Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Fall In Love With Prenatal Yoga

Yesterday I was talking to an expectant momma about prenatal yoga. I was so scared of yoga a few years ago. I made every excuse in the book why I didn't do yoga. First of all, I tried to do the P90X yoga series and it about killed me. It was hard, so so hard! I wasn't flexible. I don't have that much upper body strength. I didn't want to be bending over and sweating in front of people I don't know. And heaven forbid I fall over in a move and everyone laugh at me.

Why is prenatal yoga different and so beneficial? BECAUSE IT IS TOTALLY DIFFERENT! Check out why I love doing prenatal yoga! (it has really been my go to this pregnancy. When I don't want to workout I do yoga!)

My Top 5 Reasons Why I LOVE Prenatal Yoga: 

1) It is a great starter yoga to do to learn the basic moves first of all. Most of the women in there have not taken yoga before (at least in my classes) So we are all basically beginners.

2) You don't have nor can you be super flexible. We have bellies in the way for most of the moves so we can't bend as easily as the stereotypical yoga shaped body. You won't be doing major twisting movements either, just light twisting which is good to help keep the plumbing happy.

3) Most of the moves are held longer and not going from one move to the next super fast. This is a double edge sword in a way. Because sometimes it is easier to move out of a move then to hold it longer because it takes a lot of strength and breathing to hold a move. Think about a low goddess pose, (a super wide squat) Imagine holding that for a minute. You are going to feel the burn. Now why do they hold the move longer? It is a way to help you learn to accept and give into the discomfort and get through it. Preparing you for LABOR! A good long contraction is about a minute long. You have to breath deep through it to get through it. Holding a goddess pose for a minute, you have to breath through it and not give up. So each move think of it as a way to help you "train" for labor. Focus your breathing to be deep and a way to get through each and every contraction!

4) There is Air Conditioning! They will have the ac on for us since we tend to get overheated easier/feel hot easier. So don't worry about it being hot yoga. If you feel uncomfortable during your class you can totally ask to sit down or in our case, they adjusted the temperature to be more comfy for us.

5) You still get a workout. Because we are pregnant. It isn't going to be super easy. Even the most basic of moves will be a little hard because our center of balance is off and the baby is taking up valuable lung space. So don't think you don't work. You will still break a small sweat and work a little but it is no where as intense as a regular yoga class. Again, mine weren't I can't speak for every prenatal yoga. I suggest talking to the teacher before class and asking questions! But I know you will feel amazing after!
Have fun and enjoy your next prenatal yoga class! (Also there are a ton on Youtube you can look up!)

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Don't Let The Weekends Ruin Your Progress

Weekends are fun, but they can also be hard! Don't go hog wild this weekend and eat what you want. Stick with the 80/20 rule. Allow yourself one indulgent meal, including an amazing dessert, a week so that you can stay with your eye on the prize. Don't feel guilt. Don't feel bad. Enjoy it. This is what living a healthy lifestyle is all about.

Also, pick a healthy outdoor activity to do either today or tomorrow. (Sorry to my AZ peeps who are having to endure insanely high temps close to 120) But try to find something you can do to get yourself some fresh air and burn some calories while having fun! Swimming is a great idea! (oh that actually sounds so good to me right now, being weightless and just relaxing in nice cool water!)

What outdoor activity are you going to do this weekend to keep you on track with your goals?

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Friday, June 3, 2016

Alternative Names for Artificial Ingredients, Additives and Preservatives

Wanna kick the sugar cravings? Knowledge is power! Let's look at the different types and alternative names for Artificial Ingredients, Additives, Preservative, etc. and what they can really do to you if you are eating too many of them so you know what to avoid when you are reading the ingredients on food you are buying at the store.

There are thousands of additives out there, so I will only give a few of the top, scary ones:

 MSG (Monosodium Glutamate): 
it is a neurotoxin and used as a flavor enhancer...found in many canned, frozen, processed and fast foods (also in many foods in Asian restaurants – particularly soups…Ask the waiter/waitress). Also be on the lookout for the following additives, which always contain MSG: textured protein, autolyzed yeast, hydrolyzed protein, plant protein, oat flour and vegetable protein, sodium and calcium caseinate, and yeast extract. Reactions to MSG include weight gain, heart problems, headaches, ADD, asthma, and headaches.

