Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Laid Low

Hello my blogging friends! I am still sick, sick, sick! It is not fun. I completely lost my voice as you know last Friday and it has not returned. It is better now and I can speak again but for only a little bit and it involves a lot of hacking up of lungs. Not a fun cough. My hubby has been home all weekend taking care of me and watching Mason so that I can rest. (He even brought me lunch in bed on Saturday.) Sadly with this sickness I haven't exercised, but I do wonder how many calories are burned when you are coughing the amount I am. It has to do something, right?

Anyhew, today I am going to try an at home video by Leslie Sansone, Walk Away the Pounds. One of the 3 miles ones I have. These are my go to for home exercise when I can't get out. And lately with all the snow and ice and urging from the VDOT to not drive we have been/would have been stuck at home. So today I am back to exercise, but slowly. I have to get back to running regularly as the half is quickly approaching! So join me today in exercise. In about 2 hours I will be doing me. Will you do yours?

QOTD: What exercise do you do when you are snowed in?

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Turkey Trot Race Recap

 Charlotte, NC Southpark 8k Turkey Trot
I will get this posted! Since this doesn't require a physical voice I can do this. Mace is still asleep, thank goodness with all the coughing I have been doing, so I have a little mommy time. (He should wake up anytime now since I just said the previous statement!)

For Thanksgiving we were going to NC to visit our closest, in distance, family members. I looked for a race in the area of where they lived and noticed that the Southpark Turkey Trot was celebrating its 25th anniversary and they mentioned a "special medal" on their website. What do I think, NEW BLING! I love getting the racing bibs, and the shirts but the medals gives it an extra little, YEA factor. I earned it. I feel powerful and it is a heavy reminder of what I accomplished to earn. The medals for Disney are what really got me interested in running in the first place. Who wouldn't want a heavy beautiful medal with Mickey on it?

Anyhew. I had been telling Matt all week that it was going to be cold. Really cold. 22 degrees cold! That morning he didn't really believe me I guess until he walked out side and turned back and said, "I don't think so! Are you crazy!?!" I said, "I already paid the fee and when we start running we will warm up anyways." He then contented to mutter how insane I was for wanting to run early in the morning, a holiday morning nonetheless, in the freezing cold. I continued to remind him that he was supporting me and he was happy to support me, but from a nice warm place. Anyhew he was cold and hungry, and grumpy. I don't blame him. IT WAS COLD!
~My first racing tutu! Thanks to Race Junkie!~

We arrived at the race location, 30 minutes early, because I thought it would take longer to arrive. We picked up our racing packet and shirt and high tailed it back to the car to stay warm. Matt didn't turn on the heater so that we would "acclimate" to the cold instead of going from super heated and warm to freezing again. I threw on my new race shirt under my running shirt as I forgot my running jacket at home and my running shirt was short sleeved. I was freezing but it was the perfect amount after I started to get warm. We watched the first race line up from our car and then it was time to head to the potty and then the starting line.

The website said that they limit the race to 11,000 people. It didn't look like that many people but there were a ton. And the was no announcement to get in the pace groups which were set super far apart. I read on another blog that there were about 10, 000 people running that day, there were various race distances. But it took us a min 15 second to get from our pace group, which wasn't even my pace because we were back in the 9 min pace group, because that is as high as it went, to cross the start line. There were a ton of people. And because we were "in a fast pace group and I am slow" I pulled Matt to the side of the street to allow people to pass us easier. People quickly passed us and we were in the back of the pack. As we rounded the first turn the first runners from our race were making the turn to the neighborhood part of the race.
Love the Back!

The race was pretty flat. Compared to Charlottesville area that I am used to running. I was wishing for more hills because that is where I tend to make my speed back. I stated thinking though that this is good practice for the FLAT Disney World race. I guess I have grown the love hills! We kept up a pretty good pace it felt like. We were walking/jogging and I was trying not to push myself too hard. the first water stop we took our water and the volunteers were saying that there was ice in it. I was wondering when it was so cold, why they added ice, but they didn't add ice. The water had iced over on the top! It was hard to get the water down but we needed to conserve the water we were carrying so down it went, burning all the way. At about 3 miles, we came to an area with evenly spaced light poles and I did my run 2 posts, walk 2. I finally felt my toes defrost by this point so I felt like I got my stride, thankfully! We ran through very pretty neighborhoods but at this point I stopped looking at the houses and focused more on making it at the time I wanted. 1:15 or faster. 1:20 was acceptable but I wanted 1:15. So we started to push more as I knew we only had about a mile left. At the entrance to the mall near the finish line we didn't know which side to run on for the median as so many people and cars were trying to leave. So that was a little frustrating. People were still trying to finish a race, don't block the course. We crossed the finish line holding hands, no pix! And I looked at my phone and I finished in 1:10! I was faster than I thought that I would be. I am still running a 14 min mile at 16 weeks pregnant. I was so happy with how I did! I couldn't believe it! I am running the same pace that I ran for the 10k in Oct and 30 second slower per mile from the 4 miler.

