Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Bump Update: 34 Weeks

Here we go! 6 weeks and counting. I don't know why but when I think 6 weeks, I think, HOLY CROW THAT IS SO SOON! Plus you have to be at least 34 weeks pregnant to have the baby at the hospital where I am scheduled at. So now I am good to go for that hospital! Baby girl is doing great. She is getting HUGE! I can just feel it. She is running out of room and loves to remind me all the time just how big she is by a swift kick to the ribs or a head butt to my bladder. 
Confirmed last week at my OB appointment and yesterday with the Chiropractor that she is in fact head down. As I like to say, "locked and loaded!" Things I notice that she loves are my baths that I take, she just goes crazy and loves the feeling of the water, showers, she also likes to fall asleep when I am driving. Crazy that I can pick that up already but each time I have had a drive longer than 5 minutes she is all moving around and within a few minutes she is as still as can be. And then at my appointments she doesn't really move around. 
I have to write about this, because it is just so true for my mom and I. Anytime we see something cute and girly and we just have to get it, we are calling it...The Elyse Effect! She is making us get these things that normally we wouldn't be getting. I just can't help it when I see super cute outfits, or ruffle butts, or bows, and bling. I HAVE TO GET IT. It's the Elyse Effect! Case in point: This outfit below. It was the Elyse Effect yesterday. She made me do it! 
Total Weight Gain: Gained 21.4 pounds total. Weight as of this morning 258.4 pounds. 

Symptoms: Can't eat very much. I get very full/stuffed very easily. So I am down to eating very small meals. I try to get the important things in, like veggies and protein and eat them first then add in the carbs, since carbs can take up so much space. Plus I am getting heartburn. Especially if I eat too much! Peeing a ton/constant need to pee! I am up at least 3 times a night right now to go to the bathroom, but most of the time there is nothing in there. 
Baby’s Size: Pineapple! (my fave fruit!) (~19-22 inches, 4.5-5.25 pounds)
Maternity Clothes: Yes, bottoms need to wear maternity or stretchy pants. Tops I wear maternity now and my bigger t-shirts but those are starting to get tight now. Wearing my new Fabletics sports bra in these pictures and LOVE THEM and the fun colors! A ton more coverage and super comfy! Top by: For Two Fitness
Stretch Marks: I already have a ton that I got when I gained weight years ago. So nothing new. I am using Honest Company belly balm right now though to help my belly stretch so I do not get any new ones. I apply it at night and right after I get out of the shower. After the shower I actually don't have to apply as much! 

Belly Button: Innie! I never had my belly button flatten out or pop out during my other 2 pregnancies, but this might be the one that I do! Every week it is getting closer!

Braxton Hicks Contractions: I am getting them throughout the day now. Including some strong ones that kind of make me stop and take a breath. Mainly when I am moving around too much, getting up from seated or during my exercise. It is a great reminder to take it easy and drinks some water! 
Gender: GIRL!!! So excited about all the cute stuff we got for her! We have her coming home outfit and her picture props! So girly, and way too cute!
Sleep: I HAVE to take a nap every day. I don't know what is going on but it has been something every single night this week that either Matt wakes me up, the kids stat screaming for me or what not. So... this momma just isn't getting the sleep she needs at night, Because I am so tired though, it hasn't been as hard to get back to sleep but it still takes a little bit of time. (If you see me make a comment on FB or IG at 2am this is why!) I am still getting up at night at 11:30pm, 1:30am, and 3:30am, 5:30 without fail to use the bathroom. This week always around 9pm for about an hour where she is just going crazy! Plus I am flopping over like a fish trying to get comfy. Sleeping is not my friend right now!
Miss Anything: Sleeping comfortably flat on my belly or back! Sleeping through the night. 
Cravings: Veggies. Are really the only thing I really have to have with my meals. I really don't have any cravings of things that "I have to have". Peanut M&M's are my go to treat. but I can only eat a little at a time. 
Aversions: Sweets taste too sweet for me, so I can only handle a little at a time. I guess that is my only aversion and kind of good!
Excited About: The count down is on! Seriously, it almost seems surreal that my time is winding down, only 6 weeks left. Tonight Mason and I are going on the sibling tour of the hospital. So I am excited to see what happens there. I am also counting down the days to when Mason goes back to school. After having Kindergarten camp we are both ready for him to be in school. I'm still going to be sad about it but he is so ready and excited! 