Food Dyes:
Derived from coal tar and petroleum, and can be found in many baked goods, beverages, candies, ice cream, cereals, cosmetics, etc. They have been linked to tumors, as well as, hyperactivity and behavioral effects in children. NOTE – natural and safe food colorings include paprika, turmeric, and beet juice.

Artificial Sweeteners: 
Aspartame (Nutrasweet & Equal) accounts for the most adverse reactions to food and food additives combines. These reactions include headaches, dizziness, rashes, vision problems, slurred speech, and can trigger or worsen chronic illnesses such as MS, fibromyalgia, birth defects, and Parkinson’s disease.

Sucralose (Splenda): 
Sucralose can cause gastrointestinal problems, slurred speech, mood swings, blood sugar increase, and weight gain. Yep, weight gain. Studies show these artificial sweeteners stimulate your appetite, increase (bad) carbohydrate cravings, stimulate fat storage and weight gain

High Fructose Corn Syrup:
 Also seen as Iso-glucose, glucose-fructose syrup, corn syrup, fruit fructose – made from GMO corn through a chemical brewing process. The consumer is exposed to mercury and side effects include, liver damage, hypertension, elevated “bad” cholesterol levels, weight gain, and risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Products that may contain HFCS include various processed foods, yogurt, applesauce, soft drinks, children’s vitamins, jellies and jams, and even ketchup. HFCS is also found in many fast foods.
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Learn To Read The Ingredients

 You are going to hear me say this again and again! Read The Ingredients, not just the nutrition facts but the INGREDIENTS!

The ingredients are the most important thing you need to know about your food, not the nutritional information. There was a big push about 10 years ago to read the nutritional information, which is great! But what is more important is reading the ingredients. You might be surprised what is actually contained in your foods. Tomorrow we will look at the alternative names for artificial ingredients, additives and preservatives for a few of them commonly found in most foods. Big companies spend MILLION of dollars to advertise their products to you, and there is a lot of false advertising going on! Skip to the labels, calories and nutrition facts and go straight there. None of that matters if you are putting harmful materials into your body.
My 4 Tips: 

1) If you don’t recognize it or can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it!

2) Try to stick to food that is in its whole state (ex. fruit/vegetables) or food that has just a few ingredients. Make sure they are ingredients you recognize.
Avoid anything that is labeled low-fat, fat-free, or diet!

3) When the fat is taken out of food it becomes “bland” so most fat free, low fat or reduced fat foods are filled with processed fillers, chemicals, or artificial flavors to replace it. These can be harmful to the body.

4) Take the time to read the ingredients. The more you do it the more familiar you will get with it and it will become easier. Boxed foods are the biggest culprit so make sure to look closely and carefully!
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Bump Update: 24 Weeks

Hello to entering my 6th month of pregnancy! YAY! Things are coming along nicely. Elyse is kicking me like crazy all the time. I am even getting woken up at night from her. She is just getting bigger and bigger and so am I! I have really noticed this week that I can't bend over anymore when cleaning up toys. I am encouraging the boys to be on toy pick up more so that they understand I need their help. They do okay at it. But they are only 4 and 2! 

We celebrated Memorial Day this past weekend. Matt grilled for us, which was amazing as usual, and I made a nice dessert however, I just can't handle sweets like I used to be able to. That is a good thing. That means that I am not over eating too much crap which I think is why my weight has been so good. I am still gaining a pound a week. This morning was hard to look at the scale because I am just a few ounces shy of 250 and that is a big number! I don't like that number. But I am really trying to trust the process, trust my body, and be diligent in what I put in my body to help me have as healthy of a pregnancy as possible considering the weight I am at. 

Total Weight Gain:  12 pounds total weighing in at 249.8 pounds. Oh man, my mind went crazy over seeing this number. I am getting so close to the weight I was a year ago after my miscarriage, and before I started taking care of me again. It freaks me out, but I am trusting my body and the process. And I have the tools now to get back to where I want to be after Elyse arrives! 

