Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Monday, December 24, 2018

Gift of Sight- PRK Lasik

I did it! I finally did it you guys! I will no longer have glasses swinging from my face while doing plank moves, or causing breakouts on the bridge of my nose from the plastic rubbing. I did ti! I got Lasik surgery! Sadly it wasn't the lasik I wanted but still, in the end after everything is said and done I will have the same results.

Did you know that there are different types of lasik surgery? I only knew of the traditional "flap" Lasik surgery. Where they lift a flap of your cornea do the lasers and put it back in place. Benefit: Can see the next day, super fast recover! That's what I wanted. But, it's not what happened or what I qualified for.

If you're thinking about lasik most centers will give you a free consultation to see if you are eligible for lasik and what kind. So if you have any questions about it, check with your local center. I'll be giving the info how I understand it. Oh and where did I go? I personally went through TLC Laser Eye Centers.

From what I was told is that everyone qualifies for PRK but not everyone qualifies for the flap lasik. The flap lasik requires a specific depth of the cornea in order to work correctly. If you don't have that they can't do a flap. But PRK is different. PRK is more invasive and has a longer recovery time, and longer time to see clearly. "The protective surface layer (epithelium, which is too soft to hold the laser correction, is removed. The epithelium will regrow within five days after the procedure."*  So, the way I understood it was part of the cornea was actually shaved off to do the procedure, then a clear contact lene like bandage is then applied to the eye to protect it while the cornea grows back. Sounds so horrible but, the eye is numbed prior to the procedure, and the lids are held open so there is no chance of blinking during the procedure.

What makes it challenging is that you are "legally blind" until the contact lens is removed 4-5 days later. And then, it's not all clear. PRK requires a longer "clarity of sight" time and clarity can take 4-6 months. I'm now almost 1 week out from surgery and yes i'm seeing without my glasses, but it's cloudy, like my contacts were in far too long. and still a little blurry on my distance surgery.

In the end, the results of PRK are just as good as traditional lasik, it just takes a little longer to get there. Day 2 and 3 after my surgery were the absolute worst pain wise. It was more of a sand in the eyes burning that's couldn't be fixed. I did a lot of sleeping during those days. I'll post another update as I get further along, but if you are considering lasik, get a consult. Get educated. Reach out to me and I'm happy to answer any questions of how my procedure was and how recovery is going.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

I'm A Certified Personal Trainer!

I've been studying so hard you guys for the past few months, that's a big reason why my blog has been so quiet. I can only do so many things and sadly to be able to help more, my blog took a hit. BUT!!!! I passed! I passed my Personal Training Certification! I am now a National Academy of Sports Medicine PERSONAL TRAINER, focusing on VIRTUAL TRAINING! I wanted this to be able to give more information, tools and resources, and now I can! So...just know, I'm here! You are more than welcome to join us over on my Facebook Community! We'd love to have you!

And if you are ready to start your health and fitness journey, NOW is the perfect time! Not only do you get a complete workout program, nutrition plans but you get me as your coach and mentor! Al you have to do is EMAIL me or message me over on Facebook or Instagram and let's get you started!

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Healthy Holiday Habits Success Group

Do you struggle with the holidays? Staying motivated to eat right? Staying motivated to exercise daily? YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Many, many people struggle this time of year. All the parties, comfort food, and the thinking that it's an all out feast day to eat whatever. What if I told you there was a better way? What if I told you that you could stay on track and still enjoy your holiday GUILT FREE? Ready to end this year strong?

November 5th, I'm hosing an exclusive Success Group. Me, sharing my tips on how I stay motivated. How I stay committed and how I stay consistent AF! And just think, if you could stay on track during the holidays, how much easier would it be the rest of the year??? THIS IS WHAT I CAN HELP YOU WITH!

Ready to get started? THIS MONTH ONLY there is an additional discount on our bast kit with access to a year of online streaming of all the workouts, plus you get the perfect portion container system and you get to try my favorite game changing pre workout all natural energy boosting and endurance giving drink and post workout anti-soreness drink! CLICK the link below to get started and I'll message you and get included in my success group and accountability tracking app!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

LIIFT4 At Home Workout Results

Hey guys! Great thing about tracking progress is that I get to show what programs actually do for me. Liift4 is a BRAND NEW workout program and I was part of the coach exclusive group getting early access to the program this summer.

It's a 4 day a week workout program with 32 separate workouts. Each workout is ONLY 30 minutes long. The workouts focus on lifting heavy, shredding it out with High Intensity Interval Training and then ending with core strengthening moves.

I actually gained 4 pounds doing this program. But... IT WAS 4 POUNDS OF STRAIGHT UP MUSCLE! Because I have never had visible back muscles before. I have never had the definition I have now. And I'm using heavier weights more comfortably now. I actually am using what I used to call my husbands weights.