Workouts: Pretty well for this week! I got in 5 days of regular workouts this past week. My regular Workouts include: 21 Day Fix yoga & pilates Beachbody On Demand Active Maternity and Diary Of A Fit Mommy's Fit For Two 2nd Trimester workouts in daily. Super excited for September. I am going to be trying out the newest workout program, COUNTRY HEAT because I just want to DANCE THIS BABY OUT and the results from just 30 days of 30 minutes a day of dancing have been UNBELIEVABLE! Wanna join me and get in on the group, CLICK HERE to fill out the application to join so I can get in touch with you on how you can join us! 
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

RunDisney Virtual Race Short Challenge

Well, we did it. Remember when I was working really, really hard to get a nightly walk in for our family. Well, the reason why, because we were trying to earn our RunDisney Virtual Race Medals! I had a goal in mind, I wanted my boys to do it with me as much as possible! I wanted my boys to get their energy out before bed but I also wanted them to be excited about walking. And when these medals arrived last week and I told them that they also EARNED the medals along with me, they were overjoyed! So EXCITED!

So...we didn't do 3.1 miles in 1 day 3 times. (We did the whole challenge of 3 5k's races) We broke it up into 7 days. (I had to do a day by myself!) Doing about 1 mile a day. But we did it! So it was doable for us. And it was before it got SO SUPER HOT here. So perfect timing. Was it comfortable walking weather for a pregnant momma in the middle of her second trimester? NO it was still hot, but it wasn't unbearable 95+ degree weather like it was for most of July!

So the virtual short races were from May 15-June 30. allowing 2 weeks to complete each leg of the challenge. RunDisney said on their blog: that you complete from whatever course you choose – through your neighborhood, on the treadmill, etc. No rules and really what this is encouraging is people to get up and MOVE! EXERCISE! And have some fun. And as a reward you get these AMAZING AND SUPER CUTE MEDALS! I love that I have a whole set of new real metal medals to add to my collection, and I EARNED THESE! It might not have been as difficult as earning my Princess Half Marathon medal but, hey, getting out in the heat with your family, encouraging a healthy lifestyle of walking together as a family was worth it! I am pretty sure that RunDisney will continue doing these virtual races. Do you think you would participate in any of them? 

Monday, August 8, 2016

Cut The Negativity From Your Life

NEVER LET ANYTHING OR ANYONE DULL YOUR SPARKLE! And it really is ANYTHING! Read something positive for 10 minutes every single day of your life to help you battle against this negative prone world we live in. It can be your shield to protect you from outside influences that might make you upset or frustrated. I highly recommend reading a positive and uplifting book. Check out You Are A Badass.

There are times that even our own internal thoughts can be negative too! How many times have you tried to do something but your mind said "Nope, you can't do that. You aren't good enough." Even today I had to talk myself up, telling myself that I was worth what I do. I am of worth and that I matter. If you need a good book to help you cut the negativity from your brain, check out: Mastering Your Mean Girl. I just ordered it and I can't wait to read it!
Taking it a step further. There is so much negativity going on around us each and every day. Look at your Facebook feed. Yes there can be a lot of positive stuff but there is also a ton of negativity stuff sprinkled in there too. I honestly try to avoid anything that is negative. Politics (can't stand all the stuff so I don't comment, read or pay attention to it at all!) Negative vents from people, negative or bad images like super unrealistic images of unobtainable weight loss goals. You name it, if it makes me feel like crap, really try hard to avoid it. 

