Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Friday, July 14, 2017

Working Out Is Your New Personal Therapy Session

The #1 thing I hear from people, moms especially, is "I don't know how you do it [find time to workout] with kids at home." That's the thing; I don't really have time to workout at home. I don't. I'm busy just like anyone else. I just took Collin upstairs for time out because he didn't like hearing me say no to something so he decided to be vindictive and get back at me by taking a plastic knife to my piano. (that S&*t don't fly in my house!) 

I am a busy mom with crazy kids at home, but if I don't workout, I AM THE ONE THAT WILL GO CRAZY! I have learned how to make my workouts sessions like my daily therapy session to stay sane. No joke you guys. When I was going to a therapist for my miscarriage, I made it a point to exercise and felt so much better mentally than the days that I didn't exercise. 
How do you make your workout into a personal therapy session? 

1) Set aside some time for you. MAKE TIME in your life for you. If that means 30 minute nap time. Quiet time. Time out. Whatever you call it. Do it. My kids are in their quiet time spaces when I do mine. They are in a safe location so that I can turn my brain off for them and focus on what I am doing.

2) Focus on the workout and what the trainer is saying. Most trainers are motivating. They will say something that will just hit you right in the heart. Use that phrase as your drive to help you get through the next 30 minutes or however long you have left. The other day it was: YOU HAVE SO MUCH MORE IN YOU! He was so flipping right! I DID! The workout was getting harder, and I was getting tired. So I started to just go through the motions, but motions aren't going to get me results! So I pushed and finished strong you guys! 

3) Allow yourself to think about you and how you are feeling during the workout. Sounds weird but it is true. Don't be making your grocery list as you are doing pushups. Don't be thinking about what you have to do after the workout is done, think about you in that moment. How you are feeling. How your body feels. How far you have come. What you will feel like when you reach your goals. We start going through the motions or quite when we stop focusing on what we want. 

4) Take pride in what you just accomplished at the end of the workout. Give yourself a mental high five for rocking your workout. Think about you struggles you overcame or a move that was hard but you tried it anyways, and were able to do 1, 3, or 5 of them. You are amazing and strong. 

5) BE CONSISTENT! Don't just do this one day a week, be consistent and do this MOST DAYS, and especially the days that you feel run down or down on yourself. ( I want to say weaker mentally, just having a harder time coping with things going on around you, but I don't know if that is the right term but it kind of is) The more that you exercise, the more consistent you get with it the more it will help you. The more that you will want it for this reason. Our bodies and mind need exercise you guys. There is a reason why our body is flooded with endorphins after we exercise. We need it! 

So...who is getting in their personal therapy session today? What are you going to do? 
Interested in working with me as your virtual coach or joining my team to help motivate and inspire others like I do? EMAIL ME or private message me over at my Facebook page and let's chat! And don't forget to join my FREE Online community to give you that daily motivation, tips, and support to help you reach your goals and score a free copy of my clean eating guide! 

Thursday, July 13, 2017

5 Steps To Love Your Body Now

No more saying, "I look fat!" Sweetie, it doesn't matter what you look like. You are beautiful! Do I have a perfect body shape? Do I have fat that you can see? What about my stretch marks? Yep got those too. But for the first time in my life, I finally love what I see. I see me, strong, empowered, and this is the year that I am going to rock my body at the pool and not cover myself up out of fear or shame! You flaunt your body when and how you want. You wanna wear a bikini to the beach, wear it! Remember that we all think we have flaws. Even the girl who looks like she has it all. She still has flaws. It is all about how you think about yourself that counts that helps to project to everyone else. Feel like a badass, you will project badassery. Feel like you don't fit in, then your energy will project it. Remember you are amazing. Fake it until you make it.

I will say, that these are some of the scariest images I have ever posted of myself before, ON SOCIAL MEDIA no less. I have never shared me in a swim suit before, nor have I ever felt amazing in my swim suit all because I finally believe in myself. But I am proud of my body and the fact that I have had 3 babies. I know that I don't have the perfect body. I know that a lot of people will find these pictures repulsive but you know what. I AM WORKING SO HARD TO BE HEALTHY, and it can be done for a plus size woman to be healthy and fit. Be you! Be true to yourself! And once you do that and recognize the beauty in yourself you will shine like the sun in the sky! 

3) YOU CAN LOSE THE WEIGHT! You can choose how you want to be. 
Everyone always says it, IT IS HARD WORK to lose weight! I still haven't lost all the weight from my last miscarriage when I got pregnant. And then at 9 months postpartum I am no where near where I was hoping to be. I have NEVER lost the weight through breastfeeding alone and right now I am down the most I ever have while breastfeeding. No supplementing with formula, and no pumping. All food for my babies came straight from my boobs. I am envious of women who can lose weight because of breastfeeding because it never happened for me. So know that you might not be able to lose the weight through breastfeeding. That it might take hard work and dedication to lose the weight, that it might take longer than 9 month to lose the weight but IT CAN BE DONE! 
Embrace what your body is going through right now. You are in the process of getting your body to be exactly how you want it to be. Rejoice in what your body is doing for you now. Supporting you while you exercise and train. Getting stronger. Fitter. Leaner. And getting into the best shape of your life. Remember to take time and take care of you and love what your body is doing for you. Enjoy the process. 

