Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Lack of Consistency or Progress? What Makes You Stop Your Weight Loss Journey?

This post contains affiliate links. This is how I pay the bills you guys. When you use my specific links included in these posts, and make a purchase you help provide for me and my family. So if you decide later you want to order and work with me as your coach, please come back to my blog and use the links in the posts!

HAPPY NEW YEAR FIT FAMILY! Can you believe it is already 2020??? So weird yet so exciting at all the possibilities ahead of us in the new year and decade. Also I'm kind of wondering of flapper dresses will make a comeback!? I kind of dig that idea! 

Let's do a little review of my 2019. I've suffered from my depression coming back. Irregular periods which led me to get checked out with my OB and after blood work, it was confirmed that my hormones have decided to quit on me, so I started hormone therapy for my peri menopause status (at just shy of 38 years old, so sad.) We are working on not only turning my hormones back on but also regulating them. Plus I started taking supplements to help with my adrenals from suspicions that they are not where they should be from my cortisol levels. But...

Hi, I'm Becky the CONSISTENCY QUEEN! I started 2019 at the exact same weight that I ended 2019. Yet, I've been exercising 5x a week on average for the entire year. I've made progress, I've lost some inches, lost some body fat, gained muscle (boy did I gain muscle) I've toned up parts of my body, my clothing fit better, I have more energy, I'm eating completely different than I was even just a couple years ago. I feel pretty good. But...I didn't get the progress I had hoped I would have at this point. 
So let me ask you, with all the negative stuff stacked against you would would you continue to be consistent or do you throw in the towel? To be honest, years ago I would have worked hard for a few weeks, and if I didn't see that scale go down, I would have downed a pint or 2 of Ben and Jerry's and said "I knew it wasn't going to work," or "who cares." When I really had hoped and believed that it would work for me. That this was going to be the time that it actually worked. 

But...guys, for this year it didn't work. I didn't lose weight. But...I had so many positives. STOP LETTING THE LACK OF SOMETHING derail you. HONESTLY isn't it better to have a consistent healthy habit and over time for the progress to come later. See below. This is my change from 2 years and 3 months compared to today. That's progress. Over 2 years! And I didn't gain weight this year, so that's a win. the end. It doesn't freaking matter if your progress is slow. It doesn't matter if it takes you 5 years to lose 20 pounds but "it took Felicia 2 months". BYE FELICIA! Your progress is only dictated by the effort you put into what you do and your consistency. Don't stop your consistency because the scale isn't doing what you want it to. Keep on the consistent behaviors because those will help you in the long run health wise. And isn't that what you want? A healthier life? 

To help you feel better when there is no progress, track your Non Scale Victories. #NSV

Just a few Non scale victories are: clothing feeling looser, you have more energy, your skin looks better, you decided to not to eat the extra large cupcake in the window, you can climb the stairs without feeling winded, you can get up or down to the ground easier, you ran your first 5k, you ran your first 1/2 marathon, you made it through a move in your workout without stopping (oh girl, I celebrated big time when I was able to do the full minute of burpees in 21 Day Fix Cardio, when I could barely do 1 when I started. THAT'S A HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENT!) You made it through an entire workout without stopping or pausing, you did your first pushup on your toes, you did 5 pushups on your toes. You did 20. These are all NSV's and hundreds more! Celebrate these. Give yourself $1 each time you notice a new NSV and girl, you will have extra $$ in no time. 

Let this be the year that you create the healthy consistent habit of daily exercise and eating better. Even if the scale doesn't move. Stay consistent. Let this be the year that you change your life and your daily habits. Progress will come. That's where I come in. 

💥 Maybe you're looking to save $$ on a gym membership? Or would you rather just start working out at home? Maybe you need to change up your workout routine at the gym? I got you. I can get you hooked up with the same online fitness library I use that you can use from anywhere on your phone (using the web or our app), laptop, smart tv, even on Roku, or Amazon Fire. Get unlimited access to 1000+ workouts plus my favorite cooking show with all the comfort foods health-ified. 

💥 Maybe you need to stop dieting and start living and eating all the foods. I got you here too! We have 2 nutrition programs that don't require counting calories, points, cutting food groups or skipping any meals. If anything you will be eating more food than you have before, but it's the foods your body needs to feel and function better. View the 2B Mindset Program here. View the Ultimate Portion Fix Program here.

💥 Maybe you just need support to motivate you and keep you accountable on your journey! I HAVE YOU HERE TOO GIRL! When you get our online fitness library membership, or the nutrition programs, or just the daily superfood filled shake, you get access to my EXCLUSIVE Virtual Gym and me as your 1:1 coach when you need it. We have daily accountability polls, a tracker app group, motivation, challenges, live meal planning calls, community support with the other ladies, and you always get the 411 first with me from new products released. 

