Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Everyday Superfoods

Happy Easter Weekend! Most Easter desserts involve sugary treats, and I'm not going to lie, I made cupcakes, but they just don't taste right too me. Too much sugar, too artificial with the candy on it. So today I want to talk to you guys about Superfoods! This is a special category of foods found in nature. They are low in calories and packed with amazing nutrients we cannot make ourselves.They are also superior sources of anti-oxidants!

Awesome superfoods you can eat everyday! 
Kale, Spinach
Sweet Potatoes
Raw Almonds
Coconut Oil
Organic Grass-Fed Butter

Below is a YUMMY slow cooker apple cinnamon dessert recipe 
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Apples are a powerful superfood and are a source of antioxidants, including polyphenols, flavonoids, and vitamin C. They are also full of fiber, potassium and low in calorie.

Here's something you might not know: It is important to eat the skin of an apple to obtain the full health benefits. The secret behind this SuperFood’s antioxidant capacity lies in its skin! The apple skin alone provides two to six times the antioxidant activity of the apple flesh alone. So don't peel your apple for the recipe!
Super Simple Cinnamon Apple Dessert:


-1lb of Red Apples
-1 Teaspoon Cinnamon
-1 Teaspoon of Nutmeg
-1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
-1 Cup of Water


1. Peel and core the apples
2. Place in the crockpot with the spices, extract, and water
3. Cook on high for about 2-3 hours or low for 4-5 hours.
4. Enjoy

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 
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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Then vs Now

The picture on the left is me in 2008 before I decided I had enough and was ready to start to "get healthy" and change my life around. I hate this picture. I love the memory of it and going on a fabulous cruise with my husband and family but I DESPISE the picture. It was shortly after this picture I went to see the doc and they clocked my weight in at 240. That was THE heaviest I had ever been. I was embarrassed. I was mortified. I hurt. I didn't fit my clothing. I was in denial about the size jeans I had to wear and would squeeze into an 18 so that I wouldn't go into the size 20+ range. And at times, I thought I looked pretty dang good. But I had a lot of unhealthy habits. 

So the picture on the right is me in November. Just 3 pounds under the one on the left. But notice the difference there is between just out of shape, not caring to exercise every single day to be healthy and fit. I am a plus sized woman. And I will be for a while, (since I am now pregnant) But I will take the right sided Becky any day over the left side. 

What made the difference between the two pictures? Finally learning to take care of myself, and it did not happen over night. I started with getting my butt in the gym, working with a personal trainer, who I still am so thankful for, teaching me everything he did. I changed products I used to more organic products. I finally learned, after a lot of trial and error and working with professionals, what foods I needed to be putting in my body. And then I found the support system that has been amazing. I have learned to combine everything I know, to go into my current way of eating, exercising, and loving myself. I have a support network I talk to every single day cheering me on just as I am cheering them on. I am filling my body with great whole foods and vitamins and nutrients on a daily basis. I am trying to exercise daily. (getting back into it!) I might not be a size 2 but I am a plus sized health and fitness motivator, supporter and educator! AND I LOVE IT! Best thing I have ever done.

Plus size does not mean you can't exercise, modifications might be needed and that is ok, you are still burning calories and working. Plus size does not mean you can't change. Because you can. It just starts with 1 choice, to START! Are you ready? 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Bump Update: 14 Weeks

 (top by For Two Fitness!) 
This past week I have suffered from a cold/allergies or who knows. But I have had a nasty cough. Every time I cough I feel my round ligaments pull like crazy! OUCH! When I was pregnant with Collin I pulled my right round ligament during yoga. It is the first major pain I have had during this pregnancy and the coughing but the other side is starting to get strained too. So, trying to anchor my belly more and support it by just keeping my abs engaged more often during the day. I have been feeling pretty good until about 2pm, and then I just want to pass out for an hour or so. (Most days I do!) I am so glad that the morning sickness is gone! YAY! And I am feeling the baby move a lot more this week! 

Total Weight Gain: 4 pounds

Symptoms: Morning sickness is gone! I am getting some energy back but I am still exhausted by mid day and need to rest. 
Baby’s Size: Lemon
Maternity Clothes: Yes, bottoms need to wear maternity or stretchy pants. Tops still good to go on regular shirts! 
Stretch Marks: I already have a ton that I got when I gained weight years ago. So nothing new.
Gender: ??? It was too hard to tell. Hoping at my next ultrasound we will be able to see! 
Sleep: I am only waking up once a night to go to the bathroom. I am having crazy vivid dreams. So I feel like I am watching a dream movie all night long instead of sleeping. 
Miss Anything: Sleeping comfortably flat on my belly! 
Cravings: not really craving anything right now.
Aversions: nothing yet
Excited About: Feeling the baby move a ton! Getting my hair cut and colored today, new for me! And finding out gender in 4 weeks! My Training For Two Top by For Two Fitness! Love wearing maternity workout clothing! 
Workouts: Graduated to the 2nd trimester workouts with Fit for Two and the Active Maternity! Kicking my butt but loving it! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Meal Prep Tips

MEAL PREPPING! It is all the rage now! Seriously! Take just some time 1 day a week to plan and pre-cook some of your food to save you time during the week. It helps you stay on track with your goals too because when you have a plan you are more likely to stick to it! When you fail to plan you plan to fail! 

Here are some helpful tips to help you with your meal prep! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Miscarriage: One Year Later

Well, I have made it one year since my placental abruption miscarriage. It has been such a emotional year. I had 6 months of weekly counseling to help me learn to cope with the miscarriage and everything I went through. Not to forget but to learn to cope. I still get flashes of what happened. I still have PTSD it is something that will be with me for the rest of my life. I just have learned to live with it now and not let the down moments or bad days affect me like they used to.

Also with this pregnancy, which has the exact same timeline and due date as last year's, I feel like I have been holding my breath up until this point. Today, this morning I finally felt like I could just take a deep breath and breath! (while hacking up a lung, stupid cold!) But I finally feel more at peace and comfortable with this pregnancy. I am putting my whole faith that we got pregnant again for a reason, and for it to be the same due date for a reason. It isn't easy but it will be worth it!

A few of things I have learned to help you cope:

~Reflection is a good thing. I still get flashbacks but dwelling on the sadness is never a good thing. Think about it. Process it. But then just realize it is done.

~Don't be afraid to move on. It is not bad to move forward. It is a good thing. Your experience will be part of you for life. Accept it.

~Get help. Find a counselor or therapist that you can talk to, to help you work through your thoughts, feelings and emotions.

~Share your story. With your spouse, family member or someone you are close to. Use them as your confidant when you need to talk. It's ok and a great thing to talk to someone who will be there to listen when you need them and you don't have access to your counselor.

Are you going through a miscarriage or have you? If you need help with learning to cope or just want someone to relate to you can read my story here:

Our Loss

Blessing in Disguise 

Make or Break You: Emotions of a Miscarriage

Building Red Blood Cells

You are so strong. As hard as a miscarriage is, you will learn to cope with it. Go on living your life. You will always think about the "what if" but over time each day will get easier!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 
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