If you have someone in your friend list that is always posting negative things, you can block from seeing their stuff on your main feed. Just click on the upper right corner with the dropdown arrow and click UNFOLLOW... You will still remain friends but their stuff won't appear on your main feed! EASY PEASY! Don't dull your sparkle with all the negativity around you! You are better than that!

Remember that you are worth so much more than you know and not to let the negativity of things all around you impact your own self worth or actions. Be that light for others that need it in their lives. Shine as brightly as you can. There are going to be days, where you just have those negative feelings, and that is totally normal. But just remember, you are worth it. You are worth ALL OF IT! SPARKLE! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Pesto Chicken and Veggies

Chicken is my go to for dinner. It is easy, and it can honestly be made in hundreds of different ways. No more boring chicken in this house! I am always on the look out for yummy chicken dinners and I think I found another one and I wanted to share it with you!

Check out this One-Pan Pesto Chicken and Veggies
Found over at: Julia's Album
You got, tomatoes, sun dried tomatoes, asparagus, basil, chicken and it is super easy! PALEO, and CLEAN EATING that TASTES GREAT! I am excited to try this! Click HERE to view the whole recipe! 

Want to make your own homemade basil pesto? I have a huge basil plant thriving out front so we are going to go this route. Check out this yummy oil free BASIL PESTO RECIPE

Oil Free Lemon and Basil Pesto:


  • 3 cups packed basil
  • 1/2 cup lightly toasted pine nuts
  • 4 cloves of garlic (or 1 heaping tbsp)
  • 1 tbsp nutritional yeast
  • 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
  • 1/4-1/2 tsp salt/pepper to taste
  • water to thin (about 4 tbsp)


  1. Place pine nuts into a pan on medium heat. Lightly toast them, watching carefully that they don’t burn (this happens quickly). No added oil is needed in the pan, since pine nuts have a high amount of natural oil.
  2. Place all ingredients into a food processor and blend.
  3. Use right away or freeze in ice cube trays. To do this, place tablespoons into a tray. Freeze, and then remove from trays. Store in a freezer bag for later use.
  4. Pesto is great on raw or slightly sautéed zucchini noodles, on pizza, traditional pastas, in stuffed peppers, or anything your heart imagines!
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Friday, August 5, 2016

August Exclusive Health & Fitness Support Group

HEY MOMS! WE NEED TO CELEBRATE BECAUSE SCHOOL IS BACK IN SESSION FOR MOST OF US THIS MONTH!!!! YAY!!! So what does that mean for you? A cleaner house, at least during the day right? For me...I can finally put most of my energy back into working out! So moms, if you are ready to start this school year strong and truly finish stronger THIS IS FOR YOU! 
Beginning Monday, August 8, I am starting my Back To School, Back To You themed month in my EXCLUSIVE FITNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY GROUP! It's 21 Days of getting our grove back just as the kids are getting back into their groove of going back to school. And it's not too late to order because when you do you get a FREE 30 DAY TRIAL OF BEACHBODY ON DEMAND, online streaming through your tablet, phone, computer or smart tv, of the workout within and access to over 100's of other workouts! 

The transition from summer to school can be hard. And the one person that takes the back seat is MOM! We are being pulled in so many directions, school lists, activities, new school schedules, bus name it, you got it. But now more than ever, it is time to take care of you. GET IN THE GROOVE NOW! I promise you that if you do this now the transition will be easier.

