Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen: My journey thus far

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

My journey thus far

I am only in the beginning but I have had a journey over the past month.

About 30 days ago I started this journey with one specific goal, to get out of my funk. I was in such a depression that I didn't want to be around anyone. Friends, family, not even my kids. I hated how I felt. I hated feeling lost and alone. I hated how I was feeling. Slow, and no energy. I wanted to sleep all day long. I didn't really want to do anything. It was so hard to find that motivation to start this. 

But just one day. I decided. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I was done feeling sad. Depressed. Tired. I needed to work on me if I was going to get any better. I called a therapist and made the choice that it was time to take care of me. That one decision was my fuel, my passion. I threw myself into this program. Workout wise. I could have been a ton more better on my eating, more on that later. I dedicated to myself that I was going to workout everyday. Drink my Shakeology everyday and no more fast food. 

AND GUESS WHAT! I did it! I made it 21 day of working on me. And you know what happened? I felt better. I had good days and fewer bad days. I learned to appreciate my body again and not be disappointed in it. I have had so much fun watching my husband exercise with me most nights. We have reconnected again because I was so distant with him. We are happy, laughing and enjoying life again. I can't stand the smell of fast food, I want whole fruits and veggies. We are staying in our eating budget because we aren't going out randomly anymore. 
This past month I feel like I have gotten my life back. And it only took 1 choice and 21 days. In 21 days I have lost (as of this morning) 3 lbs and 4.25 inches. I am retaining water still from the race over the weekend because I was so dehydrated. But I know the work I put into this. I see the difference in my life it has made. Small changes eventually add up to HUGE results!

If you are ready to start your journey, let me know! Click on the Banner at the top for upcoming challenge groups. Sent me a message. Email. Just let me know! 
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