Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Thursday, January 26, 2017

COMPLETE Collection of Shakeology Ingredients

I talk about Shakeology ALL THE TIME. Why?  Because I love it so much. I started drinking Shakeology July of 2014. My second son was just 2 months old. We also were in the process of putting our first house (other house) up for sale as our tenant stopped paying rent and was evicted. So we were paying 2 mortgages, I wasn't teaching any lessons and we were literally living off of savings to help pay the other mortgage and other bills. It was so stressful and not fun. friend Janet knew I wanted to get back into shape, and be a healthy mom. She suggested Shakeology and gave me a sample to try.

To be honest I didn't like it at first. And I told my friend Janet. But I wanted to get a workout program anyways to do at home because I wasn't going to be making it to the gym any time soon and ended up getting the workout and Shakeology combined to give it a try. She coached me to add in some ingredients to help with the taste and make adjustments to the liquid amounts from 8 oz to 12 oz of milk. When I did that and made my Chocolate Shakeology with peanut butter and 1/2 a cup of ice to get a nice thick shake. I LOVED IT! It took me 3 days to find my perfect recipe (you can view my entire recipe collection here). And within 2 weeks of drinking Shakeology I was not craving fast foods, junk foods, sweets or treats. They just didn't appeal to me, at all! And that is when I knew Shakeology was PRICELESS! I honestly didn't care how much it cost me because I finally found the one thing I needed, something to make my cravings manageable or GONE and it did just that.

Shakeology is $130 which for us is a huge investment, but when I started looking into the ingredients and understanding why my cravings went away I was blown away by how awesome Shakeology really was. And it truly has been an investment in health and wellness! Any questions about Shakeology and deciding which flavor to get? Send me an EMAIL! Let's CHAT! INTERESTED IN GETTING SHAKEOLOGY for yourself? CLICK HERE to order!

So if you are curious about what really is in Shakeology or if it is just too good to be true. Check out all the details on Shakeology for each flavor below! You can click on the picture for a large view.



INTERESTED IN GETTING SHAKEOLOGY? CLICK HERE to order! Want to pair it with a workout too like I did when I started? Check out the ALL ACCESS PASS BUNDLE where you get access to EVERY SINGLE WORKOUT ever created, plus all bonus and upgraded content. Access to each workouts nutrition, workout calendar, FAQs. Plus you will even get access to any new workout that is released in the year. PLUS you will be part of my EXCLUSIVE group with daily motivation, support and accountability to help you stay on track to reach your goals!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

21 Day Fix Approved South-Western Style Egg Cups

A lot of people have a hard time getting in breakfast everyday. I used to be one of them, but now I can not go without my breakfast. And I honestly eat the same thing every day. 2-3 eggs over medium, 1/2 cup oatmeal with flaxseed, half an apple and a big cup of water. But let's jazz it up a bit and try something new


These are easy, and you can make a bunch of them and freeze them for later.
South-western Style Egg Cups
2 egg cups per serving

Non-stick cooking spray (I love using the coconut oil spray from Trader Joe's)
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
12 Large eggs (2 cups)
Sea Salt and Ground Pepper to taste
4 medium jalapeños, seeds and veins removed (to take away the heat), chopped
1 cup black beans, drained, rinsed
1 cup finely chopped spinach
3/4 cup finely chopped bell peppers
6 oz shredded cheddar cheese (optional)

1 Preheat oven to 350 degree F
2. Place 18 muffin cup liners in muffin pans (need 2 trays) and spray with non-stick cooking spray. set aside.
3. Combine almond milk,  eggs, jalapeños, beans, spinach, bell peppers and cheese( if using) in medium bowl. Season with salt and pepper and whisk to blend. Set aside.
4. Evenly pour egg mixture into prepared muffin cups.
5. Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean and eggs are set.
6. Sprinkle with cheese, and place in oven for about 1 minute to melt cheese.
7. Enjoy!

21 Day Fix Containers: 1 red, 1 green, 1/2 yellow, 1/2 blue, if using cheese

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

How You Really Lose Weight

Shared this message in my EXCLUSIVE GROUP! How many of you think of exercise as the ONLY WAY to lose weight? To change your lifestyle you must first chance how you think of food and exercise! So many people believe that they must exercise to lose weight but that really isn't true. Exercise is GREAT and we do need it. But to truly lose weight, you MUST change what you are eating! 

Food is the way to lose weight. Not exercise. Exercise is to help define, lean and strengthen your body. 

Yes, exercise allows you to burn calories and we know that you must burn 3500 calories to lose 1 pound. But most of us don't count calories every single day. Or live a calorie in calorie out lifestyle. You have to REALIZE that you can not OUT-EXERCISE A BAD DIET! If you learn to eat the right kinds of foods, the right portion of foods then you will lose weight.

Exercise is what allows you to be stronger, defined and lean and really shows off the work of what you have been eating! And it is important.
Too often I hear people kicking butt in their workouts. Getting them in daily and that they want to change. But they don't make the changes necessary to what they are eating to make a big difference. Yes they lose a little weight and some inches but to get the results you really want...start with what you are eating!

I did that for years! Even with my personal trainer. He kicked my butt in the gym, and I worked so hard. I only lost inches but didn't lose any weight. And it was so frustrating. But I honestly didn't change what I was eating enough to make a difference. When I finally did change what I ate, tracked it and kept a food log, the weight literally fell off of me! If you want to lose weight start with what you are eating! Every time! 

