Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Running While Pregnant

This pregnancy is coming to an end pretty soon. I have about 6.5 weeks left before my due date. I have stopped running at this point. My body is fighting me every step of the way and I just feel like a huge elephant trying to move my feet a little faster. I have started gaining weight, I am up 7 lbs now. Yes a whole whopping 7 pounds but I am heavier in general than I usually am and it is just a lot of weight for my body to have bouncing around. It hurts. My feet hurt. My hips hurt. It just isn't so fun right now. So I am walking instead. Walking is still great exercise and I am proud to do it. I know it is good for me and I know baby likes it too cause he just goes to sleep and doesn't move at all!

One thing I am hearing a lot of is that because I have been running for most of the pregnancy that I am more than likely going to deliver early. As great as it would be, it scares me to death. I am at the point that every Braxton Hicks is going to put me in labor and I am going to have a premie. I have obligations I sill have to do and I will be heavily pregnant when fulfilling those obligations. I think this is the reason why I am being so paranoid about delivering early because I have things that have to be done. A symphony concert at 37.5 weeks and my studio's music recital at 38.5 weeks.

Yesterday I met a lady in my yoga class who stopped running 2 weeks ago. At 39 weeks. She is currently 41.2 days pregnant now. She is getting induced on Monday if she doesn't have the baby before then. This lady looked amazing! She is super fit and you could tell she is an avid runner. She has been running throughout her entire pregnancy and is still overdue. Yes she is a first time mom and they usually go over about 10 days but still she ran, and ran a lot. She also did yoga and has tried every wives tale in the book (except for Castor oil) to induce labor and it hasn't worked. She even tried a local wives tale of eating these nasty lemon cupcakes that have put many a women in labor in our area. But she is still pregnant. And she is ready to be done, but the baby is super happy.

So now I am hoping with this evidence before me that running while pregnant does not make an early baby! Here's to calming down and not being so paranoid!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Prepping For Labor- Packing for Siblings

2 weeks ago I wrote about Mommy's Packing list, and last week was Daddy's Packing list so here is the last one! Packing for your kids, even if you have family coming in town to help take care of your other children, blood or the 4 legged kind, (THANKS MOM!) I still suggest that you pack up some things to help out whomever is helping you out! It will make it so much easier on them so they are not searching your house for your son's favorite blanket because all the other blankets aren't good enough! Or for the 4 legged kid make it easier on your pet and the sitter. I would have your kids bag packed about 2 weeks before with a reminder note on what to add to the bag. (toy and blanket, toothbrush and toothpaste.)

Packing for the Pet: 
Have their food in pre-packaged portions. I put Archer's food in ziploc snack size bags labeled with dates in an easy to find area. Plus time and directions. (AM/PM feedings, soak in water, add meds and such.) Also write up a schedule of when your pet likes to be fed and taken out. Yes this is OCD, and that is how I roll but I know it will help my mom out a ton when she is here and I am in the hospital. Place the leash near the food too so the sitter knows where to find it to take the dog out.

Packing for the Sibling at home or away: 
If your other child or children are staying at home or going away while you have a baby either way. Pack up their favorites so it is easy for the sitter.

~Toothbrush, and toothpaste

~Pack 2-4 outfits, depending on how messy your kid is or activities they might be doing. (going to the spray park don't forget swimsuit too) If they go to the park they might want/need a change of clothes.

~2 nights worth of pajamas.

~Have a package of whips and diapers set out in an easy to find place for your sitter to find. Or in a place that they would prefer. (Mom is not going to want to climb the stairs every time she has to change a diaper so we will have diapers stashed around the house on each level for her.)

~Favorite toy or 2 and blanket for child so the sitter knows which it is out of the 1,000 you already have.

~Pack chords for your child's tablet, if they have one.

~Pack snacks up too so that there is not question about what to give your kid when you are away. It makes it easier too.

~Have a schedule written down of when your child normally eats and sleeps so that they can try to stick to the schedule as best as possible.

UPDATE* There is an update on Mommy's Packing list so check it out!

So there we have it. Packing for the whole family! I will have another post next week on Leaving The Hospital. Daddy's Backpack is going to be fully loaded with stuff! Come back and check it out!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

To Pink or Not To Pink

C-ville, VA- June 14-7am

How soon is too soon? I'm already starting to think about things postpartum. You all know that I am a little OCD and I like to be really, really organized and such. Just starting to think about things coming up in the next few months. And I knew that February and March were going to fly by because HELLO! IT IS ALMOST APRIL! Scary!

