Thursday, June 1, 2017
8 Months: Postpartum Update
Exercise: This past month I did not do what I had planned on. I tweaked my knee mid month took off a week to let it heal. Then I got super sick at the end of the month so no working out while I was sick with a GI bug. But the 1st 2 weeks I was doing P90X3 using the Beachbody On Demand with the all access pass.
Weight: Pre-pregnancy weight:237.7. Weight morning of birth: 265. Current weight June 1: 243.5. Just after I was sick I was down to 239.9 but I basically wasn't able to eat for 5 days and my body flushed EVERYTHING out of my body. I had a natural cleanse!
June Goals: I am taking these results from my natural cleanse (Since I can't do the 3 Day Refresh yet) and run with them! I am going to be doing cardio galore. I want to lean out and slim down this summer! Of course I will be doing strength training but only 2 days a week. Everything else will be without weights so I can go faster to help me lean out. Aiming for 5 days a week of active exercise and using the weekends to do healthy activities with my family. Like going to the park and running with the kids or walks. I am so thankful for the habit I have built for myself, a natural drive to exercise and eat right, but I have even more of a kick to just KICK BUTT and show everyone that it is possible to lose weight while breastfeeding thanks to my accountability groups. The accountability from sharing my journey and in my groups is what is keeping me going everyday. Interested in joining my private online support community? CLICK HERE TO JOIN: CONNECT THE DOTS TO YOUR HEALTH, FITNESS AND LIFE Private Online Community.
Are you ready to make that complete healthy lifestyle change but don't know where to start? I have created a 30 day workbook with daily action steps to help you make a complete healthy lifestyle change. 30 Days To A Healthy Lifestyle Change is available in my EXCLUSIVE private Facebook group as part of my Summer Slim Down To Success 60 Day Program as a TOOL to go along with your Beachbody On Demand All Access Pass workout programs and journey. If you are interested in joining us and are ready to order CLICK HERE and I will send you an email after you order with your materials and get you added to the group!
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!