Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Proper Running Shoes

Hey fellow readers! I know I have been kind of MIA but I have actually been doing research on a couple of upcoming blog posts. And well, just haven't written them yet, but they are coming!
~My current shoes, Brooks Adrenaline- GTS 13~

I learned a lot on my 1/2 marathon. Not just about me but about other runners too. When I run, I tend to watch the person in front of me and try to pace them or just think about their shirt, often I will call someone by their shirt, (a lady in my training program last summer was wearing a Cinderella the Musical shirt and I called her Cinderella for 3 miles as I was pacing her) or just anything that will keep my mind off of what I am actually doing. Running is hard and we need to focus on other things to keep going.

Well, I watched a ton of women's feet for their pacing and tried to match my pace to theirs on the 1/2. I often look down since I am pregnant just to make sure I don't trip or anything. One thing that I noticed were the improper running shoes some ladies were wearing. I broke my heart seeing them in some shoes that we not made for running knowing that they had a grueling 13.1 miles in front of them.

These are the 3 that really stuck in my mind:
Mile 2 I was behind a lady when she stepped she was actually stepping on the side of the shoe and not the actual base of the shoe. And she had to pull her shoe back into place about every 10 steps because it was sliding off her feet. AT MILE 2!

Other ladies, many ladies, were wearing their BRAND NEW New Balance Cinderella shoes, with the ribbons. Yes they were brand new because they were spotless on the sole of the shoe.

Another lady around mile 11 or so I passed had bloodied bandaids on both heels of her feet and the back of her shoes were just covered in blood. I felt so bad for her.

Please, please, please! GET PROPER RUNNING SHOES when doing 3 miles, or 6 miles especially 13.1 miles. These are shoes that you can find at a local running store or shoe store where they check your running stride, and foot fall and ones that you have been TRAINING IN! Break in your shoes by using them on training runs. Every time you run so that you know where rubbing happens or where you need to tape up your feet to avoid sores or bloodied heels. (I felt so bad for that lady) You will know how you feet feel after pounding the pavement at 3 miles, 6 miles and 10 miles. You will know if you need more support and have time to get it before the race.

Using brand new shoes is a no, no too because again you don't know how your feet are going to feel after such a long distance. And the shoes are so stiff and not broken in. Yes New Balance did make a brand of running shoes with the Disney theme in mind. They are cute and they have fun ribbon laces that will be totally trashed or damaged by the end of the race but again, knowing how the shoe and your foot work together is so important. Here is a Runner's World article on common shoe questions.

Running is a sport. Injuries happen. Toe nails are lost, and bleeding will incur. Runners may not have the best looking feet but we know that our feet can carry us many, many miles! But I felt so bad and my heel just ached after seeing the lady's heel. I know someday it might happen to me, but I have finally learned taping up certain parts of my foot is ok to add extra protection. If you start to get a blister on a test run, or a shorter distance run you know what your tendencies are for longer runs now. (E, I'm talking to you!) I taped around the ball of both feet to protect the bunion area and the callus on the bottom of my feet during my runs. They helped but, I taped too high (like 2 cm) on my left foot and got 3 tiny little blisters from the irritation caused by my shoes. I will chalk it up to being super excited and nervous oh and sleep deprived for my misplacement of my tape.
So there we have it! Running shoes, properly fitted, and worn by you, running shoes really are a necessity. I hope these 3 ladies and all the others that participated in the race had a happy and safe race and they were able to accomplish what they set out to do. Take care of your feet because they will take you place if you show them a little love! 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

March Week 1 Workout Recap

We are already 1 week into March. Anyone else think this year is FLYING by? And it has been a week since I was in WDW. So sad. I love Disney and the "magic" they have there.

This week has been an insane week for us. Matt got a new schedule that seriously affects our family time and it has seemed like I am a single mom again. Kind of crazy and scary but Mace and I are making due. Mason asks for Daddy all the time and when Matt is home, and Mason isn't already in bed, Daddy and Mace have a ton of fun playing together. It is really sweet to see them play. Matt promised Mace to take him to a park after he gets off his military duty today and Mason is already excited.