I am a firm believer that moms should not be the last to be taken care of. We are the ones that keep the household running and you need to take care of you! ALWAYS! Per usual you must be committed to doing a workout and combining it with Shakeology to be part of this exclusive group. Why? BECAUSE I KNOW IT WORKS! Combining the two is the way you will get results! I have experienced it myself and others that I work with. IT CAN BE DONE! Plus with daily motivation, support, access to my tools and recipes, and one on one coaching with me. I know that together we can ROCK THIS SCHOOL YEAR! Are you ready to make sure you stay the priority this school session?
All you have to do is get hooked up with one of the 12 programs, including 21 DAY FIX and 21 DAY FIX EXTREME, the new COUNTRY HEAT DANCE PROGRAM and 22 MINUTE HARD CORPS, that are on special THIS MONTH (The most that has ever been offered in one month) and they all come with Shakeology to help you get your nutrition on track from the get go! You can order now and I will get in contact with you on how you can get added to the exclusive group and get access to all of my tools that I used to help me lose 20 pounds in just a few months or LET'S TALK! Send me an EMAIL, comment below or FILL OUT THIS APPLICATION and let's get you hooked up to have the best school year ever! THE TIME IS NOW TO WORK ON YOU!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Thursday, August 4, 2016

My Weekly Plus Size Fit Pregnancy Workout Routine

I know I mention it every week in my weekly bump updates but I wanted to give you the full picture into what workouts I do on a daily basis. I am currently doing 5 days a week of actual workouts. I found out early on that trying 6 was just too much and I opted to do healthy activities with my family on Saturdays instead. I do like a mix of workouts and I can't do all the 21 Day Fix approved workouts so I have come up with my own routine.

I used to do yoga on Sundays but I am actually using  Sundays specifically as my hypnobirthing training day doing a full 2 hour session. I love the relaxation I get from it but it is the one day that I spend a whole 2 hours just listening to the entire playlist I have to help me prep and prepare for labor and birth!

21 Day Fix Yoga from Sunday to Monday. I have really enjoyed yoga this time around again. It feels amazing! Most moves are modified to accommodate my growing belly. You can click here to view my modifications!
Active Maternity Workout exclusively available on Beachbody On Demand. Loving these workouts based on trimester. Just started doing the 3rd trimester for fun!

21 Day Fix Pilates. I have to cut one section completely from this routine, but it is after a killer leg section so I just take a longer break. But overall, this is a great workout!

Active Maternity Workout exclusively available on Beachbody On Demand. Repeat of Tuesday.

FREE DAY! I get to choose any workout I want to do. Lately though, I have been going back to my yoga! It just feels right!

Also on each day I try to fit in and do the Diary of a Fit Mommy Fit For Two workout, but it isn't consistent. Now that I have moved my weights to my room I think I can fit it in better. Plus we are trying to get in a nightly walk with the family before we put the kids down for bed. It isn't much, because we make both boys walk the whole time but we are up to .5 miles with Collin walking the whole thing and loving it! Great way to get energy out of them at the end of the day!

Try to do a healthy activity with the boys. Run around at the park or go for a longer walk. Starting this Saturday I will be volunteering with a local woman's running group and will help with the walking group, so I will be getting in some mileage in on Saturday mornings!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Bump Update: 33 Weeks

Happy 33 weeks! Things are just flying along aren't they! The big news this week is the BRAXTON HICKS contractions that I am feeling. It is kind of crazy. Going up the stairs I get a small one. Exercising I get a small one. Walking around I get a small one. They are becoming way more frequent now which I think is odd because I have done this having a baby thing a few times already! But I guess my body wants more practice. Practice makes better that is for sure. 
SPD. Have you ever heard of that? I am going to be talking to my doc this week about it because I am pretty sure I have it. It is called: Symphysis pubis dysfunction, or SPD it means the ligaments that normally keep your pelvic bone aligned during pregnancy become too relaxed and stretchy too soon before birth (as delivery nears, things are supposed to start loosening up). This, in turn, can make the pelvic joint — aka the symphysis pubis — unstable, causing some pretty strange sensations and sometimes pelvic pain. I am going to do a blog post about this soon though, after I talk with my doc and confirm my suspicions, but doing certain things cause me to have intense pain in my pelvis almost like it is being ripped in two. Like standing on one leg when getting my pants on, or doing split squats. I have to be perfectly balanced when I do exercises otherwise if I am just off a little I get this feeling that my bones are just going to rip in half! NOT FUN at all! Check back later for a post on it and all! I have had to modify my workouts a little more than usual because of the pain.
HOW CUTE ARE THESE!?! I had so much fun going shopping for newborn clothing. This is the FIRST set of newborn clothing that I have bought. Everything else I have is 6 months and older. But I was on a special mission by my mom and well, it was kind of fun. OVERWHELMING...but fun. Everything is just so pink, and I was trying so hard to avoid pink! both outfits have sparkle, that seems to be my new fave thing for her! 
Total Weight Gain: Gained 20 pounds total. Weight as of this morning 257.7 pounds. 

