Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Friday, April 11, 2014

Prepping For Labor: Leaving The Hospital

 ~Daddy and Mason the morning after we arrived home. We were all exhausted!~

*If you are new to the blog, WELCOME! Please click on the Pregnancy tab at the top of the page to see other posts on pregnancy!*

Fast forward to after labor and some recovery, as most of your recovery will be at home. It's your last day at the hospital and eating yummy hospital food. (my hospital food wasn't too bad last time I was there. They were very accommodating to my melon allergy and brought me red meat). Generally release time is from the hospital is like check out of a hospital. Around 11 or 12. There could possibly be an orientation for new parents along with a breakfast /brunch. Make sure you check with the hospital on their checkout procedures when you are doing your hospital tour. I didn't go to the brunch provided by my hospital as we opted to only be in the hospital until Mason was 24 hours old. I wanted to get home and have a little extra time with daddy at home before he left for Iraq. We checked out of the hospital at midnight. I felt very blessed to get a whole extra day at home with daddy.

The Day After: During the day following your birth, or shortly after, (if you deliver during the middle of the night) There will be staff workers coming in to have you and dad fill out the social security paperwork for your new baby. The official paperwork for the birth certificate. They will also hand you a folder with brochures and of course your cute little foot print that they made of your new baby just after they are born. In the folder will have the address as to where you send the paperwork for the birth certificate and social security card. Put this in your file you have and put it in your bag right away. You don't want to have to be looking for it later and it is very important.
~Mason at 3 days old at the airport to say bye-bye to daddy. Daddy left for Iraq with the Army for 11 months~

Rooming In: Rooming in is having the baby be with you at all times. Following a non-complication delivery and birth, the baby will be put in a bassinet and wheeled with you to your recovery room. The bassinet will be fully stocked with diapers, wipes, ointment, the nose bulb thing along with other things you could possibly need. If you need to rest away from the baby for a time you have the option to send the baby to the nursery. Before you let them cart off the baby to the nursery make sure you pack daddy's bag with the diapers and whips, and when baby comes back the bassinet will be fully stocked again. I delivered Mason at 8:50pm. We got in my recovery room by 11pm. I was exhausted. My high from the hormones was gone and I just wanted to sleep. Mason was nursing but my nipples were already hurting. I remember he was crying and I started crying cause I just wanted to sleep. I put on my birth plan rooming in at my discretion but in nursery no pacifier, sugar water or formula. Breast milk only.

Matt was already out cold on the cot next to mine. I called the nurse and asked for Mason to be taken to the nursery for 2-3 hours and to return him for nursing. The nurse took him and I passed out and woke up about 3 hours later. Freaking out cause I hadn't been woken up for him to be fed. I called the nurse and they brought him back and he nursed like a champ. Nurse said he was great and slept the whole time. No crying or fussing. The nurse also helped me learn how to hold him how he liked to be held. Of course after he nursed he started crying again and I couldn't fix him so I called the nurse but that is what they are there for.

So the rule for rooming in, if you send the baby to the nursery, take the diapers and wipes from the bassinet. They are for you to have. To help you during this new experience. And it is ok to send the baby to the nursery. You are not a bad mom for doing so if you had planned on not doing it originally. We all need some sleep, and the baby will be back in about 3 hours or when they are hungry anyhow.

Stay Neat And Tidy: Make sure you keep dad's bag packed with all the stuff you get from the hospital. Just try to keep your room as clutter free as possible so that you are trying to figure out what to do with everything. Friends are going to stop by, you might have some stuffed animals, throw them in the bag. We had a little trolly thing that we pushed our stuff out on so that helped. I just couldn't believe that we had as much stuff as we did for only about 36 hours total. Also during the day before you leave or earlier before you leave have dad take stuff out to the car so you don't have as much stuff. He has to go out and get the car seat anyhow.

Actually leaving the hospital: You will want to change your baby in the going home outfit you planned and picked out for them. It will feel weird dressing them and their outfit will be hanging on them because they really are small. You will be required to put your baby in the car seat and have it inspected by the nurses before you will be allowed to leave the hospital. Then you will more than likely have to walk to you the front entrance. This was shocking to me. I always saw women being wheeled out to the doors after having a baby, but nope. You will generally walk. It is good for you anyhow but it is hard. I felt like I had ran 5 miles just getting from our room to the front doors to where Matt picked me and Mace up. It was the hardest and slowest and most uncomfortable walk I have ever done. Just be prepared for the idea that you might actually have to walk a good distance to leave the hospital. Even after a c-section. Have your significant other put the car seat in the base so you don't have to lift the baby, and enjoy the ride home sitting next to your baby watching them so intently as you go over bumps and around turns. And notice how well your SO will drive, how safe they are and how much they are driving under the speed limit!

