Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen: How To Get Out Of The End Of The Year Workout Funk

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

How To Get Out Of The End Of The Year Workout Funk

"I'm so busy with getting everything ready for the holidays". "It would just be easier to wait until January 1". "I don't have time." "I just don't feel like it." These are some of the many things running through my head right now when It's time for me to workout. YES ME! The fitness motivator and personal trainer. Even I have moments in my life where I don't want to workout. But...I don't let these reason/excuses, while valid, stop me. I do my workout any ways. Actually, I force myself to do it because it needs to be done and when it's done, it's done!

This time of year is HARD. No only are we dealing with shorter days, the winter blues, and the stress of the holiday season, it's so easy to just take a rest until the new year when you know you are going to be super excited to start anyways because "lose weight" is probably a goal for the new year.

Girl, get up off of that funk and follow these easy steps to get up and get your workout done, no matter what!

Sunday night pre-schedule in your workout time and actual workouts you are going to do for the entire week. Put it in your calendar, set an alarm.

Pick out and set out your workout clothes the night before (or even the week before) Sounds silly but since you probably won't wear the same thing every day you can make a pile in your closet or room, with your workout outfits for the day. Just like with packing you have something ready to grab easily.

I drink a pre workout drink to get my mind and body in the mood to workout. It gives me the energy needed to get started. Then I give myself a 15 minute power moment for the drink to kick in so I start strong from the first minute of my workout. I do the dishes, laundry, clean a bathroom, something that I'm going to have to do anyways later but I set an alarm and give myself 15 min to do it. Then it's go time!

STICK WITH YOUR PLAN AND JUST DO IT. I know, easier said than done but really, all you gotta do is get dressed, and do it. This is a big reason why I workout at home all I have to do is just flip on the TV, get in my online fitness app, and get my workout done. And if these don't help, girl, get yourself in a community to help lift you up and inspire you to get MOVING!

Remember you made the commitment to change you life with health and fitness. Think back to how you used to feel and how you felt when you decided this time was going to be the time that you reached your goal because it can still happen. It's not too late. You just have to do it. Before you know it, all these steps become a habit, your daily discipline, and your "funk" days will be few and far between. They will still happen, but that's what the discipline part is. You'll do the workout anyways because it's just part of your day.

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