Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Last Run Before My Half

I am so excited! Today is my last 3 mile run before I run my half, and possibly my last 3 mile run while pregnant. Still haven't decided yet how much I will run beyond next week. This training has really taken a toll on my body. I am ready to just take it easy a little bit. I will still do some walking. 3 mile+ walks are definitely on the books even up until I have the baby, got to get the baby out somehow, right! And I will try to do some running every week to keep up with it until I can't but it will be no more than 2 miles at a time. So this is my plan.

On a plus side, I am glad that I have ran as long as I have because it has helped in other departments during this pregnancy! I have had no weight gain beyond what I started at, yea! I am losing fat/parts of my body are not growing as much as they did with Mason. The pants I wore when I was pregnant with Mace I am wearing now and they are a little baggy on me yea! And I passed my glucose test with flying colors. This is the one test I am so scared of because I am overweight, but I was 20 points better on this test than I was with Mason. The biggest change for all of this is that I have been running/doing more consistent exercise.
One other note! Mason moved to his big boy bed on Monday. He has slept in his new room 2 nights now and hasn't fallen out of bed and really enjoys his new room! So excited for our big boy! Now if we could only teach him that the potty is not scary!

QOTD: How do you taper your runs before a race?

Monday, February 17, 2014

Less Than 1 Week

Less than 1 week to go and I will be running in my first 1/2 marathon, (while pregnant). I seriously think I am still crazy for wanting to do this but I am proud of the fact that I am because it is a very, very, VERY hard thing to train for while pregnant! I am so excited that we are actually leaving in just a few short days! I still have a lot to do before we go but I know I will get everything done. I have to!

As far as a weekly workout recap last week was not supposed to be my taper week but it kind of turned out that way in a bad way, as in no workouts! Just didn't happen. NOT GOOD! But this week is tons of walking and tomorrow is my last run before the race. 3 miles is on the books for me! But I feel good and ready for the race. I know I can do it. It is going to be hard and I will have to push myself slightly but I can do this!

I am so excited to run my race with my best friend K! It will be such a fun experience for both of us and yeah I am a little excited, more than a little to run through the castle. This race is going to be AWESOME!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


The last few days have been very interesting for me. Since Sunday I have just been flat out exhausted by midday and I pass out for a good 2-2.5 hour nap. At first I thought it was just because of the long run I did on Saturday but as the days are going by and I am the same way everyday I believe that it is just the pregnancy fatigue coming back with a VENGEANCE! It doesn't help that I am waking up in the middle of the night and have a hard time falling back to sleep! Around 1pm though I feel like I can just curl up anywhere and just fall right to sleep. So it has been a weird few days with me dealing with that.

Plus we are getting ready for the storm which is in progress right now! Hoping that we keep our power through the storm. Last year during this time we lost power for the day. But we are very prepared and able to go without power for a few days without it being too much of a trouble. It won't be fun when our house gets super cold but we could handle it! Done it before for a few days in a row at our other house a few years ago.

Tomorrow the whole city it seems is shutting down. So there won't be any yoga for me. :( I actually really have been enjoying yoga. So indoor activity it will be. Matt could very well be home from work tomorrow too if it is still snowing pretty bad in the morning so we could have a full day together. That will give me some time to tape up Mason's new bedroom in preparation for Saturdays painting fun!

Time to go back to bed. This momma is tired!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Nesting: Round 1

I am almost 27 weeks pregnant and I am feeling that weird thing that happens to pregnant mommas. The urge to nest and make everything perfect before baby. I keep looking at my calendar and I just assume that Feb is a lost cause and that it is just going to fly by me and before I know it we are in March and then I only have 2 months to do anything. Because I am naturally OCD about certain things, I had already planned on having everything ready to go by April. But man oh man I am feeling that itch like crazy to just get started.

The first phase of the plan is this weekend to paint Mason's new room, a beautiful light grey I might add. All the new bedding for his "new big boy twin sized bed" is arriving this week, including the quilt which I was told was on back order until June but is currently being shipped to my house! And get that room all ready for him to move into when we get back from our trip. Planning on doing the second coat of paint next Monday and what's the point in moving him into his room when we are leaving 4 days later. But I will have it all set up made all pretty so that when we get home he can graduate to his new bed. And move all his clothing into the new walk-in closet in his new room (debating on getting a lock for the closet, advice?)
~The quilt for Mason's room and will have matching curtains, and getting a navy comforter for the winter months.~
March, paint the nursery and change the current toddler bed to a crib with the mattress set super high for a baby, (AH, IT WILL BE FOR A TINY BABY AGAIN!) And get it set up with the changing table in it. And put the baby clothing for 0-3 months or 0-6. However much I can fit in there.

April, all the bags packed for the "just in case" and pack n play assembled. Car seat set in the van by 36 weeks. See how OCD I AM! But I will tell you I am starting to get nervous because I look at my calendar and it is just flying by. Even if I take it just a month at a time, the months will fly by being busy with teaching, concerts and prepping for baby. I just have to make it to May 3rd. I can have the baby anytime after May 3rd. (That is the date of my studio's piano recital. I will be huge but that's ok. It's my last day of teaching before baby.)

Sunday, February 9, 2014

February Week 1 Workout Recap

1st week of Feb is already over and done with. Anyone else think that time is FLYING BY?!? I can't believe that my race is only 2 weeks from today! After yesterday though I am very thankful that it is only 2 weeks from today because this body is ready to back off on its mileage. This week along, whew! I was one busy gal at the gym.

A few notes on how this week went. I am tired, like all the time. I feel like I go to sleep within a few pages of my book that I read when trying to go to sleep. On Friday night I was playing my hypnoBirthing CD instead of reading and I fell asleep at some point but when I woke up about 3 hours later I was in the same exact position I fell asleep in. I hadn't moved one bit which is odd for me since I am tossing and turning most nights now trying to get comfy! But the CD knocked me out! So thankful for the deep sleep I was able to get in those 3 hours.

I have still been having major round ligament pain in my lower belly. The taping does help on the long runs but I finally caved and got a support belt and it helped me a TON yesterday on the long run I did. I didn't hurt too bad until about mile 9 since that was the point at which I hadn't gone past. So it was new territory for my body but I have come to realize that mile nine is my, must push past point!

Also new to this week is the baby bouncing on my bladder. Every time I did a running stint Collin would sit right on my bladder so every step made me feel like I had to pee. Then when I did there was nothing there. Very uncomfortable and the belt seemed to help lift him off of that area which I was thankful for yesterday!

So here it is: My workout recap

Monday- rest
Tuesday- 3 miles run/walk (15:13 min/mile)
Wednesday-3 miles walk (16:20 min/mile)
Thursday- 1.5 miles (mile 1 at 14:30 min/mile; .5 mile 16 min/mile)
Prenatal yoga class
Friday-4 mile walk (16:23 min/mile)
Saturday- 11 mile run/walk (15:17 min/mile)- LAST long, long run before Princess half!

Total Mileage 22.5 miles at 26 weeks pregnant!
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