Ladies, don't be afraid to lift weights. They help burn body fat. (Check out my 1 year progress photos to see what lifting weights and eating right has done for me!) Being strong is a blessing. It allows us to lift our babies easier. We have less aches and pains when we move. And for me, it's helped to regulate my crazy PCOS hormones and keep my periods more regular.

*Only available in the United States, Canada and United Kingdom

Not sure how to get started? CLICK HERE to get set up your year membership with access to over 700 workouts, meal plans, exclusive trainer tips, the perfect portion containers and my ultimate workout game changing, my pre workout energy boosting and post workout anti-soreness drink mixes! And I'll message you to get you connected in my exclusive groups with the accountability, support and community you need to stay motivated and successful! Or send me an email to chat! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Life Isn't Perfect, NEITHER AM I!

If you are following me on Instagram or Facebook, you see my workout highlights all the time. But let me tell you! Things are not always as they seem! The other day I found out that the horn player that sits right next to me had seen my page but didn’t realize that it was me until I showed a picture she recognized. The next question she asked me was, “How do you get your floors so clean?” To answer that, I clean them with Bona Floor Care once a week and spot clean during the week after my workouts. You know. To clean up the sweat. And honestly it’s just the floors themselves and the finish. They shine really well! 

But what really hit home with me is that per my videos it seems like I’ve got it all together. I have a perfectly clean house with 3 perfect kids. HA! That ain’t true my friends. I have a very lived in house. There’s even some writing on the walls in the basement and guest room I still have to scrub off or paint over. It’s easy for me to move the toys in my workout area. For safety too! And I have moments where I #gingersnap because my kids are fighting so much. The thing is, I make time every day to exercise and I share that with you. I’m not any different than you (and you could even do what I do and help others on their journey! Interested? EMAIL ME!) 

It doesn’t take anyone special, or some magic ability to be a stay at home working mom of 3 kids and 2 home businesses and volunteer weekly make time to exercise. 
You just have to make a plan. Find a space. DO IT and Make it work. With kids around you if you have to. You can do this! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Monday, October 1, 2018

1 Year Progress With At Home Workouts

1 year later and I'm well on my journey! It hasn't been easy and it's taken a lot of dedication to my programs and myself but change has happened. And all this change has happened from AT HOME WORKOUTS!

Down 9 pounds
Lost 24 inches
Lost 6% body fat on my body!

I'm not going to lie and tell you seeing that damn number not move very much on the scale has not been easy. It's frustrating but the scale only tells part of your progress. This is why taking pictures and measurements are so important. And honestly I lost a TON of body fat and replaced it with lean strong muscle. 15 pound weights are my go to medium to light weights now you guys! That is HUGE for me considering a year ago 8's were my heavy.

If you are feeling frustrated with your lack of progress, don't. Just keep on going. Change happens but it takes time. REAL TIME.
*Available only in the United States, Canada and United Kingdom

If you are ready to start your journey and truly make change. Not sure how to get started? CLICK HERE to get set up your year membership with access to over 700 workouts, meal plans, exclusive trainer tips, the perfect portion containers and my ultimate workout game changing, my pre workout energy boosting and post workout anti-soreness drink mixes! And I'll message you to get you connected in my exclusive groups with the accountability, support and community you need to stay motivated and successful! Or send me an email to chat!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Monday, September 24, 2018

5 Tips To Eating Out For Special Occasions

It's a HOLIDAY WEEKEND! YAY! For us it is our Anniversary weekend. So Labor Day is pretty special for us. (hoping it doesn't turn into actual LABOR day though...3 more weeks baby girl, 3 more weeks! 14 years on Monday and we are celebrating tonight with an amazing dinner and of course we are going to indulge in a melted pot of chocolate! So let's talk about those fancy date night meals or indulgent meals. Hey, this is real life. No more restricting things. This is why we eat clean 80% of the time! So that we can enjoy the other 20%. I won't eat like this every single day (I used to want to!) Not anymore. Just occasionally am I ok with eating over indulgent food.

1. DECIDE BEFORE WHERE AND WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO EAT: We have already looked at the menu and the restaurant we are going to is African inspired but looks VERY healthy and has lots of healthy options. The only thing with eating out is you don't know for sure how they prepare your food. How much salt or oil. So try to pick something that is the healthiest option. Avoid cream sauces or deep fried foods. Your tummy will thank you the next day.

2. DON'T FEEL LIKE YOU HAVE TO EAT ALL OF THE FOOD. There is nothing better than enjoying leftovers guys. If it is a good meal, the leftovers can be pretty yummy too! Most restaurants give you too big of portions anyways. It is best to eat 1/2 or 1/4 of what is on your plate depending on how BIG the portion is. Think of your containers. Because as we learned from Autumn, it is still not good to over eat even the good foods!

