pasta into your diet. No squishing of foods here, please! For foods that don’t easily fit into your container such as waffles and tortillas, the portion amounts are in your 21 Day Fix guide.
The blue container is for healthy fats. Mashed avocado, nuts, cheese, and hummus are just a few of the things you can put in this container.
The orange container is for seeds and dressings. It is the smallest and is used for calorie-dense foods like seeds, olives, coconut, and 21 Day Fix-approved dressings.
There is also a teaspoon measurement included in the 21 Day Fix program, and this is for oils and butters, such as olive oil and peanut butter.
How To Use Them
First, take a look at the calorie bracket chart to figure out how many containers of each color you should eat each day for your calorie range. Once you know that then and you know what goes in the containers, it’s time to use them. Use the first 2 weeks to use the containers every single day so you can truly see how much you are supposed to eat and help you learn portion control!  If you’re paying attention to macronutrient percentages, you’ll notice that the plan is roughly 40% carbohydrates, 30%protein, and 30% fat.
Feel free to mix and match foods in each container too. Have some 1/2 yellow of rice and 1/2 a yellow of quinoa at lunch to give you 1 full yellow container.
I personally measure out the portion in the containers and then empty the container out onto a plate or into a bowl then rinse them out so they are ready to go next time I need them.

Why the 21 Day Fix Container System Works
Containers in action over at my 21 Day Fix Approved South-Western Egg Cups Recipe

No counting calories. Just count and follow how many containers you use a day. And it’s a lot easier to keep track of three green containers than x number of calories.
It is plenty of food. Often when people begin this program, they find that they’re full even before they’ve finished all their container portions for the day. That’s because healthy food has more volume than junk food. If you find you find this is the case for you, only eat what you can, but make sure to eat a little from all the containers instead of just filling up on your favorite kind and avoiding what you like the least. Start with your red and green containers on your plate, leaving your yellows for last if you find you are getting too full. It can take a week or two for your body to get used to the volume of food you will be eating, which is the correct amount of healthy food that you want to fill your body with!
It teaches you how much you really need! Portion control is about moderation and being aware of what you’re eating. The containers help you do this. After you’ve completed your first 21 days, you’ll have a good idea of how many fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats you should be eating every day.
Need some ideas on what to eat? Check out the perfect companion for your containers to get amazing meals, the FIXATE cookbook. Has options for Gluten Free, Vegan, Vegetarian, and it isn't just for the containers. It does have the nutritional info for each meal in it including macronutrients counts. Good, healthy eating is what this book is all about and I use it ALL THE TIME! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

4 Month Postpartum Update

Exercise: For the past 4 weeks I have been doing a combo of 21 Day Fix and 21 Day fix Extreme. I started adding Extreme in half way through the month. I have been using my Beachbody On Demand. Feeling so accomplished that I get to move on to the extreme workouts. Schedule I have been following is:  

Recovery: Good. I haven't had any bleeding since the end of November. Which I thought I was back on a regular cycle but I guess I'm not. Way not! 
Weight: Pre-pregnancy weight:237.7. Weight morning of birth: 264.8. Current weight February 1: 243.9. I lost a total of 1.6 pounds. I was aiming for min of 2 pounds lost, max of 4. I did lose a lot of inches though, so I am quite pleased with that. Adding in the strength training. I already am feeling much stronger. 

Next Months Goals: I am still aiming to lose .5-1 pound a week since I am breastfeeding. I think that that is a safe amount to lose without sacrificing my supply but also making sure I am eating enough "good stuff". Goal for eating is to follow the meal plan 90% of the time, allowing our Valentine's Dinner to be my only "off meal". In all honestly, the accountability from sharing my journey and in my groups is what is keeping me going everyday. I have a natural drive to exercise and eat right, but I have even more of a kick to just KICK BUTT and show everyone that it is possible to lose weight while breastfeeding. (interested in joining my private support groups? Send me an email or comment below!)
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Monday, February 6, 2017

Elyse Cheyenne: 4 Months

Happy 4 months to my sweet little pea! She is getting so big, but not so big. Girlfriend is still sizing up pretty small per the growth charts but she is growing. This past month was like the golden age of her. She was so sweet and so great for us. We started out the month with Collin in the hospital. And she was so great. She had to spend so much time with us in the hospital, then Matt would take her in the afternoon to nap in her bed to stay on her schedule and to give me a little break. 
Doll sent to Elyse by my high school friend that she is named after! We love it. And Elyse (my friend) saw the fabric and thought of me since it has my 2 fave colors, teal and red! Wanna get your own? Check out her super cute shop on ETSY! EllieandFern
11 pounds 6.7 oz
23.5 inches
41 cm head circumference

Then we flew out to Utah for a quick weekend away for my grandfather's funeral. She was amazing. Staying up way to long during the day and sleeping so well at night and on the plane. The recovery from that hasn't been too great but we are getting back into a schedule.