5) BE YOU! 
Don't forget who you are in this whole process. It is easy to forget that you still like to be pampered or go on dates, or wear cute clothing. Go out and get some tops or a dress that reflect who you are so you aren't lost in the process. Your body is changing, but it doesn't mean that you have to hide who you are because your body is changing! BE YOU! LOVE YOU! Enjoy the process and know that in just a few short months, you will be even closer to your goals, or at them. And if you aren't, you can keep on trying and following these simple steps to love you as you are now! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Lose Weight Or Stay Overweight? Choose Your Hard

I have been thinking about this for awhile. losing weight freaking sucks and is hard. There are times where I wish my body would just release the weight. comes down to what do you really want. And honestly, I haven't been as diligent with my eating as I should be. This is why I have a coach. And I have groups to help keep me accountable. 

Losing weight is hard. And being overweight is hard and hurts and sucks. But I can either stick to what I know I should do or just settle for where I am at or the good chance that I gain weight and keep getting bigger. Which is not an option for me.

Recently, I have told a couple people that next month I am getting my personal training certificate. I keep thinking, how can they take me seriously when I look the way I do? Would I want to work with a trainer who was so far from their goals? I start to second guess myself and what the crap I am doing wrong, and get into that nasty downward cycle. Just before I started writing this, I had been mentally putting off my workout. Even as excited as I am to do a new program, I'm tired. It would be so nice to just skip it and rest. But it comes down to what do I really want?

Do I want to continue the way I am or do I need to stop making excuses and stick with my plans.
Guess what? As much as I was mentally putting off my workout I freaking did it. And once I felt myself start to go through the motions @chrisdowningfitness said "there's so much more in you". This was when there was about 5 minutes left and it freaking out a fire in me. I pushed harder. I fell on my butt in the crab crawls again but I didn't stop. I finished strong. And yes, I had 3 little mini cookies today but I am still on my way to reaching my goals because I refuse to give up. #i just have to work harder on being more diligent with my nutrition.

How are you doing and what have you been feel lately about your journey?

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Monday, July 10, 2017

Homemade Fajita Seasoning Recipe

Wanna make you life so much easier? Being a busy mom of 3 kids I want things that are easy and still taste great! Check out this homemade fajita seasoning that can be used on ANYTHING and EVERYTHING! Chicken, Steak, Rice, Veggies, Quinoa, tofu, Anything! Super easy and super tasty.

Fajita Seasoning: 
¼ cup Chili Powder
2 tablespoons Paprika
1 tablespoon Onion Powder
1 tablespoon Garlic Powder
1 teaspoon Cayenne Powder (optional) (I use about 1/2 a tsp) 
1 tablespoon Cumin Powder

Combine in a cute little spice container and use when you need it!

Recipe of the week for meal prep: 
5 chicken breasts
fajita seasoning
1/2 jar of salsa

Spread 5 chicken breasts on a cookie sheet. 
Sprinkle both sides of the chicken with the fajita seasoning.
Pour salsa on each breast. 
Bake at 400 degree Fahrenheit for 25 minutes. 
Shred chicken and store in fridge. 
Take what you need! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Friday, July 7, 2017

9 Months: Postpartum Update

Exercise: This has been a month of, do whatever feels best! I did the Shaun Week that was released using Beachbody On Demand with the all access pass. Plus tried out some new to me workouts including Insanity Max:30! My goal was to exercise 4-5 days a week and on average I did 3-4. I am still trying to get my knee to feel better, so I have been modifying the workouts to fit me but I am still working, still sweating and still rocking! 
Weight: Pre-pregnancy weight:237.7. Weight morning of birth: 265. Current weight July 1: 248.1. Weight went up for 1 reason...NUTRITION! I have not been on track with my nutrition habits at all. I have been indulging too much. Plus when Elyse was going through her little growth spurt, I went through a little carb loading eating way more carbs than I usually do, which made my body bloat up like crazy. Combine that with the muggy summer here and I have swollen up as well. If I want to reach my goals, I have got to get my eating back on track!

July Goals: This month is the month of nutrition and getting my eating back on track. I know what to eat for my body, but you guys, the struggle is real. My mind wants other things and just like anyone else it is hard to stick with a meal plan. But Eat right most of the time and indulge just some of the time is key to a healthy lifestyle change! For my exercise I am aiming for 5 days a week of active exercise and using the weekends to do healthy activities with my family. Shift Shop, a brand new 21 day workout is coming out this month and I am excited to get my hands on that. I am probably going to be taking some of my workouts outside to try something new. I want you to know that it is possible to lose weight while breastfeeding. Looking for support and community on your journey, join my accountability groups! The accountability from sharing my journey and in my groups is what is keeping me going everyday. Interested in joining my private online support community? CLICK HERE TO JOIN: CONNECT THE DOTS TO YOUR HEALTH, FITNESS AND LIFE Private Online Community.
Are you ready to make that complete healthy lifestyle change but don't know where to start? I have created a 30 day workbook with daily action steps to help you make a complete healthy lifestyle change. 30 Days To A Healthy Lifestyle Change is available in my EXCLUSIVE private Facebook group as part of my Summer Slim Down To Success 60 Day Program as a TOOL to go along with your Beachbody On Demand All Access Pass workout programs and journey. If you are interested in joining us and are ready to order CLICK HERE and I will send you an email after you order with your materials and get you added to the group!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!
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