Create a consistent habit and progress will come. I promise you! And stopping is a guaranteed one way ticket that you will never make progress. It's a "would you rather..." kind of situation. So would you rather be consistent or make progress if you had to choose? Drop a comment below or send me an email and we can discuss! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Level Up Your Health In 2020 | Exclusive Accountability Group Access

This post contains affiliate links. 
It's go time ladies! The new year is HERE! It's time to level up! This is my motto for 2020, Level Up My Health. Because my health is already pretty freaking amazing. I can do 20 pushups on my toes, with a moderate range of motion, I can do hard workouts using medium/light weights. I am consistent AF with daily exercise and my nutrition is much improved compared to 5 years ago. But...there's room to move to the next level. There's room for more progress. There's room to LVEL UP! 

So...if you are serious with your goals and are ready to work hard for them, we need to do this together. I'm looking for women who are driven, passionate, go getters and have big dreams and goals. If this sounds like you then you need to be in my exclusive 2020 virtual gym community and fit family. 

What you get: (purchase necessary and can not be already working with another Team Beachbody Coach. Only available in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. Soon to be available in France)
  • Access to over 1000 workouts and my favorite healthy cooking show with no monthly fees starting at $39/every 3 months --you get 2 weeks FREE before your card is even charged! (6 month and 12 month options available too)
  • Upgrade to include my favorite workout supplements to give you the energy to get started and to help reduce soreness
  • Upgrade to include my favorite daily superfood filled shake that's more than a protein shake! Read more HERE
  • Upgrade to include either of our 2 complete nutrition programs to learn how to eat the right foods, in the right amounts without counting calories, without cutting out food groups, without starving and without skipping any meals. 
  • Me as your coach, mentor and friend to hook you up with the more tools for success included in my group.
  • Access to my exclusive group on Facebook (and tracker app) with daily accountability and tracking and community support


WAIT!!! We have bundle kits to help you save even more money if you want to do any of the upgrades!--Just send me a message or email and let's find the perfect option to help you get started right, Or GO ALL IN with my favorite FITNESS BUNDLE KIT that includes it the Online Fitness Library, pre and post workout supplements and the daily superfood filled shake!  

Or GO ALL IN with my favorite NUTRITION BUNDLE KIT that includes access to the Online Fitness Library and the daily superfood shake.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

How To Get Out Of The End Of The Year Workout Funk

"I'm so busy with getting everything ready for the holidays". "It would just be easier to wait until January 1". "I don't have time." "I just don't feel like it." These are some of the many things running through my head right now when It's time for me to workout. YES ME! The fitness motivator and personal trainer. Even I have moments in my life where I don't want to workout. But...I don't let these reason/excuses, while valid, stop me. I do my workout any ways. Actually, I force myself to do it because it needs to be done and when it's done, it's done!

This time of year is HARD. No only are we dealing with shorter days, the winter blues, and the stress of the holiday season, it's so easy to just take a rest until the new year when you know you are going to be super excited to start anyways because "lose weight" is probably a goal for the new year.

Girl, get up off of that funk and follow these easy steps to get up and get your workout done, no matter what!

Sunday night pre-schedule in your workout time and actual workouts you are going to do for the entire week. Put it in your calendar, set an alarm.

Pick out and set out your workout clothes the night before (or even the week before) Sounds silly but since you probably won't wear the same thing every day you can make a pile in your closet or room, with your workout outfits for the day. Just like with packing you have something ready to grab easily.

I drink a pre workout drink to get my mind and body in the mood to workout. It gives me the energy needed to get started. Then I give myself a 15 minute power moment for the drink to kick in so I start strong from the first minute of my workout. I do the dishes, laundry, clean a bathroom, something that I'm going to have to do anyways later but I set an alarm and give myself 15 min to do it. Then it's go time!

STICK WITH YOUR PLAN AND JUST DO IT. I know, easier said than done but really, all you gotta do is get dressed, and do it. This is a big reason why I workout at home all I have to do is just flip on the TV, get in my online fitness app, and get my workout done. And if these don't help, girl, get yourself in a community to help lift you up and inspire you to get MOVING!

Remember you made the commitment to change you life with health and fitness. Think back to how you used to feel and how you felt when you decided this time was going to be the time that you reached your goal because it can still happen. It's not too late. You just have to do it. Before you know it, all these steps become a habit, your daily discipline, and your "funk" days will be few and far between. They will still happen, but that's what the discipline part is. You'll do the workout anyways because it's just part of your day.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK

Monday, December 2, 2019

3 Tips To Staying On Track With Your Health And Fitness Goals Over The Holidays

this post contains affiliate links
It's December and the last month of the decade! I'm sure you want to end this decade with a bang so I'm going to share my top 3 tips to stay committed and rock the end of the year!