Big, bright blue peepers! 
I absolutely love her personality coming out. One thing she loves, to watch her brothers run around the house. She will just watch them. She gets so excited too. I think she wants to join along, but she isn't showing any signs of being mobil which I am quite alright with, considering Collin was crawling by 5 months I am totally ok with her being a baby much longer than that. She does love her tummy time. She will just hang out on it forever. She can roll from front to back, but only when she wants to. She has been stopping herself from flipping which is pretty awesome. She doesn't not roll from back to tummy yet. She is a such a sweet and happy baby, even though she was all serious for her photo shoot, but she really is a happy baby and still loves to be called "pretty girl!" 

Elyse got to see Guppy and Gummy again when we went to Utah. She sure does love them!
Not always a happy camper! 
Snuggling with Gummy at the funeral.
Happy Baby! 
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Friday, February 3, 2017

Importance Of A Good Night Sleep For A Healthier Day

Inspired by Sleep Like A Champion
As a busy mom of 3 and with a nursing 4 month old, sadly sleep doesn't come as easily as I would like it to. Often getting woken up in the middle of the night to feed sweet baby Elyse is so hard because my body WANTS to sleep and not only that, it NEEDS to sleep. Ever notice on the days that you exercise that you end up getting a really, really great night sleep. Well, during that night sleep that is when you are actually recovering and repairing your body from the workout. Making you feel better the next day (or sometimes more stiff, just need to do some squats or arm movements to help loosen up those sore legs and muscles!)

The amount of sleep you get does affect how much your body will burn fat while sleeping and help control your cravings the next day. And ultimately help you be able to say no to cravings because you won't be as tired and just give in. The average adult is only getting anywhere between 5-7 hours of sleep, but we really need to be getting 8-9 and if you are training  being closer to the high side of that would be ideal. Plus, if you plan on going to the gym in the morning...and you don't get as much sleep as your body needs the night before you are more likely to skip your workout because you are too tired. (How many have hit the snooze button instead of working out?) ✋🏻

Check out these tips to help you get a better night sleep so that you can let your body heal and recover from training and to help you ultimately lose weight
Casper Mattress

1) Turn off your electronics a good 45 minutes before you sleep so your body produces enough melatonin while you sleep to get that good, deep restorative sleep.

2) Ambient sound. Anyone like falling asleep to the sound of waves when sitting on the beach? I do. I have an ambient sound playing at night right now to help me sleep and turn off my brain!

3) Go to bed and wake roughly the same time everyday to help regulate your internal clock.

4) For my New Moms: Try to snag a short nap earlier in the day so that you are getting a good amount of sleep overall since the nights can be so hard.

5) Go to sleep just 30 minutes earlier than you do right now. See if that helps you feel better in the morning. And try to aim to get 8-10 hours of sleep.

6) The harder you workout, the harder you sleep! Don't be afraid to push yourself a little in the workout. For me it means a better night sleep because my body just wants and needs that rest.

7) Make sure you have a good firm mattressThe newer mattresses available now have done some major research and utilized sleep technology to enhance your sleep experience.

8) Also be sure that the room is slightly cooler. Personally I hate being hot when I sleep. Sleeping in the winter time is my favorite over summer because how much do you love the weight of your blankets while you sleep??? The best!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Thursday, February 2, 2017

21 Day Fix: Tips To Getting Started

Are you new to starting the 21 Day Fix this month? Or maybe you have access to it with the new Beachbody On Demand All Access Annual Pass online streaming service. From this 21 Day Fix Grad, there are a few things to know to getting started with the 21 Day Fix to make sure you are getting your best results possible! Make sure you bookmark or pin this post so that you can easily refer back to it during your next 21 Days!

To get started, first check out this video by the creator of 21 Day Fix- Autumn Calabrese for 7 simple tips to losing weight! WHAT DO YOU NEED TO GET STARTED? 

1) WEIGHTS- You will need to get a set or 2 of hand weights or resistance bands. A light set and a heavy set. For hand weights a 3 and a 5 pound pair or a 5 and an 8 pound set are good starting points (Target has some!). Resistance bands you will want to get can be found here! It is a light, medium and heavy resistance. 

2) TAKE YOUR MEASUREMENTS- You can download a measurement chart from the Beachbody On Demand 21 Day Fix workout page in the Getting Started section or just email yourself your measurements. Just keep track because that is where you going to see results first!

