Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen: workout
Showing posts with label workout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label workout. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

October 28 Day Push Up Challenge

Say bye-bye to that arm jiggle! Seriously! Wanna try a 28 day push up challenge? Great way to help build up your upper body strength! My goal is to be able to do more than 20 pushups in 2 minutes. I did that so many years ago in a ROTC class. I want to beat it. Who's with me? Check out the calendar below!
Want more workouts ideas? Click HERE!

And, of course, be sure to like our 
FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Active Recovery Yoga

Oh I love my Sundays because after church we come home and the kids go down for a late afternoon nap, I usually catch an hour or two of a good nap and that evening I choose to do my yoga.  I used to not workout on Sundays at all as a true day of rest, but since I started to incorporate yoga on Sunday I have felt more rested and relaxed on Monday for the start of my working out for the week, and overall I am so much more limber. So now I use Sundays and Wednesday as an active rest day. (Pilates on Wednesday)

Why are rest days so important? The entire purpose of recovery is to allow the muscle to repair itself and to engage muscles that are tired and sore from previous days of exercise. To keep your body working at it's peak, you can choose to do an active rest day which is just remain active without pushing yourself as hard as you were a day or two before. Low intensity is what you want to aim for. Running at a slower speed, or doing less amount of exercise or a more slow paced exercise like yoga or pilates!

These are not easy routines I do for my yoga or pilates, they still require me to work, but I focus my mind and breathing to help clean me mentally and also using deep cleansing breaths. It really does work!

Yoga can be done by all shapes and sizes. If you are a more curvy girl, like me, you will have to modify some moves and that is ok! Listen to your instructor and do what you can and over time you will be able to do more and more! The stretching though is so good and feels amazing! For years I felt so scared to do yoga. I didn't think I could because I wasn't a skinny twig of a girl! I started yoga when I was pregnant with Collin and loved it every week that I went, all the way through 39 weeks pregnant. It was amazing. And helped so much, especially since I was running during most of my pregnancy. Even in the last few months I have struggled with Bow Pose. I couldn't not get it. But I kept trying, often just holding one leg at a time and switching halfway through. Then one day, I did it. It just worked! So keep going at it and you will be amazing at what you can accomplish!

This Sunday I challenge you to try out some of these poses. Or Hulu, Amazon they have FREE yoga workouts you can watch. Follow along. Focus on your breathing and allowing your body to release tension. Comment below if you are going to try this, this weekend! I would love to hear from you!

And, of course, be sure to like our FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Morning Workout

Wanna start your morning out right! Just as you get out of bed and before that first cup of joe bust out this little morning workout to help you feel awake, energized and ready to take on the day! 

And, of course, be sure to like our FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Sexy Side Butt

Time to work the BUTT! Side butt that is. No more saddle bags. This is a great routine to follow to help you slim down your butt! 
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Friday, August 28, 2015

30 Advanced Workout Challenge | September 30 day Full Body Workout

September is almost here! Check out this month long full body workout to get your body if great shape! Love this that it has rest days every 4 days! Are you going to do September's 30 day challenge? Comment below! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Perfect Butt Challenge

There is no denying it, squats are GREAT for your BUTT! Check out this challenge to do 200 squats in just 4 weeks. The great part about the challenge is that you are working different parts of your butt so you are going to get that perfect little rounded butt! Can't wait to start my challenge! 

Need daily motivation and support keep coming back here and check me out on Facebook

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Mountain Climbers For Beginners

Mountain Climbers are HARD! You better believe that they kick my butt every single time I do them, and I have been doing them regularly for the past few months.

Goal for beginners: GO SLOW! Don't worry about speed in the beginning. But correct form. Keeping your butt down as much as you can.

Also try to keep the weight in your heels so it takes pressure off your wrists.

And step your foot in like in the picture here instead of a more advanced version of bringing your knee to the chest and your toes stay off the ground. Focus on the basics and then you can make it more difficult when your body is ready.