3. START WITH YOUR VEGGIES AND LEAVE THE CARBS FOR LAST. I know I am no fun! But make sure you get some veggies on your plate, just like your momma taught ya! And start with them first. Hey, I think of it that if you don't like veggies, eat them first so that the rest of your food takes away the taste of them! ;) But get those veggies in because they are the most important, then go to your protein, and leave any carb for last. You don't want to fill up on quick burning foods and have no room for the stuff that your body really wants and needs!

4. DON'T BE AFRAID TO ORDER DESSERT. Share your dessert with your date. That way you aren't eating the whole thing by yourself. I struggle with this because we are often split on what we want for dessert and have in the past ordered one for me and one for Matt and then tried both. Occasionally this would be ok. But every time you eat out or go on a date. Probably not. I will be sharing my pot of melted chocolate tonight but only because it is so much I don't want to waste any!

5. DON'T ORDER TOO MANY "FUN" DRINKS! Make sure you don't enjoy too much alcohol or Mocktails. (that is what I get since I don't drink any alcohol. Try to limit yourself, because they are more empty calories and if you are doing an appetizer, dinner, dessert, that is already a lot of calories! Before you go decide how much you are going to drink, 1 or 2 glasses and stick to it! Your bill at the end will thank you too!
Remember, it is ok to eat out and enjoy what you are eating. Tomorrow you will be back on your regular eating of clean eating. You just need to think about it, plan ahead (just like you do at home!) And you will have an amazing time. Remember you are there with your partner and as long as you are together, that is all that matters!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

How To Gain Daily Motivation To Exercise In 4 Easy Steps

Are you wondering how someone, like me, has the motivation to exercise daily? I get asked, "How do you have the motivation to exercise daily?" After they have been watching my Instagram account. In truth, I didn't in the beginning. I mean beyond the excitement of starting a new program and before the soreness from said new program set in. I was just like anyone else who just wanted to sleep in, or catch up on watching last night's episode of The Bachelor. But what really changed my game was picking a time every day and sticking with it.

This was my big GAME CHANGER!

1) I carved out a time in my everyday for just that 30 minute workout.
2)  I planned out my workouts on Sunday night so I knew exactly what I was doing every day.
3)  I set up an alarm on my phone to remind me.
4)  I reminded myself first thing in the morning and had it in the back of my head that at 12:30pm I was going to work out.

MAKE IT A POINT NOT TO SCHEDULE ANYTHING DURIG THIS TIME! For me it coincided with my kids mandatory quiet time. Win Win! Me time and quiet time all wrapped up in one. And the more I was consistent with sticking to that time the easier it got every day.

STICK WITH YOUR SCHEDULE! Do the work when you planned on doing it and stick with it. You are your most important appointment you have all day!

Now a year later, exercise is part of my daily habit just as much as brushing my teeth is. My day actually feels off when I don't exercise because my body and my mind need those happy making endorphins in  my system. Even just last week, I took some extended rest from exercising because I pulled my achilles tendon, and I started to suffer from my depression. Exercising helps me function better, be a better mom and be able to handle the stress of the day a little easier. I make it a goal to workout at at least 5 days a week depending on which program I'm following.

My workout time has change to earlier in the day, because honestly, I started making excuses why I couldn't workout at 12:30, and it was becoming more difficult to get myself to do it. So I moved it to earlier in the day. Technically my new workout time at 7:15 am is more inconvenient because I have at least 1 child around and I only have a little wiggle time before I have to get my second son off to school. But, having a small of time kind of makes me focus harder and get the job done instead of blowing it off until later.

In the end, you have to make time daily to get your workout in, commit to doing it and actually do your workout at that time, and do it consistently and before you know it, it will be part of your normal every day life. A big help for me was following the hottest workout on the market right now, 80 Day Obsession. It's a 6 workouts a week program that were filmed in real time and with a total of 80 separate workouts to follow. It comes with a complete meal plan that tells you exactly what to eat, exactly how much to eat and when to eat to help you not only lose fat but totally change your body shape. Check out this link to learn more about it! This is my BEST PICK to get you what you need to be successful! And if you do decide to opt in, you not only get access to over 700 workouts, exclusive trainer tips, meal plans and the healthy cooking show, but you get to work with me directly to help you reach your goals in my exclusive groups! Any questions you can always send me a message on Facebook or email me!

Stay consistent. And trust your gut that you can do this! Because you can!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Monday, September 17, 2018

80 Day Obsession: Last Round Of The Year!

It's that time of year! We are coming up on the final 3 months of the year and I am ending this year stronger than I started. But I'm doing it with the same program that truly has changed my life. It's time for my 3rd and final round of the year with 80 Day Obsession! So, if you have been thinking about this program, anything you have seen in the last 9 months that has made you think, "Wow! I wonder if I could ever do that?" YES GIRL! YOU CAN! I know it sounds so cheesy but if I can do this. YOU CAN TOO!