3) TAKE YOUR BEFORE PICTURES- Everyone hates doing these, and you do not have to show anyone but TAKE THESE PICTURES! You will be glad you did because you will actually SEE your results and see the changes that the scale might not reflect.

4) LEARN WHAT YOU CAN EAT- Get familiar with the 21 Day Fix Approved Foods list- These are foods you want to be eating all the time anyways because they are healthy whole foods. But PIN this picture so you can refer back to it often and see what foods are ok to eat!

5) PLAN YOUR MEALS- Figure out your calorie bracket and Start planning your weekly meals on a calendar! If you are part of my health and fitness FREE group you can print off a PDF copy in the group!

21 DAY FIX: How The Containers Work
21 DAY FIX: What To Expect With The Workouts

Contact your Team Beachbody Coach and find out if they have a Challenge Group you can join. Accountability and support from others who are also doing workout programs just like you is a huge key to success. IF YOU DON'T ALREADY HAVE A COACH and would like to WORK WITH ME, please EMAIL ME OR MESSAGE ME ON FACEBOOK!

Hopefully these tips help you get started with your success in reaching your goals. Remember DREAM big because if you are dedicated and committed to reaching your goals, you will soar past them!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Even On My Weakest Days I Get A Little Stronger

Having a bad day? Feel like you just didn't push yourself in your workout? Just going through the motions? WE ALL HAVE THOSE DAYS, but the fact that you worked out means that you are a little stronger than before, actually scratch are a HELL OF A LOT STRONGER. You worked out on a day that in the past you might not have. So...on days you don't feel like it. Do it anyways because you are making life long positive changes! YOU ARE A ROCKSTAR!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Measuring Your Weight loss Progress

Since it is the 1st of the month, it's my day to track my progress. I get my monthly weight in, take my measurements and also take a picture. All to compare with the previous month and see how well I did.

This morning I took my measurements and wrote them down without checking out last months measurements first. I honestly didn't think I would have any changes because I didn't look any different in my videos but I was SHOCKED with my results! Especially since I didn't lose as much weight. Check out my results! 
Check out this link on HOW TO TAKE BEFORE PICTURES

Keep in mind I don't eat 100% to plan. I eat 80/20 and allow myself to let life happen. I also didn't get in every planned workout, because again life happened. But I still made progress, HUGE progress! Below are my results that happened in from January 1 through February 1. I will be taking my progress pictures tomorrow, so those will be available later! I can't wait to see them honestly!

You can still get the Beachbody On Demand All Access Pass online streaming services combined with Shakeology at a STEAL this month! If you are ready to get results, EMAIL ME and let's get you set up NOW so that you can join my EXCLUSIVE group and get access to my new Love Yourself Fit ebook and all the tools, tips, motivation, accountability, and support you need to help you stay on track and get results too!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Coping With Depression and Postpartum Depression

I talked a little about this yesterday for my Love Yourself Fit post but I wanted to go even further. Sometimes as moms we hide behind our smiles, or our kids, and just push our feelings deep down inside of us so that it seems that everything is ok, when really we are struggling to keep the house running efficiently, or just keeping things looking like everything is ok.

It wasn't until I had my miscarriage in 2015 that I started to see a counselor to help me with my depression. But I have had depression for years. I just never talked about it. Never told others around me, and certainly didn't see a therapist for that. I didn't think it was necessary. I thought it was taboo. But you guys, mental health is just as important as physical health. And I have learned so much from my counselor. Learning my breaking points, or those points where I need to back off, before I get to a breaking point so that I don't have a "ginger snap." as we call them in our house.

Example: I learned that I can't handle certain situations that I have little control over. Like the general sacrament or mass meeting with our church. It is so difficult for me knowing that my kids are not going to listen, that I am going to be chasing Collin up the isle as he runs away from me, and knowing that we just end up in the foyer because someone always gets put in time out.

Example: I haven't been able to run since the miscarriage. I still get very anxious. I still get very nervous. I still want to cry just thinking about training. I almost can't move when I try to think about making plans on just going out for a run. Even writing about it...makes me time to move on.

