Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Elyse Cheyenne: 1 Month

Elyse turned 1 month old this past weekend. What a crazy month it has been. Surprisingly the month didn't go too fast or too slow. It was just right. I had plenty of help for the month which was a huge blessing. My family and Matt's family both came out at different times to help us and I was so glad that things worked out as well as they did so that we had someone here to help for the first 2 weeks. Then Matt had 2 weeks of half days after that.

Elyse has been such a good baby for us. The first couple of nights were rough in the hospital. All she wanted to do was cry, but once my milk came in she fell right into a schedule of eat for an hour, pass out for 3. She is a very regular baby in that regards still. Though she isn't feeding for an hour straight now, more like 30-40 minutes, but then she is good for at least 3 hours. She does give me generally 4-5 hour stints at night.
She sure has grown too! She currently weighs 9 pounds .3 ounces and is 21 inches long. Way to go baby girl!

Recovery has actually been really good. I didn't tear so I didn't hurt as badly as I had after having both boys. The only annoyance I have had has been the postpartum bleeding. It has been surprisingly light compared to the boys but it is just never ending as usual!

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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Happy Halloween 2016

I hope everyone had a fabulous Halloween yesterday! Just wanted to send you all some love from my family to yours! We all had fun dressing up this year!

Matt: Captain America (logo hidden by Elyse) Me:Wonder Woman, Mason: The Flash, Collin: Batman and Elyse: Super Girl (outfit by TeacupsandMudpies1 on Etsy)

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Fad Diets Terms That SUCK!

LOW FAT/ NO FAT, SUGAR-FREE, LOW CARB----UGH! These are bad words in my mind. Why? Because they bring on the same thinking that the word SALAD does. It makes me think of DIETING! Which is the last thing I want to be doing, ever again. Diets don't work. Because you have to cut something from what you are eating. Cutting carbs, cutting fat, cutting calories. And those are impossible things to do long term. What does work is making true life changes to how you eat, learning to eat the right amounts of foods and the right kinds of food!

Why do I hate these words, because although the thought behind them might be right...the context that we think about them is incorrect.

LOW FAT/NO FAT- UGH! We need fat in our diet! WE NEED it for our bodies to work right. The key is eating the right kinds of fats that your body actually needs and the correct amount. Honestly, I drink whole milk, and I eat real butter. I can't stand skim or fat free milk. has been overly processed to get the fat out of it for skim milk. But again we need the fat. Good sources of fat: Small amount of olive oil, thin slices of avocado, full fat greek yogurt, even a limited number of nuts. The key to fats, what we need is a LOW AMOUNTS OF FATS IN OUR DIET!

SUGAR FREE- If you see something listed as "sugar-free" stay far far away from it. Because yes, there might not be actual cane sugar or sugar in it, but instead there is going to be some kind of a sweetener in it that is man made. A chemical based sweetener or an artificial sweetener that your body won't know how to process as easily as just regular old plain sugar. Think High Fructose Corn Syrup. I'm not saying to go and start eating massive amounts of cane sugar. But if you make oatmeal and add a teaspoon of brown sugar to it, it's not going to ruin anything. The key is to reduce the amount of sugar that you eat. If you ditch sweets and treats and just eating processed foods you actually will cut a lot of sugars from your diet.
LOW CARB- Again, when I hear low carb I think no carbs at all. Because the first thing I used to think about as carbs was bread, pasta, pastries. And for the most part, yes this is true. We need carbs. And compared to the regular American diet, we actually need to LOWER THE AMOUNT OF CARBS EATEN! When our body processes a carbohydrate it turns it into a fast burning energy. It is the body's sugar in a way (protein is the slow burning energy). What you want to cut from your diet is the simple carbohydrates, sugar cereals, white flour breads, regular pasta. EAT THE COMPLEX CARBS! Complex carbs are: Oatmeal, quinoa, brown rice, brown pasta.

In the end, learning the context for these terms, not just the fad diet terms is what is going to help you in the long run. This is why I love the 21 Day Fix program so much because it encourages you to eat all the food groups, including sugar. (chocolate is allowed on 21 Day Fix!) Because we need our bodies to work correctly, and we still need treats, at least I do, otherwise a huge binge of the wrong kinds of food will happen and that is the last thing anyone wants to do while trying to change their eating habits!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Monday, October 31, 2016

10 Tips For A Healthy Halloween

Halloween was one of my favorite holidays as a kid. Not only did I get free candy but to me it was the start of the Holiday Season. Meaning I get to spends lot of time with extended family and EAT AMAZING FOOD! It was my excuse to eat whatever I wanted because it was the holidays. Don't let yourself get caught up in the craze of holidays that you forget about your health. Start today, on HALLOWEEN with making smarter choices. To not let yourself go crazy over the next 2 months. Make your health and wellness your priority and worth it. Here are 10 tips to help you and your children have a healthier Halloween, because, your kids are going to come away with TONS of candy, and it is not only a temptation for you having in the house but think about how many empty calories your kids are going to be eating over the next week or so or however long it takes to go through their candy. 

If you are ready to work on you have have NO EXCUSES for your health and really want to end the year strong, confident and actually losing weight, I want you to join my No Excuses NO-vember private Facebook group. CLICK HERE for more info and how to sign up! 
1) Talk to your kids first and foremost about how much candy is enough. Kids like the idea of candy but do they really need all that candy? Talk to them first and say, we are only going to this one neighborhood this year. Also tell them that they can not empty their bag and start over. It is one bag only and explain how much they will get.

2) Find a smaller neighborhood and just go there. Or just go trick or treating at a local church. When you get home have them help pass out some candy or only go and see their friends house in the neighborhood.

3) Line their trick or treating bag with batting or decorations. (Trick I do with our pass out candy!) (Pictured at top)

4) Fill the bottom of their bag with fruit, or make arrangements with a neighbor to give them fruit (you provide the fruit) Make that your first stop so that their bag is weighted down and so the fruit (apples and oranges) take up more room.

5) Make a "fill to this line only" line on their bag or bucket. Once the candy reaches that line, they are done.

6) Buy a smaller trick or treating bag. Invest in a customized one that just doesn't hold as much candy as the buckets do.

7) Talk about what you are going to do with all the candy. Make a pre-planned schedule as to when they will get their candy. Reward for doing chores? Or a sticker system?

8) Make a game with the costume characters you see.

9) Hand out non candy items like temporary tattoos, pencils, stickers or Halloween rings

10) Limit the amount of time going trick or treating to get less candy for the kids

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Making Health And Fitness Imporant

I talk with women everyday who want to make changes but they aren't sure how to fit exercise and planning healthy meals into their daily life. The one question I ask them is "how important is it to you to reach your goals?" When you want something bad enough you will do everything in your power to do it. Start by planning your exercise in your calendar, daily, and with an alarm. Think of it as a doctor appointment that you can't miss. Your health really is that important and before you know it, it will become a priority in your life and you won't want to miss how you feel after. The energy you get. The relaxed feeling. The accomplishment you will feel at the end of your workout. It is worth it to put you first! Exercise is the one way I can control my hormone imbalance that I suffer with PCOS! 

To make your health and fitness important you have to make sure you sit down and set some goals. What do you want to accomplish? How much weight do you want to lose? What dress size do you want to be? What body fat % do you want?  Decide what you want to accomplish and think of your goals each and every morning to remind yourself what you are really working towards! You are worth it to fight for what you want! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!
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