Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Womans 4 Miler Training Program

It's that time of year, the sweltering heat, High HUMIDITY, and the time for hundreds of women to gather together with the same goal of taking care of their bodies. The Charlottesville, VA Woman's 4 Miler Training Program begins THIS Saturday!

Most of the women who participate haven't had to walk or run a mile since high school. Many haven't participated in this type of a group. But we bond together. Grow and learn together. And make a common goal to participate in the Woman's 4 miler race.

If you are local to central VA and can join us EARLY on Saturday mornings we would love to have you. No running experience needed. And if you want to join us for the race, well it is on my Wedding Anniversary this year, SEPTEMBER 5! And new this year there is a virtual race option! Check it out on the website (click on registration for the race to view website) Help support the Breast Cancer Center at UVA hospital and join us at the race. Registration for the race is Saturday morning June 27 at 5am! It will fill up quickly so make sure you are up early and register as soon as you can! Limited registration!

Reminder: Packet pick up is today, tomorrow at ACAC from 11-1 (I will be there!) and 5-7. And also early Saturday morning ~6:30. Program begins 7am at the UVA track! See you on the track!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Sexy Shoulders and Arms Workout

Shoulders and Biceps is what it is all about! Give these a try to help define and strengthen you arms and shoulders! My shoulders are so weak, so start out light and if it is too easy then you can increase the weight. 

Bicep Curls-10-15 reps
Front Rows- 10-15 reps
Tricep Kick Backs- 10-15 reps
Shoulder Press- 10-15 reps
Shoulder flies- 10-15 reps
3 sets of each! 

Monday, June 15, 2015

Collin's First Haircut

Collin is growing up. And his hair is starting to grow like a weed right now. He has such light blond hair that it didn't really bother me with how long it was getting but he was long over do for a haircut. Mason got his first haircut at 8 months old. Collin is nearly 13 months.

So how did it go??? Not like how Collin normally is. Not like Mason's first haircut either where Mason just sat there calm as can be and didn't move or fuss. Collin would whip his head around looking to and fro trying to follow everything that was going on. And we had the screaming. Lots of screaming and tears were shed. But I will let the pictures explain it all. It is so amazing how different brothers really can be!

Oh he is so cute! We went with a simple little trim because I was going to be, and Gummy, was going to be so upset if he looked too grown up! But it is perfect! I love it and am so happy with how well they did considering how much he wiggled and cried and fussed and moved and avoided being worked on. It was highly amusing! Oh and the other lady that was working (we arrived just before closing time and there was no one else in there) she was blowing bubbles keeping Mason occupied! Worked so well!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Homemade Laundry Detergent

A couple of years ago I noticed that my white were not so white any more. They had a blueish tint to them, and we were a lot of whites. I changed my laundry soap to the anything that was clear in color but it got me thinking, if my laundry was blue before who is to say that this clear stuff is working like it should too? So I did some research and found homemade laundry detergent that is super east and super cheap to make! And now it's that time again for me to make some more laundry soap.  I have not bought any laundry soap for mine or Matt's clothing or softer over a year and 4 months now. WHAT! That's right! Just before I left for my 1/2 marathon last year I made my first batch of laundry soap and we have had that same batch and I am now on just the little last bit of it. Can you believe that!?!

AND it only cost me about $25 bucks to make in the first place. $25 for 1 year and 4 months of laundry detergent?!? IT'S CRAZY! (actually I have just a little bit left in my big bin so I won't actually need some more soap for a few more month!) I will admit that when Collin was born I have been using the 7th generation 4x concentrated baby soap for him but for the rest of us it is the homemade stuff. (oh and I stock piled the baby soap before he arrive around March last year so I have had to but that stuff for a long time!) and yes I do do laundry in my house. I might dislike doing the laundry and we might let our laundry pile up but I eventually get it done. (like yesterday 5 loads including the kids stuff.)

So here is what I use to make the detergent:

1 Box of Super Washing Soda 3 lb. 7 oz.
1 Box of Borax 4 lbs 12 oz. size 1 Box of Pure Baking Soda 4 lb.3 bars of Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap 6 bars-3 for now 3 for the next time! 
1 container of Oxy-Clean 1.3 lb

I use my food processor to grate down the magic soap then use the regular blade to make it a super fine powder. SO much easier than using a cheese grater but it can be done! then I just pour all the ingredients into my large storage pocket and stir it around. (Pregnant Mamas should not directly inhale the Borax as it can be harmful.) Then I have a smaller container (pictured above) that I keep up with the washer. And refill it when I need it. 

I use about 3 tablespoons per load.

Softener? I got you covered! Just get some epsom salt. That's it. If you want to make it smell nice you can add a few drops of essential oil (I like lavender or I just got a Jade Lemon) and stir it around so that the oil gets on all the salt. And I use a teaspoon of that with the wash in the softener container. 

Here is the last little bit that I have from my first batch!

*Make sure you follow the direction on your machine on how to use powder with a HE washer. You still can use powder but you need to make sure you look at the recommendations of the brand.*

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

My journey thus far

I am only in the beginning but I have had a journey over the past month.

About 30 days ago I started this journey with one specific goal, to get out of my funk. I was in such a depression that I didn't want to be around anyone. Friends, family, not even my kids. I hated how I felt. I hated feeling lost and alone. I hated how I was feeling. Slow, and no energy. I wanted to sleep all day long. I didn't really want to do anything. It was so hard to find that motivation to start this. 

But just one day. I decided. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I was done feeling sad. Depressed. Tired. I needed to work on me if I was going to get any better. I called a therapist and made the choice that it was time to take care of me. That one decision was my fuel, my passion. I threw myself into this program. Workout wise. I could have been a ton more better on my eating, more on that later. I dedicated to myself that I was going to workout everyday. Drink my Shakeology everyday and no more fast food. 

AND GUESS WHAT! I did it! I made it 21 day of working on me. And you know what happened? I felt better. I had good days and fewer bad days. I learned to appreciate my body again and not be disappointed in it. I have had so much fun watching my husband exercise with me most nights. We have reconnected again because I was so distant with him. We are happy, laughing and enjoying life again. I can't stand the smell of fast food, I want whole fruits and veggies. We are staying in our eating budget because we aren't going out randomly anymore. 
This past month I feel like I have gotten my life back. And it only took 1 choice and 21 days. In 21 days I have lost (as of this morning) 3 lbs and 4.25 inches. I am retaining water still from the race over the weekend because I was so dehydrated. But I know the work I put into this. I see the difference in my life it has made. Small changes eventually add up to HUGE results!

If you are ready to start your journey, let me know! Click on the Banner at the top for upcoming challenge groups. Sent me a message. Email. Just let me know! 
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