Even kids. For years we tried to have kids. It took us 9 years to be blessed with Mason. Now with 3 young kids, and the stress and strains that they bring, the tugging and being pulled and called out to in 3 directions and especially the crying from all 3 at once is enough to make me have to put Elyse in a safe place and leave the room for a beat to get my mental strength back. And this is a HUGE reason why I am so protective of my daily mommy quiet time. I need my space from the kids to be a better mom. I need my exercise to get those endorphins flowing to be a more attentive mom. I need to work on me every day to be the best mom that I can be for my amazing children!
Being a mom is hard! Being a woman is HARD! If you have multiple times in your day or week that you just feel ugh. And you just feel more sad, depressed, or especially thinking or wanting to cause harm to yourself or those around you. I highly encourage you to seek out a counselor or therapist. It is not negative. It is not taboo. You are not messed up or crazy for seeing them. It is helpful to talk things through with someone. It is helpful to learn different coping techniques to deal with stresses in your life. It is helpful to just be heard sometimes. Just remember no one is perfect. PPD is actually way more common than we know, mostly because it isn't talked about and women are suffering in silence. We all have stuff we deal with internally. Don't think that you have to handle it all on your own. Get help, talk to your doctor first. They might prescribe medication for you, they might not. They more than likely will suggest you to see out a therapists or counselor or even a support group. Attend these even for a little while so that you can get help. So that you can learn to cope, because there is no cure for PPD or depression. It is just learning to cope.


1. Reach out to people- As much as you don't want to someone daily. Call your best friend on the phone. Talk to your husband. Talk to family. Get support from those around you.

2. Do things that make you feel good- even when you don't feel like it. Exercise is my go to. I have said it before and I will say it again, it is my daily therapy. I need it to work on me to be healthier. But I also compose music, or practice songs, read books and I love cooking.

3. Move around more during the day- Don't sit for more than an hour. Be up on the go. Don't plant yourself in front of the tv all day long. As easy as it is to "escape" into the tv or even video games (The Sims 4 for me!) Get up and walk around. Move around. Don't be stuck.

4. Get Some Sun Light- Get out and get some sun light. I know it is hard in the winter time or if you live in an area that doesn't get much sun, but even just being outdoors is healing to the soul.

5. Get Grounded- One of my favorite things I like to do is actually go outside barefoot and just stand in my grass, close my eyes and just feel grounded. Take in some deep breaths and imagine you are planted into the ground. This can also be achieved by just digging your hands in some soil, if you have some inside the house because it is too cold or hot out.

6. Challenging negative thoughts- Anytime you have a negative thought pop into your mind, turn it around and make it a positive. "I can't handle all the crying..." can turn into, "my baby wants and needs me. She loves me and this is how she shows me."

7. For moms with PPD: Mommy Free Time- Take some time each day where you don't have the stress of the kids, household chores, and just take some time for you. That can be reading a book, taking a bath, watching your favorite show (catching up on your favorite show), exercise, even just getting someone you trust to watch the kids and getting out of the house. And if you can get out of the house with your partner sans kids, even better! The two of you will need some time alone too.

8: Make time for your spouse- One of the hardest things about dealing with depression is our inner fuse is run very low and often times we snap at those we love. It is so easy to do, but can be so hurtful to your partner because they might not fully understand what you are going through. Make sure you spend some quality time with your spouse, talking, or reconnecting and remembering why you fell in love in the first place. Even if you have to schedule it in. Just make time for them.

And TALK ABOUT IT publicly! The negative stigma behind mental health needs to STOP. In a way if you are seeking help you are better than most around you because you are growing, learning, and working on you to better yourself. You are not being stagnant. You are moving forward in a healthy manner. So good for you! Tell people how much your sessions are helping you. Tell people how you have changed for the better. Share it because, it is not negative. It is another way that you are reaching your goals to a happier, healthier lifestyle, both inside and out.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Monday, January 30, 2017

Love Yourself Fit

I am so excited for my Exclusive group in February! I'm sharing my exclusive ebook in the group only to go along with the group theme of Love Yourself Fit. 

Love Yourself Fit: 7 Ways to Learn to Love Yourself Fit e-Book.

I have struggled with depression, self confidence, low self esteem and low self love for years! It wasn't until I became a coach, started reading self help books or personal development books and got counseling, that I really started to tackle these inner battles I have with myself. And I am still living with these everyday. I just had to learn to love myself more, respect my feelings and emotions and be mindful of things that give me anxiety or when I am feeling unusually sad.

In the process of working on my physically and reading personal development I finally started to love myself more. I started gaining confidence, (well, I do post pretty much everything online now) So's time to pay it forward. My Love Yourself Fit has tips on how to learn to love yourself fit through building your self confidence, self love, happiness, joy, self respect, forgiveness and positive body image. I know you have heard it: how you feel about yourself on the inside is reflected on the outside! Truly taking your journey of health and fitness to the next level and making your results a true lifestyle change.
Only available with my February group when you order the Beachbody on Demand All Access Annual Pass Bundle and truly have the potential to reach your max results, because you are combining daily exercise, with superfood dense nutrition, and learning correct portion sizes to eat for your body. Or the Annual Beachbody On Demand Membership Pass to just get access to the workouts. Only available through me as your coach. Must not be working with another Team Beachbody Coach.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!
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