One thing that is helping me through the week is my gym. After a year of Matt being deployed when Mason was just born I never went out. I stayed in and never left Mason once. I came to later realize that I need a break. Yes I get mommy quiet time but I need a break to focus on me and take care of me. So the gym this week became my sanctuary. It will be again next week and for as long as this new schedule lasts. Also I am letting my pace slow down. No longer training for the race, I am now doing this to stay healthy for me and my baby. I am still integrating running in my walks and will continue to do short spurts of running as long as I can.
~First post race run/walk~
Pregnancy changes: I am starting to gain weight. I am now up 4 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight for this pregnancy. I gained 2 over the trip so I am gaining about a pound a week at this point. I was hoping it would be 2 lbs a month instead of the 4 but with the over eating I did on our trip of all things yumminess I am not surprised that I gained 2 lbs. Now I just continue to exercise and eat what my body needs not necessarily what it wants, like sweets every single day. (I am craving oranges and pineapple right now so I have given into that craving. Fruit is so yummy!)
 ~Where are my feet???~
Prepping for Baby: Haven't done anything this week. I know, shocker, huh! It has been more of surviving this week, finding a babysitter to watch Mason when I have had to work and trying to just not feel so pregnant icky!

Prepping Mason for Baby: A friend watched Mason yesterday while I taught piano and she recently had a baby. Mason was so good with the baby. I think it was his first time interacting with a baby younger than 2 months old. I even got to hold little A and Mason came over and patted his shoulder nicely, gave him a hug, and was super sweet with him. When I handed A back to his mommy Mason wanted to sit on my lap and be cuddled just like A was so, now I know. Mason is going to have a hard time when Collin arrives and all the attention that Collin will get instead of Mason. But now I know.

Monday: rest (real rest, not sitting in a car all day, kind of rest)
Tuesday: 3 miles walk/run 16:40 pace; 15 min on bike
Wednesday: rest
Thursday: 1.25 mile 16:00 pace; 1 hour 15 min prenatal yoga
Friday: rest
Saturday: 4 miles walk 16:45 pace

Total Mileage: 8.25 miles total walk/run; 2 miles on bike
30 weeks pregnant

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Getting Back To Normal Life…NOT

It is so hard returning from a vacation. You get out of the habits of everyday life. And with a very regular 2 year old. It has been a trying one for me here at the house. Poor kid had his toys taken away because he refused to clean them back up. A whole week we spent without toys and the responsibility of him having to clean up after himself and he forgets, or just doesn't want to. (I am not a mean mom, but the rule in this house is to clean up the toys before he comes up from the basement. If he doesn't then toys go bye-bye for a day.) Usually after taking 1 or 2 toys away he cleans but the other day, nope. Half of his toys were locked in the storage room.

At least his sleeping and napping schedule isn't too far off. Now we are adjusting to to my hub's new work schedule he was assigned yesterday. Let's just say, these are going to be long, long, long days with the kid and I before I get relieved of my duties!

Positive note, started going through some pictures from the trip, not race related. These are definitely my fav! It was Mason's first meet and greet. He patiently waited, in his stroller for his turn, to meet his favorite character, Captain America! There were lots of Awe's from everyone watching as Mason gave him a hug, and CPT seemed to really enjoy it and was very good with Mason. Probably going to print these off and hang them in Mason's room!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Disney Princess 1/2 Marathon Race Recap

Here I go! So excited to recap my first Disney race, hopefully of many. It's kind of long. Hope you enjoy! (And not everything is positive. Sorry Disney, but there is always room for improvement.)
Feel free to read the full recap, but you can also check out all of my tips to enjoy your Disney Princess Race Weekend:

Princess Half Marathon: Costume Ideas
Princess Half Marathon: What to Expect At the Expo
Princess Half Marathon: What to Expect Race Morning
Princess Half Marathon: 1/2 Marathon

~My sole sister Kat. This picture was retweeted by Run Disney on my account!~

It all starts with a super early wake up call! Disney likes to have a nice early morning race before the parks open so that not too much traffic is affected. My friend Kat and I stayed in an on resort hotel, Shades of Green (the military hotel), which offered transportation to the race entry point. Not corrals, it seriously is a super long walk from the bus drop off to the corrals. We, meaning Kat set the alarm for 2:30 am so we wouldn't be late. Her wake up song happened to be Eye of the tiger which made me laugh!
~My shirt front~
~Back, adding pregnant to it post race. Didn't make it here in time~

We left our room by 3:15 and boarded our bus with a ton of other prince and princesses. Many took notice of my shirt and were impressed that I was attempting to do a 1/2 while pregnant. That was the main comment I received during the morning.

We arrived at the Epcot and started the walk to the waiting area where we used the bathrooms, port-a-potties, where a DJ was playing and interacting with all the racers. The atmosphere was pretty energetic. Everyone was super excited to get the race started. Once they opened the gate it was the walk to the corrals we go. Where I used the bathroom again before getting in our corrals.