Need help with where to start??? Send me an EMAIL. Let's chat about your goals and get you started! I would love to help you achieve your goals!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Monday, January 23, 2017

Tips For Traveling With A Baby

This past weekend Elyse and I traveled to Utah for my grandfather's funeral. It was a last minute trip, and a very short trip. We left Friday evening at 6:10pm. Arrived in Utah at 11pm local time (so 1am our time). Funeral and family time was the next day. Then flew out of Utah at 6:10am on Sunday morning.

It was such a short trip and I was concerned about flying with a baby so small. Mason's first flight, he was 9 months old. Collin, he was 5 months. Elyse, 3 months. Here are some tips to help you feel a little more comfortable traveling with your little one.
1) Feed during take off and landing. Each flight I actually didn't feed Elyse until that little "ding, ding" happened overhead. That meant, Elyse was SCREAMING at me to feed her from when we sat down in our seat and for a good 10 minutes of loading and taxi time. And I am sure she scared the CRAP out of every passenger on the plane around us. Don't feel bad about this. My thought process was, let her scream now and then once we get going she will sleep! And it worked!

2) Don't feel bad about nursing your baby. 2 out of the 4 flights, I actually had a seat between me and the other passenger, or even the whole row to myself. That was nice. But the other 2 flights, I was next to at least one person. My last flight. I was sandwiched between two older males. And I personally don't cover to nurse. It is uncomfortable for the baby and I like being able to see her. Next to the men I did put a blanket over my shoulder to create a barrier for privacy to cover any "side boob" but that was it. I tried to be as modest as possible. Let your neighbors know that a nursing mom and leave it at that. You can always ask the flight attendants for a window seat if you want and they can ask if a passenger is willing to trade. I asked for the last flight because I knew I had a middle seat and was told another seat prior to boarding but that seat was actually taken and I didn't care at that point. Don't feel ashamed for having to nurse your baby or feel required to cover to nurse. You have a right to feed in public any way you choose. 

3) DO NOT APOLOGIZE or feel guilty for having your baby on the plane. You and your baby have every right to be on that plane flight as anyone else. Keep in mind that the travel time is only just a fraction of why people are on that flight anyways. It is just for a few hours. People can suck it up!
4) Crying and/or fussiness happens. Just like adults. No one likes to feel confined for long periods of time. Babies are just the same. Staring at the back of a chair or a small area is no fun for anyone. Get creative. I use the sun to refract light through my right and made "sparkles" for Elyse to enjoy! She loved it! Try to entertain as best as you can.

5) Don't get frustrated, because when you get frustrated your baby will feed off of your emotions which can cause them to get more upset. Again, travel time is just a short amount of time for the real reason why you are traveling.
6) Get up and walk around. If you are on a long flight. It is ok to get up and walk down the aisle. Especially if the baby is fussy, this might be the way to calm them down. Change of scenery for the baby might be what they need.

7) Depending on the length of your trip try to stick to your baby's schedule. If you are going on a longer trip. Keep your baby on their schedule, but in the new time zone. So if baby usually naps at 11:30am, do the nap at 11:30 per the time zone you are in. If it is a short trip like ours was. Don't. I let her sleep when she could. She was quite popular with family and got to meet a lot of them. And she put on a beautiful smile for everyone. She was awake more than she usually is. Today already, she is sleeping a lot to recover.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Love Yourself Fit

This month I opened up my EXCLUSIVE health and fitness support group to ANYONE that wanted to join and get that support and motivation they needed to stick with their resolution. Now it is time to turn up the dial and kick it into overdrive. My group will go back to being exclusive to continuing customers only beginning in February. And I INVITE YOU to join us!

Did you know that the Beachbody On Demand Annual All Access Pass not only gives you unlimited streaming to EVERY SINGLE WORKOUT ever created by Beachbody, but also all the nutrition guides, recipes, calendars and to the exclusive BOD content PLUS access to any new workout released? For just $99! And when you get the Beachbody On Demand All Access Annual Membership you also get lifetime access to my group. So you get access to me and all my tools that I have created to HELP YOU SUCCEED!
February's group is going to be focused on Self Love. We are going to learn Love Ourselves Fit! For years I did not love myself. I would cringe when I looked in the mirror, or avoid the mirror if I could. I would tear myself down by nit picking any part of my body that I thought was awful (too many stretch marks, big butt, big belly, my calves can't even fit in knee high boots!) Destructive. negative, self loathing that is so harmful to us mentally. 

It wasn't until I finally started to love myself. Learn to love myself. That I saw the good in me. And turned all my negative thoughts into positive ones. My stretch marks tell a story, my butt is amazing! my belly carried 3 babies full term, my calves are strong and I rock booties! I want to help you see you for as you are. Your beauty. Your inner light. And let it SHINE! Because you are beautiful. You are unique. There is no one like you on this earth. 
If you are ready to start your journey filled with love, friendship, kindness and still work hard to eat right every day, and exercise and get your "me time" in everyday, then I WANT YOU in my group! I am rocking my weight loss transformation right now and I want you to join me and REACH YOUR GOALS! Send me an EMAIL, and let me know you are ready to join me. I have a goal, that I said yesterday in my goal board, to help at least 50 women start their journey, work with them on their journey and see what they can achieve over this year. Are you ready to join me yet? 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!
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