1) PICK A PROGRAM (or 2 depending on how long the program is)AND STICK WITH IT FOR THE WHOLE MONTH! Commit to follow the calendar no matter what. Take rest days when it says. Do the workouts in order. Don't skip or jump around. Do the program as is. Even if it's longer than 30 days. Just start today and stick with it! If it's a program that ends before the end of the month like 21 Day Fix does, plan to start another program or do round 2 of the program! JUST STICK WITH THE PROGRAM!

2) MEAL PLAN WEEKLY! This is vital to help you stay on track with your nutrition and your budget. Our household has been able to save at least $50 a month since August by meal planning and sticking with that plan! My community has been meal planning on Thursdays for the following week so that we a plan, time to go to the store over the weekend and are ready to go by Monday!

3) GET SUPPORT! Be an active part of a support community! Having Support is KEY to success. Because you have people to lean on, people to help motivate you, people to cheer you on, and people to learn from. That's why I created my virtual gym! It was something I needed to stay motivated and committed. And I use it DAILY!  It's a private group for those who are ready to truly commit to their journey using our online streaming platform with access to over 1,000 workouts ready for you to crush! Ready to join us?  YOU CAN GET STARTED HERE with your YEAR MEMBERSHIP with unlimited streaming access and get my favorite pre workout drink and post workout recovery drink 50% off!  Oh and the lemon flavor for the pre workout and chocolate plant based is my favorite flavors! Start with those!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK

Friday, November 8, 2019

3 Tips To Up Level Your Nutrition | Better Nutrition For Your Family, Reduce Processed Food and Save Money

It's no secret that I struggle with nutrition. Like many, many others out there, I honestly want to be able to lose weight and eat my cake...but it's not working that way for me! And if you are reading this, it might not be for you either.

Nutrition is HARD! Because there are so many amazing food creations out there but let's face it, the biggest and hardest thing is avoiding processed foods, sugars and candy. We buy boxed cereal because it's easy and no one wants to have the fighting start with their kids before 8am. Using a box mac n cheese, or fast food or a pre made meal is easier on those nights that we get home late, have a rough day with the kids, or just don't feel like cooking. The obesity rate is still on the rise across America.

In the last 2 months our family has significantly cut out processed foods in our diet and the benefits, we have more homemade meals, we have actually saved more money/spent less at the store. And we are seeing the impact processed foods and sugars have on our kids. Let me tell you,  my kids were completely different kids following Halloween (more like little devils!) then they were over the entire month of October when they were eating less sugars and processed foods.

My oldest has struggled for years with his focus. But since we started cleaning up what we have been eating, he has been able to focus more at school and is thriving in his class. Collin, well he's 5 and just has a ton of energy, but he got so sick following Halloween he was out of school an extra 2 days as his body was detoxing from the sugar overload. GET THIS BOOK to learn more about the effects of nutrition and childhood behaviors and health.

More people than ever are counting points, doing keto, cutting fat/eating a reduced fat diet, calorie depletion and are drinking more green smoothies. But...the obesity rate is still rising. The key thing more people need to do is just STOP buying the processed foods and making more homemade foods.


MEAL PLAN AHEAD OF TIME- In my exclusive group we have been meal planning by THURSDAY for the next week so that we have a plan in place, and a few days time to go to the store and make sure we have everything we need to start the week strong.

UTILIZE LEFTOVERS- A big thing that's made a huge change is that we always plan to have leftovers for at least 1 dinner after. So in my meal planning I plan to make 3 dinners a week, with enough to eat leftovers for 1 day. So on Monday I cook homemade Taco Soup, Tuesday we have leftover Taco soup. See below. Red days are the days I'm cooking. Grey are the days I use leftovers. Also, if we have more than 2 nights of dinner for our family, then we will use extra leftovers as our lunch too. Soups are great for that. But yes, it is a lot of the same foods. But my life is way easier!

STICK TO THE PLAN NO MATTER WHAT! There are going to be days where you aren't going to want to cook. But do it anyways. Think of your budget. Think of your goals. Create discipline. Also become a food snob. Don't settle for the drive thru. If you do "have" eat out, or especially on a date night, choose restaurants with high end ingredients. (local sourced, organic, minimal processing, and always order the side salad or veggies). Yes it will cost more, therefore it is way more cost effective to eat at home.