Symptoms: Just the regularly occurring headache, some morning sickness. Thankfully not as many cravings for carbs this past week.
Baby’s Size: Ear of corn (~8.5 inches, 1.5 pounds)
Maternity Clothes: Yes, bottoms need to wear maternity or stretchy pants. Tops I wear maternity now and my bigger t-shirts.
Stretch Marks: I already have a ton that I got when I gained weight years ago. So nothing new.
Gender: GIRL!!! 
Sleep: I am only waking up once a night to go to the bathroom. I am flipping over from one side to the other a lot, but often times I end up on my back. She is starting to kick me awake at night now.
Miss Anything: Sleeping comfortably flat on my belly or back! Sleeping through the night. 
Cravings: Just been in a funk and haven't wanted to make dinner or decent meals for the fam. I have just been more tired this week, or lazy. I haven't really been craving anything this week, except maybe my Shakeology. I have been consistently drinking that every morning. It is my easy, no thought process meal that tastes great and is great for me! 
Aversions: nothing yet
Excited About: Matt and the boys feeling her kick for the first time. I think it will happen this week as she is going to town kicking me lately. Especially when my student play her namesake song, Fur Elise.
Workouts: Got in my workouts 5 days a this past week, which is awesome! I have been going on walks, doing 21 Day Fix yoga & pilates specificallyDiary Of A Fit Mommy's Fit For Two 2nd Trimester workouts and the Beachbody On Demand Active Maternity 2nd Trimester workouts. I really did well this week with the workout dept! 
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Age Appropriate Chore Chart For Kids

I am always struggling to find the right chores for my kiddos! Check out this awesome chart to help you get an idea of what might be good for your kids! 

The chart comes from Maria Montessori who opened her first classroom in 1907.  It was based on the idea that kids learn from doing more than sitting and listening to a teacher.  

This concept extends beyond the classroom and can also be applied to things in life.As part of this education philosophy, this chart was created to outline what kids should be doing to help around the house based upon their age.

I view this chart as simply suggestions. All kids are different and that needs to be taken into account as coming up with specific chores for your own child.
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Monday, May 30, 2016

Declutter The House: Round 1

(furnace room)

Last week I shared that we were going to start decluttering our house before Baby Elyse joins us. You can read about it HERE! And well, this past weekend was ROUND 1! And boy did we do great! Not only did we clean out one room, but our second storage room (furnace room)! And the second room, I wasn't even planning on doing, we like REALLY CLEANED IT OUT! There is almost nothing in there now which is great!

And in the main storage room (yes we have 2) a good portion of it is strictly baby stuff that will be pulled out and put throughout the house just before Elyse arrives! I think we did pretty well.

On top of cleaning it out, we donated a ton of Mason's old toys, with his permission and help, that he no longer plays with because he has so many,  plus many other items were donated as well. It took 2 trips in our van to get all the stuff to Goodwill. Which is GREAT! I am so pleased with our progress and honestly feel like a little weight has been lifted from my shoulders. continue and do other projects I have for myself...What to do next? Painting?

You can compare this first image of our main storage room to the lower 2 to see how much we actually did do! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Friday, May 27, 2016

FIXATE Turkey Sloppy Joes

My nutrition has been not good lately. I have been craving all things carbs. And sadly I have started giving in. I have noticed two things from it. 1) My body doesn't like carbs and reacts negativity to them. I am bloated and just feel sluggish. And my body just doesn't digest them too well. 2) The more I eat of them the MORE I WANT THEM! It is not good. So it is time to cut back and get back to what I know I should be doing, and DO IT! NO EXCUSES!
I am already planning and prepping for next weeks meals. I need to get back on track and switch up the same old, same old meals with some different ones. I went digging in my cupboards and pulled out FIXATE! I love this book, and I can't believe it has been up in my shelves for so long. Everything tastes amazing and it is so easy to follow! This coming week I am making these Turkey Sloppy Joes. I think of this more sweet and savory because of the maple syrup. It just makes it so good! Check out the recipe, give it a try! And hey, if you want 100 other yummy, easy recipes, you can ORDER YOUR VERY OWN COPY TOO!

COOL THING: There are so many ways you can eat them! Check out the serving suggestions below!

Serving Suggestions: 
1) Serve open-faced on one slice of low-sodium whole-grain sprouted bread.
containers: 3.5 greens, 1 yellow, 1 red, 1 tsp
2) Serve over 1 cup Zoodles.
containers: 5 greens 1 red, 1/2 purple, 1 tsp
3) Serve over 1 cup cooked whole wheat pasta or quinoa
containers: 3.5 greens, 2 yellow, 1 red, 1 tsp
4) Serve in 2 large romain lettuce leaves
containers: 4 greens, 1 red, 1 tsp
5) Serve on 2 corn tortillas
containers: 3.5 greens, 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 tsp

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Bump Update: 23 Weeks

Hello first trimester symptoms again! WHAT?!? Why, when? WHAT THE HECK? Seriously! I have been having some serious carb cravings and morning sickness. It is the craziest thing. And when I did give in to my cravings I felt like crap and had morning sickness. It was an evil cycle but for the most part it is what my body wanted. I am still trying to keep it clean. And will be cutting back on the carbs and eh-hem... Peanut M&M's. (they seem to be my sweets of choice for this pregnancy. Mason was ice cream, super thick chocolate shakes. Collin was Oreos. This one M&M's. I could eat them all day long! 