My corral, M, was schedule to start at 6:15. We arrived in our corral at 5am. It was a longish cold hour ahead of us. The morning was super humid and foggy but had a bit of a chill to it. Hoped it lasted as long as possible as my doc was super concerned about me overheating. As we waited and waited we saw others jumping the corrals to the bathrooms to go one last time. Kat debated on it but decided against it. I got a comment from another racer, asking what was wrong with me for running while pregnant. She said it quite nasty too and I just shrugged it off and said, "I'm being healthy for me and my baby." She then regaled me with experiences of her pregnancy.

We finally were set to go and were off. Poor Kat had to go to the bathroom so badly at this point. (We heard that one lady just went off the side of the road within the first 80 feet of the start and had her friends blocking her go. We also saw men run to the shrubs under the monorail and just go there.) It was a long wait where we downed water. It was chill so our bodies wanted to get rid of the water and not sweat it out. So a ton of people had to go.
~As we passed this mile marker a cop on a motorcycle used his speaker and said, keep running it is just a picture with a number on it!~ 

I started out at a slow warm-up pace. I told Kat that at about 1.5 miles I will pick up but wanted a good solid warm up. Kat jumped in line at the potties at about 1 mile in and I kept going for her to catch up with me. She had to pretty much sprint to catch up because I had made it a good solid 3/4 miles without her. Just doing my intervals. I felt super strong, and the tape on my belly was helping as was my new support belt helping so that I didn't have round ligament pain as I ran. She caught up with me just after the kites flying overhead at our first overpass. I felt so empowered because I was passing so many people and keeping a good solid pace. But it wasn't as fast as what Kat thought and she tried to hold my hand to pull me. I said, "I will not be pulled." I had to use the bathroom and had already made the plan to stop every 3 miles if needed. I wanted to wait till Magic Kingdom for my first bathroom break but I couldn't. I was keeping a solid 14:38 pace up until mile 3 where I made my first potty break.

The lines were awful. 14 potties and 7 lines. As I was staining in line I noticed a couple of other obvious pregnant ladies, who I would see at every potty line from here on out. Some racers started yelling at the potties, "Hurry up! This is a race." It was at least a 5 min potty stop and at this point, I knew that I was in trouble. If all stops were 5 min and I was planning on doing 4 and I am doing a solid 15 min mile pace then I would be over the time by 5 minutes. Disney advised on their site to train for a 15 min pace. This might include 2-3 potty breaks but it would not include us to take any pictures on the course. At all. I knew going into the race that all the lines for the characters would be long and that I wasn't going to take any, unless I saw the alligator from Princess and the Frog. (I love alligators) But still that takes away some of the fun of the race, not being able to take any pictures because the lines are so long and if you did stop, then you would be stressed about taking a faster pace and burn out before the end of the race. Plus being in the back the concern is all about the Blue Balloon Carrying Sweepers!
I ran back to Kat and adjusted my tutu back down and in place and we took off. Before I knew it we were running under the fogged out Magic Kingdom sign. As we were entering the transpiration area to MK another lady was already saying that she couldn't do this. AT ALL. We told her, she could and she was doing great. Just wait for Main street and the crowd and cheers and she will get the buzz in energy she needs to finish! I also at this point passed the lady who made the comment to me earlier of what was wrong with me. I ended up staying in front of her for the remainder of the race. (made me feel pretty good knowing that I was passing people) We went under the overpass with the guy dancing with the HUGE Mickey hands having fun. There were so many people crammed in this area. The course narrows quite a bit and it felt like quite a squeeze to get through. We were going down though and I told Kat, go! And we just ran down avoiding people as best as possible. As we were backstage I knew where we were from the Keys to the Kingdom and I started to get teary eyed because I was about to do the one area I was looking forward to the most. Running through the Magic Kingdom. I had seen so many pictures from other bloggers about the crowd cheering you on, space and being able to run through the castle.

Before we entered the MK we had quite a few bottleneck have to walk areas because there was such a large crowd. As we started to round the corner onto Main Street, we came to a halt! WHAT! It was so tight and packed with people that it was walking speed only down Main Street. Kat and I jumped up to the sidewalk so that I could run through Main Street. We stopped for a second to take our pictures in front of the castle. Then continued. We stopped in tomorrow land to use the bathroom which this stop was the fastest of all. The mens restroom was being used by women but there aren't as many stalls so their line was slower. We joined the mostly walking pack and made our way to Fantasyland where we rounded the turn and came to a halt again. My dream of running through the castle crushed. There were so many people that we were cramped and slowing waddling our way to and through the castle. The trumpeters welcomed us to the castle with their fanfares. I remember thinking, I hope they don't empty their spit valve on us as we pass under. (Ah the things a musician thinks of) And we slowly made our way through the castle. SADLY walking. As we exited, Kat and I knew we had to go, so we tried to run as best as possible down the ramp and out tomorrow land.
~Tons of Prince and Princesses!~