If you follow these consistently you will see differences in your progress, family health and even budget!

Ready to take it to the next level, EDUCATE yourself. The same program I'm following teaches these principals and more including kids nutrition! ENROLL HERE to get lifetime access and try your first month of my favorite daily superfood shake 70% off! Whey Chocolate is my fave!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK

Thursday, October 24, 2019

PCOS and Hormone Imbalance Post Babies | Kick PCOS In The Face!

You guys, I'm struggling. I've been struggling for months. I'm exercising 5-6 days a week. I'm eating the best I have ever eaten in my life and I haven't lost a single pound in a year. I finally said, enough is enough. I went to my doctor and asked that I have blood tests done to confirm my suspicions that my PCOS was back. Let me tell you, there is not a ton of info about PCOS after babes. Because it directly affects having babies, but what about when you are done having babies. PCOS DOES NOT MAGICALLY GO AWAY! It's still there.

I had a feeling that the #1 thing my doc was going to recommend to me was to go on the pill to help my symptoms, but again, I'm not having anymore babies, and I don't want to be on a medication that's intended for one thing but for another reason. It didn't sit right and I honestly think the pill is what messed my hormones up worse in the first place...And I was right. My doc, bless him and just trying to help me but, the first thing he offered to help with symptoms was...THE PILL! After doing research I was right. I've been listening to Podcasts --- like the Model Health Show- (and he has a NEW BOOK coming out next April!!!! , and found this amazing book Beyond The Pill by Dr. Jolene Brighten to help me along the way.


What I’m currently listening to and let’s be real, to get books in I listen to them through the day so this is from my audible! #momlife and work life doesn’t let me sit down and curl up with a book these days! Back to the post- I First heard @drjolenebrighten on the @shawnmodel Model Health Show, episode 338, talking about hormonal Birth Control and how to go beyond it. I knew my doc was going to recommend the pill when I went and talked to him about what I suspected was my hormone issues and PCOS flaring up but I don’t want to be on the pill. And I was right. It was the first thing he said, “we could put you on the pill to regulate your cycle and it helps with hormones...” Guys...I’m NOT getting pregnant anytime soon since the husband got that taken care of and honestly It’s the very last option on the table at this point because I want to try to fix or at least learn how to balance my hormones Naturally. After listening to the show and now listening to this book I’m even more resolves to listen to my gut and try to help myself naturally. Because my problem is more than just irregular periods. It’s straight up miscommunication of hormones and a lack of them even working in my body and that is a serious thing. I have more knowledge to take with me when taking the endo my ob is referring me to. Educate yourself. Do your research. Know all the facts because I didn’t. Now I’m learning and will continue to learn what I can do to help my body starting with my gut! Check out this book your guys if you struggle like I do! Get answers and #beyourownhealthadvocate #nextstep #myhealth #womansintuition #personaldevelopment #knowledge #educateyourself #actionispower
A post shared by Becky-Connect The Dots Ginger (@sunkissedbecky) on

There is so much information out there. And I'm not saying go to Google to diagnose yourself but educate yourself on signs, symptoms, and how you can help your body and how to talk to your doctor to help yourself the best. Remember the docs, want to help you and sometimes it's through the fastest and easiest way. It's okay to go the hard way.

Know that you are you own health advocate. You get to call the shots on what tests are done and what medication you go on. Before you go on any medication, LEARN ABOUT IT. Ask the hard questions. The pill, would be like a bandaid. It wouldn't help to fix or regulate my hormones. It would turn them off completely. And that's not what I want. I want to live my healthiest life and optimal health. And the pill, was truly my last resort.

After getting my results back and learning that my hormones were way worse than we thought, I'm peri menopausal because my hormones were in the TANK. And my thyroid came back as "abnormal" so I'm being referred to a specialist to get it checked out further.

In the meantime, I'm working hard to heal my body, by cutting out the processed foods, eating a ton of veggies to help "detox" and heal my gut and I'll also be placed on bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (which is a man made hormone similar to the one the body naturally produces) to help assist my hormones during this transition.

I'll be chronicling my journey along this because there isn't much info about how to deal with pcos after having babies. So be sure to bookmark and check back for updates!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK

Monday, October 7, 2019

Healthy Holiday Habits Challenge

It's the final countdown of the year and the DECADE! To end this year strong I've opened up my HEALTHY HOLIDAY HABITS CHALLENGE again this year! With daily challenge prompts to develop a healthier lifestyle to go along with your daily workouts and healthy nutrition!