Don't get frustrated if you do a few and are already thinking about stopping. Aim for a small number and then increase that number the next time. Start with 5 then 10, then 12. And so forth. Great goal would be to do mountain climbers for 1 whole minute!

Remember, you can do this! I promise you! It is only for just a short time that your body will fight you doing this but once you are done, you are done!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Lose the Lower Belly Pooch

This has been my problem area for YEARS! Even before kids, and in high school I always was so concerned about this pooch. How do you get it to go away? Well, eating is one of the biggest factors. You want it gone, clean up your eating. But it also depends on what you have done. Had a baby, you might not be able to get it gone all the way, but you can reduce it. Check out these exercises to help shrink your midsection!
And, of course, be sure to like our FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Lower Body Tabata

Wanna kick your lower body workout up a notch? Add a dumbbell to increase the intensity! Check this out!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Great Morning Stretch

Need a great little morning stretch to help stretch out your hip flexers. Try this sequence. 

Plank, bring your food forward between your hands for a runners pose. Bring your chest up to a lunge, drop your knee softly and press your hips forward to stretch out the hip flexers, and grab your toe for an added stretch. Hold each position for a good 10 count. OH it feels so good! 

Repeat sequence with opposite leg. 

And, of course, be sure to like our FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Sexy Shoulders and Arms Workout

Shoulders and Biceps is what it is all about! Give these a try to help define and strengthen you arms and shoulders! My shoulders are so weak, so start out light and if it is too easy then you can increase the weight. 

Bicep Curls-10-15 reps
Front Rows- 10-15 reps
Tricep Kick Backs- 10-15 reps
Shoulder Press- 10-15 reps
Shoulder flies- 10-15 reps
3 sets of each! 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Squat Variations!

Tired of the same old squat? Here is a great way to change it up! I love variations because they work different parts of the thigh and butt! Get ready to squat!!!! 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

June 30 day Challenge Sexy Arms Dumbbell Circuit

Time for a new 30 day challenge. This is more for increasing your arms strength but also to build endurance. As you get comfortable with these exercises increase your cardio up to X20. By the end of the month aim for 20 minutes of cardio along with increasing in weight to the next higher dumbbell for you. So if you start with 5 pound weights by the end of the month your goal is to be up to 8-10 pounds. 

Good luck! And for more daily motivation be sure to follow me on FACEBOOK

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Full Body HIIT Workout

Need a good fast High Intensity Interval Training workout? Check this out! This will do the trick for you! 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Can't Run? Walk!

Check out some of the benefits to walking! Running can be so hard on your body. Walking is just as good. Go out and enjoy the awesome weather you are having right now!

Start with walking a 1/4 mile at a nice pace. Something faster than walking around the mall. Enough to feel like you are working a little. Gradually increase the distance and/or faster pace. Your goal should be doing at least 30 minutes of walking a day at a brisk pace. 16:30 min per mile or faster! You can do it. Remember the tortoise beat the hare. You don't have to be fast, just steady and consistent!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Wake-Up Workout

I love my bed in the morning, and on cool mornings like this I just don't want to get out of bed. So why not start your morning with a little workout right in your bed! Check out below to start your day right! Happy morning! 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Yoga Poses and Their Benefits

I love yoga and it took me a long time to actually try my first class or workout and really enjoy it! It is great for centering your body and mind but also is a great workout that can be quite challenging. My fave though about yoga is that there are moves specifically to help certain areas of your body or even the insides work better. Like have tummy troubles and can't go? Do some twist movements. Stretch out your hamstrings to help you run better! Check out these yoga poses and give them a try to help you stretch, elongate and help your body feel even better.

Also check out Yoga Journal to where you can search for specific yoga poses for alleviate what ails you. Want poses to help with mensuration? Yep they have a section for that. There is anxiety, back pain, energy, digestion and more!