I am so proud of my body for doing what it did, IN THE FREEZING COLD! There were a ton of people milling around at the end. We got some more frozen water and gatorade. On the way home though we stopped by Starbucks, which was PACKED to get some hot coco to warm us up all the way. (That is when I started to feel my fingers again).

Note to self: get gloves, and long sleeved shirts! And maybe carpis that retain body heat! I WAS FREEZING!

It was a good race. I wish that the pace markers were closer together and that they included the slower paces too, like 10 min mile and above! Also for them to make an announcement at the beginning that it was about to start. Other than that it was well organized and an easy and beautiful race! Maybe again next year, if we are in town!

Friday, December 6, 2013


Hello my blogging friends! I just wanted to give an update and thankfully it doesn't require me to speak because I sound like a frog! I croak out words right now. I have no voice. And believe me, I am a talker and it is weird not being able to talk, at all. My poor son doesn't even understand me. I called the hubs home from work today to help take care of me but mainly my son as I can not communicate with him.

Anyhew I will have the race recap up as soon as I can but I am just resting today. I am doing this during my lunch break, must eat for the baby. Other than that I have been resting and sleeping. (I am not even going to rehearsal tonight because of this so that I won't be worse tomorrow. I haven't miss rehearsals, in a very long time. Especially on a dress rehearsal evening the day before our concert. BAD MOJO!)

But I have to take care of myself and that involves me going back up to my bed and resting and sleeping some more! Night all!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Another Year Older

Another year wiser, so they say. I know I have learned a lot in the last year but I still don't feel very wise. I have made some wise choices though, I am running and exercising now. That is pretty smart. I have been teaching in C-ville for nearly a year now, I feel pretty smart doing that with my own business and all. I still think I married THE BEST MAN OF ALL TIME, so yeah, pretty smart there. Love playing in the symphony and doing well, most of the time, check for smartness there. So things are going pretty well.

I am looking forward to my 32nd year, (EEK! Nearly mid 30's) We will introduce a new little soul into this world, I will be a "new mom" again, ok a little nervous about that part. I will continue to teach (with a little time off for mommy and baby, of course) I will run in my first 1/2 marathon. Only a goal I made a few years ago. I think this next year will go pretty well.

Goals for my next year of life: I want to run in more races! Bigger distance races. I would love to do 2 1/2 marathons next year. One in Feb and one post baby. Still trying to decide which one to do post baby though. I look forward to learning how to be a mommy to 2. I want to eat better overall and get back to my pre-pre pregnancy weight (the weight I was before Mason) So let's see where I end up next year. But here's to me to having a great day, (which I will because of my BFF who is sending me cupcakes for my birthday! with plenty to freeze from my fav place GEORGETOWN CUPCAKES! And gluten free! Love you K!)

Also, tomorrow is my turkey trot race recap so make sure to check back. Fun race!

QOTD: Do you prefer a cake or cupcakes?

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Pregnancy 12-16 Weeks

Today I am 17 weeks pregnant. I thought I would go back and talk about my 3rd month of pregnancy. (12-16 weeks pregnant)

Per What To at 12 weeks the baby was as big as a large plum, weighing in at only a 1/2 an ounce. By 16 weeks baby 3-5 ounces and is as big as an onion. My belly is getting rounder as the uterus is out of the pelvic bone, but it still just feels like bloating more than being pregnant.

In the last month I entered the 2nd trimester stopped having morning sickness and got my energy back. I also ran my 8k at 16 weeks pregnant for Thanksgiving, which you can read about that here. Running isn't too bad. During the 8k I had my first Braxton Hicks contraction and had to slow down and walk while it passed. I got them frequently when I was pregnant with Mason, it was always while I exercised. It also happened if I was walking too slow or too fast. It had to be just the right speed and I would not get as many. I suspect that I will continue to have them while I exercise.

I still have to nap during the day. I actually really like it. It is my quiet time to just relax and just take a breath. With the exercise I am doing I really need it.

Thankfully I don't have to go to the bathroom as often as I did in September or October.

Also I compared my pictures
to when I was pregnant with Mace. At 16 weeks pregnant now, I am as big as I was when I was 20 weeks with Mason. That has to do with the fact that I started out at 30lbs heavier with this pregnancy than I was with Mason, but as long as I don't gain weight or as little as possible I hope to end at a smaller weight than I was when I had Mason.

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