We made our way past Splash Mountain where my feet were starting to feel loose in my shoes. At the corner getting onto the 6 mile stretch of highway I stopped to tighten my shoes. BAD IDEA! I tightened them too much and the tops of my feet hurt so much for the remained for the race. We passed mile 7 with the anthem of Let It Go by Frozen which totally didn't fit the race at all. It's a good song but it doesn't fit the idea of running. I wish that I were freezing. At this point the sun was burning away the fog and it was starting to heat up and get more humid. Kat had me drink water and power aid at every stop. It also felt like they had more water stops along the way, I felt like I was always drinking. Two days before the race, Disney advised of the heat, so maybe Disney set up more water stops for that reason.

About mile 8 I started to notice people on the sides like flies. More and more were stopping for various reason. My feet were hurting, between my legs were chaffing but darn it I wasn't going to stop. I passed by all the medic tents watching other ladies getting the x mark of death, in my mind, not wanting to get singled out or stopped since my face gets so red when I run and just kept going. Mile 9 I stopped again for a potty break. The lines were still long. The bathrooms stunk and with my super sensitive pregnancy nose I gagged the whole time, about to puke in the restroom from the smell. (no offense to Disney when you gotta go you gotta go, I get that)
~Where we walked and walked through the castle.~

Mile 9 we passed a med tent where we noticed a girl wrapped in a blanket laying on a lawn chair and others stopping on the side of the road. My body was starting to check out at this point. I got my cliff shot and took my time eating it. Easier to eat than my energy jelly beans. And I hadn't used any of my gu that I brought. Next came the c curve to the overpass and then the 2 overpasses onto Epcot. We were at the hill area. My feet hurt so badly at this point. I was hot, sweaty, and just felt done. As we were on the overpass, looking at all the people we were in front of, yea me, Kat said, "Look there are the sweepers." I never saw them. I think that I was just not able to focus that far at this point. My body hurt. I just wanted to be done. Kat grabbed my hand and we walked hand and hand from here until the end of the race with her pulling me to stay ahead of the sweepers. (remember I had said I won't be pulled, well I was ok with being pulled.)
~The view coming out of the castle looking down Main Street. Super foggy.~

I did not want to be pulled from the course. Medics were on bikes passing us. Again anytime they passed me I threw a smile on my face and acted that everything was fine. I just could not stop. That was my mantra, DON'T STOP! I told Kat that I hurt, and I had to keep going and I couldn't go any fast at this point. She said I had to and kept pulling me. I looked at my clock. I should have been done by this point keeping my 15 min mile pace. I was bummed. I wanted to be done, finished with the race, I was going to finish it though. We entered the parking lot area and I started to lose it. I could not stop crying. I was so excited that I had done this. I knew I was going to make it. I hurt everywhere. I was having Braxton Hicks contractions and had to slow my pace down. We were passing potties again and I had to go. Mile 12 and I had to go. I was almost done but I stopped. No lines though which was nice, but my body was so sweaty and my clothing was so stuck to me it took forever to get the shorts on and off.
~I didn't get a picture with the alligator but I got one of him.~
~Now at mile 12. Finally~

Got back in the pack and one lady said the sweepers were right behind us. I knew I was a good mile in front of them and didn't really believe her but I pushed and did little sprints in with my walks. We passed through the crowded Epcot with lots of cheers and made the turn just in front of the lake. One of the pregnant ladies that I saw at every potty break was running next to us and then she passed me. GO HER!
~So close!~

We passed by the choir, I didn't really hear them though because I just wanted to be done, I was almost done. Then we made the next turn and there it was. The finish line. I was a mess inside. I was almost done. I was balling. I can't believe that I actually did this. I did this! I ran right past Mickey, I had planned on stopping to get a hug but I wanted to be done! I totally dissed Mickey though. Bad Becky. Finally we crossed the finish line hand in hand. I was upright and balling my eyes out! I finally could slow down my walk and the Braxton Hicks finally went away, thank you. They handed us this cool cloth that Kat put on my neck. I wanted to see my family. We made our way back to the family reunion area, but first I got my medal. (Never got a post race pix of me all sweaty and my medal.) I saw Matt and ran into his arms crying my eyes out so thankful to see him and know that I survived. I did it. He didn't know if I was doing a good or a bad cry. He was so confused but so happy and proud of me. Mace was kind of asleep but then woke up and wanted to give me a hug too. I picked him up and carried him for a little bit. Kat and I couldn't celebrate much longer because we had to get checked out of our room cause check out was 11 and it was like 10:30 already. The busses were thankfully parked very close to where the reunion area was. I WAS SO THANKFUL! We got back to our hotel and changed and showered and the boys met us to pick us up. I kind of rested for a little bit and took off my shoes. My feet hurt so bad. No blisters that I could see.
~The only post race pix I have of me. Wish Kat told me she was taking the pix I would have attempted a smile!~