Here's where I have struggled the most with this program. The nutrition! Not that the nutrition is hard to follow, confusing or just impossible. BECAUSE IT'S NOT! It is so easy to follow because it tells you exactly what to eat, when to eat and exactly how much to eat. Takes the guess work out of the whole what do I eat to lose weight. My problem is, I fight against the process and try to figure out a work around and still have my key lime pie and results. But it doesn't happen. And honestly, last week I did a 3 day cleanse and realized how inflamed I have been from some of my choices. You guys, I finally realize now that my body just doesn't process dairy, gluten or sugars well. It's time to make that change. And that's what helps me feel my best. Staying consistent with the better choices and following my plan without giving in to other things. I finally want to feel better from the inside and out.

So...if you are ready to make changes in your life.

-- Develop DAILY EXERCISE as your go to and stress reliever during the hardest time of the year.
-- Help your body feel amazing on the inside by feeding your body the foods it needs or wants.
-- Being surrounded by an amazing support community doing the same program as you
-- Getting the support you need from someone cheering you on!

NOW IT'S YOUR TURN TO JOIN ME! NEXT GROUP BEGINS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24!!! Check out the info below of what's included! 

80 Day Obsession is a total body 13 week at home or anywhere (online streaming from your phone, computer or tablet) program that focuses on the core and booty. Checkout some quick info about it: 

🌟 80 days of workouts that were filmed in real time, meaning that they are all completely different from each other and can be done in your own home, or at the gym. 
🌟 A COMPLETE nutrition plan that tells you not only what to eat, what size portion to eat but WHEN to eat for best results.
🌟 Focuses on Core and Booty, but everyone had all over results 
🌟 Uses new equipment / gear that look easy but will totally change your body.
🌟 EXCLUSIVE TEST GROUP with LIVE workouts, daily motivation, inspiration, tips and MORE! 

So...READY TO START YOUR 80 DAY JOURNEY with me to help you along the way? CLICK HERE NOW to order your bundle kit to get EVERYTHING YOU NEED to get VISABLE results in the first 30 days! (This kit includes a year membership to the online streaming service, the equipment, the pre workout mix and post workout recovery drinks (to give you energy for your workout and to help you be less sore the next day after your workout), and easy to follow container system. It's what I'm using right now! AND YES, it is what I recommend!)

If you are interested but need more info first, curious about how it all works and want to learn more, CLICK HERE TO SEND ME A MESSAGE so I can personally chat with you and answer any questions you have! Or EMAIL ME

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

80 Day Obsession: Round 2 FINAL RESULTS

You guys! In all honestly, I really didn't think there was going to be much visible change in my body, because let's be honest, I wasn't 100% on the meal plan. I had a few too many treats, especially the last 2 weeks of the program after my husband got back. But...this just goes to show that even when not 100% on eating and still working out hard, you can still get amazing results. CHECK THEM OUT FOR YOURSELF!

Beginning Weight: 246. Round 2 Final Weight: 238
Total inches lost: 11.75
GAINED: Confidence, Strength, and Feel LIKE A BADASS AGAIN!

NOW IT'S YOUR TURN TO JOIN ME! NEXT GROUP BEGINS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24!!! Check out the info below of what's included! 

80 Day Obsession is a total body 13 week at home or anywhere (online streaming from your phone, computer or tablet) program that focuses on the core and booty. Checkout some quick info about it: 

🌟 80 days of workouts that were filmed in real time, meaning that they are all completely different from each other and can be done in your own home, or at the gym. 
🌟 A COMPLETE nutrition plan that tells you not only what to eat, what size portion to eat but WHEN to eat for best results.
🌟 Focuses on Core and Booty, but everyone had all over results 
🌟 Uses new equipment / gear that look easy but will totally change your body.
🌟 EXCLUSIVE TEST GROUP with LIVE workouts, daily motivation, inspiration, tips and MORE! 

So...READY TO START YOUR 80 DAY JOURNEY with me to help you along the way? CLICK HERE NOW to order your bundle kit to get EVERYTHING YOU NEED to get VISABLE results in the first 30 days! (This kit includes a year membership to the online streaming service, the equipment, daily shake, pre workout mix and post workout recovery, and easy to follow container system. Everything I'm using right now! AND YES, it is what I recommend!)

If you are interested but need more info first, curious about how it all works and want to learn more, CLICK HERE TO SEND ME A MESSAGE so I can personally chat with you and answer any questions you have! Or EMAIL ME

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!
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