Anyhew. So how soon is too soon to get back to it after baby? I don't know. I didn't have this running hobby of mine when I had Mason. I wasn't able to go to the gym or exercise outside of the house regularly. But in June is the 4 miler training program again. I really want to be a volunteer this year. Last year I was encouraged to sign up by a couple of friends, so I did. But I'm thinking about making it official and really doing it. But I will be no less than about 2 weeks postpartum if we have the baby at the absolute latest we can have him (May 28). And what can I really do when I know I won't be running? And he will be with me on the Saturdays that I am there to help out.

Am I allowed to walk a mile or two post baby that soon after? Will I want to?

I have encouraged a few friends to make the commitment and to sign up and participate in the program and I would love to be a Pink Lady to help encourage them along their summer journey.

But this is what I am on the fence about right now. Should I sign up and go to help out as often as I can? Make the commitment now and just do it? What do you think? HELP!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Single Mommy

I really admire women who are single momma's all the time because I don't know how they do it, ALL THE TIME! They are so strong and amazing to be able to be the mom and dad and just get it all done.

I am going to be a single mommy for the next couple of weeks as the hubs is doing his 2 weeks a year for the military. Right after Mason was born, 3 days, the hubs was deployed for 11 months. I was a single mommy for the first 11 months of Mason's life. I was on survival mode the whole time. I feel like I am going back in that mode right now, but at least I know now how to control it and take advantage of my time and to actually leave the house and do fun things. But it is tough. Being the 24/7 only me for everything. Matt gave me some time to myself before he left and will give me some me time when he gets back too to just help me recover. Again, single mom's you are amazing!

I am so thankful for his military job though. So proud of my husband for serving our Country and fighting for our freedom. I can handle 2 weeks. Another year, not so sure. So wish me luck!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

March Week 3 Workout Recap

Wow! March is almost over. I knew that this month was going to fly and April is going to fly by too. These next two week are going to be a tough for me though. Matt is going on his AT training for military so it is just me, the kid and the dog for 2 weeks. No break. No sanity! Single mother life. With that being said, the 2.5 hours of daycare at the gym are going to be pretty tempting. So my goal is to be spending some quality time with the treadmill and stationary bike during this time most days. That's the plan! Wish me luck! Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BROTHER TODAY!

Pregnancy Changes: Starting to get low back pain all the time. Getting heartburn at night, almost every night. I am having to sleep propped up now. My hips and shoulders don't like me sleeping on my sides so I am constantly turning from one side to the next. Baby likes it when I am on my right side. I guess cause the placenta is taking up so much room on the left. I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions a ton over this last week. Any time I go up and down the stairs, which are a lot since we have 3 levels in my house, stand up from sitting, or going #2 I get BH contractions. They are pretty strong too which surprised me. I talked to my doc and he said that it is perfectly normal for them to start earlier and be more intense with subsequent pregnancies. (I wonder how bad Michelle Duggar's are after 19 babies!). I also had my 32 week check up, from now on I will be going about every 2 weeks for the next month. Baby is doing great. Doc is still pleased with my lack of weight gain. Up only 5 lbs total from pre-pregnancy weight.

Prepping For Baby: With the base being in the van Mason says "Bruder". Then he will say, "No Bruder". He isn't quite sure about this new baby thing. It is just kind of surreal to have things set up and ready to go. Exciting and very scary that in 2 months a new baby will be here.

Prepping Mason For Baby: He learned to say brother as you saw above. That is new for him. He is finally going to bed in his bed without pitching a fit after a puke attack a week and a half ago. We are telling him about Collin trying to prep him for that. I point to small babies that we see and tell him that Collin will be like that. Mace just says cute and walks away. Mace has been under the weather for most of the week. Either a cold or the start of allergies but he has been more cuddly too, so I am soaking up all the cuddles with my big boy.

Workout Recap: 

Monday: Snow day, stuck inside again!

Tuesday: Still too much snow for me to drive in so stayed home and rested.

Wednesday: Mace was sick with a runny nose. Not sure if allergies or a cold. Stayed home

Thursday: 1 hour 15 min prenatal yoga class.

Friday: rest

Saturday: 3.1 mile walk outside. It was just too beautiful to stay indoors today! (possible snow storm on Tuesday so trying to enjoy being outside.)

3.1 total miles
32 Weeks Pregnant
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