Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

For Two Fitness $100 Gift Card Giveaway!

Being a For Two Fitness Ambassador I wanted to let you know about this awesome opportunity to win a $100 gift card from them! 

Giveaway runs from June 23 - June 27!!!

One lucky intsagrammer will win $100 gift card to For Two Fitness - the very best in maternity activewear. Simply post this image on your Instagram feed along with the tag #fortwofitnessgift and mention @fortwofitness. Include in your comment the item or items you love the most. A minimum of 50 repost will be required to unlock the prize, so share with all of your pregnant friends, and good luck! 

I am so sad to have to retire my For Two Fitness racer back tank for the time being. I will say that it was my absolute favorite top to wear exercising! It was long enough to cover by ever growing bump and stretch to fit me through  my entire pregnancy! I am even debating on buying the racer back tops without the "running for two" design on it so I can wear them regularly not pregnant because they are that comfy and amazing! But I we aren't done having kids yet so time to pack it away for a little while! Good luck to everyone entering the giveaway! 

Are You A Runner?

Over the past year I have met some pretty amazing people who RUN! It is pretty amazing in the running world you tend to learn what motivates people to run or why they started. At least I have, or I might just be a super nosey person and they tell me their story after I tell them mine.

~I met a woman who took up running after she was diagnosed with cancer. And she runs now to celebrate her life. She can run continually without stopping AND she is bigger than me. Does she run like a speed diva? NOPE, she is a steady 15 min/mile pace which many runners or other people would consider almost walking, but she is a RUNNER!

~I have a good friend that is getting back into running. She joined the Woman's 4 miler training program and is re-learning to run. She has 5 kids, is waking up during the week at 5am to go to the track to get her mileage in. She is walking the straights and running the curves or vice versa and might be slow running, but she is a RUNNER!

~Another friend on Facebook yesterday wrote: "Ran for the first time in a long time...! Of corse I walked some too. Progress, not perfection!" SHE IS A RUNNER! A run is a run is a run!

~I started running last year and was so proud of my 15 min/mile pace, and was even more ecstatic when I was training at a 14:30 min/mile while pregnant. I run and walk and I might be slow but I AM A RUNNER!

What makes a runner and why does a runner by many have to be classified as someone who runs a 7 min mile? A runner is someone who incorporates a pace faster than their own personal walking speed. Even if it is a jog, it is still a run for that person. I bet you anything we are working just as hard to get our legs to move faster than a walk. At least I am. Running is hard work. It takes practice to get comfortable with it. Also, like my friend with cancer, she doesn't want to run faster, she is happy and content with the current speed she is doing. At least she is moving! My goal to run a 12 min mile, which is slow to some people, but that is a huge accomplishment to me to be able move my body that quickly and some day I might even do a 10 min mile but for now, or at least when I am running, just to be able to run for 5 min without stopping is a celebration in my mind! So, if you are moving your legs faster than walking and making an attempt at jogging, wogging, sashaying, or running, YOU ARE A RUNNER!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Your New Postpartum Body

~Me and Collin 1 week postpartum~

So you've just had a baby and you want to get your body back to the same exact shape it was in just 9 short months ago. Sorry to tell you this but it might just not be possible. You can get your body back to being healthy, and probably the same weight but I have talked to a bunch of moms that after having a baby their bodies changed. There is a little more squish here, stretch marks there, and the core strength is just GONE! But let's face it. We all want to have the celebrity recovery and go back to exactly how or better than we were, because we are moms! We do it all, the dishes, laundry, take care of the kid(s), feed the hubs and clean the house. So what can we do to get back to how were were before baby or as close as possible?

1. Acceptance. Accept the fact that you just had a baby. You will have "battle scars" whether seen or unseen. Embrace your new body. If you are 1 week postpartum or 10 months your body is different. You are different. You have had a baby. Your body went through a lot to make a baby and there are things that are just going to be different. Look in the mirror and look at some of the changes that you have gone through. You butt might be a little bigger, or thighs rub together more than they did. You might have your first or 50th stretch mark. Embrace them. They are the marks of being a mom! Keep rubbing the stretch mark lotion on your belly or hips to mask them, it's ok. But be ok with how you look and how you have changed. YOU ARE A MOTHER! YOU are AMAZING!
~Drew Barrymore less than 4 weeks postpartum on the red carpet!~

2. SLOW AND STEADY. Don't just rush back into exercise right after you have a baby. Allow yourself the time to heal that your body needs. Doctors generally recommend 4-6 weeks of recovery. That is ok. you don't have to be that actress that is back on set a couple weeks after she had a baby because of that important scene she is under contract to shoot. (See Star Trek: DS9 Kira's character source.(Yes, I am a little trekie))  After you get the ok from your doc or midwife test the waters with a walk, then a short run, or a small number of other exercises. Don't expect to be back to what you were doing before you got pregnant. It will take some time and hard work. And don't push too hard. Listen to your body!