Symptoms: Heartburn. Heartburn is back in full force, despite what time we eat now. Mostly at night, I am sitting up for at least an hour. Peeing a ton! I am up like clockwork every 2 hours at night to go to the bathroom. Really is getting me ready for nursing! I am making sure I am drinking tons of water though so I don't get dehydrated. My new rule, after every time I go to the bathroom I drink more water.
Baby’s Size: Honeydew Melon (~19 inches inches, 4.5 pounds)
Maternity Clothes: Yes, bottoms need to wear maternity or stretchy pants. Tops I wear maternity now and my bigger t-shirts but those are starting to get tight now. Wearing my new Fabletics sports bra in these pictures and LOVE THEM and the fun colors! A ton more coverage and super comfy!
Stretch Marks: I already have a ton that I got when I gained weight years ago. So nothing new. I am using Honest Company belly balm right now though to help my belly stretch so I do not get any new ones. I apply it at night and right after I get out of the shower. After the shower I actually don't have to apply as much! 

Belly Button: Innie! I never had my belly button flatten out or pop out during my other 2 pregnancies, but this might be the one that I do! 

Braxton Hicks Contractions: Yep, I'm starting to feel them a lot more now. Just a few every day. Before this past week, I generally only got them when working out as just a reminder to slow down a little bit (about 2 in the 30 minutes). But now I am getting them throughout the day. Including some strong ones that kind of make me stop and take a breath. It is a great reminder to sit down and drinks some water! 
Gender: GIRL!!! So excited about all the cute stuff we got for her! We have her coming home outfit and her picture props! So girly, and way too cute!
Sleep: I have to take a nap every day. Matt has been sick with a cold and kept me up at night for a couple nights. Collin is also sick and has been miserable at night. So... this momma just isn't getting the sleep she needs at night, plus pregnancy insomnia, I have a hard time getting back to sleep after I am woken up. I am still getting up at night at 11:30pm, 1:30am, and 3:30am, 5:30 without fail to use the bathroom. This week always around 9pm for about an hour where she is just going crazy! Plus I am flopping over like a fish trying to get comfy.
Miss Anything: Sleeping comfortably flat on my belly or back! Sleeping through the night. 
Cravings: Veggies. Are really the only thing I really have to have with my meals. I really don't have any cravings of things that "I have to have". Peanut M&M's are my go to treat. but I can only eat a little at a time. 
Aversions: Sweets taste too sweet for me, so I can only handle a little at a time. I guess that is my only aversion and kind of good!
Excited About: My next check up with the doc. on Thursday. After that I will be going every other week for a month. It is getting close! Also Mason has kindergarten camp next week so 3 days next week he is gone for half the day! CELEBRATE! This momma is so ready for school to start! I am in pure survival mode right now at home with the two boys who are going stir crazy, but with sickness, and too hot outside, we aren't getting out too much lately! Workouts: Pretty well for this week! I got in 5 days of regular workouts this past week. My regular Workouts include: 21 Day Fix yoga & pilates Beachbody On Demand Active Maternity and Diary Of A Fit Mommy's Fit For Two 2nd Trimester workouts in daily. 
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Tips To Strengthening Your Relationship Before & After Baby