I hope this helps you prepare for leaving the hospital. This is great for me to remember. I have been asking my friends who have had babies recently seeing if I missed anything but I guess my memory was coming back at this point.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Running Low On Energy?

I love this quote from Legally Blond. But sometimes I really think, does exercise give me more energy? Currently, when I exercise or exert myself I am exhausted and have to rest to get some of my energy back, but I am also pregnant. And being pregnant makes you more tired cause you are making a whole other human being and such, the body is already maxed out per say.

Per the science, exercise should/does give you more energy. You produce those little energy producing organs in your cells called mitochondria and the more you use energy the more mitochondria you make.

Currently, my lack of energy comes from 2 areas, being pregnant and having a 2 year old that refuses to let me sleep. (waking up in the middle of the night or waking up WAYYYY too early in the morning.) I don't drink coffee or heavily caffeinated drinks so I have to rely on outside sources for my little pick me ups. (I drink the occasional soda pop but not that often.) Here are some steps to help us though, regardless where our lack of energy comes from, to help us keep up our energy stores.

~Walking- Yes just walking, even just around the house will give you energy. Pick up some toys, or yours hubs clothing that he left on the bathroom floor, again. You will get a little burst of energy.

~Deep Breathing- Sitting down and just breathing in and out in a steady pattern will give you more oxygen to your body. You body likes oxygen. Sometimes we don't just sit down and just sit and do nothing. But it is a good detox for your mind and body to just sit and breath for a little bit. A Mommy time out is just fine.

~Make goals- Everyday I make little goals of things I want to accomplish. Even if I just get 2 out of the 3 things accomplished I still have made an effort that day and didn't waste away in front of the tv or my computer all day doing who knows what.

~Make an effort- try to get out and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air right now. It is beautiful in my area right now and could possibly be in your area too. Make an effort to do something active every day. Even if it is just 10-15 minutes of walking in your neighborhood. Or making it to the gym. Most of the time I don't want to go to the gym, but when I get there I am so glad that I did. I feel better about myself and my actions. And I warrant a nap later in the day if I need it because I did do what I needed to do for myself.

~Listen to your body- If you body is telling you, stop and rest, stop and rest. You might need to replenish your energy by just resting or napping. If your body is saying MOVE then go out and move. During training, if I missed a Tuesday run my legs would be tingling and throbbing on Wednesday morning because they missed the run I always did on Tuesday. I often did not miss my Tuesday runs but I remember the ache of my legs when I did.

So let's get out there and get some endorphins to make us happy! Hope this helps some of us that need a little extra natural pick me up.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Summer Activities For Mom's and Babies

We are so lucky, momma's! Because we are having our babies at the beginning of the summer, meaning we aren't pregnant during the hottest part of the year. Be thankful. Been there done that. Sucks! We aren't having our babies in winter either which means we aren't stuck in the house for months at a time. We have the beautiful heat of the summer to enjoy. So here are a couple of ideas to help us get out of the house with baby
and have fun.

~Early morning walks. Before the heat of the day picks up, and you will probably be up anyways, go take you new little one for a little walk in the stroller. It is good for you, helps with weightless. Good for baby because it gets them some Vitamin D, (don't forget sunblock and a hat for baby) And it gets you out of the house! It doesn't have to be a 5 mile stretch. But a 30 minute walk will do you and baby some good. Also you burn extra calories when you are pushing the stroller. Don't forget to take you 4 legged buddy with you as they probably need the fresh air too. (Make sure that your pet is properly trained and never, ever attach the leash to the stroller for safety reason!)

~Go to the park. You have a 6 week old and you are at the park sitting on the bench? Huh? Yes it is ok to go to the park and just sit there. Again, fresh air for you and baby, and out of the house. It gets you used to how to leave the house too without taking everything in the house with you. But it is a great place to meet other mother's. And who knows there might be another new mom with a little one there too.

Also if you have other kids, they need to get out. Trust me. They don't like being cooped up as much as you don't. So let them run wild at the park. Take a carrier or sling for new baby and go have some fun.

~Find a pool or splash park. Again sun is good, sunblock and hat for baby! But get your baby used to water. Check the pools rules on age of child and check with your baby's doc to see if it is ok or not. But if you have an older child they will love the pool and splash park. I plan on visiting the splash park a ton with Mason and sitting on the side with new baby.