What you get: 
Access to a complete fitness library with over 40 programs to choose from to complete! (I'll help you narrow it down to find the program to fit your life and help you get your results!)
Access to one of our COMPLETE Nutrition programs to learn what to eat, how much and the exact foods to eat
Superfood nutrition and top of the line supplements
Access to my exclusive virtual gym with daily accountability posts
1:1 coaching from me when you need it
Daily challenges to prompt healthy habits
LIVE WORKOUTS with others
Support and friends in our virtual gym!

READY TO JOIN US? CLICK HERE to get my TOP PICK COMPLETE BUNDLE KIT with everything you need to get started including our perfect portion nutrition program (Yes it is an investment in your whole health but it is EVERYTHING YOU NEED so you get that energy to get started and and anti-soreness drink so you can push play the next day) Or message me or email me to chat about budget friendly options available!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK

Friday, August 30, 2019

Fix Your Nutrition For Life Bootcamp | Nutrition Focused Group For Real And Sustainable Healthier Eating Habits

Simplicity is the name of the game you guys. Me, personally, I've got way too much going on in my life to have to really devote a ton of time in the kitchen, let alone cooking food every single night. I've got 2 rehearsals a week (at least) going on right now at night, plus a full teaching schedule I don't have the time to be tied up in the kitchen.

That's why I created and started my group, FIX YOUR NUTRITION FOR LIFE BOOTCAMP! Because I want you to realize how simple meal planning can be. How much time you can save by just following the simple steps that we work on weekly together.

What this group is about:

  • Following either of the nutrition programs offered through Beachbody, because they were designed with science and keep it super simple! 
  • Watching all the training videos included in the nutrition program (over 30!) 
  • Join in on weekly meal planning calls to learn how to keep it super simple
  • Complete weekly assignments for a chance to earn some SWAG
  • Be active in our private chat group for accountability and support, posting pictures of your meals, support whatever you need. It's your direct access to me as your mentor and coach and the other members of the group too! 
  • Access to an exclusive google drive with tools and our Bootcamp Ebook to get you started right and stay on track
  • Oh and exercise is totally optional! 

We just had our first LIVE meal planning session yesterday! And it's not too late to join us! This is an open group right now. So if you have been struggling with what foods to eat, how much to eat and just feeling lost with meal planning or want to refine a bit more, this is the group for you! MESSAGE ME HERE to get more details or GET STARTED HERE! You must have either the Ultimate Portion Fix (with the containers) or 2B Mindset nutrition focused programs to join this group.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Meal Planning? #1 Tip To Learn How To Meal Prep Like A Pro

*This post contains affiliate links.

I've been a coach for a long time, and this year, I've really been focusing on my nutrition journey and what I noticed, as I talked a lot with my customers about nutrition, was many of them found meal planning SO HARD! Just learning how to get started. So...I am making learning how to meal plan an integral part of my coaching now! From hosting meal planning sessions with my test groups for our new program and then opening it up once a month to all my customers so they can learn and improve!

Why is meal planning important? Because without a plan, you are flying by the seat of your pants. How many times have you gone out for dinner, or sent your hubs out to get food, because you didn't have any idea what to make for dinner and it was already to late to try and figure it out? ALL THE TIME unless I meal plan! When I meal plan, I've got that nagging feeling of, I've already bought all the ingredients and we already have a plan in place, might as well use what we have. Does this always work, of course not, but 9 times out of 10 it does. So, you want to learn how to get started right

#1 Tip to learning how to meal prep like a pro: 

START WITH PLANNING OUT all your meals for only 1 category of food (either dinner, lunch or breakfast). I plan all my dinners FIRST because that is the meal with our entire family, and it has to be something that they will all like. And because I'm a busy mom I pick 3 dinner recipes a week to make and make enough to have leftovers the next day. So I'm only cooking 3 nights a week and then just heating up the leftovers the next day.

So my schedule would look like this:
This is a great starting point to just get started with meal planning as a beginner. As a beginner, DO NOT PLAN OUT EVERY MEAL FOR THE WHOLE WEEK. It's totally intimidating and a huge thing to take on. Start small. 

For me, the way I plan my meals is I eat following the Ultimate Portion Fix Program. Meaning, I get a specific serving amount of veggies, protein, carbs, fruits and healthy fats in a day. I actually figure out the serving amounts in my dinners and then I'll plan out the rest of the day so I don't over eat on my containers and keep it super simple following my food lists. Plus with access to the healthy cooking show that goes along with it and it's even included in our online fitness library, it makes it easy to plan out meals. 

Or, aim to eat a veggie and protein at all my other meals, and having some carbs and fruits. Don't forget the healthy fats too! 

The goal is to keep it simple! Want more tips, be sure to follow me on Instagram or you can WORK WITH ME and send me an email to get started 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK
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