Be sure to follow me on FACEBOOK to get daily motivation and tips! See ya over there!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

My 7 Favorite Stretches After Running

Stretching is a must, especially as you start to add more mileage on. Your body takes a beating and it needs to relax. Stretching should only be done after the muscles are warm. So don't wait too long after you finish running to stretch. I try to do it within 30 minutes of running. Really right after I finish at the gym I tend to go to the stretching and plop down and do it, and if I do outside running then I stretch right as I walk in the door, and take off my shoes of course!

So here are my 7 must have stretches after running. Please listen to your body and don't bounce. Hold each stretch for a good little while. I count slowly to 30 or 45 depending on how much I need the stretch. Check out this AWESOME article about THE BENEFITS OF YOGA, ACCORDING TO SCIENCE by Jen Reviews!

1. Standing Quad Stretch
Just like you did in Jr. High school. Kick the heel of your foot up to your butt and hold. Do not pull the foot to your outside leg or let your knee flare out. Tuck your pelvis under and use a couch or chair for balance if you need. You should feel this in the front part of your thigh. Do both sides.

2. Standing Single-Leg Calf Stretch
You can use a wall to lean against, like the picture shows, or you can just brace yourself on your front knee. Place the right foot in front of you and extend your back leg back, you are doing like a mini lunge. Do not let your front knee go in front of your ankle. Keep a 90 degree angle on your front leg. Try to plant your left heel on the floor. You will feel the stretch in your back leg calf area. Repeat on other side.

3. Standing IT Band Stretch
You can use a wall for balance as in the picture. But I just cross my right foot in front of my left and bend to the left. You can raise your right arm up and over your head for more bend in your waist. You will feel this on the upper side part of the leg that is being crossed over. Repeat on the other side.

4. Straddle Stretch
Time to sit down. Your standing is done. I do it in this order cause if I got down on the ground I would not get up! Just like in dance growing up, just spread your legs out to the side. I like to lean over one leg to stretch each leg individually then go to the middle for the final stretch in this pose. I grab my toes so that I feel the stretch in the back of my legs on the hamstrings.

5. Pigeon Pose
My favorite yoga pose. I could seriously stay in this position forever. It feels so good! Bring your right leg in front and make a 90 degree angle bend at the knee with the foot turned in. Straighten your left leg behind, almost like a half split. Try to sit into that position and you can even lean forward over your bent leg in front. You will feel this in the IT band area, the upper part of your side leg that is bent. Repeat on the other side.

6. Lying Hamstring Stretch
Now going all the way to the ground. Lie all the way down. Raise one foot, flexed or flat, into the air trying to keep the other foot on the ground. Don't round your lower back. Keep that planted on the ground too. Hold your leg at your thigh or calf or grab a towel and sling it over your foot and pull on the ends of the towel to reach more easily. You will feel this in the back of the leg that is straight up in the air. Repeat on other leg.

7. Lying Hip and Glute Hug
Still lying on the ground keeping your lower back panted down, foot on the floor and cross your right ankle at your left knee. Grab the back of your left thigh and pull your legs to your chest. Also try to push your right knee out to the side and you will feel the stretch more in your butt and hips.

8) BONUS STRETCH! Corpse Pose

Lie all the way down on the ground. You can keep your arms to the side of your body or above your head. Just relax! Try not to fall asleep. If you have a 3 year old, this position can be dangerous because he will come and jump on your belly right when you aren't expecting it! TRUST ME! 

~Hope these help you! I just want you to start your year of running off right and taking care of your body, especially after a run, is the way to stay injury free and enjoy years of running! Happy Stretching! ~

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Post Run Yoga

Now that you are starting to run, here are the best post run yoga exercises to help you stretch back out and keep you from getting too sore and tight! Run on! 

Be sure to follow me on FACEBOOK for more tips and tons of motivation during the day! See you over there! 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Beginners Running Plan

Here is a great beginner's running plan to check out! Anyone can learn to run, you just have to take that first step! 

Don't forget to follow me on FACEBOOK too! More helpful information and tons of motivation messages every single day! See you over there! 

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