Making a baby is HARD and it can take a toll on your relationship with your partner. Not feeling well for most of the 9 months. Body changes. Planning and prepping for new baby. Even financial stress can put a strain on your time together. But it is SOOO important that you make sure that you make time for each other. To have some quiet alone time and get out of the house together on a date. IT IS SO IMPORTANT! Matt and I are celebrating our 14th wedding anniversary next month. We have always had a minimum goal to go on a date at least once a month. We would love to be able go on a date once a week. Have we done it every month? Nope. But we sure do try. And since having our kids it has made it so hard, plus it costs money for a babysitter, but we have not regretted it one bit. Here are some helpful tips to strengthening your marriage before your new baby arrives!

Because you need to rekindle that love for each other. You fell in love for a reason. After kids come around, the family dynamic changes. The kids tend to take the most attention and the partnership can get lost sometimes. leave eventually. You and your partner are in this for the long run. I firmly believe that to have a successful marriage, you have to have some quality time with your spouse. Without the kids.


Yes, your kids need YOU! BOTH OF YOU! If you dedicate time each week, or at least a good portion of time once a month, the kids will get BOTH OF YOU! HAPPY and IN LOVE! Isn't that what you want them to remember? Having a strong family takes hard work and dedication to all members of the family including your partner.


Just get out of the house! Go for a walk, just the two of you. Go get a scoop of ice cream. Go have a picnic. Go sample tasting at Costco. Window shopping. Make sure you hold hands. Joke, kiss, enjoy your time without the kids. Try not to talk about the kids. Talk about the two of you which is so hard since so much of your life revolves around the kids, but try to talk about the two of you.


To make sure you can always get away, plan for it in your monthly financial budget so that there is no excuse not to be able to do it! It really is that important. For us, I set aside enough to cover a babysitter and a smaller date. And if it is a birthday month for either of us, or our anniversary we budget more to get an extra special dinner and maybe a longer time away. And don't always make it a dinner and a movie. Change it up. Movies, there is no talking. You need to talk together!


To save money for not only you but for another couple, kid swap. One night, you watch your kids and another couple's kids while that couple goes out on a date. And then on another night, they watch your kids while you go on a date. Paying a babysitter can get expensive. And this helps not just you and your partner go on a date but another couple too! It's a win win for both of you.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Monday, August 1, 2016

What If?

EXCUSES! They are the WORST aren't they? They are the one thing that will make you stop what you know you should be doing. The worst one of all...WHAT IF I FAIL! You very well might fail but, you still tried and that is what counts. You more than likely learned something new about yourself too. And the next time you try you won't fail. Dyson "failed" 99 times and it wasn't until his 100th time that they finally figured it out. (I wouldn't have my awesome vacuum without all those "fails")

Let's get off the F word and just call them struggles. Every time you struggled in the past I am sure you learned something new about yourself. And that is why this is a journey. When you go on a journey you are bound to get a little lost, or turned around. You might even have to back track a little to get back on your journey. AND THAT IS OK! The fact is that you never give up, keep going, keep trying.

I'm here for you when you need me. I want you to succeed! I want you to reach your goals. I want you to love yourself! YOU ARE WORTH IT! Stop saying the F word. Stop making excuses and just do it. 30 minutes! Can you find 30 minutes today?

What are you doing to take care of you today? COMMENT BELOW! I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Friday, July 29, 2016

Fight For It Friday!

It's the end of the week! We started out stronger, are you finishing stronger today? Fridays in the past have always been my WEAK DAY! Of all the days I missed consistently it was FRIDAYS! I don't know why but it was the one day that my EXCUSES would get to me and I just would not do it. Even during half marathon training when I needed to do 4 runs a week, Friday was the one that I struggled with. I was tired. I just wanted the week to be done and over with. I GET IT! BUT NOT TODAY! Be better today! Get up, get your workout in and be proud of rocking out your week!

What workout did you do today?

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!
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