Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Sunday, February 23, 2014


Here I go, by this point I will be, oh, around mile 7 or so, hoping that my song of choice is the 7 mile anthem. Katy Perry's Roar. It goes perfectly with my "running story". I just can't believe that I am actually doing this! I AM EARNING MY TIARA while 29 weeks pregnant! ROCKSTAR!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

February Week 3 Workout Recap

I am doing this a day early since I have a fun post tomorrow that goes along with my previous 2 posts.

This lovely week was my taper week! I really do love taper week! So wonderful. I know that I will enjoy doing less mileage from here on out because my body was so happy with it this week. I won't do this small amount of mileage but it will be along these lines. I had planned on going to prenatal yoga on Thursday and doing a mile-mile and a half before but I was so busy we didn't make it. I wanted to do at least 1/2 the 1/2 marathon this week through walking and running but didn't make it. That is ok. I feel ready for tomorrow and that is all I need.

Pregnancy is going well too. The first 1.5 miles really hurts because my body doesn't want to move as much but after that point I am fine. I guess that is how any body is though pregnant or not. Kind of interesting. All I am thankful for is that my body is allowing me to move as much as I do pregnant.

Sunday: rest
Monday: 2 mile walk
Tuesday: 3 mile run/walk- (15:13 min mile)
Wednesday: rest
Thursday: rest (but ran around town like a turkey with its head cut off)
Friday: rest
Saturday: walk around the expo and rest, rest, rest

5 miles total mileage at 28 weeks pregnant. (my belly is smaller now than it was with Mace at this point! PRETTY COOL! I think I am losing belly fat while pregnant and super happy about that!)

Friday, February 21, 2014

Get Set...

We are all set to go here. I packed all I could last night and left the rest to this morning. I am taking an extra bag I wasn't thinking of taking, but considering that we only have one medium/large sized bag for both Matt and I that is pretty good. Plus the extra bag will have all my marathon stuff in it so that I can just grab that bag Saturday night and that is it.

This morning I am off to get my belly taped for the weekend! Hoping it stays on and doesn't cause too many issues between now and Sunday.

Then to pick up some dry ice for the cooler. Make breakfast for all of us and off we go! I am super excited for my race and glad that everything is done, including this beauty! Here is the back and the rest, well that will be shown on Race morning!
Check me out on FB, Twitter, and Instagram for updates and plenty of pix before I come back and post them all here!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Get Ready...

Oh boy, oh boy! I have a ton of things to do today! This is my busy day that just won't let up on me! Are you ready for my list?

Do last load of laundry for whole family
Make 6 dozen cookies for trip, dough made yesterday so that helped!
Prenatal yoga
Have the hubs meet me at the gym to switch cars and pick up the kid
Go straight to my prenatal check up to get my "permission slip" to run in the race on Sunday.
Go straight to chiropractor for last race adjustment and 1 hour massage
Hurry home, teach a lesson
Feed the family dinner
Attach vinyl to shirt for race costume
Sleep, whenever that happens...

Today there is no rest for the weary, unless you count the 1 hour massage. But things that are already complete:

All the dinners are made.
All the bread is made.
Jam already made.
Snacks bought for trip down and trip.
Bought cooler for said trip. (And new water bottles for the parks too)

Just need to organize some things, make master list of what is being taken so we know what to bring back with us. (Yes I am that OCD i.e. Plastic plates and cups for Mace so we don't brake the glass stuff at the hotel, but my stuff is my stuff.)

QOTD: Do you go OCD when packing for a big trip?

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Clean Eating Before Race

Last night I went to the store to pick up some provisions for our long, long, long drive down to Orlando. While I was there I kept thinking, I will be running I can't have candy and crap weigh and drag me down. And frankly, most of the candy didn't see to grab me like it usually does. (I did get some double chocolate Milano cookies though, but again not a huge pull that I have to have them.)

I think thinking about this race and wanting to do as good as possible and being super mindful in what I am putting in my body really helped shaped my wants and desires in the junk food department. I am going to be making energy bites (see below for recipe and thanks to my friend Jenna who shared the recipe with me) for the trip down and for after the race and snacks during the week, if they last that long. I also noticed that I have been increasing my water intake this week too. I know I need to drink lots of water because I am pregnant but I feel like I am downing an extra 32 ounces a day right now on top of what I am already drinking. (I try to drink around 100-120 ounces of water a day.) Just a habit I got into a couple of years ago!

One thing that I need to do better though, is the sleep department. I haven't be resting during the day, too many things to do! And night sleeping is getting more and more difficult. I feel like I am flopping around like a fish out of water just tossing and turning all night long trying to get comfortable. I see lots of falling asleep to HypnoBirthing in my future. I tend to get a deeper sleep and don't toss and turn when listening to it!

Energy Bites
Recipe by Jenna V.

You can add any nuts or chopped dried fruit and berries that you think would taste good.
1 cup (dry) oatmeal (I used old-fashioned GF oats, but 1 min or regular oats works fine too)
2/3 cup toasted coconut flakes
1/2 cup peanut butter 
1/2 cup ground flaxseed or wheat germ (much prefer flaxseed)
1/2 cup chocolate chips (I like dark chips)
1/3 cup honey (I usually do about 1/2 agave nectar
    and 1/2 honey - if only using agave it doesn't bind as well)
1 Tbsp. chia seeds (optional)
1 tsp. vanilla extract ( pure vanilla, not imitation)

Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl until it looks like a evenly distributed uniformed dough. Roll the dough into 1 1/2 inch balls. Stick in the fridge to harden and store in a air tight container in the fridge.
~This is what happens when a 2.5 year old LOVES THEM! He sticks his hand in the shot right as you take the pix!~
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