Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Monday, April 18, 2016

Never Miss A Monday

Happy Monday Mamas! I hope all of you had an amazing weekend!!!! Well, I personally take Sat and Sun off from working out. My goal is 5 days a week but still do something active with the family on Saturday. 

Today, is WORKOUT DAY! Here are 4 simple rules to help you stay on track! For me personally, if I don't workout on Monday, I will miss Tuesday, it is always a given and I don't know why, but that is what always happens. So I make it a huge goal to NEVER MISS A MONDAY! And as we know, exercise while pregnant is so important for us and the baby!

  • Reduce risk of pregnancy complications: In one 2012 study, women who participated in fitness programs four times a week were less likely to develop gestational diabetes and less likely to have unplanned cesarean sections than those who didn’t exercise.
  • Lower odds of delivery complications: In another study on women in Spain, women who exercised three times a week gained less weight during pregnancy and were less likely to have macrosomic babies (or babies weighing more than about nine pounds at birth). Having a heavier baby, in turn, can lead to complications for both mother and baby during delivery. 
  • Speed post-delivery recovery: The more you increase your pregnancy fitness, the faster you'll recover physically after childbirth, the more fit you'll be after delivery. In the same 2012 study, women who exercised recovered faster after labor (even after controlling for delivery method), resuming household chores faster than  those who didn’t exercise.
  • Boost your mood:  Women are more susceptible than ever to depression during pregnancy, with an estimated one in two of all women reporting increased depression or anxiety while they’re expecting. But research has found that exercise during pregnancy reduces depression, releasing endorphins that help improve mood while diminishing stress and anxiety.
  • Lower blood pressure: Blood pressure occasionally does go up during pregnancy, but too much and it can be a warning sign of preeclampsia. Staying active — in one study, simply walking regularly — has been found to keep blood pressure from rising.
  • Ease back and pelvic pain: It’s no secret that your growing baby bump puts extra pressure on your lower half, resulting in lower back pain and an achy pelvis. Exercising, however, may result in less lower-back and pelvic pain during late pregnancy.
  • Fight fatigue. Low-level tiredness plagues many women during the first trimester, then again late in the third trimester. While it seems paradoxical, sometimes getting too much rest can actually make you feel more pooped. So while you should never push yourself to exhaustion, a little nudge — say, an easy walk or try a prenatal yoga class — can make a big difference in your energy level.
  • Improve sleep. While many pregnant women report having a harder time falling asleep, those who exercise consistently (as long as it's not near bedtime, which can be too energizing) say the quality of their sleep is better and that they wake up feeling more rested.
  • Relieve constipation. An active body encourages active bowels. Some women swear by a brisk 30-minute walk to keep them regular, while others say even a 10-minute stroll helps get things going.
So....what workout are you doing today?

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Friday, April 15, 2016

My First Pregnancy Stitch Fix Keepers!

Ok! The other day, I got my FIRST PREGNANCY STITCH FIX! I have finally decided and thank so much to my FACEBOOK friends who all helped me realize that I was making the right choice! I am keeping...

What do you think??? Did I make the right choice???

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Amazing Abs in April: Ab Workout Variation

Want to spice up your AMAZING ABS in APRIL ab workout for the month? Check out this 6 move circuit!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Thursday, April 14, 2016

My First Pregnancy Stitch Fix

Have you heard of Stitch Fix? It is a service where when you sign up, a stylist chooses 5 items of clothing for you, based on your very descriptive profile that you fill out, sends it to you and you have a choice to get any of the items you were sent. From the reviews, sometimes a fix is either on point or they knock it out of the ball park! And on top of that they offer PREGNANCY CLOTHING! 

Ok backing up just a little bit. I have known about Stitch Fix for many years. I have a lot of friends that use the service. But when I first looked into it they only go up to a size 16, and a lot of it was boutique style stuff, so I assumed that the sizes actually ran small. The big word there is ASSUMED! I figured that I was too big to fit any of there stuff, and that I had to lose weight before I even tried their services. While at a party last month. I talked to some ladies and more than half of them were wearing outfits by Stitch Fix. I was like, dude, I have lost weight, and if doesn't work then I am out $20. It's just $20! I can do that. So I filled out my extensive profile, left major notes on my modesty requirements for my religion and that I really only wanted tops and maxi dresses as I already had 2 pairs of modest shorts for the summer. And low and behold. My package arrived YESTERDAY!

Lesson learned! Do not let your fears hold you back because you never know what might be waiting for you on the other side. And you might even be a little pleasantly surprised by the outcome! Have faith and believe in yourself!

So...I need your help! I have 3 days to get back to them and return any items I do not want to keep. Which items do you like best? Can you help me??? COMMENT BELOW WITH YOUR TOP PICKS! 

Item A: Stripped top with blue lace on the shoulders. It is a thin material and would still work in the summertime. Plenty of room for the belly to grow! 
Item B: Love the teal color on this henley. Super thin and comfy material. However the shoulder area, is crochet and shows my undergarments that I need to cover up.
Item C: Navy blue maxi dress with a beautiful crochet back on it.
Item D: Floral crossover shirt with tons of room for the belly to go. Super thin and comfy material! 

Are you ready for your first fix? CLICK HERE to get scheduled today! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Is It Safe To Do Planks While Pregnant

I have been getting asked this question A LOT lately! Is it safe to do Planks or ab work while pregnant? Yes, but you have to listen to your body and be very careful! During pregnancy you are more prone to develop diastasis recti, which is a separation of the abdominal muscles. Diastasis recti results from the growing uterus pushing against the abdominal wall, which is susceptible to separating because of a hormonally-induced softening of the fibrous band that connects the recti muscles. 
You are more prone to diastasis recti if you are over 35, have poor abdominal muscle tone, have had multiple pregnancies, delivered a baby with a high birth weight, and engaging in aggressive abdominal exercises, especially crunches, during pregnancy. 

Be sure to talk with your doctor first and ask him how to monitor your belly for the signs of diastasis recti. I personally do not do any standard crunches or standard planks during pregnancy for this very reason. I modify them and really listen to my body.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 
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