Oh and Monday, I got to see our little girl via ultrasound! I had my mid-pregnancy check up and everything looks great. The fun part was seeing her suck her thumb, yawn and the crazy part, seeing her kick at me and feeling it at the same time. I don't know why but it is just freaky cool! Since Monday she has been so active. I don't know what happened but it seems like she is kicking me all day and night long! Any time I want to rest she just starts going at it. "ROCK ME TO SLEEP MOM!" Anyways. It has been fun, but man she is very feisty!

 (Baby Elyse. Weighing in aprox. 1 pound 1 ounce.)

Total Weight Gain:  11 pounds total weighing in at 248.1 pounds. EEK! Well that jumped up didn't it!?! I was sick going into last week and at the beginning of this week I was up 10 because I had to weigh myself for my ultrasound appointment. So it is going up about 1/2-1 pound a week right now.

Symptoms: Just the regularly occurring headache, some morning sickness and CRAVINGS FOR CARBS! 
Baby’s Size: Papaya. Saw a papaya at the store yesterday and it was HUGE! 
Maternity Clothes: Yes, bottoms need to wear maternity or stretchy pants. Tops I wear maternity now and my bigger t-shirts.
Stretch Marks: I already have a ton that I got when I gained weight years ago. So nothing new.
Gender: GIRL!!! 
Sleep: I am only waking up once a night to go to the bathroom. I am flipping over from one side to the other a lot, but often times I end up on my back. She is starting to kick me awake at night now.
Miss Anything: Sleeping comfortably flat on my belly or back! Sleeping through the night. 
Cravings: CARBS! Big time. This is the first time where I just want to eat carbs, breads, pasta and goodies all day long! I have not been fighting it very well this week and have given in. Hence why my weight has probably gone up. Plus carbs don't really like me, so when I eat them my tummy gets all in a funk.
Aversions: nothing yet
Excited About: Picking out the coming home outfit and her first photo session outfits. (YES OUTFITS!) I can't wait to show you guys what I am getting! 
Workouts: Got in my workouts 4 days a this past week, which is awesome! I have been doing 21 Day Fix yoga & pilates specificallyDiary Of A Fit Mommy's Fit For Two 2nd Trimester workouts and the Beachbody On Demand Active Maternity 2nd Trimester workouts. 
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Declutter Your Life

This week is our theme week in my FREE daily motivation and support group (You can click here to join!) And I wanted to share today's topic! 

Declutter- Have clutter? MUST CLEAN! Nothing makes me feel less organized than when I have piles of stuff on the counters, or just stuff in a place where it doesn’t belong. Not just that. But who has a junk drawer? Junk cabinet? Junk storage room? Messy pantry? Bathroom drawers? Junk food hiding in your house? ANYTHING! 

So we have a storage room in the basement that is a MESS! (check out the picture, and I can't believe I am showing you my messy house!) This is one of my “nesting” vibes I am having to clean this crap out. We have toys that aren’t played with. Broken chair, and just unorganized. It used to be organized, but we got in the habit of just throwing crap in there. Well, this weekend is the weekend that we are tackling that one room. (Yes we have another room to tackle too!)


1) Schedule a date this month that you can tackle one room. 
2) Set a reminder on your phone so you don't forget about it.
3) And don’t do it all the areas in one week. Break your house down and do just one room at a time so you don't get frustrated!

We all have areas that need to be picked up and cleaned. Pick something that just needs a little sprucing. And you won’t believe how much better you are feeling once you get it done!

What project are you scheduling to declutter? By the way all the areas I mentioned about where to declutter, yeah, those are the areas in my life I have to work on! So no judgements from me or anyone on what we have to declutter in our lives!

**I will update with pictures after this weekend with our more organized and cleaned room. So make sure you check back next week! You can view the RESULTS of our round 1 decluttering project here!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 
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