Later that day was kind of a blur. I took a bath to soak my legs in, fell asleep in there. Went to my bed and slept as Matt and Kat checked in on me every now and then to see how I was doing. Kat and her hubs brought me a burger and I didn't realize how hungry I was until I took my first bite of fries and I in-hailed the burger. Then slept for pretty much the rest of the day. No parks for me.

My observations for the day:

~DO NOT SHAVE YOUR INNER THIGHS the morning of the race. I not only had chaffing but it turned into a razor burn chaffing. I used vaseline and body glide there too but the razor burn with the chaffing, not good! I also had a little chaffing from my support belt but that was ok.

~I did have 3 little blisters on my feet just where the tape line ended. Maybe 2 layers of tape a little thicker on my feet would have been better.

~Disney needs more port-a-potties. Either more at every stop or along the way. There were too many of us and the lines were far too long which affected my official completion time. I was actually upset for the first few days after because I feel like I failed. But in all honesty I was keeping a solid under 15 min mile pace up until mile 10.5. Then I slowed because my body couldn't go faster.

~Do not tighten your shoes mid race. Unless they untie themselves don't touch your shoes! My feet hurt because I over tightened them.

~For those of us in the back of the race we need more space on the course. There were so many bottle neck areas that we had to come to a standstill and just slowly walk through areas. That affects time. But this gives me more incentive to get my running better to make it into a faster corral next time to avoid the overcrowding.

I had a great experience with my first 1/2 marathon and at Disney. It was great! During the race I was miserable and hot and I hurt. But that's not Disney's fault. I was 29 weeks pregnant. I was pushing myself physically and mentally. The last 3 miles of the race is all mental!

Will I run a 1/2 again. Yes, but never while pregnant, ever! Right now I am thinking about the Wine and Dine in 2015. I actually have wanted to run that race for awhile! And eventual I would like to train for the Goofy challenge. That is my overall goal but not for awhile. I have a long way to go before that point!

WHEW! Did you make it to the end! I told you it was long!

Monday, March 3, 2014

February Week 4 Workout Recap

Last week was amazing! I completed my first half marathon, while pregnant! Got to spend the week on vacation with my family. Eat some yummy food. And hang with my best girlfriend, my sole sister, and her hubs! Needless to say, I didn't run after the race. But I did a ton of walking, and a lot of eating of good food. (per the scale) I am up 2 lbs from before we left but my belly/baby did grow some on the trip. I remember looking down on Wednesday thinking WOW my belly is so much rounder!

Prepping for baby: Now that we are home and I am in the home stretch, 10 weeks left, we will be getting things set up and ready for Collin. Matt and I have to get used to having the baby stuff all over the house again, like the pack n play in our room, which is usually a baby/kid free zone. Matt also wants to get the base of the car seat set up in the van to "get used to it being there"

Prepping Mason: He gives hugs and kisses to my belly and says HI baby! We got a gift for Mason to give Collin and a gift for Collin to give Mason. We found a really great bubble blower at Disney. I am trying to get some things to keep entertained this summer but I have a feeling that we will be spending a ton of time at the park!

Sunday: 13.1 miles Disney Princes Half Marathon (14:48 pace but with the potty breaks and choke points my official time was 3:50:07 a 17:34 min/mile)
Monday: Walked Universal Parks
Tuesday: Walked Epcot and Hollywood Studio Parks
Wednesday: Walked Animal Kingdom Park
Thursday: Walked Magic Kingdom Park
Friday: Walked Animal Kingdom and Epcot Park
Saturday: rest, drive home

Total mileage: 13.1 (add an extra 10-15 miles if you include the estimated 2-3 miles a day at the parks)

I wish I had a Fitbit for this week to see how many miles I actually walked everyday at the parks. We were estimating about 3 miles a day. My feet were so tired on Monday and Tuesday from the race and the chaffing, ouch! But we made it work. I felt more normal on Wednesday. I am actually really proud of my recovery time. I thought it would take a little longer.
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