~Reading classes at the library. Babies can read? Get an early start on loving to read. Your local public library more than likely has child reading classes, that are free! It teaches your baby how to act when someone else is taking. It engages them in reading, and gets them used other children around them.

~Play dates. With all the new mom's you are meeting what a great chance to start setting up play dates. Where the kids will play or be held by you and you and the other moms can swap stories of birth, and crazy nights you have had, share advice and just be someone who you can talk to and have listen to you. You need to get out of the house, you need adult contact, you need friends and we are all learning together how to be moms.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

April Week 1 Workout Recap

April Already! That means 6 weeks left until my due date. Again the week flew by but I am glad. I spent a day sick as a dog. I actually threw up for the first time this pregnancy. But it was from either food poisoning or a virus that was very mean to attack me while pregnant. I had a night full of contractions and stomach cramps that were pretty bad. Totally different feeling than actually in labor. Mason was a good sport too, bringing me my water when I asked for it and making sure that I drank plenty of water. He also took a little bit longer of a nap so I could sleep longer too. 

Pregnancy Changes: I'm just getting bigger week by week. Baby is the size of a pineapple and weighs about 4.9 lbs per my what to expect app. I am up 8 lbs now (this was after my sickness by the way which I was on a liquid diet of water and power aid for a whole day) But that is pretty cool knowing that the baby weighs that much and I have only gained 8 lbs. Plus the blood volume increase and the weight of the all the baby stuff. I am super proud of myself and the weight gain/lack there of.

Prepping For Baby: Didn't do anything this week again. I did decide that for Mother's Day I want to hire Molly Maids to come and clean my house just before baby arrives and again in June just after baby arrives so I don't have to feel like I have to clean the house. 

Prepping Mason For Baby: Just getting all the snuggle time as possible with Mason as I can. Also teaching him more words and speaking in full sentences. I am trying to get him to be able to communicate with me as much as possible so that it will be easier to understand what he needs and wants when the baby arrives. Also talking about the baby arriving and introducing him to babies whenever we are around them. He seems to like babies, but this is before one invades his space and takes away all him mommy and him time. Not looking forward to that transition.

Workout Recap: 

Monday: rest (went to a friends house for a playdate) 

Tuesday: 3.5 mile walk

Wednesday: rest (did vacuum the whole house and cleaned. These days it is either clean or exercise. Can't do both without completely exhausting myself.)

Thursday: rest (sick as a dog with a virus or food poisoning.) 

Friday: 2 mile walk outside (super slow getting my strength back from yesterdays sickness)

Saturday: 2 mile walk outside

Total Mileage: 7.5 miles
34 weeks pregnant
~Me pregnant now vs 34 weeks pregnant with Mason~

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Exercise During 3rd Trimester

I know I am doing a lot of pregnancy posts. And haven't done too many exercise posts as of late but that is because I am very pregnant and haven't been exercising as much as I did a few months ago, but I am still doing my walking as much as I can and I know that after I am cleared to run again that I will, and I plan on adding in more strength training, yoga and I would love to try that Barre class that everyone has been talking about.

For today I was going to write a 3rd trimester exercise post but found this super cute website with a great post on 3rd trimester exercise. Check it out here! Knocked Up Fitness

Mommas! Go out in the beautiful weather and take a walk! Walking is the best thing for us, and we might as well get used to it now because it is a great way to induce labor too!  And you know when you hit 40 weeks you will be taking all the walks you can, not to mention how much walking you might be doing at the hospital to get that baby out!

If you can find a prenatal yoga class, it is never too late to join. It will feel awkward but it is a slower style than normal yoga meant to work with your ever-growing belly. 

If all else fails, find some stairs and go up and down a few times in a row. Go slow and remember that this can bring on more contractions so if you are in the 39-41 week range and you want the baby out, try this out!

Mom's with older siblings, chase your kid around the park as much as you can. Great bonding with your children and good exercise for you!

QOTD: How many miles are you walking/planning on walking at a time from here on out? I have found my body is done at about 3 miles. 3.5 is really pushing it, unless there is a really great episode on Food Network at the gym I generally only do 3 miles at a time now! Every body is different. 

***DISCLAIMER***Be sure to consult your doc before you do this to make sure it is ok, as I am in no way a medical professional. I am just me giving helpful advice! 

*Also if you are new to the blog click on the Pregnancy tab at the top of the page to see other posts on pregnancy!*
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