3. Listen to your body. You still have relaxin in your body after you have a baby. You know, that stuff that loosened all of your joints and ligaments. For about 6 months. Try not to over stretch or over do it. My feet have been hurting in my shoes lately. Per my chiropractor, my arch has dropped a little. It did with my first and it took a few moths for it to go back or return to how it was. My core is so gone at this point too. Start small and be smart about what you do with your exercises. Try a plank but only for 10 seconds to start with. You might be able to hold it just fine and want to go a little longer, but the next day, your core might be barking back at you! Listen to your body. Respect it that it is different and needs to build strength again where it was super stretched and relaxed.

4. Have fun.With any exercise, if you enjoy it you are more likely to do it again and again. Find a fun workout routine, or a new routine to try out. But have fun. You can explore mom and baby yoga and do it together. Try to incorporate your baby in your exercise. Do a plank and have your baby under you or near you so that you can make fun faces at them and try to get them to giggle. Leg lifts with your baby on your shins is also fun. (When their necks are more stable.) Wearing your baby adds more weight to your body and can help you burn more calories. Or go for a walk with the stroller. You will burn more calories when pushing a stroller. But watch your milk supply or diet. If you just started exercising and you notice a dip in your supply, try to back off a little on the exercise. Baby needs those calories in your milk! Plus you can burn up to 500 calories a day exclusively breast feeding!

Hope these helped you get in the mindset with your new body! Get back out there and have some fun and good luck, MOMMA'S! You are amazing. We made babies. We can do anything!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Happy 1 Month To Collin

Collin is 1 month old today. A MONTH AGO he was born. That is crazy. It goes by so quickly, it really, really does. Just wanted to post his 1 month old pix, (the ones I will use in the photo book to show his growth every month)


Monday, June 16, 2014

4 Weeks

Guess who is 4 weeks old???? Yep, Collin! I can't believe 4 weeks ago this little guy joined the world. It has flown by and it is kind of crazy but I feel like I have know him longer than just 4 tiny little weeks (+ 9months). It is almost like he has always been part of our family. I have heard other people say that and thought they were crazy but I get it now. He just fits into our life so easily. Mason loves him, I love him and Matt loves him (when he is not crying in his arms!)
~His really pissed off face!~
~Brotherly love!~

How are things going? Pretty well! Collin is growing, getting chunkier and loves to eat and sleep. He doesn't cry. In all honesty he really doesn't. He cries mostly when someone else is holding him (i.e. Matt), when he is hungry and when he is getting his diaper changed. He sleeps like ALL. THE. TIME! Most of my pictures of him are of him sleeping, plus he is so cute when he is sleeping!

How has life changed? Not really too much. Now that I have survived 1 week with all family back home, and Matt back at work full time I have pretty much stuck with the same schedule we had before Collin (B.C., haha!) Mason was so well trained in his schedule that Collin just fits into it. Mason climbs into be with us in the morning while I nurse Collin and rest a little longer. Then Collin rests in his swing while Mace and I eat breakfast as usual. Then we go to the basement for playtime, go outback or now to the park or just together time. Then "Mommy quiet time" for Mason at 12:30ish. Collin eats then naps for a couple hours then Daddy comes home. It really has been an easy transition. And at this very moment, the dishes are done and the kitchen is clean and my main floor in my house is CLEAN! (Feeling accomplished!)
~Family TV time on Father's Day~

What about exercise for the momma (that's me!)? Well, I am not cleared to exercise yet. Haven't had my postpartum appointment yet. I did run about 100 ft last week to my car in the parking lot and things just felt funny and off in my belly. My body is not ready for it. My legs loved it though it was my belly that didn't. I wasn't planning on running quite yet anyhow but I would like to start doing some other exercises before I start running, like squats and other strength training exercises to get that back first.

Anything else??? Well, I am addicted to sugar. So my goal is to start trying to cut out how much sugar we have in the house. When family was here we had a constant array of sweets and treats in the house. Not to mention the cookies I made for Matt last week, and the cupcakes we got for Fathers's Day yesterday. Yep, lots of sweets. I have been getting headaches and I think it is from just too much sugar and not enough protein. So that is something I will be working on.
~I'm a Pink Lady with the Women's 4 Miler Training Program. Training season kicked off Sat 6/14~
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